02x10 - Espa Roba — The ESP Duelist, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x10 - Espa Roba — The ESP Duelist, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh!

Rex raptor:
he's espa roba.

He duels using esp.

Make me one
with the psychic universe.

Let's tell espa
what else this guy's got.

This is a scam!

I'll summon jinzo.

Joey, thinking:
take your best shot.

I got a trap card ready
and waiting for ya.

With jinzo on the field,

All your trap cards
are useless.

With no defenses,
jinzo will destroy you
in no time at all,

And you'll be out
of the tournament for good.

I can't let him win!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

I can read your mind,

And I see you're
losing hope, wheeler!

as long as espa roba
has jinzo on the field,

I can't play
my trap cards!

Dat means
my alligator's sword'll
be easy pickin's

For dis psycho fraud!

Then I'll hafta kiss
my life points--

Andda battle city


It's time to end
this duel.

So I'll play this...

The magic card...


And noooow,
I'll hardwire it to jinzo,

Which will immediately
boost his attack power

By points.


Plus with every new turn,

Amplifier will crank up
jinzo's power

By morepoints!

Oh, no!

And now,
my metal monster,

Send his alligator's sword
back to the swamp!!


I foresee the end
for you!

If you think
I'm givin' up

Just 'cause of baldy
and his tin can hat,

You definitely got
another thing comin',
ya blue-haired freak!

I'll crush you even
without my brothers' help!


You rock!
Go, go, go, brother!

All right!

Even withoutus giving him
the info, espa's winning!

And he's still
faking the esp

Just to psych that guy out.

Yugi, thinking:
hmm. Espa roba's
a strong duelist,

But I know joey
can beat him.


This duel
isn't over yet!

Ha ha! But I predict
it willbe

Just as soon
as I make my next move.

Why not just give me
your locator card now?

Fat chance, roba!

You and your psychic

Are about to go down!

Check dis out!

all right.
Come on, baby...

Deck don't fail me now!

Yes! My old friend
baby dragon!

Joey's back in business.

Ha ha!
Give it up, wheeler!

My jinzo already
has attack points,

And my cosmic forces tell me
he's already stronger

Than any card
in your deck!

Plus jinzo's only going
to get morepowerful!

I'll keep that
in mind...

As I summon baby dragon!

I know what you're up to!

it's the same trick
wheeler used to defeat me.

Ha ha ha!

I don't know whether
I should attack your monster

Or give it a baby bottle!

But if that's the best
that you've got
to face jinzo,

Then you're finished!

It may be
just a baby now,

But it's possible
that my dragon's
about to grow up

'Cause I summon
time wizard!

Time wizard?!

I see...

You're gonna try
to age that baby dragon

Into an older dragon.


Well, my telepathic powers
are tellin' me

That that still
won't be enough!

it's gonna be a risk,

But if time wizard's
spinner lands
in the right place,

, Years will pass,

Making my dragon

Andaging his jinzo
into scrap metal.


Let's find out if luck
is on my side!

C'mon. Not a skull!!

That'll destroy
my life points!

All right!

It's time warp time!

Baby dragon ages
a thousand years

To re-emerge
as thousand dragon!


Now here's the part
of the plan you missed--

Your metal monster rusting
into a heap of scrap!



What the heck!?

Hey, where's the rust?

Some plan, dork!

Ha ha!
What's the matter, joey?

Jinzo's special armor
took you by surprise?

My monster's
made of a special
di-titanium metal

That's guaranteed not
to age, rust, or corrode

For tenthousand years!

Di-titanium who?!

You shoulda done
yer homework!

Yugi, thinking:
c'mon, joey.

Stay focused!

You can beat this guy.

We both know it!

You're mine, wheeler.

Now, jinzo,

Attack his thousand dragon
with cyber energy shock!


Now that
my dragon's gone,

How long
can I hold on!?!

Tristan, thinking:
c'mon, joey!

With his secret w*apon gone,
joey's just barely holding on!

hey, tristan?

You've been
awfully quiet.


My brother
is still winning
the duel, right?


I--i mean...

You see, he sort of...

What was the question?

Joey's not losing,
is he?

Um, no!

No. Don't be silly!
It's cool!

He's just toying
with his opponent!

Oh, ok.

Thank you
for letting me know

what's going on.

I can't tell serenity
that joey's losing.

It'll break her heart!

[Knock on door]

Time for me to take
your temperature.

Oh! I'll just
step outside

And take in
a little fresh air!


See ya!

you gotta win, joey.

you're outta the tournament.

Well, we're all behind ya,
especially serenity.

Hmm, that gives me an idea.

Looks to me
like you're doing
extremely well, serenity.

Um, nurse,
can you help me?

Of course.

The duel...

Could you take
a look at the screen

And tell me who's
winning right now?

Uh, hmm.

What's your
brother's name?


all that talk about ancient
evil forces returning

Is freaking me out.

Guess who?


Hey! You scared me!

I scaredyou?!

That noggin a yours
almost broke my schnoz!


Don't sneak up on me!

[Cell phone beeping]


This is tea.

Heya, tristan.

Are you watching
joey's duel right now?

No, I'm not.

What's going on?

Find him!

You gotta give him
this message!

Your battle city days
are over, wheeler!

Your dragon is destroyed,

And according
to the celestial forces
that tell me all,

You have nothing
in your hand

That can defeat jinzo!

Your future looks dim.

As long as I have
my deck, I have hope!

It didn't let me down
at duelist kingdom,

And it won't
let me down here!

Activate the magic card

Ha ha ha!
That's your bestmove?

Those hair-balls can't
save your life points!

Jinzo will take them out
one by one,

Then he'll destroy you!

Why don't you make it
easier on yourself,

And just hand me
your locator card?

Oryou can just continue
to embarrass yourself

By playing lame cards!

Ha ha ha!

The little creep's
right, wheeler.

This duel's
as good as over.

I mean, come on.

Even I couldn't
defeat his jinzo!

It's your move, roba.

I warned ya!

We're all finished now.

Then I'll head back in.


[Knock knock]

Serenity: tristan?

That's me!

Bet you want
a duel update, eh?

Joey's probably still
stringing that guy along.

Wait, it's ok.

Thank you, tristan,

But you don't
have to continue
lying to me.


I asked the nurse
to tell me what's
been going on.

I know joey's
been losing this duel
the whole time.

Sorry, serenity.

I just didn't
want you to be worried
about joey, ya know?

That's so sweet,

But i--i have to know
the truth about
my brother.

If he's in some kind
of trouble,

I want to be
told about it.

He's always been there
for me when I needed him,

And now I need
to be there for him.

On the day
of my eye surgery,
I was so scared.

I couldn't
go through with it

Until joey got there
and stood by me.

My big brother's
never let me down.

Now it's my turn

To do whatever
I can to help out!

I guess you're right.

I may not
be next to him,

But can you help me
be with him in spirit?

Pretty please?

Ha ha.
You bet I can.

Now let's get back
to the duel

And cheer that brother
a yours till he wins!


All right, tough guy,
let's see what ya got!


You're just prolonging
your defeat, wheeler,

But if that's
what you want,

Who am I to stop you?

It's my move!


I summon reflect bounder
to the field!

My new monster is
practically attack-proof!

It can reflect any
of your monsters' att*cks
right back at you!

So even if you
didmanage to summon
a decent monster,

All of your att*cks would
be completely useless!

Bring it on!

And, don't forget,
with this and everyturn,

Amplifier increases
jinzo's attack power
by another points.

Ha ha ha!

Now I've got
twoundefeatable monsters
on the field.

And you? You don't
have a chance, wheeler.


Now, jinzo...

Attack his scapegoats!


Reflect bounder,
it's your turn to attack!

Your future's looking
more pathetic by the second.

Two scapegoats are down,

And if my extrasensory
perception is right,

The other two will meet
the same fate!

Ha ha ha!

Sorry. I don't mean
to laugh at you, wheeler.

Losing like this
must be painful,

But I'm afraid
it's going to get worse.

By my next turn,
I'll have three monsters
on the field,

And I predict your
life points will be gone!

Espa roba: ha ha ha!

What a pathetic way to end
your battle city experience.

Ha, you couldn't
even make your way out
of the first round!

I can't lose like this,

But what else cani do?

Come on, wheeler,
face the facts.

With thosecards,
your future career
as a duelist is...


And getting bleaker.


Ha ha ha!

I can't listen to him!

Yugi, thinking:
hang in there, joey!

You can beat him!

Why don't you hand me
your rare time wizard now?

You're finished!

Maybe dis guy's right.

I mean, I've played
my best cards,

And they weren't
good enough.

If I lose, he gets
my only locator card
and my time wizard,

So I'll be out
of the tournament.

I guess it isover.

Tea: joey!
Hang in there!


'Scuse me.
Hey, joey!


Tristan called
from the hospital.

He's watching the duel
on the internet right now
with serenity.

Your sister wants you
to know something, joey.

What is it?

What did she say?

You two are a team...


And she believes in you,

So don't even think
about giving up!

there's no way
I'm quittin'!

Serenity would
never give up on me,

And I'm not about
to give up on myself!

I know you're right here
wit me, sis,

So I'm gonna win this
duel with your help!

This so-called psychic clown
is about to go down!

Enough stalling!

Are you gonna quit
or what, wheeler?

I don't dink so!


Suit yourself.

That's right, joey!


You can still win
this duel!

You just have to believe
in yourself

And in the heart of the cards!

I know I can do dis.

The odds are against me,
but my friends are wit me.

I gotta have faith.

I know there's a card
in my deck that could help me--

A card that could
turn this thing around.

Now all I gotta do
is draw it

So I can finish espa roba.

Yugi, thinking: come on.

Trust your deck, joey.


Check disout!!


The magic card,
roulette spider.

Roulette spider,
attach to jinzo!

Ah! What's that?!

What's the point
of all this?!

Playing roulette spider

Is one of the riskiest
moves in duel monsters.

It could destroy me
or win the duel for me.

Ya see, after I give up
half of my life points,

Roulette spider
blindfolds the strongest
monster on the field

And walks it
to the center.

That's where
it gets interesting.

What is that web for,

For a guy with esp,
you ask a lotta questions.

That's the spin table.

My spider will spin jinzo
'round and 'round

Like a giant wheel.

When youtell it
to stop,

It will automatically
attack whichever target
the arrow's pointing to.


Open your ears,
psycho boy, anytarget.

Could be me
or youdirectly

Or any of the monsters
on the field,

And since
you've been so good

About piling up
attack points

For your monster friend

Whatever jinzo points to
will be destroyed

Any predictions,
mr. Esp?!


what's wheeler

That lame brain's
about to risk losing

And getting kicked out
of the tournament.

This move
will never work!


Go, roulette spider!
Spin now!

Whatever it points to,
it destroys.

Wassa matter, fraud?

You too scared
to tell it to stop?

easy for him to say.

With such a lame deck,
he's got nothing to lose!

If jinzo points to me,
I lose everything!


I believe in you, joey.

Whatchou waiting for?!



Jinzo's pointing
to my reflect bounder,

And if it att*cks...

They're both doomed!!


Ahhh! Don't reflect!

You'll send his attack
right back!

No! You can't!

If jinzo's blast
gets bounced back to him
by reflect bounder,

They're bothgone!



Too late, roba.

Bothyour monsters
are destroyed,

And you're history!


Ihad it won!


You couldn't beat me!

What do you think
just happened?

Let me do
the math for you,
you psychic sneak.

Jinzo started with
attack points.

reflect bounder ,

And you lose
life points!

You're finished!

And this duel is over!

Yeah! Woo-hoo!

He did it!

What an amazing
comeback, joey!

I just knew it!
I knew he'd win!

Yugi, thinking:
nice work.

Espa put up an awesome fight,
but that guy beat 'im.

He was so close!

Crowd: whoa!

He beat me!

Ha! Check out the
psychic duelist now.

What happened
to his esp?

He couldn't predict
he'd be a loser?!

Ha ha!

It was a tough duel.

Now fork over your jinzo
andyour locator card!

No! I can't!

Please don't make me!

You just
don't understand!!!

freakin' out about?

Just stand up
and face defeat.

Besides, you know
the battle city rules.

I get to keep
your rarest card.

Everyone loses
once in a while.

Even joey wheeler

Blew a few duels
in his day.

But it's
not that simple!

People counton me
to win, wheeler!

We allhave our own
reasons for dueling.


You just don't get it,
do you?!

Losing is not an option.

I haveto win
at all costs!

I must!

I'm not dueling
for myself.

I'm dueling
for my brothers!


My little brothers
look up to me.

I'm like a hero to them!

If my reputation
as a loser spreads,

They'll get picked on
by bullies again!

That's crazy talk,

Trust me, this duelist
knows a few things

About being
a big brother.

C'mon, hah?

Ya need a hand?

I don't need your pity!

Fine! Bethat way!

Roba brother, on radio:
c'mon, big bro, get up!

What? Where's that voice
coming from?!

You didn't disappoint us!

You fought an awesome duel,

And you did it

We're proud a ya, bro.

But I lost!


So you're not worried
about people thinking
your big brother is...

A big loser?

No, 'cause in our book...

You're a winner.

Well, come here,

And give your bro a hug!

Crowd: aww!

Thank you, guys.

I guess I have a lot
to learn...

About winning.

You dueled great!

And the totally
best part of it is

You did it
on your own!

Yeah, without using any
of that phony esp stuff!

so I guess these guys

Are the "cosmic forces"
he was talkin' to.

Now all I need
is his rare jinzo card

To finish
this happy ending.

[As yami-yugi]
good work, joey.

I knew you'd find
your strength.

Espa roba: here.

My jinzo
and my locator card.

You deserve them.


Look, I'm sorry 'bout
that cheating thing.

Ah, no worries.

You beat me
fair and square,

And next time we duel,
I'm playin' totally legit.

No more cheating.

I'll hold you to that.

Until then, smell ya later,
roba brothers!

You know...

We're a lot alike, espa.


You've got
your brothers...

And I've got my sister
and my pals,

And we're allthere
to support each other
when we need it.

As long as we got that,
nobody loses.

See ya later.

Excellent dueling,

Yeah, way to go!


Yugi, thinking:
joey did great today.

He gets better
with every duel.

well, my first duel
of the tournament

And not a bad start
if I do say so myself.

There'll be tough times ahead,

But I know I'm not
in this alone.

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