02x09 - Espa Roba — The ESP Duelist, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x09 - Espa Roba — The ESP Duelist, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Whoa! There's
a duel over there!

how does he do it?

Duelist comin' thru!

Rex raptor, you never
had a chance.

I knew you were
going to summon
serpent night dragon!

That's why I had
my mesmeric control card

Ready to send
your dragon to dreamland!

That's impossible!

How did you know
what card

I was going to play?

Why, that's simple!
I'm psychic!

Now finish him, jinzo!

Attack with
your psychic wave!



No! My dragon's

Your life points, too!


ya see that?

Rex raptor got creamed,
big time!

Different boy:
it's cuz his
opponent has esp!


I didn't believe
the rumors,

Then he predicted
all of my moves!

Now I'm done!

I've got
another prediction.

You'll hand me
your locator card
and your rarest card.


Promise you'll take
good care of it!?

Your serpent night dragon

Doesn't deserve
a slot in my deck!

But I suppose it'll
make a decent coaster
for my drink.


Which of you commoners
can I embarrass next?


I left my deck
at home.

And i-i can't duel
because my--

Uh, my duel disk's
on the fritz.

they all know my psychic rep.

Huh? Except that guy!

He looks clueless!

You wanna duel?


Take my advice
and stay away
from this freak!

He's espa roba.

He duels using esp!

You mean
he's psycho?

No! Psych-ic!

He'll mind read
the cards
in your hand!

He'll know what move
you'll make

Before you do!

You gotta be
kiddin' me!

Trust me, wheeler,

I know what
I'm talking about.

He beat you
using mind control?

Are you sure
about that?

He destroyed me!

Then let's
get started!

Weren't you listening?

but I smoked you

In duelist kingdom,

And I duel
by my own rules.

Rule number one
in the joey wheeler
rulebook is:

Never back down
from any challenge!

Rule two!

Always seek

With crazy
dueling techniques.

So I'll take on
this cosmic clown,

Even though
he's psycho.

And he'll eat you alive!!

Joey wheeler...

A-ha! It's you!

The runner-up in
the duelist kingdom tournament!

I'd be honored
to try out

My dueling skills
against you.

Well, I guess
my reputation
precedes me!

Yeah, your reputation
as a fool.

I tried to warn ya,
pea brain.

[Knock on door]

Who's there?

Hey, it's just me...

Oops! I mean tristan.

Hey, you!

Oh, I brought you
a little entertainment.

A yo-yo?

No, it's a laptop.


I thought you
might be going
nuts up here.

Check it out!

The kaiba
is streaming

The battle city

on the internet!

I thought we'd watch
joey's next duel

Tristan, I can't...

Oops! I meant...

I'll watch the duel,

And I'll provide you
with the exciting
play by play.

Thanks, tristan!

That'd be awesome!

Joey will be so psyched

That we're keeping
tabs on him!

All right!
One duel simulcast
coming up!

Tristan, thinking:

I don't even
know how to turn
this thing on...

Stay calm...

Has the duel
started yet?

It's day two
of the tournament,

And I still
haven't seen yugi!

Yugi, thinking:
who should I duel next?

I've got to choose
my next opponent wisely.

Did ya hear?

Joey wheeler's dueling
some dude with esp!

This I gotta see!

That makes two of us.

Let's get
the stakes straight.

I'm putting up my rare
and powerful jinzo card,

But since I've already
foreseen your defeat,

I'll be taking
your time wizard!

We'll see!

Let's duel!

Ready, roba?

not too shabby,

If I do
say so myself...

Woman: ok, I found
the battle city

Now we'll search
for joey...

And voila,
here he is!

Aww...i coulda
done that.


Ok, let's see how
joey's doing so far...

Whoa! What perfect timing!

Yeah, they're
about to start,

And it's
joey's turn!

come on, joey!

You can do it.

For my first move,
I'll place
this card--hm?


Celestial force,
I call upon you...

Make me one
with the psychic universe...

Show joey's
thoughts to me...

And every card
in his pathetic hand.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

The extra-sensory forces

Of the universe
flow through me!

Your strategies
are helpless

Against my
all-knowing power!

What's this new age
nit wit babbling
about, rex?


You are toast.

Well, here's another
prediction, espa:

I'm gonna mop
the floor witcha'!

Go! Giltia
the dark knight!


You'll have to think
of a different move!


Joey messed
up big!

I don't think joey
can do that!

do you mean?

Why can't I
summon dat monster?

How did ya know?!

Did ya see it
in the stars?!?

No, dork,
it's in the rulebook.

hm. Joey
musta broken

One of kaiba's
new rules.

You've dueled
before, right?

Hey! He's psychic!!

It wasn't esp,

You played
an illegal card!

I did?

Yes. Battle city's
new rules say

You can't summon
a monster
that powerful

Unless you sacrifice
a lower-level
monster first.

Get with
the program,

And you
were runner-up
at duelist kingdom?

Ha! What a joke!

Alright. That's enough
outta da peanut gallery, hah?

I predicted
you were dumb,

But who knew you were
that much of a fool?

Watch yaself,
ya mind-readin'
freak show!

I was just givin' ya
a head start

So I don't
beat you too bad.


Cosmic energies,
come to me.

Ah, the celestial forces
and the universal vibe

Of psychic truth tell
me that the top card

In your hand
is the swordsman
of landstar...


Huh? He's right!

Could he really have
psychic powers?

No way. I've seen
dis trick before!

This is a scam!

You're just jealous
of my telepathic powers.

My ability to tap
into the cosmic universe

Is too complicated
for your peanut-sized brain

To comprehend,
joey wheeler.

Now you're
tickin' me off!

Too bad.


Now I'll summon
cyber raider!

And since you have
no monsters on the field....

I can directly attack
your life points!


Dis isn't
my day so far.

I can't lose
to this misfit.

What's the matter,

Cyber raider
got you down?

Or you ready for more?

hmm. What's
going on?

getting whipped
by this guy!

If he loses
this duel,

He's outta
the tournament!

How's he doing?

You're supposed
to be giving me

The play by play,

Is something wrong?

Um, no.

It's all good!

It's just that
this duel has been

So totally one-sided,
it's a snooze.

Ah! So that means
my brother

Is winning, right?


C'mon, he was
the runner-up
at duelist kingdom,

And this time,
he's going straight
to the top!!

Thanks, tristan.

Tristan, thinking:
don't make me
a liar, joey.

Roba: I predict
that you're finished!

You wish, roba!

Ha ha ha!


Yugi, thinking:
hang in there, joey.

I know you can beat
this guy on your own!

I have a feeling
this so-called
psychic duelist

Isn't all
he claims to be.

Boy: let's tell espa
what else this guy's got.

I'm pretty sure

That I see graceful dice
under his swordsman...

Ok, big brother.

Graceful dice is
under his swordsman!

It looks like
he is a fake!

I predict you're ready
to quit!

Yeah! Well,
guess again, roba.

Dis duel's not over.

And I know you're
up to something.

First brother:
hold on.

He just drew another
graceful dice.

Ok, bro,
now listen up...

Your opponent just picked up
another graceful dice.

Tapping in...


Not this
stuff again!


You just drew yet another
graceful dice card,

Am I right, wheeler?


That guy's about
to lose his mind!

Yugi, thinking:
this little scheme

May have gotten
them this far
in the tournament,

But I know joey will
defeat these cheats!

Don't feel bad...

No one expects you
to keep up

With my unique
telepathic dueling powers.

I foresee that your
battle city days are over

And that
your rarest card

Will be sitting
in my deck soon!

It's all in the stars,



old blue hair's

up to somethin'.

He said he "knew"
I picked up

A second
graceful dice card
from the deck,

And he was
almost right...

But not quite.

I think it's time
for me to play

Some mind games
of my own

Wit dis cheat!

It's my turn!

I summon swordsman
of landstar!

And now,

I'll place
two cards facedown

And end my turn!

I'm guessing he placed

Both graceful dice cards

How predictable.

Graceful dice allows
wheeler to roll one die

To boost the power
of one of his monsters.

Its attack points
are then multiplied

By the number rolled.

let me guess.

You're planning
to activate

Both of your
graceful dice cards

As soon as my
cyber raider att*cks...

And multiply your
swordsman of landstar's
attack points.

Am I warm??

You're burning up.

but you'll be
even more steamed

When I prove
what a fraud
you really are.

It's a great plan,
except that it won't work!

The new rules say
you can only play

One graceful dice card
at a time.

That's right, wheeler.

Looks like my powers
psyched you out again!

It's my move.

I'll sacrifice
cyber raider!...

And summon
the fiend megacyber!



I'm ready for ya!

Reveal magic card,
graceful dice!

his fiend

Attack strength
is ,

More than times
the strength
of my monster's...

But if
the die comes up

Or higher,
I'll win.

hah! Talk about
a long shot!

He'll never get it.

Come on or !



Awww, only a .

That makes your monster's
attack strength

A measly points...

Which means my monster
won't even break a sweat.

Fiend megacyber,
bring him down!!


Eh! Slow down, roba.

Ya forget my other
facedown card?

What did I
just get through
telling you, wheeler?

You can only use one
graceful dice card
per turn!

Who said it was
a graceful dice?


A skull dice
trap card!

Is this some kind
of trick?

Don't cheat me!

Skull dice reduces
your monster's
attack strength

on the roll
of the die.

The higher
the number,

The more
your monster's
points are reduced!


And now that
your monster's
basically a wimp,

Swordsman attack!


Looks like your
psychic friends
dropped the ball.

I only had one
graceful dice card!


You've been
getting some
bum information,

And now I know why!

Because of how
I held my cards,

You knew I had
two dice cards,

But you couldn't
tell which ones...

Which means,
your esp game
was just a con!

You couldn't see
my cards at all!

But I'll bet
you got friends

In high places
who can,

You snake
in da grass!

You cheat!


Nice work, joey.

Now you're in control!

[Whistle blows]





Ohh! Ohh!

Your brother'll never duel
in this town again!

We've learned
our lesson!

Please, you've
gotta give him
another chance!

As the battle city
tournament commissioner,

It's my sworn duty
to bust cheaters!

Gimme one good reason

Why I shouldn't
cancel this duel?

You just can't!

Show some mercy,

Our brother
isn't doing this

For the dueling

He's doing it
for us!

We're carnival folk,

Or at least
we used to be...

Since we left the show,
he's kept the bullies
off our backs!

Your big brother
protects you from bullies?

that reminds me

Of when I was
a little kid.

Boy: aw, does the baby
need a diaper?

Different boy:
yeah! Hah!

Why don't you guys
try picking on me?

First brother: see,
everyday after school,

The big kids would
g*ng up on us.

But even bullies

A good duelist
like our brother...

As long as he wins,
they leave us alone!

We're just trying
to make sure

He does!

It's yugi!

Mokuba, thinking:
he must've seen everything.

It's still cheating!

If I let you guys
off the hook,

What's to stop you

From pulling
this stunt again?

I'm begging!

Let my brother duel,

Or we're toast
after school!

Just give him a chance
to go legit...

Espa may be
a bogus psychic,

But he's a great duelist.


Mokuba, thinking:
they seem sincere.

I bet yugi'd give 'em
a second chance.

Waddaya say??


Have a heart!

This is
your last chance...

If he cheats again,

Then it's no more
mr. Nice guy!

Thanks, commish!


Big brother stories
get me every time.

I haven't seen
yugi all day.

I hope that
everything's alright.

Ishizu said he had
to enter this tournament

To save the world
from an ancient evil.

But who knows
when that evil will show up?

All I know for sure is
that when it does,

We'll all be there
to stand by him!

Ha! Are you
accusing me

Of faking
all my psychic abilities?

Next time, make sure
that you read

The cards right,
you fools!!

Too bad,
'cause I'm getting

A telepathic vision
right now

That's just guaranteed
to come true.

You know
you're a fraud!

We'll see who's
a fraud when I win

And when you...

You lose in disgrace!

Dream on, pal!

I don't need to dream.

Even without
my psychic abilities,

I've never
lost a duel...

And I can tell
that's not gonna change

Any time
in the near future!

Espa, I don't have
psychic powers...

But I do have
a belief in myself

That a chump
like you'd
never understand.

Very poetic.

But you'll need more
than a belief to stop me

From blasting you

Right out
of the tournament!

Come on, joey.

I'm tired a' yappin'
'bout the future,

Let's finish this
duel here and now!

I predict a nasty end
for you, wheeler.

Rumor has it,
without yugi to help you,

You couldn't duel your way
out of a paper bag.

We'll see
about that!

Prepare to taste
the psychic power

Of my dueling deck,
you amateur.

Bring it on,
psycho boy!


It's psych-ic!!

I'll place one card
facedown on the field

And end my turn.

Joey, thinking:
he's got no monster
on the field

To hide behind,

So I can attack him

Just like
he att*cked me!

I just need
a good card!

All right...

Come to joey...

Yeah! Let's see him
wrestle this gator!

Now I'll summon...

Alligator's sword!

Joey, thinking:
my two monsters have

A total attack
strength of !

More than
his life points!

Hey espa!

I got a vision
of the future,

And you're not
in it!

You're doomed,

Once my
alligator's sword

Is done
with your
life points.


All right!

Hey, serenity--
one more move

And joey'll
win the duel!

you can do it, joey.

Don't give up,
big bro!

You can still win!
I know you can!

Be careful, joey.

Keep up your defenses!

Your turn,
of landstar!

Let's finish off
this fake!

If you think I'm letting
you attack me twice,

You're crazy.

So now I'm gonna
activate the trap card...

Mind control!

This can't be good.


Once a monster falls
into my mind trap,

It instantly becomes
my brainwashed servant!

I don't get it.

Why didn't
espa spring
the trap card

During my
first attack?

Yugi, thinking:
if espa had sprung
mind control

When alligator sword

He could have used
the brainwashed gator

To attack joey's
swordsman of landstar.

But he waited to use it
on joey's swordsman.

C'mon, joey, you know
what that means.

There's only one
reason he'd wait...

He wants to
my swordsman!


For when he does...

Ha ha ha!...

I'll be ready
for 'im.

I place
one card facedown

And end my move!

It's showtime!

I'll sacrifice
your swordsman of landstar,

And I'll summon jinzo!

The end is near,

c'mon, chrome dome,
take yer best shot.

I got
a trap card

Ready and waitin'
for ya!

You'd better hope
your facedown card
isn't a trap,

'Cause if it is
my next move may
disappoint you!

Show your stuff,


Ah! My trap!!

With jinzo on the field,

All your trap cards
are useless!

I foresee the finish!

With no defenses,
jinzo will destroy you

In no time at all,

And you'll be out
of the tournament
for good, wheeler!

I can't let him win!


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