06x13 - The Christmas Presence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x13 - The Christmas Presence

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's sweetest
reward, let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat, soon we'll
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard it's love.

Gopher: [Inaudible] All right.

Here we go.

All right.

Watch out for that rail there.


All right.

Into the pursers' lobby,
down the stairs, all right?

Three steps.

[Inaudible] Ok.

And around to your
right over here.

Right into the stairway.

Here we go.


Ah, it's a magnificent
tree, gopher.

Good choice.

Thank you, sir.

Cost a little bit more
than we figured, though.

$ .

You got to be kidding.

bucks for this tree?

Hey, trees don't grow
on trees, you know.

Yeah, but you could have paid
less for this tree than $ --

what are you, secretary of
the treasury all of a sudden?

Men, it's Christmas.

Peace on earth
includes ships, too.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Finish the ship's decorations
and save the tree for last.

I still think you
could have paid less

than bucks for this tree.
- Yeah?


Maybe I should
have got a cactus.

They were on sale.

Julie (on loudspeaker):

we are now ready for
passenger embarkation.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
aboard our Christmas cruise.

Merry Christmas.

Very merry Christmas
to you, too.

Merry Christmas, dear, son.

Isn't this a wonderful
way to spend the holiday?

That's a matter of opinion.

Where is she?

Excuse me.

May I help you?

Well, you can find my wife.

That'll help.

Perhaps she wandered
off some place.

No, no, no, no.

She's late.

First vacation in three years.

You think the woman could
be on time just once.

Well, might I suggest that
meanwhile you check in, Mr.--


Jim markham and wife.

Well, maybe with wife.

You want some advice?

Don't ever marry a
woman with a career.

She's married to her job.

Come on.

Hi, darling.

I'm sorry I'm late, but there
was a last-minute emergency.

A lady well worth waiting for.

Am I forgiven?

It's always an
emergency, Lori.

I closed up the house, put
the dogs in the kennel,

hustled the luggage down here.

All you had to do is leave
work and get here on time.

I know.

But I'm here in now.

Let's enjoy our vacation.

Think you can survive a whole
trip without the phone ringing?

Charles baker dobbs.

You the head man here?

Yes, but nobody's had the
nerve to tell the captain.


Let's see.

Midland commercial enterprises.


We do novelties
and holiday gifts.

Oh, and this is
Mr. Henry beemus.

He's the head of our development
department and a true artist.

Good to meet you.

Welcome aboard.

All right.

Well, what do we have here?

You are on coral
deck, cabin .

Right down that way.

All right.

Shall we go, Henry?

Sir, if you'd like someone
to help you with that--

oh, please, please.

Charles dobbs: No, Henry.
We'll manage.

We'll manage very well.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Let's go, Henry.

There we go.

That's right.

Merry Christmas, gentlemen.

Merry Christmas.


Charles dobbs: Henry!

That-- that isn't what
it looks like, it it?

What do you think
it looks like?

Looks like an
awful lot of gold.

You see, what did I tell you?

No, the average man cannot
tell the difference,

but this new novelty line.

We have gold paperweights.

They look like gold.

They feel like gold.

But to between you
and me, they're lead.


Charles dobbs: Well, now,
don't be embarrassed.

Everybody makes
the same mistake.

[Inaudible] Henry,
shall we go along?

Let's go.

That's right.

That's a good--
there you go, Henry.

That's right.

Good evening, sister.

I'm captain stubing.

I'm pleased to meet you, sir.

I'm sister Regina, and
this is sister Bernadette.


This is Julie McCoy,
our cruise director.


Welcome aboard.

So this is the good
Shepherd boys' choir.

I've heard a lot about you.

It was so nice of you
to make the passage home

available for us and our boys.

Why, being stranded
here without funds--

I don't know what
we would have done.

Sister Bernadette,
don't go on so.

Think how fortunate we
were that three cabins

became available so suddenly.

It was a surprise
to us, sister.

We had three cancellations
just like that.

It's miraculous.

Well I'm glad we
could be of help.

Think the boys might do us the
honor of sings some evening?

We'd say yes in a
minute but our lead singer

Rodrigo is sick.

That's the reason we
had to cancel the tour.

It's just a dumb
old sore throat.

Excuse me, sisters, perhaps
there's a nurse aboard

that might help, right captain?

Our ship's doctor
will take a look at you.

That's even better.

The stewards will
show you to your cabins.

And if there's anything
you need, just ask.


We have all the
blessings in the world.

Come on, boys.

Julie: Enjoy your cruise.

Are you with the group, sir?

No, no, captain.
I'm not.

I'm just here.


My first name is angelarum.

Well, Mr.
dominicus, let's see.

Dabney, dalman,
dorsen-- nothing here.

That's odd.


Do you have a
dominicus on your list?


You sure you booked a
Christmas cruise, sir?

Without a doubt.

It's that David in
our travel department.

He's incompetent.

I keep telling them,
but they won't listen.

Let me have a look at this.

If your name is here,
we'll find it, sir.

[Wind whistling]

Let me help you find it.

I'm sorry.

Here it is.

It's-- it's right
there, captain.


Dominicus, angelarum.

How could you miss it, gopher?

I looked.

It wasn't there.

It's there now.

Our apologies, Mr. Dominicus.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

You're all very nice.

Very nice.

Not very observant,
but very nice.


It wasn't there.

Forget it, gopher.

Look, we're about to sail, so
get busy with the decorations.

I want you and Julie
to trim the tree.

I want this to be the best
Christmas tree we've ever had.

Yes, sir.

Gopher, where are
the decorations?

I was in charge
of getting the tree.

You were supposed to
get the decorations.

No, I was in charge
of decorating the ship.

You were in charge of
decorating the tree.

Does that mean
we don't have any?

Captain will have our heads.

What's left of us, he'll
throw overboard for shark bait.

Well, good afternoon, sister.

Oh, [inaudible].

Well, that's a fine Irish
brogue you've got there.

County kerry.

County cork.

Neighbors under the skin and
neighbors on board the vessel.

Charlie dobbs.

I'm sister Regina.

Ah, pleasure.

On vacation, are you?

Oh, I'm afraid not.

We're on our way home to Mexico.

Are you now?

Well, we're headed the same way.

It's quite a coincidence.

Oh, 'Tis that.

Going home, did you say?

The convent of
the good Shepherd

in acapulco, sister Bernadette
and I and our eight young boys.

Ah, that's grand.

Have a lovely trip.

Same to you.

It's a pleasure to run
into you, Mr. Dobbs.

Pleasure's all
mine, I assure you.

Henry, we're in.

The problem is solved.

How's that, Charlie?

Two nuns.

Two little nuns who unknowingly
will transport our gold

figurines home for Christmas.

But Charlie, i'm
making sombreros.

Well, then you melt
those sombreros down.

You start making
the nativity scene.

You make the holy family,
the animals, the manger,

the straw, the works.

But Charlie--

will you use your head?

What customs official is going
to question two dear nuns

with a group of little orphans?


But Charlie, how are we
going to get the gold back?

Will you trust me, Henry?

Just trust me.

[Coughs] Excuse me, gentlemen.

Am I intruding?

How did you get in here?

Your door-- door
was ajar a bit.

That's impossible.

Lovely, absolutely
lovely cabin you have here.

Oh, thank you.

We did it ourselves.

Did you really?


Now if you'll excuse us--


I said if you'll excuse us--

oh, yes.

Of course.

But if you care to converse
anytime in the near future,

be sure and call
for me, and I'll be

happy to be available for you.


Well, good.

We'll send invitations.

You're very nice.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I'll be waiting.


How do you like
that character?

I liked him, Charlie.

What's the big deal getting
a call through to Oakland?

I know that it's christmastime.

That's why I'm calling.

I kind of thought my mom would
like to hear from her only son.




I'll be here.

How far could I go on a ship?

Man in the radio
room is incompetent.


In my organization, we
have a few of those, too.

Julie: Don't say
you don't remember.

It was your job.

Gopher, will you
please quit saying that.

What's the problem?

Gopher forgot to get the
decorations for the tree.

Julie forgot to get the
decorations for the tree.

Isaac: Hey, wait a minute.

Why don't you guys bickering?

Now, there's only one
thing for you to do.

Go to the captain.

Tell him straight
out you forgot to buy

the decorations for the tree.

He'll fire you, and everything
will be all settled.

Ho, ho, ho.

I thought you
two were supposed

to be working on the tree.

Yes, sir, as a
matter of fact, we

were just going to draw straws
to see who does the tinsel.

Yes, sir.

We were just talking about that.

How about less
talk and more work.

What are you guys going to do?

You better do something.

A tree without
decorations is a no-no.

All right.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll go in to Ensenada
tonight, and I

will buy us all new ornaments.

Buy everything you can.

Even though it is not my job.

It is your job.

All right.

I don't want argue about it.

I will do it this time.

But on easter, I am
not lifting a finger.

Well, how's the throat?

Not good.

Not good.

I'm afraid he's in a bit
of a mood, Mr. Dominicus,

feeling a little
sorry for himself

because he can't
join the others.

Oh, well, I'm sure if you
think about it real hard,

you can find something
to smile about.



I knew you could make it.

You never complain about
the extra money I earn.

Well, it did help me out
when we were first married.

But honey, we don't need it now.

You don't have to work.

Look, can't we just
enjoy our vacation

and not discuss it now?

The first time I've had
you alone to talk about it.

Well, I had you
alone for a minute.

Oh, I hope I'm not
interfering in any way.

Not at all.

My name is
angelarum dominicus.

I'm Lori markham, and
this is my husband, Jim.

We've met.

That's right.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Well, isn't this a lovely
journey, a wonderful way

to spend a holiday?

Yeah, first one
in three years.


I'll bet you both miss
the children an awful lot.

We don't have any children.

We both work.

Not much time for family
planning, right, darling?

Maybe someday.

It's not too late.

Child: Rodrigo!

[Speaking Spanish]


My new cotton skirt.

I'm very sorry.

I don't know what happened.

It just turned.

Well, you should
be more careful.

Look at these stains.

I gotta go change.

I'll come with you.

Excuse me.

Julie (on loudspeaker):
Welcome to Ensenada,

ladies and gentlemen.

Early sitting dinner
is now being served

in the coral dining room.

So captain, you've
taken the lad,

Rodrigo, to see the doctor.

And that's fine.

How is he coming about?

He's running a slight fever,
so I gave him some antibiotics.

We should know more
in the morning.

- Oh, fine.
- Evening.

Good evening.

Thank you.

How's the tree coming?

Uh, gopher's working
on it right now.


So that's why he's
not at dinner.


Mr. Dominicus, I didn't catch
what line of work you're in.

Yes, we'd all like to hear.

Well, it's much like the work
that you're all in yourselves.

I deal with people,
different kinds,

all kinds of people, their
health and their welfare,

without making waves.

Well, is it a big company?

Yes, my dear.

It is a big company.

We have branches all over.

Jim, sweetheart, thank you
so much for this vacation.

I haven't been this
relaxed in years.

It shows on your face.

Oh, you're more
beautiful than ever.

- Miss?
- Yes?

For you.

I'm sorry about your
dress this afternoon.

Oh, thank you.

Then I am forgiven?

Well, yes.

Of course you are.

Good evening, sister, lads.

Good evening, sir.

And how is every little thing?


You know, a wild thought
just entered my mind.

What with Christmas
being almost upon us,

and you going back to
the convent and all,

I was wondering, do you
have a nativity scene

for under the tree?

Oh, I'm afraid that's
a bit beyond our means.


Well, now, I wonder
if you wouldn't mind

droppin' by my cabin tomorrow.

I have a little
something to show you

I think might interest you.

Well, that's very
nice of you, Mr. Dobbs.

Take care, now.

Wasn't that nice?

Smile at the nuns, Henry.


They're going to make us rich.

They're going to make us rich
beyond our wildest dreams.

Captain stubing
(On loudspeaker):

As we bid farewell, to Ensenada,
we set sail for our next port

of call, glorious acapulco.


He got it.

He got the stuff.
- Who?

- Gopher.

He must have bought
every Christmas

decoration in Ensenada.


Where is he?

Well, dad's out
on deck, so we had

to sneak through the kitchen
and up the back companionway.

There's a lot more
where this came from.

Oh, good.

I cleaned out the whole store.

Come on down.

It's all clear.

[Glass breaking]

Oh, gopher, are you all right?

I think so.

There's nothing broken.

Oh, really?

This is the way that
I dreamt it would be.

Darling, do you love me?


Say it.

I want to hear you say it.

I love you, Lori.

Oh, how I love you.

A penny for your thoughts.

I was just thinking about
the little boy, Rodrigo,

bringing me the flowers.

He's so adorable.

Well, he obviously adores you.

We could have our own child.

You ever regret it?

There's plenty of time.

Yeah, if you're
ever home long enough.

Here we go again.

Look, I've told you,
my work is important.

So am I. And having a family--

I don't want to
discuss it now.

I'm going to bed.

Are you coming?

No, I'm not.

Well, then, stay
here and pout.


What is it, sister?

Sorry to disturb you, doctor,
but you'd better come at once.

Well, what's wrong?

It's Rodrigo.

He can't breathe.

Let's go.

Ah, easy, Rodrigo.


Sister, would you plug the
vaporizer in over here, please?

Yes, doctor.

Thank you.

Easy, son.



What is it, Adam?

It looks like
heavy bronchitis.

I've given him
something to relax.

Is it serious?

It's not good,
not good at all.

[Rodrigo wheezing]

Good morning.


What happened last night?

When you didn't show
up, I was worried.

Well, now you know
how I feel waiting

for you to come home from work.

I spent the night right here.

And I did a lot of
thinking about us.

So did I. I'd
I'd like to say--

now, just hold it.

I came to the conclusion that
a radical change is in order.

Lori, I am a normal, everyday
husband, who wants his meals

on the table when he gets home.

I want my wife there to be
with, to talk to, and to enjoy.

In short, Lori, I want
a normal, wedded wife,

not a working partner.

Well, I think we
can discuss it calmly.

Discuss-- enough discussion.

I want you to quit your job.

I want you home.

And I want us to have a child.

Just like that?

Just like that.

We're talking like two
people who are incompatible.

Well, if the shoe fits.

Oh, Jim, you're infuriating.

Maybe we should be discussing
a trial separation.

Well, if that's what you
want, that's fine with me.

You've got it.

God-given talent, Mr.
beemus, that's what it is.

Look at this, sister.

I've never seen such detail.

Oh, it's so beautiful, so heavy.

It's lead, sister.

It's cheap, painted lead.

We could never accept it.

It's far too valuable.

You'll make us happy
by taking them, sisters.

Well, god bless
your generous hearts.

We will, then.

Come on, sister.

Charles dobbs: Oh, sister,
sister, sister, I'll be packing

those up for you real properly.

And then I'll be
giving them to you

tomorrow before you go ashore.

You'll be having to get them
through customs yourself.

I'm sure that's no problem.

Well, now, I'll
just be taking--

am I intruding?


The child Rodrigo is very
ill, and well, showing him

this might give him some solace.

Oh, what a lovely
thought, Mr. Dominicus.

Mother Mary is
his very favorite.

And she's so beautiful.

Would it be all
right, Mr. Beemus?

Oh, of course, sister.

Thank you, Mr. Beemus.

Come on, sister.

Oh, of course, sister.

You know what's going to
happen to you if anyone finds

out what's under that paint?

You're going to be making
figures in leavenworth.

Yeah, well, you told
me that four hours ago.

Well, look, let's--
wait-- hold on a second.

Tonight is Christmas Eve.

And I'd kind of like to
talk to my mom, you know?



Well, try it, please.

Same old story-- the
circuits are busy.

I cannot believe that
everybody in the world

is trying to call Oakland.

So why don't you
just send her flowers?

Because it's not the same.

Listen, every
Christmas my mom and I,

we like to talk to each
other, person to person.

It's kind of a thing we do.

By the way, how's the
Christmas tree going?

Oh, I think your
answer's coming right now.

I just came from the
lobby, and that tree

is still not decorated.


Well, sir, it's just that
we have been, uh, busy.

It'll be done right away, sir.

Well, see that it is.

Gopher: So, Julie,
there's nothing I can do.

I got to go to the captain.

I got to confess and
tell him that that tree

is not going to get decorated.

Yes, it is.


It's something that
we used to do in school.


Well, Julie, can
we use your cabin?

Of course.

Then follow me.

You too, Isaac.
- Ok.

I'll be there in a second.

I gotta have someone
cover for me.

Well, what do you think?

It looks like an easter egg.

You think you can
make it rounder?



Oh, gopher, you're eating more
popcorn than you're stringing.

Hey, we missed
lunch, didn't we?

Missing lunch
wasn't our fault.



Who took the swan
dive down the stairs?

All right.

Don't remind me, ok?


I'm bleeding.

Don't get it on the popcorn.

[Rodrigo wheezing]

It's getting
worse, I'm afraid.

His throat's swollen and
cyanosis is starting.

I don't want to
wait much longer.

I think we'd better get
him up to the infirmary.

You'll undoubtedly
be doing a tracheotomy.

I don't think I
have any choice.

What are you doing here?

I came down to see how the
lad Rodrigo is getting along.

Don't you worry.

We'll have you up and
around in no time at all.

I sure could use an assistant.

Well, don't look
at me, because I

faint at the sight of blood.

However, I'm sure that there
is a passenger aboard ship

who will qualify for the job.

Captain stubing:
This is the captain.

Patch me into the
speaker system, please.

May have your attention, please?

May I have your
attention, please?

If there's a qualified
nurse aboard,

please report to the
doctor's office immediately.


Mrs. Markham, I'm afraid Dr.
bricker's going to be occupied

for the next hour or so.

Oh, I'm not here
for medical attention.

I'm here because of
the announcement.

You mean you're a nurse?

Head scrub nurse
from medicine general.

Praise the lord.

It's another miracle, sister.

It's the little boy
with a bad throat.


Severe [inaudible]
pulmonary infection.

I'm going to have
to do a tracheotomy.

Any sign of lymphocytosis?

Well, mainly
sub-epiglottal narrowing.

I know.
I know.

I know.
All the circuits are busy.

Some Christmas this
is going to be.

Tell me about it.

You, too, huh?

Boy, this just isn't our day.

This isn't my year.

That bad?

Tell me, is it bad form
to ask Santa for a divorce?

Any news?

Is he all right?

We're still waiting to hear.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

He's going to be fine.

Oh, thanks be to god.

It's a load off our shoulders.

I told you, didn't I, sister?

Nice work, doc.


He's resting comfortably.

I'll keep you posted.

Get some sleep, sisters.

- God bless you, doctor.
- God bless you.

Good afternoon, sisters.


Charlie and I just heard
about the little boy.

We're very concerned.

Oh, he's going to be fine.

[Gasps] Look at this.

Julie, this would make
a great decoration

for our Christmas tree.

Oh, gopher, that's so much
nicer than anything we have.

Do you think anybody would mind?

I'm sure they wouldn't.


Oh, wonderful.

I can't tell you how much I
appreciate you volunteering,

Mrs. Markham.

Well, it's just standard
operational procedure.

But I am bushed.

I'd better lie down for a bit.

Well, thanks again.

Oh, you're welcome.

How'd the surgery go?

Bad news for his
career, I'm afraid.

I found some polyps, nodes,
and the history of diphtheria

when he was eight.

His vocal cords are in
secondary paralysis.

No more singing?

He'll be lucky
to be able to talk.

I don't know.

This tree just has
too many silver balls.

Isaac: What are
you talking about?

That's the best part of
it is the silver balls.

Oh, come on.

Julie: It just doesn't work.

Isaac: Look at this.
Look at-- how is that?

Doesn't that look great?

There is its.

Julie: Well, you know, it needs
something right over in here.

Isaac: Well, I'll take
this one and put it--

Not bad.

What do you think?

It just looks limp.

Isaac: Close.

Try helpless.

Julie: Yeah.

When the captain
sees this tree,

he's going to string
me up from it.

Well, you better
get your noose

out, because here he comes.

See you guys.

Oh, no.

We can't let the
captain see this.

Yeah, we have to stall him.

We've got to stall him until we
can get some more stuff to use

as decorations for this tree.

Isaac: Well, the only thing left
on this ship is the lifeboats.


Let's hope we can stop
him before he sees the tree.

Charles dobbs: Henry,
now's your chance.

Get it.

Oh, thank you, Charlie.

What more can they do?

It's magnificent.

Angelarum dominicus:
It's lovely.

It's beautiful.

It's brilliant.

Julie (on loudspeaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

we will be arriving in
acapulco tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, won't
you join us tonight

for a fabulous
Christmas Eve dinner

in the Pearl dining room?

Oh, look, Rodrigo.




He wanted to come.

Some Christmas.

I hardly got to see you.

It's not my fault. It's
hard to see someone who

wants to be separated from you.

Mr. Markham, that's
some wife you have there.

She helped save Rodrigo's life.

You did?

It's my work.

Captain, don't you think
it's time for our blessing?

Sister Regina?

Captain stubing,
you and your friends

have made this a memorable
Christmas for all of us.

Would you do the honor?

I'd be proud to, sister.

Dear lord, here we are,
celebrating your birth again.

I can think of no
better place to be

this Christmas Eve than with
the children, your children.

You have watched
over one who needed

your help more than the others.

And for that, we are grateful.

We are also grateful
for the bounty

and love you have given us.

And so we give thanks for the
joy and happiness in our hearts

this wonderful Christmas day.



Well, now that we've
had our blessing,

may we all fill our stomachs.

Julie (on loudspeaker):

We will be disembarking in
approximately minutes.

All passengers
should check to see

that their customs declaration
forms are properly filled out.

Remember, Rodrigo, no
talking, at least for a week.

Well, there's no way to thank
you for all your kindness.

But we hope you'll come
to the convent tonight

for our usual Christmas homage.

Well, actually,
we were thinking

of just dropping in anyway,
so we look forward to it.

- Bye, bye.
- Bye, bye.

Goodbye, doctor.

Bye, bye.

Hey, sisters, hoo,
sisters, there's

the figurines for underneath
the Christmas tree.

Oh. Thank you.

They're quite
heavy, quite heavy.

Bless you both for
what you've done.

Yes, yes.

Bless you, bless you.

Bless them both for
what they're about to do.

Isaac, have you
gotten that phone call

through to your mother yet?

Well, to tell
you the truth, sir,

I've kind of given up hope.

Given up hope.

Well, remember this,
Isaac, all of the rivers

in the world that
run into the ocean,

and yet it still
doesn't overflow.



The infinite
possibilities of hope.

Oh, you better answer the phone.

It didn't ring.

[Phone ringing]



It's my mother.

No kidding?



I've been trying to
reach you for two days.


Me, too.

Merry Christmas.

Uh huh.

Have a good stay.

Oh, let me help you, sisters.


Please, senor,
open your suitcase.

This is not ours.

It's one of ours, [inaudible].

Oh, it's ok, then, sister.

You can pass on through.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

You, senor.

Oh, yes.

Open your luggage, please.

Yes, indeed.

I'd be happy to.

Get that, Henry.

Sister: Boys, boys.

Please put the statues back now.

We don't want them broken.

Come on.

Come along now.

We have to get ready.

They'll be here
in just a minute.

Hurry along now before
our company arrives.

Fernando, please put
the chairs over here.

That's right.

How beautiful the table looks.

Please light the
candles, sister.

Make sure they're
all lit, all right?

Thank you.

Somebody help him
with his robe there.


Ah, sister!

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, merry Christmas.

Bless you, child.

Merry Christmas, sister.

Oh, bless you, child.

Oh, it's delighted we
are that you have come.

Where's the captain?

[Bells jingling]

What's that, now?

Captain stubing: Ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everybody.

Gather around and
get your presents.

Come on, boys.

[Interposing voices]


There they are, all those
little golden beauties.

Glad you could
make it, gentlemen.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Julie: Oh, merry Christmas.

[Interposing voices]

Laughter of little children.

The perfect aura for the
birth of the Christ child.

And your generous gift
will not go unnoticed.

It was nothing.

Love those kids.

Anything for
the kids, Charlie.

You're too
generous, gentlemen.

Children, children, put
your presents down a bit.

Let's go sing our
Christmas Carols.

It won't be the same
without Rodrigo.

But we'll do our best.

Henry, don't go away.

Sister, what do you suggest
that would be appropriate?

"Adeste fideles."


I'll conduct it myself.

Wait for my downbeat.

Sister Bernadette, would
you sing Rodrigo's part?

[Music - "adeste fideles"]

[Singing in Latin]


Well, i-- I do believe
this calls for an encore.

Sister, everybody's favorite.

[Music - "silent night"]

(Singing) Silent night.

Holy night.

All is calm.

All is bright.


[Magical sound]

(Singing) Radiant beams
from thy holy face.

With the dawn of
redeeming grace.


this is impossible.


I have a feeling it's in
somebody else's hands.

(Singing) Jesus,
lord at thy birth.

Jesus, lord at thy birth.

Jesus, lord at thy birth.

Come on, Henry.


(Singing) Holy night.

Shepherds quake at the sight.

Glories stream from heaven afar.

Heavenly hosts sing alleluia.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior is born.

Back together?

I love you.

(Singing) Silent night.

Holy night.

Shepherds quake at the sight.

Glories stream from heaven afar.

Heavenly hosts sing alleluia.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior is born.

Christ the savior--

thank you.

I thought things
went quite well, too.


Christmas, wasn't it?


With everything turning out
so fine, almost miraculous.

Captain, anyone
with good sense

doesn't believe in miracles.

[Chuckles] Well, i'd--

I'd better be going on.

You'll say goodbye
to everybody for me?

It was nice meeting
you, Mr. Dominicus.

Will we have the pleasure again?

Oh, you'll see me again.

You just have to know
where to look for me.

Good night, young man.

And a merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

Merry Christmas.



Captain, that was a
Christmas to remember.

Changed our lives.

Even though things
didn't go as planned,

I'm glad the convent
got the gold.

But the convent
isn't keeping the gold.


Captain stubing: No.

It's been sent back to the bank.

Oh, Charlie.

Oh, but the convent will
be getting the reward.

Oh, and I'm sure they'll
put it to good use.

Well, all's well
that ends well.

We didn't want to leave before
thanking you for everything.

And especially for
our new addition.

You make a handsome,
loving family.

We're going to give it a try.

Aren't we, Rodrigo?


And if it works out,
we'll make it official.

It's already official with me.

Lori: As angelarum told
us, people without children

are the real orphans.

Even when both
parents are working?

Jim: Especially in this case.

Lori's work's too
important to give up.

After all, she helped us get
Rodrigo, in more ways than one.

Well, we'd better get going.

Thank you again so much.
- Thanks a lot.

We'll see you.
- Bye, bye.

Happy new year.

Happy new year.

Same to you.

Bye, bye.

[Interposing voices]

Happy new year.

Oh, did you see the happy
expression on Rodrigo's face?

This has been some cruise.

Like Mr. Dobbs said,
a Christmas to remember.


Julie, I can't get over what
a job you did on this tree.

When you said you had
ideas, you really meant it.

This is a terrific job.

But gopher, I didn't do it.

I thought you did it.

Dad, what happened
to Mr. Dominicus?

He just disappeared
back at the convent.

Well, I spoke to
him before he left.

He said to say
goodbye to all of you.

He also said he'd
always be around if we

knew where to look for him.

Where do we look for him?


Dad, look.

[Theme music]
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