06x11 - The Tomorrow Lady/Father, Dear Father/Still Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x11 - The Tomorrow Lady/Father, Dear Father/Still Life

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Theme song: (Singing)
Love, exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it
floats back to you.

The love boat, soon
we'll making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

[Music playing]



Isaac, listen, business is
really picking up over here.

I could use some help, ok?

How about it?

Hey, goph.

"Hi, goph," is that it?

What did you say?

I can't hear very well.

Is this some kind of gag?

You want me to
mind someone's bag?

You really are stuffed up.

But I think I have just
found something that is gonna

blast your sinuses wide open.

Excuse me, miss, welcome aboard.

I'm gopher Smith,
assistant purser.

And this is none other
than Isaac Washington.


And my name is
Isaac Washington.

Now that we've got that
clear, uh, Murdoch, Joyce.


Joyce Murdoch.

Uh, yes, here we are,
aloha deck, cabin .

Isn't it like Noah's
ark, all the animals

boarding two by two.


You know, "two by two."

Right, toodaloo.


Isn't that what she said?

You better run some pipe
cleaners through there, man,

or you are gonna be toodalooing
all by yourself this cruise.

Oh, hi, welcome aboard.

Oh, hi.

I'm Vicki stubing and
this is Dr. Adam bricker.

Hi, welcome.

Hi, I'm Ken Miller.

These trips keep
you busy, doctor?

Not very.

Judging by the health
of our passengers,

I'm beginning to
suspect there might

be vitamins in margaritas.

Ken, so, you made it, huh?

I knew if anyone mentioned
margaritas, he'd show up.

This is my good friend and
bad influence Tom McDonald.

- Well, welcome.
- How you doing?

Good to see you.
- And this is his daughter.

Libby McDonald,
though I'm thinking

of changing it for the stage.

Should have change
for your report card.

Libby plans to become an
extremely famous actress.

Oh, how neat.

Are you in show
business, Mr. McDonald?

No, one ham in the
family is enough.

We're here with the
single parents club.

Oh, well, we've made up some
special brochures with all

the things kids can do.

Come on, I'll show you.

We have ping pong
and shuffle board

and an electronic game room.

Aren't you glad I
talked to you into coming?

Excuse me, is there a phone
where I could call ashore?

Could I help?

My name is Ken Miller and i'm
considered a terrific dialer.

I think I can manage.

I'm sorry, you won't
be able to call now.

The phones don't operate
until we're at sea.

Oh, thank you.

Hoo, she's solid ice.

I'm sure they're
not all like that.

Uncle Ken, look at all the hot
things they have for us to do.

They haven't missed a thing.

Mr. Miller?

It seems as though the
phones aren't working yet,

but I do appreciate your offer.

Even the girls who are
like that aren't like that.

What'd I say?

Maybe you could tell
me one more thing.

What changed her mind?

Well, we certainly
have an attractive group

of passengers this trip.

We certainly do.

How do you do?

This is Julie McCoy
our cruise director

and I'm captain stubing.

Welcome aboard.

How do you do?

I'm Alice Bailey.

I hope you have a
pleasant trip, Ms. Bailey.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, captain, welcome
aboard to you, too.

Now, Ms. Bailey, you're on
the aloha deck, cabin .

All those cabins have
just been redecorated.

With blue and white curtains
and matching bedspreads.

Well, how did you know?

Just pictured it.

You did?

Not only that, but I expect
to meet the man of my dreams.


Well, did you just have a
feeling, like a premonition?


Well, that's amazing.

Uh, look, if you don't mind,
I'd like my cabin assignment.

Name is leciter.

Of course, Mr.
leciter welcome aboard.

Let's see, you're on the
promenade deck, cabin .

Happy sailing.

With my luck,
it'll rain everyday.


Oh, I'm so dreadfully sorry.


And welcome aboard.

You should be more careful
with those ridiculous knitting


Well, I'll most certainly try.

Have a nice cruise.

Oh, don't worry about him.

With all these people
on board, you'll

probably never see him again.

Oh, but I shall.

[Horn blowing]

[Music playing]

Hey, Isaac.

Your head still stuffed up?

Hi, goph.

Boy, I sure hope the sun helps.

My head is still stuffed up.

I figured.

I figure!

Hi, guys.

Hi, how are you
enjoying the cruise?

Ah, sure is a great ship.

And I've got the best room.

Right around the
corner to the left.

What's right
around the corner?

The restroom.

[Laughing] Funny guy.

I think you're both strange.

She did not say,
"where is the restroom."

Six years on this ship you
don't know where that is?

No, sir, no.

No, Isaac here is
having trouble hearing.

I was helping him out.

His head is all stuffed up.

Oh, well, maybe you
should see doc, Isaac.

I don't need a doctor.

That's an order.

He said it's an order.

[Music playing]

Ask me if i'd
like some company.

Can you imagine asking me
if I'd like some company?


Mind if I collapse here?

Oh no, be my guest.

First time jogging?

No, last time jogging.

I'm-- what's left of me is
Ken Miller, if you remember.

Oh yes, I do,
I'm Sarah Curtis.

May I ask with my last
breath, are you alone?

Unfortunately, yes.

I wanted to be here
with Todd but--


Is he the man in your life?

Oh, very much.

And that's why
you wanted to phone?


Then I'll go ahead
with my collapse.

Todd is my son.

I'm also a member of
the single parents club.

Single parents?

I may decide to survive.

I wanted to bring him, but
my mother insisted that I get

away by myself for a change.

I'm certainly glad she did.

Oh, well, if you'll excuse
me, I'll see if I can't

get my call through to him now.

Do you think we could
have dinner tonight?

Oh, sounds like fun.

I look forward to
meeting your daughter.


Your daughter.

I saw both of you in the lobby.

Oh, you mean Libby.

I'm sorry for being so
unfriendly when we first met.

But I thought you were just
another single man on the make.

I look forward to
seeing you both tonight.

[Music playing]

Are those the blanks for
the day's mileage pool?

They sure are.

All you have to do
is guess how many

miles you think the ship will
travel by o'clock tonight.

- Thank you.
- Good luck.

Thank you.


Thank you.

One min-- oh.

Oh, it's you.


How is your arm?

Oh, it's fine.

I'm sorry I was so rude before.

Oh, all forgotten.

You see, I've
been all wound up.

That's why my doctor advised
me to take this cruise.

Entering the mileage pool?


Are you in it?

Oh, my, no.

I never bet on anything.

That's smart.

Losing is no fun.

Oh, I'm not afraid of losing.

I'm afraid of winning.

You're afraid of winning?

You see, I'm a
very good guesser.

So there wouldn't
be any fun in it.

A good guesser?

Yes, you know, you're
sometimes in a strange place

and quite suddenly
it seems familiar.

And you are sure that
you've been there before.

Or just like I knew
that my cabin would

have blue and white curtains.

It happens to me all the time.

My sister used to call
me the tomorrow lady.

I'm Glen leciter.

Alice Bailey.


I bet your pardon?

miles, that's what
the ship is going to travel.


I'll do it.



You're my witness.

If I win the pool, I'm going
to buy madame la zonga here

all the champagne on this tub.

Oh, goody.

I'll be right back as
soon as I drop this off.

Mr. Leciter?


Do you spell your first
name with one n or two?

One, g-l-e-n.

That's amazing.

Oh, well, nobody's perfect.

Hi, guys.

Hey, I thought you'd be off
making a date with that lady.

Yeah, I was.

We're having dinner.

Hey, terrific.

Is she as overjoyed
about this as you are?

She agreed only
because she thinks

I'm a fellow single parent,
Libby's single parent, in fact.

Oh, that's what changed
her mind about you.

And when she finds out i'm
not a fellow single parent--

So don't tell her.

You can borrow Libby.

Libby, you want to be
an actress, don't you?

Sure, but--

so help old uncle Ken out.

Pretend to be his daughter.

It'll be like an acting class.


I can't pull a
dumb stunt like that.

It's only temporary
till she gets to love

you for your own sweet self.

Then you can tell
her and have a laugh.

Oh, please, uncle Ken.

But i--


remember, all is
fair in love and w*r.

Ask any divorce lawyer.

I don't think I
can pull it off.

I don't know anything
about being a father.

Don't worry.

My dad didn't either
until I trained him.


My eyes aren't so good
and that's a bigger target.

That was just an
antibiotic, Isaac.

Isaac, you have a middle
ear infection, both ears.

Can you understand
what I'm saying?

Most of it.

But when I'm up on deck
and the music is playing

and everybody is talking, I
can't understand anything.

Well, try to avoid
those situations.

And watch people's lips.

We all read lips to
a certain extent.

It'll help until this clears up.

Doc, this couldn't
become permanent, could it?

The odds are
against it, Isaac.

Don't worry.

Ok, thanks.

[Music playing]

You know, I forgot
about the time completely.

We'd better dress for dinner.

You will join me, won't you?

Well, I'd love to.

And I know exactly what
you'll order, lamb chops.

Now, how did you know that?

Oh, I forgot, you're
the tomorrow lady.

[Laughing] Not this time.

I often eat at the
chez Paris restaurant.

I've seen you there,
oh, lots of times.

You like that little table
by the window in the corner.


And you always
order the lamb chops.

That's funny, I don't
remember ever seeing you there.

Oh, I don't think you
remember seeing anybody.

Your head was always buried
behind the financial pages.

Mr. Leciter, I have some good
news and some bad news for you.

I'll bet I know the bad news.

I lost in the mileage pool.

No, you won the
mileage pool, $ .

The bad news is
you owe Ms. Bailey

all the champagne on the ship.


[Phone ringing]
- Can you believe it?

I actually won.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

I'll meet you here at
o'clock then, right?

I'll walk you to your cabin.

No, no, no, you stay
here for your phone call.

My phone call?

Mr. Leciter, telephone call.

It's from your
office, a Mr. Golden.

Thank you.

Hello, bill.

The deal fell through, huh?

Just some more of
our lousy luck.

Well, i-- I guess I better
fly back from acapulco.

Wait a minute, wait a
minute, don't do anything.

I'll call you back later.

I might just be onto something
that is going to make

us winners for a change.


[Music playing]

I'm so glad you
brought Libby to dinner.

I only wish my son was here.

He sounds like
a real cute guy.

You must think I'm a terrible
mother having left him at home.

You two probably go
everywhere together.

All the time.

No, we don't.

Oh, well, you see staying
at home is like a vacation.

We've got a gigantic house
with a pool and lots of tennis

courts and lots of servants.

It's really hot.

Actually, it's not that hot.

Our downstairs maids
don't do ballroom floors.

How about the acapulco
lounge for some dancing?

And I know you'd love to
go play some video games.

Well, they're awful expensive.

Thank you, daddy.

That should last at
least half an hour.

Well, I'll meet
you in the lounge.

I promised Todd that I would
call him before bedtime.

Goodnight, Libby.

How am I doing, daddy?

Ok, for a
last-minute daughter.

She seems to like you.

I'm not so sure.

I still get the feeling i'm
losing out to a -year-old kid

, miles away
in his Dr. Denims.

Five bucks is plenty.

Thank you.

To madame la zonga.

I have another
surprise for you.

Close your eyes and
hold out your hand.

I hope it's not another
jab of the knitting needle.

I'm a bleeder.

You're close.

Hey, oh, that's great.

My name is on it, too.

How'd you do that so quickly?

Well, I had kind
of a head start.

Look, she's
giving him the scarf

with his name knitted on it.


Well, his name was
knitted on the scarf

before she came on board,
before she even met him.

And he just won the mileage pool
with the number she gave him.

Are you saying she
has a crystal ball?

She's got something.

Yes, a lot of luck.

You never play
the stock market?


I have a few shares
my late husband

left me in thermal shale.

But I don't pay much
attention to it.

I just sort of know
what it's doing.

Well, what do you sort of
know thermal shale did today?

Oh, it went up
three or four points.

Oh, but that's all boring.

Let's talk about you.

Do you have a family?

No, i--

I live alone.

And that's pretty boring, too.

Certainly is.

I know.

No, actually, nothing
very interesting

has ever happened
to me, until now.

You're a wicked combination,
Ken, charming, handsome,

and a very good dancer.

Please go on.

I'm also a very good listener.

You know what I like
about you the best?

Is your wonderful relationship
with your daughter.

She's really something.

I like her a lot.

I like your son, too.

How do you know?

He's not even here.

That's what I like about him.


I was kidding.


You like water skiing?

I used to love it, but
I haven't been in years.

I hear they've got some nice
soft water at acapulco harbor.

How about, uh-- how
about tomorrow morning?

Ok, you got a deal.

I'll meet you in the
morning at the gangway.

Good night.

You're leaving?

Well, you better
be with Libby.

It can be upsetting being
alone in a strange place

without your father.

She's got a picture
of me, a big one.

Go on, I'll understand.

But she's
independent like I am.

In fact, I haven't thought about
my own father once all night.

We have to make
sacrifices for our children,

but it's worth it, isn't it?



Hi, goph.

Your ears still bothering you?


You seem to be hearing me ok.

Well, it's not so bad when
there isn't any other noise

and I can watch your lips.

You know what I
think we ought to do?

I think we ought to find
something to cheer you up.


And I think young
doctor gopher has just

discovered the wonder drug.

No, it's not gonna work.

Yes, it is going to work.

It's very quiet here.

You talk to me, you
can talk to her.

Now, while you are talking
to her, if you happen

to see her lips start to
pucker, I don't think you

need me to tell you about that.

Excuse me, good evening.

Ms. Murdock, I
wonder if you would

come with me for a moment.

There is a certain
someone that is extremely

interested in talking to you.

How intriguing?

Who is it?

This way.

No, no, no, no, no.

Now then, Ms. Murdock, I
have the distinct pleasure

of introducing to you
captain Myles standish.

He is besmitten with
terminal shyness.

So that's it?

I was beginning to
think it was me.



Yeah, um, have a seat.

You've got a good
friend in gopher.

I sure do.

But there's always
room for one more.

I said, I don't know, lady.

I'm just the performer.

All: [Laughing]

Hey, g*ng, last one
in buys the next round.



[Music playing]


But, you know, you
really don't need gopher.

You seem to me like a fella
with a mind of his own.

Uh, what was that?

I just said that I thought--


You seem to me like a
guy with a mind of his own.

Uh, Joyce, I, um--

I just remembered, I
have to get back on duty.


I guess gopher was just trying
to please a lonely passenger.

But you don't have to
do your duty with me.

I'll see you around.

Oh, Isaac, the parents group
want to have a sing-along,

but they need a leader.

And Julie thought since you
have such a good voice that--

will you stop bugging me?

Will everyone just
stop bugging me?

I'm sorry.

Yeah, that's
right, thermal shale.

What did it do today?

Up and / points?

She hit it right on the nose.

Well, look, bill, now here's
what I want you to do.

Scrape together all the cash
you can lay your hands on

and be ready to buy.

I'm about to take on a red
hot investment partner.

Right, bye.

Excuse me.

Alice, could I talk to you
out on the deck for a minute?

Of course.

Bye, Julie, see you.


Well, captain, Ms. Bailey
does have a crystal ball.

She said she was going to
find the man of her dreams

and there you are.

Are you still a doubting Thomas?

No, a doubting merrill.

Alice, I realize that you
haven't known me very long.

Oh, with some people,
it doesn't take very long.

Yeah, I feel the same way.

Now, look, if what I say sounds
crazy to you, just say no.

Well, what is it?

Well, I think we'd
be great together.

Oh, Glen.

So do I. And I'll do
everything to make you happy.

Oh, I guess I didn't
make myself clear.

I-- I was suggesting a
business partnership.



You know stocks,
bonds, investments,

with your instincts--

oh, yeah, how silly of me.


A business partnership?

Oh, Alice, I'm sorry.

I'm such a dummy.

No, no, no.

It's all right, it really is.

Now, it's a little late.

Could we talk about
it in the morning?


Then I'll say goodnight.


[Music playing]

Vicki (on loudspeaker):
Good morning

and welcome to acapulco,
the sun and fun

capital of the Mexican riviera.

Libby, I'm giving
you the day off.

I'm going ashore
alone with Sarah.

But she'll smell a rat.

She'll be expecting your
daughter to come along.

I just have to risk it.

I just don't feel right about
taking all your time away

from your father.

I think you two are entitled
to have some fun together.

You sure it'll be ok?

So this will be
my final scene.

No, I cannot go ashore with
you, a horrible disease

is racking my frail body.


Here comes Sarah.

Hi, you two.

Are you ready?

I sure am.

See you later, Libby.

You're not going with us?

Thank you, but I really
prefer to remain here.

I don't understand.

Have you two had a quarrel?

No, of course not.

Everything's fine.

Well, I think she'd rather go.

No, she's gone, see?


Oh, good morning, Glen.

Did you sleep well?

No, I slept lousy.

In fact, not at all.

Look, about last night, i--

that was my fault.
Please forget it.

But I can't forget it.

All night long I kept
wondering if maybe what I did

want to suggest
was something more

than a business partnership.

That's very sweet of you.

But you must be
honest with yourself.

What you want is not
me, it's my good luck.

Maybe you're right.

My problem is that I'm not sure.

You see, I've been a huckster
for so long, that i--

I don't know what my
real feelings are anymore

or even if I have any.

I find you a very special lady.

But I've had such bum luck
lately that, in business,

in everything, maybe
I am just grasping

at you as a good luck charm.

That's probably it.

But I wouldn't want
to disappoint you.

You know, I've never really
tried to know what's ahead.

Either it just
happens or it doesn't.

Is it, uh--

is it happening
for thermal shale?

I'd really rather not say.

Supposing I'm wrong?

Well, you've
been great so far.

Will it go up or down?

Uh, it's going to go up.

A lot?

A big jump?

I think so.


I'm going to cable my
office and place an order.

Now, you get rid
of your knitting.

And we're going into acapulco
and shake up the town.

Ok, partner?

Ok, partner.

[Music playing]

Sarah, you were poetry in
motion on those water skis.

Well, when I hit that
wave, I thought I was

gonna be poetry in traction.

I just wish Libby could
have been along with us.

Um, there's something you
should know about Libby and me.

Oh, you did have a quarrel.

No, it isn't that.

Well, whatever it
is, I'm sure having

an understanding father like you
will help her get through it.

You want to talk about it?

Maybe later.

Ok, I'll see you this evening.




You think we
bought enough stuff?



Uh, we did have a wonderful
time this afternoon, didn't we?


Then there's no reason why
we shouldn't continue it,

is there?

So let's have a drink.


Well, I thought you
wanted to stay on board.

Well, uh--

this is Tom McDonald.

He's-- he's a very
good friend of mine.

And I guess they decided to
pop ashore for a few minutes.

I see.

I think we'd better cancel
our plans for tonight.

Sarah, let me explain.

There's nothing to explain.

Obviously, you didn't
want her along with us.

But Tom is a
very close friend.

But he's not her father.

That's very selfish.

And now I feel
like an interloper

between you and your daughter.

I don't like that.

I don't like that at all.

Ol !

Well, it looks like you two
cornered the pinata market.

We won all of them at
a little street carnival.

They had this
booth and this guy

was moving these
walnut shells around,

you bet on which one has
got the pea under it.

The old shell game.

But nobody ever wins at that.

Madame la zonga did,
five times in a row.

Say, maybe we better ask if
a message came about the stock.

How can we miss?

You just cleaned out Mexico,
next stop, the world.


Vicki (on loudspeaker):
We hope you

enjoyed your stay in acapulco.

We'll be cruising
home past cabo San

Lucas along the shores of
the beautiful Baja peninsula.

Isaac, we're sorry.

We know you're going through
a really rough time now.

I always imagined that being
deaf would be kind of peaceful.

But it isn't at all.

Life is still full of noise.

I can't make out what a person
is saying across the table,

but I can hear dishes clanging.

It's like everybody is
speaking a foreign language.

Oh, Isaac, take
it easy, please.

I don't feel I can
function in my job.

Socially, I'm a total wipe out.

When you're deaf, you
can never ever hear

a soft, romantic whisper again.

No, it's not
peaceful, not a bit.

[Music playing]


Could we speak
to you a minute?

Well, there's
really no point in it.

Please, my father
has something

very important to tell you.

Then why isn't he here.

He is.

I don't understand.

This is my father.

And I got the bank
statements to prove it.

You're her father?

Then why did--

well, you see, Ken was
very attracted to you,

but felt that you
were interested

only in meeting another parent.

So I suggested that
he borrow Libby

just till the ice was broken.

Then you were just pretending.

Well, it was just for fun.

Uncle Ken is a neat
guy to be around.

Yeah, but don't give
him credit for the idea.

That dummy was against it.

He wanted to play
straight with you.

It was my brainstorm that
convinced him that all

is fair in love and w*r.


Yeah, he was really hit hard.

But I don't blame
you for dumping him.

He's not very smart, insisting
that Libby spend all day ashore

with her father when
he could have used

her to make points with you.

But he wouldn't go for it.

I think the guy might
be interested in some kind

of fatherhood for himself.

You do?

Which proves he's obviously
unbalanced, the dangerous type.

You're better off without him.

[Music playing]

I wonder why you haven't
heard from your office

about the stock you bought.

Nothing to worry about.

Anyone who could win
at the old shell game

can beat a little outfit like
the New York stock exchange.

Mr. Leciter, this
just came for you.

Ah, the good news.

Now, we can buy our
own cruise ship.

What happened?

It went down.

Oh, Glen.

Way down.

Oh, I tried to tell
you, I'm not always right.

Well, you picked a
fine time to be wrong.

It can't be true.

I'm gonna phone
through and verify it.

Ms. Bailey, is
everything all right?

I guess it had to happen.

When it's with pinatas,
it's no problem.

But when it's for
something I really wanted--

I wanted it so much for him.

I-- I just tried too hard.

Well, it's over.

No more tomorrow lady.

No more tomorrow.

Oh, hi.

I had a talk with
Libby and her father.

I'm sorry about that.


He made it very clear
it was all his idea.

He's a clever man,
not too clever.

It was really a matchmaking.

Well, I guess you can see
now that I'm a lousy prospect.

Finally realized it myself.

I'd be a terrible father.

Really terrible, huh?

I'm too selfish.

I truly did not want my
daughter along today, just us.

No, I could never be the
kind of parent you are.


I hope you never are.

But you are
devoted, protective.

Make that overprotective.

The typical single
parent mistake, trying

to be both mother and father.

I submerged my own life,
gave up all of my interests--

writing, dancing.

Isn't that what
makes a good parent?


The best thing that
I could offer my son

is not suffocating
over-attention, but

a happy and fulfilled mother.

You may have a point.

You were the one who
made me realize that.

From now on, I'm gonna catch up
on all the things I like to do.

He and I will both
be better for it.

That means you'll
have some free time.

Could you pencil me in?

Oh, I suppose that
might be possible.

But I'll ink it in to make sure.

You said you want
to catch up on things.

There's a dance going on.

I said there were a lot of
things I want to catch up on.

You think Todd will approve?

He wants me to be happy.

He loves me.

Can't wait to meet that kid.

We've got a lot in common.



Oh, captain, I was gonna
come see you to resign.

This job is getting
on my nerves.

I suppose Vicki told
you I yelled at her.

You weren't angry
at Vicki, Isaac.

You were angry at the world.

The world?

At everything.

Mostly at fate,
because you think fate

singled you out
to be handicapped.

But you're overreacting, Isaac.

The prognosis is good.


Isaac, there's a
very simple test

that can prove whether your
loss is temporary or not.

Now, tell me when you
stop hearing this, ok?


Can you hear this?


I'll try the other ear now.


Can you hear this?


Is that good?

It sure is.

In no time at all, you
should be as good as new,

however good that was.

Ho, ho!

That's fantastic.

That's fan-- that's great.

Did you hear that?

Oh, man, what a relief.


It's too bad it had to
happen on this cruise.

I lost out on a great chick.

But you had an even
greater experience, Isaac.

You had the opportunity
to appreciate

something we all take for
granted, the gift of hearing.

Oh, sir, I was talking to
you about my resignation.

What resignation?

I didn't hear a thing.

[Music playing]

Was it true?

The stock did go down?


Alice, the other
night when you thought

I was proposing to you--

Glen, please, you
must believe me.

I wasn't trying to
get back at you.

I didn't mean to
bring you bad luck.

I know that.

But I'm glad you did.

Now, you're not my
free meal ticket,

yet I still want to be with you.

That means that I can
trust my feelings again.

And they tell me it's not madame
la zonga, but Alice Bailey

that I care for.

Then you're not
going to ask me

to make any more predictions?


We'll manage our tomorrows
with love, not luck.

Oh, I'd like that.

I only want you to make
one more prediction for me.

Could you be happy married
to a dull, old working man?

Let me check it out.

I can see our future clearly.

And it looks quite wonderful.

I think we can get
along reasonably well.

And I think we can
be much happier

together than not together.

Now, I'm warning you, as that's
my last prediction forever,

you've got to be
extra nice to me,

make up for all the free
pinatas I'll be missing.

[Music playing]

Well, Libby.

I hope you remember me
when you become a big star.

I'm gonna try not to
forget the little people I

meet on the way up.

Oh, ok.

You sure have a neat,
daughter, Mr. MacDonald.

I know.

That's what she
keeps telling me.



How'd everything go with
the single parents club?

Ah, that's a touchy subject.

She got thrown out of the club.


Oh, ugly rumor.

I may soon become a
non-single, single parent.

Isaac, is your hearing better?

Hey, don't look at me.

Do you think for a moment
that I would blab to someone

else about your personal life?


You're right.

I should have
realized your problem.

But why didn't you tell me?

I guess I didn't want you
to think I was over the hill.

Oh, [laughing]
You mean like me?

A hearing aid.


over the hill?

Joyce, we're gonna be in
port for a couple of days.

Could I call you?


That's my office number.

Oh, a trial lawyer.

Well, I have a case I would
love to discuss with you.

Whoa, it sounds interesting.

I better get a new
battery though.

We enjoyed having you with us.

Thank you.

Thank you, Vicki.

Now, remember the
deal, no more madame la

zonga and you don't
mention tomorrow

to anybody, not even to him.

Right, I promise.

Well, thanks for
sailing with us.

Bye bye.
- Julie.


I just had word that the
Mexican ambassador will be

joining us on our next cruise.

The Mexican ambassador?

How exciting.

Yes, now don't tell a soul.

It's very tight security.

It won't be made public
until after we sail.

Yes, sir.

Good bye, Julie.



Captain stubing, we
had a wonderful time.

Oh, and everything turned out
exactly like you said it would.

Yes, Julie swears that
you can see into the future.

Well, i--

I don't know how that
crazy rumor got started.

It was all just a coincidence.

Yeah, that's what I told her.

Oh, well, please come
sailing with us again.

- Oh, we will.
- Bye.

Bye, now.


Bye bye.

Give our regards to
the Mexican ambassador.

[Music playing]

[Music playing]
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