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01x25 - The Unknown People – Part 1

Posted: 08/13/22 07:12
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
in a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter for a great
metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Two of the best Stillson wrenches
ever made.

Toss them away.

And there goes a slow valve
that ain't even hardly worn.

Get all the equipment
in that hole and bury it.

What's the idea, Corrigan?
This stuff costs money.

The idea's because I’m telling you to.
and I’m responsible for it, not you.

Hey. car coming down the hill.

Hi. Pop. Catch!

My oranges.
Thank you for remembering. Mr. Craig.

Well. folks. there it is.
Havenhurst Experimental Number One.

- How does it look?
- Just like any other oil well.

Above ground. sure. But take
my word for it, it's the deepest ever drilled.

Oh. wait a minute.
Don't take my word for it.

Hey. Pop. this is Miss Lane and Mr. Kent.

- How do you do?
- Pop Shannon.

Best watchman in the oil field.

They're gonna do a feature story
on the well.

- Oh. newspaper reporters. huh?
- That's right.

I'm afraid you're a little bit late.
They're just shutting her down.

- They're what?
- Shutting her down.

- What's the big idea?
- I wouldn't know.

Mr. Corrigan gave the order.

They just pulled the last drill.
Now they're stripping the base.

Well. that's a fine thing.
And nobody tells me.

How can I handle public relations
if I don't know what's going on?

- Excuse me.
- I don't know.

This is just ducky.

If they've shut down. there must be
a reason. Was the well a duster?

This well? No. sir.

We struck gas at . .
and when you strike gas. you look for oil.

- It figures.
- Well. it was a nice plane trip anyway.

But wait till the chief hears about this.
He'll blow his top.

There might be a story
on the deepest oil well ever abandoned.

What about pictures?

Take out your Brownie
and get some of the derrick.

Okay. But why is nothing ever easy?

They can't do this to me. Bill.
Look at the spot it puts me in.

I get these people to make a -mile trip.
all the way from Metropolis. Now what?

All I know is I made my report
to the home office last Monday.

Then the order came through
to shut her down.

Well. if you ask me. it doesn't add up.

Just what was in that report? I mean.
the one you sent to the home office.

Ah. you're the newspaperman.

Right. I’m Clark Kent. the Metropolis
Daily Planet. This is Miss Lane.

Too bad you came all the way
out here for nothing.

Just one of those things. I guess.
But about that report.

- That's company business. Confidential.
- I see.

Bill. we promised these people
full cooperation.

Then you cooperate.
I haven't got the time.

Okay. Eddie. let's dump those shackles.

Would you mind answering
just one question?

- What is it?
- How far down did you get?

Thirty-two thousand.
seven hundred and forty feet.

Thirty-two thousand? Why. that's more
than six miles down.

Good heavens.
Practically to the center of the Earth.

Not quite. But it's deeper
than man's ever gone before.

- Mind if I get a few sh*ts?
- Go ahead.

I'm awfully sorry about this.
but you see how it is.

The right hand never knows
what the left hand is doing.

We'll put you folks up at the hotel
in Silsby for tonight.

Company's expense. of course.

I'm really sorry you came all this way
without getting a story.

I'm not so sure we won't get a story.

Hello there. You all packed?

- How about you?
-l'll wait till morning.

This certainly is a gay
and cheerful little place. isn't it?

Silsby. population . home of
the world's deepest oil well. Big deal.

Craig doesn't like to drive at night.

Otherwise. we'd have been
on our way to Dallas.

- Where is Craig?
- Turned in.

He's worn-out from this afternoon.

He left us the car keys
in case we wanna go out.

Oh. fine. At least I can say I've seen Silsby.
Couldn't have lived without it.

What were you reading?
Anything interesting?

As a matter of fact. Lois. I wasn't reading.
I was sitting here thinking.

- What about?
- About Corrigan.

- His attitude this afternoon.
- Oh. he's just a fool.

I don't know.
I think I'll drive out to the well.

- What for?
- Nothing. Look around.

- Talk to the watchman.
- Good idea. I'll go with you.

Now. what do you expect to
find out there this time of night?

What do you expect to find, Mr. Kent?

All right. Come along.

Well. where do we start?

Great Scott!

Is he dead?

- Heart attack?
- I don't know.

Now. don't go building this thing up.

He was an old man. he had
a heart attack. lt's as simple as that.

I wonder.

Those oranges on the floor.
how'd they get there?

He was probably sitting in this chair
when the attack came on.

He tried to get up. the sack of
oranges was on the table...

...he knocked it over with his arm.
and they spilled out on the floor.

That's fine. except for one thing.

How'd that sack get over here?

Good question.

Well. we better notify somebody.
The sheriff or constable or--

Call Craig. Let him handle this.
I’m going outside and take a look around.

Hello. operator.
Would you get me the hotel in Silsby.

Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Craig.
Craig. That's right.

Lois. you all right? What happened?
Answer me.

Hello? Hello?

Hello. who's this?
Craig. this is Clark Kent.

Get hold of the sheriff
and Corrigan and get here right away.

I'm at the well. No. I can't explain.
Just get over as quick as you can.

Nothing out there.
What's the verdict, doc?

It looks like a heart attack.
It'll take an autopsy to make that official.

I don't find any signs of v*olence.
How old was he?

Close to .

That's probably it then.
I'll send Reagan up for the body.

Doctor. could Shannon have been
frightened to death?

- Frightened?
- Yes. I mean by something he saw.

Possibly. A sudden shock
could've caused an attack.

Provided he had a heart condition
to begin with.

Oh. Miss Lane. remember to take another
one of those capsules before you go to bed.

- Good night, all.
- Good night, doc.

I don't reckon
there's much more we can do up here.

Aren't you going to do
anything about the creatures?

Now. Miss Lane. Mr. Corrigan and me.
we looked all over and we couldn't--

You don't believe me.
You think I made the whole thing up.

The inquest will likely be on Wednesday.
We'll need you folks.

- We'll be there.
- Come on. Clark. let's get back to the hotel.

Somebody has to stay here
till the undertaker gets here.

It’ll stay.

I will too. if you don't mind
giving me a lift back to town.

Well. we'll be on our way. See you later.

I guess you know
why I hung around, Mr. Corrigan.

No. why?

- I thought you might be ready to talk now.
- About what?

About that report
you sent to the home office.

Just why did you close the well down?

I told you once, the report's confidential.

That was this afternoon.
Shannon was still alive then.

And why did you bury those tools?

Kent. you're a newspaperman.
You want a story.

Well. I can give you one that's so big.
so fantastic that you wouldn't dare print it.

Whatever you can prove. I'll print.

Okay. Come on.

We started drilling months ago.
September the th.

Nine months later.
June the rd. we hit . feet.

Deeper than any well's
ever been drilled before.

June the th. at . feet...

...l took a sample of the stuff
that we'd been boring through...

...put it in a test tube. labeled it.
and stuck it on the rack.

This one. I switched off the lights
and started to leave...

...then I remembered that
I'd left my keys on the table.

I turned to get them. and this is what I saw.

- Radium?
- That's what it looks like.

A friend is coming
with a Geiger counter tonight.

It might just be
harmless phosphorescence.

That's what I figured. until this last one.
That one looks as hot as a fireman's helmet.

Those five samples
were taken at various levels?

At intervals of feet.

And the radium content increases?

That's what scared me.

I was afraid if we went any deeper that
we'd be coming up with almost pure radium.

I wouldn't want to expose anyone to that.

But you did go deeper?

Yes. At , feet. the drill broke through.

Broke through what?

It was hanging in midair, as if we'd gone
through the last solid layer of the Earth.

And after that. nothing. Just empty space.

You mean the center of the Earth is hollow?

Is there any other explanation?

Well. anyway. when I got the drill head up.
It had sort of a funny look to it.

- What do you mean. funny?
- I don't know. It didn't look right.

So just for luck. I scraped it
and put the stuff under the microscope.

Here. take a look.

- What are they?
- I don't know.

But whatever they are. they're alive.

I thought that all life
ceased below the first rock level.

So did everyone else.
But these things were alive six miles down.

Then it's possible there can be other forms
of life down there. More highly developed.

Maybe another civilization.
And here's the point.

We've drilled a hole right down
to the center of the Earth.

Whatever is down there could come up.

And you think something
came out of that hole tonight?

I don't know. But those creatures
that Miss Lane said she saw...

...and Pop being scared to death.

- I put a metal cap on the drill casing. but--
- The cap was off when I got there.

That's our ring.


Yes. doc.

No. he left right after you did.
He should be in town by now.


Well. where was this?

Okay. I'll be right down.

Doc Saunders. the coroner.

Those creatures. Jeff Reagan saw them
walking on the road.

He was on his way out here
to get the body...

...lost control of his car and turned over.

- Where was this?
- Just outside of town.

There's no question about it now. Whatever
they are. humans or monsters. they're here.

- They've come from the center of the Earth.
- We'd better be going.

Corrigan. look.

These oranges.
Those creatures must've handled them.

If that stuffs radioactive.
anything they touch will be...

Come on. we're wasting time.


Who are you?

It looks like the news got around.
Those are Luke Benson's dogs.

We can't let him get near those creatures.

Don't worry. Corrigan.
Let me handle it.

Joe. you and Larry Carpenter
cover the woods west of the mill.

Get one of those searchlights
from the firehouse.

Rick Maddox, Chuck Webber.
you cover the paths beyond the fork.

Eddie and Matt.
check the arroyo east of town.

The rest of us will run the dogs
from Miss Pomfrey's place.

Just a minute, please. Before you start.
I'd like to warn you.

- These creatures may be dangerous.
-ls that right? Now. who are you?

- Kent. I’m a newspaperman.
- Have you seen these critters?

- No. I haven't.
- These folks have. Miss Pomfrey here--

Yes. I was putting my hair up when--

And Jeff Reagan. Almost k*lled him.
and you're telling us they're dangerous.

- You don't understand.
- We understand plenty.

You keep out of this or you'll get hurt.
Come on. boys. let's go.

- You must listen to me.
- They know what they're doing.

They haven't any idea.

Listen to me. all of you.

You don't know anything about
these creatures. where they come from.

Here's the man that can tell you.
Go on. Corrigan.

They came up out of the drill shaft
in the oil well. from six miles underground.

They look strange to us. We must look just
as strange to them. but as far as we know...

...they don't mean us any harm.

- Yeah? What about old Pop Shannon?
- What about me?

Me too. There I was.
putting my hair up--

All these things happened
because you were frightened.

- If you'll just be reasonable--
- And what? Just settle down...

...and let them take over? Not likely.

If you sh**t at shadows.
someone's liable to get hurt.

Go home. lock your doors.
Let me handle this.

- You?
- Are you crazy. Clark?

Please. I promise you I'll take care of
these little creatures. one way or another.

If you don't wanna talk
or look at any of my books...

...maybe you'd like to play catch.

Why...'s getting prettier.

It sort of shines all over.

Are you magic?

- Where'd that scream come from?
- Sounds like it was up the street.

Come on!

Well. I hope you realize what a fool
you've made of yourself.

He always does that.
Gets himself in a jam and then runs away.

Let's see what's happening outside.

The little girl's all right.
She was just scared.

Get out of that doorway.

Put the g*n down. Benson.

Men like you make it difficult
for people to understand one another.

You were warned
nothing would come of this but trouble.

You fellas know what to do. Get going.

What about the hounds. Luke?

Get them on the scent.


Am I glad to see you.

- Miss Lane.
- This is Mr. Craig and Mr. Corrigan.

- How do you do?
- I guess you know what happened.

I know what will happen
if they aren't stopped.

Where's the sheriff?
Why isn't he doing something?

The sheriff? There's only one person who
can handle this job. and that's Superman.

Dogs have got the scent.

Pop Shannon maybe don't mean nothing.

And Jeff Reagan's old enough
to take care of himself.

But when these critters come after
a little kid. I aim to do something about it!

Let's go.

They climbed through this window.

You mean they were actually
inside the house?

Yes. The child wasn't afraid. It was
the mother's screams that frightened her.

I know what you're thinking.

You better wrap the child and her mom
in blankets and take them to the hospital.

There's nothing to do now but wait
for decontamination.


- Those creatures may be radioactive.
- Good grief.

That's the one thing Benson
and his friends don't know.

The dogs have cornered them.

I better go.

They're up there. the two of them.
We flushed them out of the arroyo.

- Who's on the other side?
- Larry Carpenter and the Prow boys.

We got them trapped.
They can't get away.

Tie up the dogs. Matt.
Eddie. get that searchlight.

Let me take the first shot, Luke. Old Betsy
here will knock them off like sitting ducks.

You sure they're up there?

Unless they went over the spillway.
If they did. we got nothing to worry about.

Sweep her across the top of the dam.

Hunted by men and dogs,
trapped on the high parapet of the dam...

...the strange little creatures
from the dark center of the Earth...

...are now at the mercy
of Luke Benson and his mob.

What will happen?

Stand by for a preview of part two of
"The Unknown People"... the Adventures of Superman.