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01x22 - Czar of the Underworld

Posted: 08/13/22 07:10
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

When do I get to pull this trigger?

Take it easy. Shorty. You got nothing
until Kent answers that telephone.

How much time we got. inspector?

We better leave in five minutes
to catch that plane.

- Be ready in four.
- Optimist.

Maybe them California lines are busy.
and the boss can't get through.

- What's the matter? You trigger-happy?
- Just got an itchy finger.

There she goes. Get set.

Mind catching that for me. inspector?


Hold it. Shorty. That's the cop.
We want Kent.


-lt's for you. Kent. Long distance.
- Thanks.

Hello. Kent speaking.

It's Hollywood.

- All I can see now is the back of that cop.
- He'll move.

Kent. boss.

Hello. Kent?

- Luigi Dinelli.
-lt's Dinelli.

They tell me you and Inspector Henderson
are coming here to work in the movies.

That's right, Dinelli. National Studios
bought that series of articles...

...l wrote about you for the Daily Planet.
“Czar of the Underworld." remember?

I didn't like what them articles said
in the paper. Kent.

I'm gonna like them less in the movies.

Well, now, that's too bad, Luigi.
What do you suggest?

Friends of mine tell me that picture
shouldn't ought to be made.

They say you and Henderson
should call off your trip.

You tell your friends, Luigi...

- The cop moved. Make with the trigger.
- I’m pulling on it. Nothing happens.

- You're telling me.
- Must have jammed.

Open her up and fix it.

The boss will keep him gabbing
till he hears the shot.

Okay. take it easy.

And. Luigi. you better tell your friends
Czar of the Underworld...

...starts sh**ting tomorrow morning.

Inspector Henderson and I intend to be
on hand for the occasion.

Tell them for me. Dinelli...

...that this picture will pack more wallop
than a Tommy g*n.

When you see the stuff
we're putting into it... won't be able to find
a hole deep enough to crawl into.

Luigi. that was Inspector Henderson.

Well. how do you like that?

I finally get her working again.
and all I can see is that copper's back.

I'm sorry. Luigi.
but we'll have to cut this short.

We have to shove off for the airport.
See you in sunny California.

I'm warning you. Kent.

You two won't leave California alive
if you go ahead with that picture.

It's too late to stop them now. Luigi.
They start sh**ting tomorrow morning.

And friends of mine are liable
to start sh**ting too.

Tell them to contact me anytime
after tomorrow at National Studios.

Might be sooner than you think.


- Keep back. inspector.
- They tried to plug you.

Skip it. Come on. we're late.

That call was a plant to get you
to the phone. lt's attempted m*rder.

We haven't got time to worry
about that now. Come on. let's go.

Westbound from Metropolis,
Chicago and Kansas City... unloading at gate five.

Got a match. bud?

So this is Hollywood.

Not quite. Hollywood's about miles
north of here. Let's get a cab.

- Excuse me. are you Inspector Henderson?
- That's right.

Mr. Abner sent me to drive you
and Mr. Kent to the studio.

Well. this is certainly rolling out
the red carpet.

Yes. sir. I'll take your bags.

Thank you.

Right this way. gentlemen.

L'd like to meet a few of these movie stars
before we pull out.

L'd settle for five minutes
with that Luigi Dinelli myself.

- L'd like to repay him for that call last night.
- He'll get paid once this movie comes out.

What's wrong? Why did we pull in here?

The right rear tire's soft.
Gotta check it.

Only be a couple of seconds. gentlemen.

This is the life, boy.
Private car. chauffeur.

Chauffeur. my eye. Duck! lt's a trap.

- Kent. where are you?
- Stay down. Don't move.

- We walked right into this one.
- We'll walk right out again.

Just don't move.

- Got your car around the back?
- All set.

Okay. Luigi's gonna take care
of them two in person.

Let's go.

How did you do it?
We were locked in here.

- One of the tricks that Superman taught me.
- Sometimes I feel you are Superman.

I may have to be
to get this picture made.

Cut it!

L'd like it once again.

You were late again
with that p*stol cue. Dexter.

Let's go. Dexter. We can't spend all day
in this shot, you know.

Call a doctor!

This man's dead.


Get that r*fle, Kent.

It's only loaded with blanks.

That's what you think.

How many times must I tell you
not to barge into my office?

- I know. chief. But this is important.
- Don't call me “chief.“

- Yes. chief. I mean. yes. Mr. White.
- Okay. what is it?

Just came in over the wire.

“Hollywood. Flash. Alan Dexter.
motion-picture star. shot and k*lled...

...on National Studios set today
while filming...

...crime exposé Czar of the Underworld.

- More to follow.“
- Let me see that.

Yes. Mr. White.

Get me Clark Kent or Inspector Henderson
at the National Studios in Hollywood.

A perfect setup for a scoop.

My own reporter right on the scene.
and what happens?

L've got to get the news
over a press wire.

Just wait till I get Kent
on the phone. Just wait.

- When did that come in?
- A few minutes ago.

- Well. go out and see if there's any more.
- Yes. sir.

L have Inspector Henderson
on number four, Mr. White.

Okay. Hello. Hello.

On number four, Mr. White.

- Hello. Hello!
- Hello?

- Hello. ls that you, Henderson?
- Yes. How are you, Mr. White?

I'm fit to be tied, that's how I am.
Where's Kent?

Probably checking up on something.
We've had trouble here. you know.

Oh. really? How would I know?
Does anybody ever tell me anything?

Tell Kent for me that in case he's forgotten.
he's still working for the Daily Planet...

-...not the National Studios.
- Now. listen. Mr. White.

Furthermore. when a story breaks
and he's on the scene...

...l expect to get my information from him.
not a press service.

If Hollywood's gone to his head.
tell him for me...

-...he can stay there and not come back.
- Now, be reasonable.

“Be reasonable.“ Be reasonable.
Great Caesar's ghost.

Stop shouting for a minute
and let me explain.

Go ahead. but make it good.

We haven't had a chance to breathe
since we got out here.

- And then this thing had to happen.
- What thing?

- Alan Dexter's m*rder.
- Are you sure it was m*rder?

No question about it.

And Kent didn't notify me.

Didn't even have the common decency
to call me and tip me off.

No. I've got to get my information
from a press service.

- Mr. White--
- What does that nincompoop think...

...l pay his salary for?

To keep me in the dark
when a big story breaks?

Hasn't he any loyalty to me
or to the paper?

Didn't it occur to him that we might be
interested in getting that story...

...before every other paper?

- Or doesn't he care?
- Now. that's ridiculous. I told you that--

I don't care what you told me.

All I know is Kent was on the scene
when it happened.

All I've got in this office
is a news Teletype report.

Did you hear me?
A news Teletype report...

...instead of an eyewitness account
from my own reporter.

Sorry. I have a meeting with the head
of the studio and the police chief.

I'm not through yet.
I'm not through by a long shot.

Tell Kent that if he thinks for one minute
I'm gonna stand by while he--

Hello? Hello? Hello. Henderson.
are you there?

He hung up on me.

He hung up on me.

Is this Dexter's trailer?

That's right.

I take it. gentlemen.
your verdict is m*rder.

No question about it, Mr. Abner.

He was shot through the heart... a live b*llet someone slipped
into the r*fle.

Which means Dinelli has a confederate
in the studio.

- Who is it?
- We checked every person on the stage.

- No suspects.
- Evidently. Dinelli's playing for keeps.

And so are we. Mr. Kent.

He's not going to stop production
on this picture.

It’ll replace Dexter with a new
leading man this afternoon.

- We resume sh**ting in the morning.
- The actors and crew will go along?

One hundred percent.

Does that go for you and Henderson too?

Mr. Abner. we came out here
to do a job.

- We're staying until it's finished.
- Good.

Thank you. I don't think there's
anything more for me to say.

I wanna see you in my office. Carr.

Mr. Carr was telling me
Dexter lived in this trailer.

That's right, Mr. Kent. He had it fixed
with the latest improvements.

Running water. telephone.
all the comforts of home.

Sounds great. Think it would be all right
if I slept in here tonight?

Sure. If you really want to.

Why would anyone want to
sleep alone in a place like that?

You're welcome to keep me company.

With a complimentary suite
at the Mark Stevens Hotel? No. thank you.

- Like to look at the inside of the trailer?
- Yes. I would. Thank you.

Now. what do you suppose he's up to?

Reporters always gotta be
snooping around. lt's in their blood.

- Buy you a beer. chief.
- You took the words right out of my mouth.

- Yeah ?
- Ollie 's here.

Send him in.

Hey. boss. I got news for you.

- Yeah?
- I was just talking to Frank.

- So what?
- They put another actor in Dexter's place.

They're going ahead
with the picture tomorrow.

- What else?
- Frank also told me to tell you...

...Clark Kent's spending the night
at the studio.

He's gonna sleep in Dexter's dressing room
on stage .

- Where's the copper staying?
- Henderson? The Mark Stevens.

- Tommy?
- Yeah, boss.

Frank still at the studio?

No. but he'll be home in half an hour.

- Okay. Get in touch with him.
- Yeah.

- Tell him he's working tonight.
- Okay, boss-.

Frank Dinelli. The brother of Luigi.
That's the one I want the information on.

The L.A. police haven't got
more than what's there.

Nothing since ?

That's the year he got out of San Quentin.
He disappeared after that.

Probably had his face lifted.
changed his name...

...started life all over again
somewhere where nobody knew him.

- That address on Luigi still good?
- We can put our finger on him anytime.

Trouble is, we can never get
the goods on him.

- He's too smart. Even for the FBI.
- They always slip up sooner or later.

Even the smartest of them.

I know. but Dinelli's been getting away
with m*rder for years.

I have a funny feeling tonight's the night.

You still planning on going ahead
with your plans to spend the night“?

- You still gonna spend the night in here?
- Why not?

If Dexter's m*rder*r is still around
the studio. you might give him ideas.

Nothing like a well-baited hook
to catch a big fish.

But you might be baiting that hook
with your life, Kent.

Don't worry. I intend to take
every precaution to keep it.

You reporters have certainly
got a lot of nerve.

Sometimes we have to have it.

What are you doing snooping around there
at this time of night?

I was just lining up my camera angles
for tomorrow morning's work.

What are you pointing that g*n at me for?

Better luck next time. chief.

Well. I always say you can't be too careful.
I’m sorry. Mr. Carr.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- I better get going.
- Can I drop you off?

- I'm on my way home.
- No. I want to talk with an old friend.

- Maybe you're going in my direction.
- No. I’m gonna mosey along by myself.

This old friend of mine is allergic
to uniforms. Especially police uniforms.

- Good night.
- Good night.

There have been no new developments... the mysterious m*rder
of screen star Alan Dexter...

---who was shot to death this morning
while rehearsing a scene.

...for the forthcoming motion-picture
crime expose' Czar of the Underworld.

The police are making every effort to
uncover a clue to the m*rder*r's identity...

...but as yet have been unable to explain
how the live b*llet that k*lled Dexter... into the a*t*matic r*fle
fired by a fellow actor on the movie set.

- Good evening. Dinelli.
- What's the idea?

The window? I was in a hurry.
I took a shortcut.

Wise guy. huh?
Tommy. Ollie. come in here.

I was wondering when you'd do that.

Any more. Luigi?

Your aim is bad. Luigi.

Now. what are you gonna do
with the empty g*n?

Keep away from me. What do you want?

I want you to come to the studio
so I can show you how movies are made.

- No. I won't go.
- Yes. you will.

Come in.

This steak is so good I'll have another.

Might as well.
since the studio is paying for it.

- Superman.
- How are you. inspector?

- Never happier in my life.
- So I see.

- Well. after all. the studio's paying--
- Paying for it, I know.

Is it any fault of mine if Kent decides
to stay away when this is free?

I hardly think
Kent's twiddling his thumbs.

- What brought you out here?
- Same business that brought you.

- We can sure use you. Dinelli's tough.
- We've got him where I want him.

- You've seen him?
- I returned the greetings he extended earlier.

We can always count on you.

How would you like to be
on the k*ll tonight?

- The k*ll?
- If you can tear yourself away from dinner.

- L've finished mine. I was eating Kent's.
- I see. Well. here's the situation:

I just left Dinelli sound asleep
in a trailer on stage at the studio.

Dinelli in the trailer? How'd you do it?

- Little artificial persuasion.
- But where's Kent?

Oh. he's around somewhere.

If the m*rder*r shows up
to try any more funny business...

...l'd rather Dinelli be in that trailer
than Kent.

- No telling who it is in the dark.
- Exactly.

Well. shall we go?

After you.

What's that noise?

It's the motor on that car.

Open that trailer door.

That carbon-monoxide deal
was meant for me.

- For you?
- I mean for Kent.

I better take a look at Dinelli.

- You better leave it open.
-lt's all right. lt's clear in there now.

- How is he?
- All right.

He's out cold. but we got here in time.

- What was that?
- That's our m*rder*r.

- Where?
- Up there. On that light platform.

Look out. inspector.



Chief to you and all the rest of them.

My real name is Frank--

- All right. inspector. Put the cuffs on him.
- What do you know. Luigi Dinelli in custody.

- You got nothing on me.
- This time we have. Luigi.

- We've got you for keeps.
- What for?

m*rder. The m*rder
of your own brother. Frank Dinelli.

I didn't k*ll him. He was dying.
I only put him out of his misery.

It's possible you k*lled him
to keep him from talking.

What do I care if he talked?
Nothing to do with me.

- I got nothing to be afraid of.
- The m*rder of Alan Dexter?

So Frank put a live b*llet in that r*fle...

...they were playing with on the set.
lt's got nothing to do with me.

Yes. it has.
You were giving Frank his orders.

- L'd like to see you prove that.
- We'll prove it.

Kent would get a kick out of this.
Czar of the Underworld in bracelets.

- Too bad he isn't here.
- Oh. he's here. In a way.