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01x19 - The Evil Three

Posted: 08/13/22 07:09
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
in a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes. it's Superman, strange visitor
from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers and

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change the course
of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter for
a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

See. I told you there was a cabin here.

The road's down that way about a half
a mile. That's where we parked the car.

This fella sells live bait.

Guess he's closed up.

It's : .

Do you realize we've been fishing since
: this morning. and what have we got?

Not a thing. I should have known better
than to bring you along.

- I did everything you told me.
- And a lot of things I didn't tell you.

A fishing rod is not a baseball bat.
You've got to handle it gently.

You can't tramp through a trout stream like
a bull in a china shop. You gotta be quiet.

How can I be quiet with mosquitoes
eating me up alive?

Mosquitoes. When I was your age.
a few mosquitoes didn't bother me.

Let's see now.

We're parked on Route .
about six miles from Glenbrook.

- Are we going home?
- No. we're not going home.

I came here to catch fish.

And I’m going to catch fish
if it's the last thing I do.

Besides. it'll be dark in an hour.
and I don't like to drive at night.

There's a place called
Beaver Falls near here.

Hotel there. Hotel Bayou.

We can stay there overnight.

They have a good bass pond
on the property.

We're not gonna do any more
fishing today?

- Too late.
- Oh. that's good.

- Doggone mosquitoes.
- Mosquitoes. is that all you can talk about?

L'd quit talking about them
if they'd quit biting me.

- Look.
- Don't bother me.

Nothing. nothing.

Why do they print the names
of these places so small?

Gotta have a magnifying glass to see them.

Here. You find it.

Here. put these away.


Pay attention to what you're doing.

Oh. I got it. Here.

Don't show it to me. Where is it?

Well...'s on Route ...

-...about three miles below Shelby.
- Does go into ?

Yes. At Parson's Corner.

See what I mean?

Come on. pick up your stuff.
Let's get going.

You raise the devil with me
when I complain.

When they start biting you.
It's a different thing.

Boy. You call this fun?

Be a sad day when I go fishing again.

Nothing but mosquitoes
and wading through brush...

...and wading up to your knees.

Car's coming.

Get back to your room. Elsa.

You better get too.

Golly. we can't stay here. Mr. White.

- This used to be a fine hotel.
- In the Year One. maybe.

- Evening.
- Good evening.

- Is the manager around?
- I’m him.

Macy Taylor.

I'm Perry White. This is Jim Olsen.

I seem to remember you.
I was here about seven years ago.

I think you were a desk clerk then.

Own the place now.

George Taylor got drowned
a few years back.

- He was my uncle.
- Drowned. eh? That's too bad.

Yep. fell in the river.
Never did find his body.

You looking to put up for the night, you'll
find it comfortable at the Shelby Arms...

...about five miles up the highway.

- We thought we'd stay here.
- You wouldn't be comfortable.

I got no help. no electricity.

I was just getting ready
to close up the place.

We're not fussy.

I want to fish the stream on your property
tomorrow. get some big bass.

- That stream's all fished out.
- Fished out?

- But we saw--
- Good fishing upstream. though... the Shelby Arms.

- Let's go up there. Mr. White.
- No.

I'm too tired to drive any more tonight.

- We'll stay here.
- You wouldn't be comfortable. I tell you.

- Can't serve you no food. neither.
- We had a big dinner in town.

Yeah. but what about breakfast?

We'll get some fish for breakfast.

Where's the register?

You sign the register. Jim.
I want to get something from the car.

Got a pen?

There's something
I ought to tell you first.

We ain't had no guests in this hotel
since Uncle George got drowned.

That's on account of his ghost
is haunting this place.

Mobile radio operator. Come in. please.

This is Perry White.

Call number MX .

Get me Clark Kent or Lois Lane
at the Metropolis Daily Planet.

Metropolis - .

One moment, please.

You say you saw your uncle's ghost?

Seen it a couple of times.

It ain't pretty.


I think I better wait for Mr. White
before I register.

Kent speaking.

Chief. I was leaving the office when--

Kent. listen to me. Jim and I are at
the Bayou Hotel in South Lordsville.

- There's something screwy going on.
- What is it? Do you need some help?

No. no. Now. listen.
I want you to check the morgue files.

See what you can dig up
on a man named George Taylor.

They say he drowned several years ago.
but I seem to recall he disappeared.

- See what you can find out about him.
- George Taylor. you

Yes. Now. there's no phone in the hotel
here. I’m calling you from my car.

It's : now. Call me back in an hour.

-It’ll be waiting.
- What's your call number?

MX .

MX . Right.

Sorry I took so long. All set?

- Let's go to the Shelby Arms.
- We're staying here.

- But. chief. it's--
- You heard me.

Why do you want to stay
in this crummy dump. chief?

- That's the trouble with you.
- What?

You haven't got a nose for news.

You don't smell stories.

You mean. you think there's a story
in this old fleabag?

Macy Taylor lied to us.

You heard him say that stream
was fished out...

...and we both saw bass jumping
when we crossed that little bridge.

That nonsense about a ghost he told you.
that was to scare you.

- Scare you away.
- Why?

I don't know. but I’m going to find out.

I seem to remember that uncle
of his. well. was a bit eccentric.

Didn't trust banks. Used to keep
all his money hidden somewhere.

What is it, Jim? What's the matter?



A face. Like a ghost.

- The face in the picture downstairs.
- What?

His uncle.

What? There's nothing out there.

I tell you. I saw a face.

You're tired. That lunatic's upset you.
Go to bed.

Is it all right if I leave
the connecting doors open?


What are you doing out here?

Golly. you scared me.

- Why are you prowling around?
- I heard a woman laughing.

- You're crazy.
- No. I tell you. I did.

- I heard her.
- Stop this nonsense...

...and get back to bed.
I’m waking you up at .

- Now go on.
- Okay.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Chief! Chief!

- Get away from me!
- Jim. Jim. what's the matter?

- Mr. White.
- What is it? What happened?

- Did you see it?
- See what?

- It went into your room.
- What?

- The ghost.
- Now. son. you know there are no ghosts.

They don't exist.

Yeah. sure.

- I never thought there were--
- There aren't.

- Now. you've been dreaming.
- I wasn't.

Honest. I wasn't.

I saw him. He was right there.

He went through the connecting doors
into your room.

- There's nobody out there.
- That's where he went.

He didn't come into my room.
and these walls are solid.

- Great Caesar's ghost.
- Golly.

Here. hold this.

Stand back.

Gee whiz.

Give me that lamp.

- What is it?
- Look.


- Chief. You can't go down there.
- Who can't?

I'm going to find out
what's going on here.


- There's nobody down here.
- Not now.

But this is where your ghost vanished.
There must be another exit from this cellar.

Let's go back upstairs. chief.

What is it?

- Let's get out of here.
- Wait a minute.

It’ll wager this skeleton--

- What's she screaming for?
- I don't know.

We better see. Take care of them later.

- What are you screaming about?
- I heard you down there.

My ears is still good.

You're fixing to k*ll that man and the boy.

- What's it your business, you fool?
- I don't want no more on my conscience.

- I got enough now with what he did.
- Leave her. She can't get out of that chair.

Those two saw the skeleton.
We got to get rid of them.

Murderers! That's what you are!

- Murderers!
- Shut up. you old witch.

Get rid of their car. Send it over
the cliff back of the old quarry.

What you gonna do?

Get a g*n and take care of them.


That's what you are.

You're murderers.




Mr. White. Mr. White!

Someone's screaming upstairs.

We gotta get out of here. We just gotta.

- What happened?
- They tried to k*ll us.

Come on. please. chief.

Where did I put those cartridges?

Operator. he's got to answer.
He's waiting for this call.

I'm sorry. sir. but I don't seem to be able
to raise MX .

Well. keep trying. please.

I'm sorry, sir, but MX
still doesn't answer.

All right.

Thank you.

Hurry up. chief.
Those crazy guys might come back.

- What's the matter?
- I forgot my hat.

Get back in your room.

Get back. I said.

Shut that door.

- Macy's fixing to k*ll you.
- What goes on here? Who are you?

Macy and the colonel are after the money.

They won't never find it, though.

I'm the only one knows where it is.

What money is this?

The money Macy's Uncle George hid.

There's enough to make us all rich.

You help me. you can keep half.

- She's crazy. chief. Let's get out of here.
- Wait. wait.

What happened to Macy's uncle?

Macy k*lled him. trying to make him tell
where he hid the money.

He chained him to the wall down
in the cellar and let him die.

- That's his skeleton you saw.
- I thought so.

Macy scared all the guests away
after his uncle died.

Made out like old George Taylor's ghost
was haunting the hotel.

But it was only him. fixed up.

But he couldn't never scare me
and the colonel...

...on account of we know what he done.

That's why he was trying
to k*ll me and the colonel...

...and the colonel was trying to k*ll him.

It's only when someone comes.
like you folks...

...they make out like they
don't hate one another.

- Please. chief. let's go.
- Wait. Where is this money?

You're... You won't steal it...

-...and leave me here?
- Of course not.

I trust you.

Come on.

The money's down there.

We were there.
and we didn't see any money.

It's under the big rock.
You can move it with the crowbar.

The crowbar's under the ramp. Go ahead.

Why didn't you get the money before?

L'd never get up once I got down there.
Not in this wheelchair.

Come on.

We're partners now. Remember.
You promised.

Is this the Bayou Hotel?


- You looking for a man and a boy?
- I certainly am.

They're not here.

- They're at the cottage.
- Where's the cottage?

It’ll show you.

She's crazy. chief.
You're just wasting your...

Hundred-dollar bills.

- Did you find the money?
- Yes.

No. No. Don't!

- Wait a minute. I heard a scream.
- I didn't hear nothing.

Just how far is this cottage?

You might as well know now.
There is no cottage.

The man and the boy is dead.

- You're lying.
- And you're gonna be dead too.

Where are they? Tell me.

At the hotel. But they're dead.

Where are they?

Tell me where they are.
or I'll break every bone in your body.

- Behind the rock.
- Where?

Thank heavens.

Nobody got the money.


Well. that does it.

Come on. The sheriff is giving us
a ride to the railroad station.

How about letting me fly you
back to Metropolis?

- Golly. could you?
- Oh. no. Not me.

Or you. either. Jim. We've had
enough excitement for one night.

Could I take a rain check on
that flight sometime. Superman?

Sure thing. Jim.

- Anytime at all.
- Golly.