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01x17 - The Runaway Robot

Posted: 08/13/22 07:08
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Now. don't go away.

Hey. just like taking
candy from a ba--


Hey. what the--?

Put up your hands,
you're under arrest.

Let him have it.

Drop your pistols .

Drop them, I say.

It ain't human.

Beat it.

Stop, thief.

Stop, thief.

Here come the police.
Thank heavens.

Now everything's
going to be all right.

You can't do this to me.

I'm Horatio Hinkle of Squeen Run. Ohio.

And furthermore. I am a graduate...

...of the International Correspondence
Institute for Detectives and Crime Deduction.

And I might add
that I graduated cum laude.

And I am the duly accredited
rural correspondent...

-...for the Metropolis Daily Planet. and--
- Yeah. yeah. I know.

And you're also the owner
of the tin dummy...

...that wrecked the jewelry store and
got away with grand worth of diamonds.

Don't go making false accusations.

It’ll have you know there are
slander laws in this state. and--

Sure. sure.

There he is.

Mr. Kent. Mr. Kent. is that you?

Yes. Horatio.
You can release him in my custody.

Mr. Kent. I'll be happy to release him
to anybody's custody.

By Gulliver, I knew I could depend
on my colleagues of the fourth estate.

Take him. He's all yours.

- Miss Lane.
- Hello, Horatio.

Jimmy. it was nice of you to come.

Now. let's get Hero
and get out of here.

- Hero?
- My electronic robot.

Oh. yes. Well, now. Horatio.
about that robot.


Well. there's something
far more important.

Oh. stop beating
around the bush. Clark.

The police are holding you responsible...

...for the theft of $ , worth
of diamonds from that jewelry store.

Me? Why. I prevented the robbery.

Well. that is to say. Hero did.

He routed the thieves and they fled...

...leaving their booty behind them.

All except the diamonds.

If we don't recover them. Horatio.
you're in serious trouble.

By Gulliver, I'll recover them.
Where's Hero?

Just get me Hero and--
What's the matter?

Horatio. that's another thing.

Your robot was stolen
from the police garage.

Good heavens.
Good merciful heavens.

Mr. Kent. do you realize that
in the hands of unprincipled persons...

...that robot could be dangerous?

I certainly do. Horatio.
and that's what worries me.

Go to my apartment.
Wait till you hear from me.

- But what about Hero?
-l'll be looking for the robot.

And so will I.

Horatio. you'll have
to do as Mr. Kent says.

See. you've been released
in his custody.

Very good. I'll do it.

But it goes against the grain
to stand idly by.

Definitely against the grain.

Jim. why don't you go with Horatio
and keep him from getting lonesome.

- Stay with him?
- Okay. Mr. Kent. I'll take--

I mean. I'll keep him company.

All right. come on. Lois.

We haven't got too much time.

You said that thing could do
anything a man could.

It did this morning.
Honest it did.

It walked and it talked. It even made
a grab for Rocco and me. didn't it?

That's right. It can see
out of them glass eyes.

I send you to rob a jewelry store.
and what do you come back with?

Gold watches? No.

Platinum bracelets? No.
Diamond rings? No.

A walking sardine can.

Turn that thing off.
lt's giving me the creeps.

This thing has got wonderful
possibilities. Chopper.

- If only we knew what made it tick.
- The only guy who knows is in the cooler.

- Maybe we could bail him out.
- Very bright. knothead.

And maybe sometime we could
bail ourselves in.



They did. huh?

Nice going. Chuck.

What did you say that name was?

Spell it.

H-O-R-A-T-I-O ...


Standish Arms Apartments.
West .

Nice going.
I owe you a couple of bills. kid.

A reporter name of Clark Kent
bailed this monkey out.

Chuck tailed them
to the Standish Arms.

- Well. what are we waiting for?
- Who's waiting?

The eyes are exactly like the lenses
of a television camera.

Whatever the robot sees is transmitted
to the view plate on the control panel.



Yes. this is Horatio Hinkle speaking.

If you wanna get your robot back
and you're willing to pay bucks...'ll be on the southwest corner
of th and Main in minutes.

Don't tell no one where you're going. and
don't bring no one with you. Understand?

Try funny business. and we'll work
this robot over with a sledgehammer.

Good news?

Well. that is yes and no.

That is to say. it just occurs
to me an ice cream soda...

...would come in very handy
at the moment.

I wonder. Jim. would you mind
running down to the drugstore...

...and bringing up a couple?

I can order them. Horatio.
They'll send them up.

That is, oh, yes, of course.

Of course they'll send them up.

Come to think of it.
I’m not very thirsty.

Oh. that reminds me.

I forgot to show you the new. improved
model of my Little Giant smoke b*mb.

It's quite harmless...

...but I've added a new ingredient...

...which causes a momentary mental
blackout as well as a visual blackout.

I don't care what Kent said.

I'm running a paper.
not a home for mental defectives.

- Chief. Horatio may be a little eccentric--
- A little?

But in some respects.
he's a very brilliant man.

Yeah. brilliant enough to get away
with $ , worth of diamonds.

That's ridiculous. inspector.
and you know it.

Is it? Then who's got the diamonds?

- The crooks.
- What crooks?

When the prowl car got to the store.
your friend was there alone with the robot.

He said he prevented the crooks
from stealing a thing.

Now. look. The important job
is to recover that robot.

Horatio is waiting patiently
in my apartment.

- Sorry. chief. but--
- What?

Well. l...

- Horatio got away.
- He what?

First. he got a phone call
from somebody.

He tried to trick me into
going to the drugstore.

When I wouldn't fall for that. he dropped
one of those smoke bombs of his...

...and it knocked me out.
When I came to. he was gone.

So he's waiting patiently
in your apartment. Mr. Kent?

- Have you any idea where he went. Jim?
- No. sir.

We're the only ones who knew
he was in your apartment.

- Apparently. we only thought we were.
- Looks like it.

Jim. you shouldn't have left the apartment.
He might've come back or even telephoned.

Gleeps. I never thought of that.

Where do you think you're going?

You did enough damage
letting that crazy character get away.

Great Caesar's ghost!

Horatio Hinkle accused
of being a jewel thief.

A dangerous robot loose in Metropolis.

What are you all
standing around here for?

Go find Hinkle. Find that robot.


Oh. Henderson. Has that jeweler who was
robbed been through the mug files yet?

No. they're waiting for me.
He's down at headquarters now.

- You mind if I come along?
- What for?

I wanna find out if he can identify
the two men that held him up.

- Okay. Can't see what harm it will do.
- Well. thank you.

- Lois. do you want to come along?
- No. thanks.

- I have other plans.
- Such as?

Such as going back to your apartment
and waiting for a call from Horatio.

All right. but you be careful.

I'm a big girl now. Clark. Don't worry.

Let him loose.

So you don't want the hundred dollars
you mentioned over the phone.

- This was just a ruse to get me here.
- You catch on quick, pop.

No. we ain't interested in no hundred bucks.
but we are interested in a couple of million.

Don't be ridiculous. I’m not a wealthy man.
I haven't got that kind of money.

Maybe not.
but the Metropolis Trust Company has.

- Undoubtedly. What's that to do with me?
- Everything.

See. when we were fooling with your robot.
a little fire came out of his nose.

Oh. that's just an acetylene torch
for soldering wires.

Swell. And if you add a little t*nk of oxygen.
you got an oxyacetylene torch. right?

And for what purpose?

To burn a nice round hole in the
Metropolis Trust Company vault tonight.

On account of because they got
a cool million in cash there...

...and you're gonna help us
get some of it.

I definitely am not.

You want to bet?

All right. boys. throw him
in the storeroom.

Put junior in there with him
to keep him company.

Now. look here. you'll regret this.

I have newspaper--

Now. me and Mousie's going downtown
to get a couple of tanks of oxygen.

And in case you get any fancy ideas
about trying to bust out of here...

...Rocco's gonna be standing right outside
with orders to drill you, you understand?

I think you've made yourself
exceedingly clear.

Come on.

Calling XP Y . Calling XP Y .

Calling XP Y . Calling XP Y .

Calling XP --

Hello. boss.

I mean. XP Y .

You're clear to Squeen Run.

Now. listen. Marvin. Write this down.

Call Clark Kent in Metropolis.
His number is West .

Tell him I’m on the top floor
of an old building...

...on the corner of Front Street
and Third Avenue. Tell him--

Who are you talking to?


Yeah. And I suppose he understands
everything you say. huh?

You'd be surprised.

Yeah. maybe I would be at that.

You know. I think I’m gonna take
your boyfriend out of here.

Then I know you won't
pull no tricks.

Come in. boss.

I can't hear you.

Why. I don't get any signal.
Come in. boss.

I wonder what he wanted me
to tell Mr. Kent.


Hello. long distance?

This is Squeen Run . and I wanted
to make a call over to Metropolis.

Hello? Yes. this is Mr. Kent's apartment.

No. he isn't in right now.
but may I take a message?

Horatio Hinkle? Yes.

Yes. He's where?

On the top floor of a building on the corner
of Front Street and Third Avenue?

Who is this? Oh. hello. Marvin.
This is Lois Lane.

But. listen. Marvin.
Is that all he said?

Well. did he sound worried
or as if he were in trouble?

No. he sounded fine to me. Miss Lane.

No. no. he didn't sound worried to me.

Sounded just as happy
as a pig in a watermelon patch.

Okay . goodbye.

“Clark. have gone out...

...on a hot lead.

See you later. Lois.“

I won't play a party
to this terrible thing. I tell you.

I'm no thief.

Nor will I permit my robot
to be used as a thief.

You'll either rig that thing
so it'll open a vault...

...or Rocco starts swinging on it
with that hammer.

I have nothing more to say.

Maybe it'd help if I worked him
over a little bit.

- Starting at the toes. maybe.
- That's not a bad idea.

Hey. boss.

There's somebody at the door.

Okay. sister. what do you want?

- Horatio.
- Oh. so you know this little guy. huh?

- Well. that is. l...
- Okay. Rocco.

- Miss Lane. why did you--?
- Shut up. you.

Okay. talk fast and talk straight.
How did you know he was up here?

Well. I-- I followed him.

Oh. you did. huh?
And when was that?

Well. when he--
When he came up here.

Double talk. huh? Well. okay. sister.
I’m glad to see you.

- You're just what the doctor ordered.
- What do you mean?

From now on you're gonna be reasonable
and do exactly what you're told.

Or would you like to see Rocco here
work over your pretty girlfriend's face?

- You wouldn't dare.
- You wanna bet?

No. wait. I'll do what you ask.

I thought you would.
Now. get to work.

What is it they're trying
to get you to do?

- They want me to--
- Why. you despicable--

- Shut up.
- I will not shut up.

Please. Miss Lane.
Just do as they say. Please.

- But. Horatio...
- Believe me. it's for the best.

Now. get to work.

And you. sit down there and shut up.

Mr. Kent.

Mr. Kent.

What is it, Jimmy?

Golly. I've been pounding
on your door for...

- You must sleep like a log.
- Did anyone phone?

No. I phoned Inspector Henderson.
and I phoned the Planet office...

...but there's no word about Miss Lane.
What do you suppose happened to her?

I don't know.

And Horatio. Golly. I wish we could
get in touch with Superman.

Superman isn't psychic. Jim.
He wouldn't know where to locate them.

- Well. what are we gonna do?
- There's nothing we can do. Just wait.

That's it. That's it.
That's the safe right in front of him.

Now. turn out the torch
and burn out the knob.

Look it. it's cutting like
a hot knife through butter.

Yeah. and if the law happens to come in.
they got nobody but the robot...

...and he can do years standing
on his head in a broom closet.

Who invited you. sister?

Okay. pop. now make him
open the door.

- Hey. Chopper. The dame's watching.
- So what?

Go ahead. Make him open the door.

Will you take a look at that dough?

Okay. Now. make him start
putting it in the bag.

Very well. but I promise you
you won't get away with this.

You wanna bet?

Now. get him back here fast.

Now. bring him up the alley. quick.

- Boys. I need a drink.
- Yeah. me too.

- Can't you do something?
- I’m going to. Just watch.

Hey. boss. Look at what he's doing.

Hey! Hey. what's the idea
letting him pull that firebox?

- I couldn't help it. He bumped into it.
- Don't let him bump into any more.

Oh. a wise guy. huh?
Should I let him have it, boss?

Hold it. He's gotta get
that thing back here.

Jeepers. must be a big fire.

Every piece of equipment in town
is heading over to the west side.

We'll soon find out.

Hello. fire department?
Clark Kent of the Daily Planet.

What goes on?


Are you sure?


Those are false alarms being turned in.
They're being turned in by a robot.

You better get over there as fast
as you can. Jimmy. Go on. I'll see you later.

Let him have it. Rocco.

Wait a minute, Roc.
I watched him work that thing.

Make the robot do the job
on him and the dame.

Not a bad idea.
There won't be no clues.

Okay. go ahead.

Turn him loose on the girl.

- He ain't finished the old guy yet.
- Get back to him after you shut her up.

- Superman.
- Well. do something.

He'll be all right.
I'll come back for him in a moment.

Come on. Miss Lane.


What happened? How did I get here?

Lois. Now listen to me. young lady.
just where have you been?

Well. I haven't been
sleeping my life away.

- Hello. Jimmy.
- Hi.

So there you are.

Now. Hinkle. what did you do
with those diamonds?

I know nothing about any diamonds.
Inspector Henderson.

There you are. inspector.

- How did you know they were in there?
- Just lucky. I guess.

Maybe he's got some more of them
stashed in him somewhere.

All right. anybody who thinks that's funny
is going to the station with me right now.