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01x16 - Double Trouble

Posted: 08/13/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Good evening. my friends.

This is a sad occasion
for one of you and for me.

My third death figure
has been completed.

It now becomes my unhappy duty... reveal to you the person...

...who, within the next six months, will die.


Paper. Daily Planet.
Read all about it. Paper. mister?

I got the Daily Planet.
Read all about it.

I knew John Hurley well.

He was happy. healthy. successful.
He had no reason to k*ll himself.

Neither did Herbert Fairweather
or John Martin.

- Who?
- The two others who committed su1c1de.

Clark thinks Madame Selena
had something to do with it.

- Yeah. she predicted all their deaths.
- Kent. I’m surprised at you.

Do you actually believe that fortune-teller
has supernatural powers?

- No. chief. of course not. but--
-lt's an old charlatan's trick.

They make thousands of predictions.
and if one happens to come true...

-...superstitious idiots are taken in.
- That's right.

But Selena made only three predictions.

She might've made . We only heard
about the ones that came true.

No. chief. I've investigated this--

So have the police. and they
gave her a clean bill of health.

- L'd still like to talk to her.
- Go ahead. Talk is cheap.

-It’ll go.
- I thought you didn't see anything in this.

But you do.
so I'll just go along for the ride.

We'd like to see
Madame Selena, please.

I'm Clark Kent. and this is Miss Lane.
We're both from the Daily Planet.

If you will wait here. I'll find out
whether Madame can see you now.

Thank you.

Well. let's look around.

L am Herbert Fairweather.

I died by my own hand
in January of ...

...four months after Madame Selena
predicted my death.

I am John Martin.

I departed this life
by drowning in April ...

---exactly six months to the day.

---following Madame Selena 's
death prediction.

Clark. this is weird.

The Madame puts on
quite a show. doesn't she?

I am Dr. John Hurley.

That's enough.

I know they're just recorded voices.
but it's a little too gruesome for my taste.

Madame Selena will see you now.

Miss Lane and Mr. Kent. my dear.

- How do you do?
- Please sit down.

Thank you.

- Tea?
- No. I don't care for any. thanks.

At first. I was not going to see you.

Your newspaper called me
a fortune-teller.

Well. aren't you?

lam not.

Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Forgive me.

You come to visit me. and I am rude.
How may I serve you?

We'd like to learn more about
your power to predict death.

A vision comes to me.

I hear a voice.

It says.
“Create a wax portrait of this one.

Within six months. he will die.“

About those three that did die--

Within six months. as I predicted.

Yes. They were all quite famous.

One was an ex-mayor of Metropolis.
one was a radio commentator... of them was a psychiatrist.
Did you know them all quite well?

On the contrary.
I never saw them before.

And about this voice...

It comes to me as from another world.

Not from a phonograph record
like the voices in your Hall of Death?

Any further questions?

Just one more. if you don't mind.
Have you received any death visions lately?

Do you expect to?

How can I tell?

Well. if you can't. who can?

Should I receive a command
to make another death figure...

...l will invite you
to the unveiling. Mr. Kent.

Thank you.

And you. Miss Lane.

Thank you so much.

- So nice of you to visit me.
- Nice of you to see us.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

You never give up. do you?

Listen to this. The three people
who apparently committed su1c1de...

...were almost the same height.
around -feet- .

And they all weighed
close to pounds.

- What does that prove?
- I’m not sure yet. but I have an idea.

Here you are. kids.

Read them and weep. I got one too.

So Madame Selena had another vision.

- You know what this means. don't you?
- No. what?

It could be one of us.

Madame Selena's making her entrance.

I guess the show's about to start.

I have asked you here...

...representatives of the press
and industry...

...the arts and sciences... witness an occult demonstration.

Recently. I received a vision...

...and a voice from the beyond
commanded me... create a death figure.

I obeyed the command.

It now becomes my unhappy duty... reveal the figure of the one...

...who will meet death...

...within the next six months.

Clark. what's the matter with you?


Chief. it's you.

What kind of nonsense is this?

- Don't worry. chief.
- Who's worried?

It's ridiculous. Utter nonsense.

And I'll tell that woman so.

- I'm sorry. my friend.
- And you're gonna be a lot sorrier.

I don't like practical jokes.

Unfortunately for you. it's not a joke.

It's a farce. and. Madame.
you are a fraud.

- Chief. wait a minute.
- You keep out of this.

Before my paper gets through with you.
Madame. you're gonna be run out of town.

Come on. Kent. Lois.

Let's get out of here.

Me have a bodyguard?
Are you crazy?

Why don't you play it safe.

Look. I don't for a moment
believe in her clairvoyant powers...

...but you must admit
her predictions did come true.

- Maybe Clark's right, chief.
- For the last time...

...l am not going to jump
into Metropolis Harbor.

I am not going to have a bodyguard.
and that's final!

- Hello?
- Kent. this is Inspector Henderson.

Pick up Miss Lane and get down
to headquarters right away.

Something's happened.

Oh. Clark.

White's. aren't they?


Inspector. I just can't believe it.

Well. the clerk at the newspaper club
said he saw him leave just after a.m.

- Said he looked kind of wild or drunk.
- Drunk?

Perry White was never drunk
a day in his life.

People saw him
staggering down the street.

They identified him from photographs.

And the patrolman on the waterfront
saw him jump off the pier.

It isn't true. Clark. it just can't be true.
The chief wouldn't commit su1c1de.

Of course he wouldn't.
Come on. I'll drive you home.

It’ll see you later.

L've been trying to write
the chiefs obituary--

I know. I've been thinking.

All the people Madame Selena predicted
would die jumped off the same pier.

None of their bodies were ever recovered.

- The tide carried them out to sea.
- Maybe. but you can't convince me...

...that Selena and her husband
don't know more than they're telling.

Do you really think so. Clark?

It’ll get it. lt's probably for me.

Clark Kent speaking. Oh. yes. inspector.

Did you get--? Oh. you have?

Good. All right.
I'll meet you at the pier.

Inspector Henderson.

He's got some more information.
You wait here. I'll be right back.

Six o'clock. Closing time.

Everyone will have to leave. please.


- Andrew?
- Yes. dear?

Help me out.

- Everybody gone?
- Yes. dear.

The private museum is doing very well.
We've room for three more.

- Selena. I wish--
- I know what you wish. Andrew.

Now. close it up and make me
some coffee.

- Lois.
- Chief.

Thank heaven you've come.
Get me out of here.

Well. how do you--?
Well. it's locked.

- Chief. how did you get here?
- That madwoman has the key.

Get Kent. Call the police.

Someone's down there. I say.

I don't see anyone.

I turned the light off. I know I did.

Look around quickly.

- There's no one down here.
- There is.

You can see for yourself. my dear.
there's no place for anyone to hide.

I know there's someone here.

Get the chloroform!

Let me go!

Pour it on there.

Now. look here. inspector.

See there? Come here.
See along the top of the pilings?

- Yep.
- A man could easily pull himself...

...up out of the water and hide there.

What are you getting at?

Andrew Dawn...

...he's about the same build and height
as Perry White and those three others.

- Andrew Dawn? Who's he?
- Madame Selena's husband.

It's fantastic, but it just could be.

What could be?

Madame Selena's husband
impersonating them.

- If she made wax masks--
- What are you talking about?

- The wax museum. we better check it.
- We already have. top to bottom.

- Let's go again.
-lt's a waste of time.

- You're way off the beam.
- I don't think so.

And I'll tell you why as we go.
Come on.

Oh. all right.

Thought you had me trapped, huh?

Thought you were smarter than I.

Well. look at you now.

You're a member
of my private wax museum...

...and you'll stay there till you die.

Stop it.

Aren't they beautiful?

Stop it. I said.

My private museum.

Living wax figures.

Selena. pull yourself together.

You're a mouse. a scared little mouse.

Look at me.

I've got everything
because I've got courage.

Money. power.

Everyone fears me.

And do you know why?

Because they're afraid
I'll make a death figure of them.



There's someone at the door.

The police! Open up!

We're looking for some people.


There are no people here.
only my wife and myself.

Why don't you have a look
at their private apartment.

Might as well.

This is ridiculous.

But I'll be happy
to show you our living quarters.

My wife is in there now.
Come this way. please.

Go ahead. I'll be right along.


What happened?

This is my private museum.
This is where I keep my masterpieces.

Who are you?
What are you doing here?

- It's Superman.
- How dare you?!

This is private property!

Stop it. you'll mar my figures!

Andrew. stop him!

I predicted you'd all die. and you will!

- Is she all right?
- Yeah. she's just drugged.

Extra. extra! Paper! Extra!

Superman saves five in wax museum.
Paper. mister?

All's well that ends well.

L've got a bump where Dawn knocked
me out before he took me to the museum.

Dawn and his wife will get
years for abduction.

- They must be out of their minds.
- Dawn isn't out of his mind.

I still can't believe it.
Abducting four people...

...and making it look as though
they committed su1c1de...

...when all the time. that awful woman
had them locked in her private waxworks.

Now. Kent had the answer.
That crazy Selena made masks...

...of people she predicted would die.
and her husband impersonated them.

- Made it look like they committed su1c1de.
- But why?

She did a land-office business.


- Kent.
- Looks like a party.

What in blazes happened to you
at the museum?

- Who. me?
- Yeah. you just disappeared.

You know Clark. inspector.
he's always disappearing.

It’ll bet you were hiding
behind one of those wax figures.

Behind Superman. chief.