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01x14 - Mystery in Wax

Posted: 08/13/22 07:06
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
in a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers and
abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel with his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Senorita. excuse...

You're going to the auction. no?

- Why. yes.
- You look like one to be trusted.

I don't understand.

I have journeyed all the way from Peru
to attend this auction.


There's a certain piece of tapestry
that I must have.

But it would be unwise for me
to be seen bidding.

You will recognize it
by its framework of stars.

Here is $ .

- Bid as much of it as you may need.
- Well. but--


I will be waiting here.

Don't move. Laverra.

Walk straight ahead
and turn in to the alley.

You are looking for
Professor Laverra. senorita?

- Well. I don't know his name. but--
- He is an amigo.

My “friend." as you would say.

Oh. you have the tapestry. I will take it.

I'm sorry. You're not the gentleman
who gave me the money.

But I am his friend. I have told you.

Where did he go?
He said he'd wait out here.

- He could not wait. I will take it.
- I’m sorry. I can't give it to you.

But you say you're his friend?

Then tell him he can reach me
at the Daily Planet. My name is Lois Lane.

As you wish. senorita.

But if you will give me the tapestry now.
It might save you much trouble.

No trouble. really.

And imagine, he gave me $
to buy that and then disappeared.

I wouldn't give you cents for it.

- Look. it's even got a hole in it.
- That's a cut-out star.

- It's still a hole.
- Strange you haven't heard from him.

I don't like the smell of it. I have a feeling
there's something rotten in Denmark.

You mean there's
something rotten in Peru.

You get it? Peru.

Very funny.

If he comes in. I'll be in my office.

- Well. so long. Mr. Kent.
- So long. kid.

Hello. Clark Kent speaking.

Oh. yes. chief.

Yes. sir. Right away.


Lois, I'm at the morgue.
Can you get here right away?

The morgue? What for. Clark?

Professor Laverra was found in an alley
behind that auction place. m*rder*d.

Bring the tapestry with you too.
It might give the police a lead.

It’ll be right over.

I have come for the tapestry.
and I am pressed for time.

My plane for Lima leaves very shortly.


My head.

What happened. Miss Lane?

Well. I was just leaving
the office. and--

Take it easy.

- Well. he came in with a g*n.
- Who?

The man who wanted me to give him
the tapestry. Not Laverra. the other one.

- But you don't know about that.
- Kent briefed me. But what happened?

He clamped his hand over my mouth. Then
I guess he hit me on the head with a g*n.

Did Clark learn anything at the morgue?

Only that Laverra was a professor
at the University of Lima. Peru.

There's a story behind this tapestry.
and I'll get it.

- Why not let Kent handle this.
- Oh. no.

Now that Professor Laverra's dead.
It's my tapestry and my story.

- Please. chief.
- Nothing doing.

But if you'll just let me go to Peru.
I could crack this thing wide open.

Now. see here. young lady. I said no.

- And I happen to be boss around here.
- Why. of course you are. chief.

That's just why I told Pan Am
you'd okay my reservation.

What? You've already made
your reservation?

Well. I guess it's worth sending you to Peru
just to get you out of my hair.

- Take Olsen with you for protection.
- But I don't need any.

- You heard me.
- Well. okay.

- Are you packed?
- Not yet.

Well. what are you standing around
here for? Wanna miss the plane?

Well. we're finally settled.

But it took that room clerk long enough
to understand your brand of Spanish.

It's a crummy hotel.
so they speak crummy Spanish.

Maybe that taxi driver will be
more on the beam.

Pardon me. Mr. Senior.

- That's more like it. See. he understands.
- You're doing fine.

- I asked him if he spoke Spanish.
- You're marvelous. Jim.

Could you comunicado me and
the senorita to el capitén of Ia police?

Enter. senorita.

I find your story most interesting. senorita.

But this man who k*lled Professor Laverra.
he will be extremely hard to locate.

Like you say. a needle in a haystack.

If he's here in Lima.
he arrived within the last hours.

So maybe if you check the list
of plane passengers...

An excellent idea. senorita.
but that will take quite some time.

So suppose you come back later.

Meanwhile. I suggest that you contact
Dr. Cuesta. head of the university.

- I will phone him to expect you.
- Thank you so much. captain.

Senorita Lane?

Dr. Cuesta told me to be looking for you
and to show you in.

I am Don Anselmo.
I was Professor Laverra's assistant.

How do you do?

Welcome to Lima. Senorita Lane.

Thank you. Dr. Cuesta.

And this is Mr. Olsen.

A pleasure indeed. senior.

I was deeply shocked when I heard
about Professor Laverra.

Your fellow countryman has told me
all about it.

Clark. What are you doing here?

The chief decided it might take both of us
to crack this story.

- He did. did he?
- But how did you get here so fast?

Jim. when I’m in a hurry
to get someplace. I really fly.

Senorita. Professor Laverra's death
will be mourned by all Peru.

He was a man with a big heart.

That is why he was so anxious
to acquire that Inca tapestry.

- But I don't understand.
- The tapestry could have furnished a key... some buried Inca treasures
worth many million pesos.

Laverra's idea was to find this wealth...

...then turn it over to the government
for the poor and needy.

And I was to help him.

We spent many happy evenings
planning the project.

You will now see what I meant when I said
the tapestry could lead us to the treasure.

This piece of Inca handiwork... a replica of ancient Lima
and the country surrounding it.

It looks like a companion
to the one I bought.

You are right, senorita.

- It has the same framework of stars.
- But there's no hole.

Senior. the hole was the answer
we were looking for.

Placed over this tapestry...

...that small cut-out star would have
shown us the exact location...

...of the hidden Inca treasure.

Now you know the secret of the tapestry.

But I have not been
of much practical help.

Oh. but you have.

A lot of things are much clearer
than they were. Thank you. doctor.

Well. I wish things were
a little clearer to me.

- But we all can't be so bright. can we. Jim?
- Me. I’m on a merry-go-round.

I hope we can find some clues.
or we've come a long way for nothing.

Yes. Senior Anselmo?

My car and I are at your disposal
as long as you are in Lima.

Well. thank you so much.

Jim and I can make real use of it.

Be seeing you around. Clark.

And don't take any wooden pesos.

These photographs
are from our confidential files.

They are the only four airplane passengers
with whom our department is at all familiar.

That's the man.
I get the creeps just looking at him.

- He's sure got a mean puss.
- This is your lucky day. senorita.

Pedro Mendoza is a dangerous fox. senorita.

He has always managed to escape the law.
and he will stop at nothing.

However. I'll convey this information
to our chief of detectives...

...and we will comb every inch
of Peru for him.

You will excuse me. si?

Think we ought to tell Mr. Kent?

When things are already so clear to him?

Why. a little clue like this
would mean nothing to our Mr. Kent.

Senorita. tomorrow...

...perhaps while the police are looking
for Mendoza... might enjoy a little drive
up into the country. no?

Oh. golly. that would be keen.

Well. I'd love to. really...

...but. well. suppose I let you know
in the morning.


This is Anselmo.

It is a delightful day. and I am pleased
you have decided to spend it with me.

We might as well. The police haven't found
any traces of that Mendoza guy.

Well. look who's here.

Morning. Lois.

- Hi. Jim.
- Hi. Mr. Kent.

- How's it coming. Clark?
- Well. slow but sure.

I spent yesterday afternoon in the library
reading up on the Incas.

Tell me about it sometime.

- L've been thinking about that cut-out star.
- Who hasn't?

That little old hole could tell us a lot.

The way I remember that tapestry. the star
was in the upper corner somewhere.

That would be northeast of here.

I looked at a map. and my guess is
the treasure's somewhere near...

...a little town called Madera.
lt's in the foothills.

And all we have to do is dig through
each little hill. one by one.

Madera is beautiful country.
Perhaps you would like to see it.

Anywhere you say. senior.

And thanks for the geography lesson. Clark.
It was very interesting.

The water's on the door. senior.

You're liking the ride. senorita?

All I know is I’m hot.

- You do not enjoy the beautiful scenery?
- Scenery?

All I've seen for hours
is barren country and dust.

- Have a drink. Miss Lane.
- No. thanks. Jimmy.

You will like Madera better.
Soon. we will be there.

Get out.

Is this is Madera?

No. it is not Madera. but it is the last stop
for you and your young friend.

What kind of a joke is this?

It is no joke. senorita.

You are too inquisitive.
You know too much.

And in this desolate country.
people become silent forever.

- Get out.
- I won't budge from this car.

- Out!
- Leave her alone!

- The dirty rat. Did he hurt you, Miss Lane?
- No. I’m all right. How about you?

I think I'll live.

- Well. what do we do now?
- Golly. I don't know. I guess we walk home.

I hate to let him get away with it.
Obviously. he's working with Mendoza.

Sure. but what are we gonna do?
We'll die out here without food and water.

- Jim.
- Yes. Miss Lane?

Are you game to follow him with me?

I promised the chief I'd never let you
out of my sight.

We'll just follow the road and keep our eye
on the tire tracks. Come on.

Look. Miss Lane.

Here's where he must have
turned off the road.

If I ever get back to Metropolis.
the Daily Planet owes me new shoes.

It’ll settle just to get back.

Look. Jim. his car.

He must have gone in here.

Golly. it's darker in there
than in the tunnel of love.

- Well. we can't stop now.
- Who's stopping?

- What's that?
- I don't know. It sounds like digging to me.

Your hearing is excellent. senior.


So you could not bear to be
without my company. eh?

Because you Americanos have shown
such an interest in our Inca relics...

...we have unearthed a few.

These ancient chains. for example.

It was a barbarous custom indeed
to chain people for death.

You take your hands off!

Only that wall now separates us
from the Inca treasure.

Soon. it will be ours.
Partly thanks to you. senorita...

...for it was from you I got the tapestry.

There is no use to dig further. Mendoza.

The wall is too hard.

- We had better use the dynamite.
- Sl'. by all means.


We will be back as soon as the dynamite
has done its work.

I regret to have to leave you
in such danger.

- I shouldn't have gotten you into this mess.
-lt's not your fault, Miss Lane.

Anyway. I followed the chief's orders
and stuck with you right to the end.

What's that?

I don't know. It sounds like...

The expl*si*n trapped those two.
I'll get them later.

You two got yourselves in a fine mess.

If Clark hadn't told me
you were headed here...

-...l hate to think what might have happened.
- Let's not talk about it.

- Did you see all those hidden jewels?
- Yes. Jim.

Professor Laverra's dream has come true.

Thanks to you.

Better find a taxi. We haven't got
much time to catch that plane.

Oh. good heavens. I forgot to leave
the money for Dr. Cuesta, the $ .

You can send it to him.
I'll go get the taxi.

I'm sorry there were only
two reservations left...

-...but I'll tell the chief to expect you.
- Don't worry.

- There's more than one way to get back.
- Sure. If you had wings. you could fly.

Come to think of it.
that's not a bad idea.