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01x12 - The Deserted Village

Posted: 08/13/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

The Millers don't answer either?

Well. try the market.
Surely someone will be there.

I'm ringing the market, Ms. Lane.
and I’m still ringing Mrs. Tazie...

...but no one seems to answer
in Cliffton at all.

Well. I can't understand it.

The lines must be down.

The lines test clear.

I get a ringing signal on every one of them.
but no one answers.

- It's very strange.
-It certainly is.

Operator. please keep trying.

Do you want to hang up
and let me call you back?

No. I'll hold on.

This is the strangest thing.

- What's that?
- You've heard me mention Mrs. Tazie.

Your nurse? Oh. yes.

Every year for my birthday.
she sends me a little gingerbread man.

Well. that's cute.

I tried calling her to thank her for it.
but she doesn't answer the phone.

What's strange about that?
She might be out.

Apparently. everyone in Cliffton is out.

I tried calling the drugstore.
the market, the bank...

...the post office
and even some friends of Mrs. Tazie's...

...and no one answers the phone.

No one answers. lt's very strange.

I can't understand it.
Something must be wrong.

Don't get upset. Lois.
Probably the lines are down.

That's what I thought. But the operator
at Havenhurst said they're not.

Look. it's only an hour's drive to Cliffton.
Why don't you take a run up there?

- Would you come with me?
- Sure. Hang up and let's go.

Never mind. operator.

- What did you stop for?
- Look at that sign.

- Someone trying to be funny.
- Could be.

- Where is everybody?
- I don't know.

Mrs. Tazie's house is just a little further.
Keep going.


Houses are empty. deserted.

The stores too. I just don't understand it.

Look. There's a house that isn't deserted.

There's something“ Come on. Lois.

He's dead.

Doesn't seem to have been hurt.

He's not an old dog.

- Who lives here?
- This is Dr. Jessup's house.

I used to come here
when I was a little girl.

- What was that?
- Someone moaned inside.


It's Dr. Jessup.

His heart's still beating.
See if you can find some water.

Ammonia ampoules.

Top drawer, desk.

That better, doctor?

Yes. thank you.

I merely suffered a slight fainting spell.

A fainting spell. doctor?

Yes. A fainting spell.

Thank you.

You're the Lane girl.
You're a newspaper reporter, I believe.

That's right. And this is Clark Kent.

- He's a reporter too. We came down here--
- Who sent for you?

Well. nobody.

That is. I tired to phone Mrs. Tazie.
and when I--

Take my advice. Leave Cliffton at once.

There's nothing here
to interest the newspapers.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Take my word for it. And take my advice.

Leave Cliffton at once.

Is that a warning. Dr. Jessup. or a threat?

It's good advice.

- And now I have to see one of my patients--
- What patient?

- The town's deserted.
- Nobody answers the telephone.

What's wrong here. Dr. Jessup?

Well. just because someone chooses
not to answer a telephone... doesn't follow
that there's anything wrong.

- But nobody--
- Please step aside.

- I must go to Mrs. Tazie's.
- Well. is she sick?

She might very well be dead.

Mrs. Tazie.

I'm glad to see you.
I've been worried about you.

I couldn't get you by phone,
and Dr. Jessup said--

- Why. Lois. what are you doing in Cliffton?
- I was worried about you.

They're newspaper reporters. Matilda.

You didn't answer your phone.
Nobody in Cliffton answered.

So I got Clark, and-- This is Clark Kent.
I've told you about him.

- How do you do?
- How do you do. Mrs. Tazie?

- I'm glad to see you're looking well.
- Me? Always fine.

Nothing's ever wrong with me.

Dr. Jessup led us to believe otherwise.

Well. at your time of life, Matilda.
Especially with that cough you had.


Oh. yes. The cough.

Well. it's almost gone now.
except when the fog is bad.

It's going to be bad tonight. Lois.
You'd better be gone before it comes in.

You know. you always had a weak chest.

-l'll fix you a nice cup of tea.

You and Mr. Kent.

It’ll give you some of my blueberry muffins.
and you can be on your way before dark.

That's an excellent idea, Matilda.

Just a minute, Mrs. Tazie.
Why are you trying to get rid of us?

- Why. I’m not--
- Yes. you are.

And so is Dr. Jessup.
He practically ordered us to leave Cliffton.

What's going on here?
Where are all the people?

I didn't see a soul on the streets.
The houses and the stores are all deserted.

It ain't so. There's Peter Godfrey.
the druggist...

...and his son. Alvin. and they're still here.

Me and Doc Jessup. and the--

Hadn't you better see
about the tea, Matilda?

- Oh. yes.
- Just a moment, Mrs. Tazie.

Who else were you about to say?

Who else besides you four
remain in Cliffton?

Why. Doc Jessup's dog.

- Is it a red setter?
- Yes.

- It's dead.
- Ranger. dead?

He's under a hedge outside your door.

But what I wanna know is, where are
all the other people? What's happened?

Closer to the ground.

What are you talking about?

You've got to tell me.
Something terrible's going on. I know it.

Now. Lois. you always were one
to let your imagination run away with you.

Come on in and have your cup of tea.
You too. Mr. Kent.

Thank you. Mrs. Tazie.
I'll be back later. if I may.

You go on in. though. Lois.

Have a cup of tea and have a nice chat
with Mrs. Tazie.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna have a look at Dr. Jessup's dog.

That is. if there are no objections. doctor.

Curiosity once k*lled the cat, young man.

Was the cat too close to the ground too?

Oh. Mrs. Tazie. You forgot your roses.

Clark. we're waiting for you.

- Try to find out all you can. Lois.
- Well. naturally.

And don't drink any tea.

- Why not?
- Promise me.

- But tell me why not.
- Promise me. Lois.

- Well. all right. Clark. but honestly--
- All right. Good.

It’ll be right back.

Dead dogs just don't get up
and walk away. Dr. Jessup.

I'm quite aware of that.

Therefore someone must have
taken it away.

- Why?
- I can't imagine.

Maybe I can.

That dog was removed to keep anyone
from finding out it had been gassed.

- Gassed?
- That's right.

Poison gasses
are heavier than air. doctor.

They lay close to the ground.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I think you do.

I saw a gas mask in your desk.
Mrs. Tazie's has one too.

So you were snooping. eh?
Going through my desk?

- Wait a minute.
- I ought to have you arrested.

I will. too. unless you leave Cliffton
at once.

Why don't you just
cut out this act, doctor.

Act? What act?

We both know what k*lled your dog.
It almost k*lled you.

The gas came in
through that broken window.

It overpowered you
before you could get your mask on.

Mr. Kent. I gave you
some good advice before.

I know. Get out of Cliffton.

Exactly. And take Ms. Lane with you.

Otherwise. I won't answer
for the consequences.

Lose something?


Yes. A dead dog.

Is that so?
What kind of a dog might it be?

A red setter.

- Yours?
- No. it belonged to Dr. Jessup.

Ranger. dead? Well. that's too bad.

Doc thought a lot of that dog.

You a friend of Doc's?

I just met him today. I’m Clark Kent.
reporter at the Daily Planet.

- Reporter. eh? Glad to meet you, Mr. Kent.
- Glad to meet you. sir.

My name's Peter Godfrey.

Own the drugstore across the street.

- Here on business?
- I didn't come on business.

Ain't much business in Cliffton anymore.

Everybody's moved away except
Doc Jessup and Mrs. Tazie. Alvin and me.

Alvin's my son.

I see. That just leaves four of you.

That's all. and after next week.
Alvin and me won't be here anymore.

Can't make a drugstore pay
in a ghost town.

No. I suppose not. Though it seems like
a mighty pleasant place to me.

- Just what made everybody move away?
- Oyster beds died off.

And then the fogs. We have terrible fogs.

Make a man feel awful sick.

- Might even k*ll a dog. huh?
- How's that?

I was wondering what k*lled
Dr. Jessup's dog.

It wasn't old.
and there wasn't a mark on it.

Well. I wouldn't know.

Strange. the way its body
disappeared too.

- It was right over there just a moment ago.
-It was. huh?

Say. I wonder if Alvin saw it
and buried him.

Alvin's a very neat fellow. Takes after
his mother. may she rest in peace.

It’ll ask him. Oh. Alvin.

This is my son. Alvin. Mr. Kent.
Mr. Kent's a reporter on the Daily Planet.

- How do you do. Mr. Kent?
- How do you do?

- Dr. Jessup's setter died. Alvin.
- That's too bad.

And the body disappeared
just a little while ago from right there.

- Did you see it, Alvin?
- No.

L've been in the back of the store
working for the past hour or so.

By the way. Father. that prescription
you were filling is all dissolved.

- It'll spoil if you let it stand.
- Oh. yes. So it will.

- I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Kent.
- Glad to have met you.

- Come and see us before you leave Cliffton.
- Thank you. I will.

- What were you sh**ting at. Mrs. Tazie?
- A rabbit.

- Now. Mrs. Tazie. who was it?
- A rabbit. I said.

Anyway. it ain't none of your business.

We don't need your help.
and we don't need any newspaper stories.

Now you listen to me.

An entire village has been deserted.

The people were driven away
by poison gas. weren't they?

By some grotesque man
who leaves huge footprints.

A m*rder*r. I wanna know
who that m*rder*r is, Mrs. Tazie.

- Tell me.
- Don't know.

You better tell-- What is it?

Lois. Where's Lois?

- Well. isn't she here?
- No.

- You ain't seen her?
- Not since I left. Where is she?

- I thought she went to get you.
- I was at Dr. Jessup's.

I came back by the road
and I didn't see her.

Oh. my. If she went the other way.
where he is...

She was always such a headstrong girl.

Which other way?

Where he comes from. the sea.

Clark. you scared me.

That makes us even. What do you mean
by going off on your own?

I like that. What am I supposed to do...

...sit around and twiddle my thumbs while
you go out and wrap up a page-one story?

- What have you got here?
- I don't know.

I saw where the sand was disturbed.
I started digging and found these.

- Looks like a piece of drill core.
- Drill core? What's that?

It's what a prospector brings up
in his drill underground.

- It shows him what's down there.
- You mean, a prospector's drilling here?

Somebody was.

Well. whoever it was. they didn't find
what they were looking for.

- Those things look worthless to me.
- I’m not so sure.

The weight and the color...

Lois. I think I know what these are.
And if I’m right-- Come on.

Clark. you're making mountains
out of molehills.

- Now. you listen to me. Lois--
- Now. Clark. don't be silly.

You want me to go back
to Metropolis?

All right. Go to Havenhurst and wait for me.
That's a few miles away.

So you get the story
and phone it into the office?

Lois. will you please try and understand
I’m not interested in bylines on a story?

- Oh. no?
- No. you can have the bylines.

It’ll split it with you.
Anything you want.

Thanks so much.

But you can't stay here by yourself.
lt's too dangerous.

You. afraid of a fly. my protector?
That's rich.

Will you please listen to me?

There's a m*rder*r loose here.
Maybe more than one.

- Using poison gas.
- You're running away.

- Well. I’m not.
- I’m not running away from anything.

I'm trying to take this--

- I’m going to have it analyzed.
- Why can't I go with you?

Because I can go much faster by myself.

I get it. Okay. Clark. Run along.

Now. you will go to Havenhurst and wait.

-It’ll wait.
- At Havenhurst. you promise?

- I promise.
- Good girl.


Put up your hands. You're all through
murdering folks now.

Lois. Lois!

It’ll take her. You get outside.

- Is she all right?
- I think I got her out in time.

It’ll go back for the others.

Alvin Godfrey.

So that's who it is.

Get that mask off your face. Doc.
You won't need it no more now.

But I don't understand.
Why did he do this?

There's a deposit of hydrozite in that cave.
I just learned this in Washington.

- What is this hydro--?
- Hydrozite.

It's a rare mineral used
in making the hydrogen b*mb.

This may be the largest deposit
in the world. Worth millions.

Good heavens.

Why did you keep everything from me?
Why didn't you let me help you?

We didn't want none of this
to get in the papers.

We thought we could handle it
all ourselves.

Reckon we were wrong. huh. Doc?

We'd all be dead by now.
If it hadn't been for Superman.

- What's that?
- The police.

I stopped off and told them about this.

What am I doing? I gotta phone the story
in to the Daily Planet...

...and find poor Clark.

Will he ever be furious.

- Bye. Mrs. Tazie.
- Bye. Lois.

Goodbye. Doc.
»Goodbye .

- Goodbye. Superman.
- Goodbye. Ms. Lane.

Clark. what in the world are you doing?

Fixing this sign. There.

- Does that look better?
- Well. how did you know?

That Alvin Godfrey was the monster?

That he and his father conspired
to steal the hydrozite deposits?

And that you just phoned the story
in to the Planet?

How did you know? You weren't there.

A little bird told me.

If you're a good girl.
I'll tell you who that little bird is.

And move over. I'll drive.