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01x11 - No Holds Barred

Posted: 08/13/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Listen to that crowd roar.

It's Bad Luck Brannigan and "Teuton" Tony
beating it out up there on the mat.

Everybody and his uncle screaming for
Brannigan to put the paralyzer on Teuton.

And here it comes,
the famous Brannigan paralyzer“

"Teuton " Tony is down.
He's writhing on the mat.

Listen to that crowd.

It's the match of the evening.

Bad Luck Brannigan and Wild Man Cooley,
and those boys are sure mixing it up.

Brannigan looking for an opening
for his paralyzer...

...that the Wild Man wants no part of it.

Here it comes. Brannigan's got him.

The Wild Man's down.
He's helpless on the mat.

Come in. Kent.

Did you read this?

Oh. yes. Seven men in the hospital.
lt's incredible. chief.

I'm gonna put a stop to it.
If it's the last thing I do.

Ever hear of Wayne Winchester?

The name sounds vaguely familiar.

- He was intercollegiate champion last year.
- Oh. yes.

He's coming down here tonight to watch
Brannigan wrestle Simmons on television.

I'm gonna hire him to find out something
about this paralyzer hold of Brannigan's.

I might be able to get some dough
from Sam Bleeker.

He books all the matches.
He's a good friend.

No. We've got to have
an expert wrestler.

Someone who knows the holds.

I know it's crooked
because Brannigan's manager...

...a bird named Murray. is crooked.
We've got to find out what they're doing.

- If I can be of any help--
-l'd like you and Lois to watch it with us.

- All right. What time?
- Ten o'clock.

- We'll be here.
- Fine.

The crowd is roaring for action...

...and Brannigan wants to give it to them.

Brannigan looking for an opening.

Simmons has been trying his rib-crushing
body scissors but can't make it.

Here it comes.

Brannigan is gonna use
his famous paralyzer.

There it goes.

Simmons. with both shoulders
on the mat, can't even roll over.

And Brannigan wins
with his famous paralyzer.

I'll have the official time
in just a moment.

- Turn it off, Jim.
- Well. there it is. son.

Bad Luck Brannigan's paralyzer. The hold
that's put seven wrestlers in the hospital.

Frankly. I never saw wrestling
like that in college.

It looks like an attempt at m*rder.

That's exactly the way it looks to me.

I'm counting on you
to help the Planet prove it.

What do you think about it, Kent?

- I wasn't watching very closely.
- What?

I was watching Brannigan's fingers.

Oh. great. Did he have a nice manicure?

- I was trying one of those holds on myself.
- Fine. Olsen.

If Winchester can get any idea
how the paralyzer works...

...he can run some tests on you.

That's an assignment.

Kent. this wrestling story can be big.

You give Wayne all the help you can.

And both of you
stay out of dark alleys.

Well. Clarkie boy. Long time no see.

- How are you. Sam?
- Pretty good.

Hey. there hasn't been
any m*rder around here. I hope.

- You've got a beef against Murray too?
- Beef? Why. that dirty--

I shouldn't say that. Clarkie. because I’m
here to get down on my hands and knees...

...and beg him to give me a break.

- As bad as that. huh?
- Bad? lt's worse. lt's simply terrible.

Here I got a good going business running
wrestling matches at the arena...

...and along comes this Murray guy
with a stable of gorillas...

...and now half the good attractions
are in the hospital.

Here. Clarkie.

Couple of ducats for Friday night.

Don't miss it. It'll be sensational.


...l gotta go in there now
and give my blood to Murray.

- Thanks. Sam.
-lt's all right. Be seeing you. Clarkie.

All right. all right.
you got me over a barrel.

Well. what's your proposition?

Same deal. Bleeker.

Give me percent of your stock
in the arena and the wrestling syndicate.

- From then on. we work together.
- Why. you're crazy. I can't do it.

You gotta do it, fella...

...or the only wrestlers able to walk
will be the boys I’m handling.

I don't know. I'll have to talk it over
with the boys first.

Look. I gotta have
a feature match for Friday.

Okay. I'll let you have Brannigan.

- Match him with the Golden Adonis.
- No. no. not Adonis.

Why. I love him
like he was my own brother.

Besides. he's the biggest attraction
I've got.

I don't wanna get him crippled.

Okay. Okay.

If Brannigan promises
not to use the paralyzer.

No promises.

May the best man win.

What can I do? Already. I lose.

Get going and talk to your partners. Bleeker.
I ain't giving you much more time.

Okay. okay.

I hope Adonis has
his insurance paid up.

- Turned up anything yet?
- Just rumors.

- I wanna be at the ringside Friday night.
- No sooner said than done.

- Two ducats for ringside.
- Oh. thanks. Kent.

Say. maybe Miss Lane
would like to go with me.

All right. That's all for now. boys.
Break it up.

Percy. Ape. pull those guys apart.

Bad Luck. you're all set.

You go in against Adonis Friday night.

I don't know. boss.
That Adonis is pretty tough.

If he gets me in that spin
before I can work my paralyzer. I’m dead.

It’ll fix that. Where's that swami?

Hey. Ram.

- Yes. master?
- We got a new one for you to work on.

Crusher. you be Adonis.

Let him put the spin on you. Bad Luck.

Now. Adonis has Brannigan spinning.

In a split second. he's gonna slam him
and mean it.

What does Brannigan do?

Is easy. I show you.

Look. His leg you can reach so.

- Now. I not hurt you. but do you feel this?
- Take it easy.

Just so. Mr. Brannigan.

This. You use your fingers so.

Press hard until you feel the muscle slip.

Then it is done. Like that.

Now. work on it till
you get it perfect, boys.

As long as we got the paralyzer.
we can't miss.

What do you want?

Master. how long must I stay here?

Look. pal. we're treating you good.

We're hiding you so the police don't put
you in jail for the rest of your life. ain't we?

When the chance comes.
we'll slip you on a ship bound for India.

- Ain't that what you want?
- Yes. master. but I am troubled.

A thought has come to me
that these secrets I teach your wrestlers...

...these secrets are not being used
for a good purpose.

Forget it. Didn't I tell you
my boys are good. clean boys?

They wouldn't do no harm to no one.

I wish to believe you, master.

For if I discovered that my knowledge of
the human body was being used for evil... would be a very bad thing for you.
Very bad.

Crusher! Bad Luck! Take it easy. pal.

We're treating you right.

Crusher. take our friend here
to his room.

And see that the door's locked so
the government police don't sneak in. see?

Sure. boss. Come on. pal.
You had a hard day.

You need some rest.

Nature boy's getting ideas.

I hope he don't take
a notion to cross us up.

I'm liable to paralyze myself.

We won't need him after Friday.

After Golden Adonis gets it.

You're gonna turn him loose?

Think I’m crazy?

It's Friday night.

So it's Friday night.

And it's : .

I'm not catching any trains.

Just about now. Bad Luck Brannigan
and the Golden Adonis...

...are tearing each other
limb from limb.

Great Caesar's ghost!

- Why doesn't someone tell me these things?
- I tried. chief.

And Brannigan wants to give it to them...

...but Adonis Murphy
is playing it safe tonight.

There they go. down on the mat.

Brannigan trying to use his paralyzer,
and Adonis squirming away from it.

I like it better when you can't
hear them groan.

I wonder how it looks to Wayne
from his ringside seat.

Or how Wayne looks to Lois
from her ringside seat. eh?

Must be an easier way to make a living.
Brannigan circling now.

It's the tip-up, it's the tip-up.

He's had enough of this backdoor stuff.

Adonis has Brannigan now.

No one ever came out
of that jet spin of his.

- Watch his hand.
- Whose hands?

Brannigan's. Watch.

He did it again. The paralyzer.

I say it again. There ain't a wrestler
in the world who ain't afraid of me.

It’ll meet any of them. I'll even wrestle
gorillas if you can sign them up.

I claim I’m the world's champ.
and I ain't heard a challenge.

It’ll accept that challenge.

It’ll wrestle you one week from tonight.

Best two out of three
and no holds barred.

That's our boy. That's Wayne Winchester.
What's he doing in the ring?

Where did you come from. pretty boy?

Great Caesar's ghost! That crazy kid!

I hired him to investigate. not wrestle.

Now what's happened? It would have
to go out just at the wrong time.

- We've got to get over to the arena.
- Wait. chief.

They'll probably come back here.
If we go. we'll miss them.

Chief. we can't let him do it.
He hasn't a chance against Brannigan.

If he goes through with it.
he'll be crippled for life.

I know. You don't have to tell me.

I admire your courage.
but I can't let you go on with this--

Now. just a minute, Mr. White.

I thought this thing out while
I was watching Brannigan tonight.

He's not a good wrestler.
He's got a deadly trick.

And I know I can solve that trick
once on the mat. lt's the only way.

- No. nothing doing. lt's too dangerous.
- Wayne. please. for my sake. don't do it.

- Don't worry. Lois.
- Why don't you say something. Kent.

I think he can do it.
I think Wayne can beat Brannigan.

- Well. thanks. Mr. Kent.
- Kent. you're crazy.

You can't mean it.
You know what will happen.

You've seen those paralyzed wrestlers.
You just can't be serious.

I think he can beat Brannigan.
He's better.

And as he said. it's the only way
to expose that trick of his.

All right. Kent. You in your great wisdom
have decided he can get away with it.

So I’m going to hold you responsible.
You're assigned to this wrestling story too.

And if this boy is hurt in any way.
the blame is on you.

All right. sir. I'll accept full responsibility.
Come on. Wayne.

Clark. I never want to see you again
as long as I live.

- Come on. Wayne.
- Kent. wait a minute.

I think I know you well enough to ask this
and get an honest answer.

This friendship between
Wayne Winchester and Lois...

...hasn't done anything to your
thinking. has it?

No. chief. there's no green-eyed monster
involved here.

I honestly think the boy can beat him.
And I'll prove it.

Boss. do I got to wrestle
this college punk?

It's something I didn't plan on.
but it's a break.

I hear tonight that Sam Bleeker's
gonna hire some college wrestlers.

So if you can flatten this one.
he'll back out.

But college wrestlers really know
how to wrestle.

I might get hurt.

The swami will teach you
some new paralyzers.

- Don't worry.
- Okay.

And check the swami's room
on your way to turn in.

Make sure the chain's on the door.


- Chain?
- Chain.


You are no doubt a genie or some spirit
sent to help me... I have been praying for help.

lam here to help you.

What is it you wish?

After much meditation. it has come to me
that I am being deceived... those who promised to return me
to my homeland.

It is true. You are being deceived.

Then I will reveal no more
of my secrets.

They'll ask you to show them the strange
things you do with your hands. your fingers.

And you must show them.

- But if my knowledge causes evil?
-It will cause no evil.

Later. you must correct the evil
you have already caused.

- Yes.
- Good.

Now show me on my body...

...these strange pressures you will
next show them.

And do not fear to hurt me.

Can a mere man harm a genie?
It will be like this.

Like this.

Wayne. come on in. Nice to see you.

Hope I didn't come around too early.
but I had to talk to you.

- Of course. kid. Come on in.
- All right.

Sit down.

- Now. what's on your mind?
- Well. I didn't sleep much last night.

Thinking things over.
Look. maybe I did make a fool of myself.

- Cooling off a little?
- I’m not afraid of Brannigan.

- I can handle him.
- Of course you can. Don't worry about it.

What makes you so sure?
You've never seen me on a mat.

You know what he's done
to those other guys.

It's just a feeling I have.

You see. I've been watching Brannigan
very closely. especially his hands.

You must have sharp eyes to follow
his hands on a TV screen.

Of course. I’m not a wrestler. but--

Well. I remember reading somewhere
someplace about pressure points:

Areas of the human body that are
very sensitive, vulnerable to pressure.

- The Japanese do a lot of that.
- Right.

Some judo experts can cr*pple
a man with thumb pressure.

- The Hindus know about it too. I heard.
- Exactly.

What do you say we try something?

- Look. Stand up.
- All right.

- Now. push that chair back, will you?
- Yeah.

I don't know much about this.
but I believe...

-...a match starts like this.
- That's it.

Okay. Now. I’m not gonna hurt you.
but I am gonna try something.

- Okay.
- All right. Here we go.

Hey. Boy. what did you do?
That numbed me.

I'm sorry. Let me fix it.

- Feel better?
- Yeah.

I guess I hit one of those
pressure points.

Now. all we have to do is develop
your defense against that sort of thing.

It’ll try and remember
everything I can.

I'm not much of a wrestling coach.
but I'll do the best I can.

Funny. but I've got a feeling
you know the right answers.

Like so. You feel the little lump?
Now press. Not hard.

- You're k*lling me!
- I tell you. not hard.

But I fix it.
For all pressures that injure...

...there is other pressure that heals.

Is better?

Yeah. but I sure thought I had it
for a while.

You worried about that college kid now?

No more. boss.
Any time I want. I got him.

All right. Jimmy.
Now. do just what I told you.

Maybe I better stick
to the newspaper game.

Only more hours to go. Wayne.
How's your neck feel?


- That better?
- Yeah.

Good. You're building up some armor
in the right places.

Hey. why aren't you over at the arena
rooting for our side?

I'm not squeamish. chief.
but I couldn't take it.

I don't even wanna even think about it.

That nice. clean kid. Crippled.

The match should be starting
any minute now. I don't know.

Kent's usually right and he seems confident
the boy can toss Brannigan.

No matter how right anyone is.
there comes a time when he's wrong.

It's only human nature.

Sometimes I wonder if Kent is human.

Well. you can turn your back
or close your eyes...

...but I have to know what's happening.

Main match coming up. Two minutes.

All right. You're going out there and win.

When you feel his fingers creeping.
like that. you know what to do.

- Right.
- Let's go. champ.

It's the greatest match
we've ever seen in this arena.

A battle between the know-how of
Wayne Winchester, former college champ...

...and the trickery
of Bad Luck Brannigan.

So far, the college boy has slipped
out of Brannigan's deadly grips...

...and Brannigan seems as frustrated
as a hen with ducks.

Look out. Here it comes.

I just don't like the howl of the mob.
Yelling for blood.

Chief. He's using the paralyzer.

Brannigan can't take it. He can't take it.

Yahoo! Pour it on him. boy!

So you quit cold. What happened?

I give him everything I had.

And when I give him the paralyzer.
nothing happens. He just grins at me.

Somebody tipped him off.

Great work. boy. I’m proud of you.

You're the guy
who really beat Brannigan.

He almost got me
with that neck press.

Give him a good rubdown. Jimmy.

We've been crossed up. and the only guy
that could have done it is Ram.

- But why should he cross us up?
- That's what I’m gonna find out.

Get your clothes on.
We're going to my place and work him over.

Jim. Be sure he's cooled off
before you take him out.

-It’ll meet you at the office.
- Okay.

- Where you going?
-l'll see you later. Sam.

No. You're seeing me right now...

...and you ain't getting away
till we settle something.

Now. Clarkie. don't push me.
We got lots of business to talk over.

Your boy won and he won honest.

Why. there will be a new sensation.
Honest wrestling.

-It’ll see you tomorrow.
- We'll settle tonight.

Before the wrong people.
whose names I won't mention, get to you.

Why. Wayne here
is gonna be my new star.

If he can take Brannigan.
he can toss any grappler Murray has.

And that's curtains for Murray.

Now. Sam. I’m not Wayne's manager.
I’m just his friend.

As the new champ's trainer. I'll be glad
to hear any propositions you make.

That's it, Sam.

You talk to Wayne and Jimmy.
talk things over. work something out.

- I'm sure you can reach a decision.
- Come on to my office.

Why. it means a million for you guys.
and there might be a few bucks for me too.

Come on. champ.

No. not that. Too noisy.

Well. where is he?
A man can't just disappear into thin air.

Okay. Okay. Tell him to get in here.
he's got to write that story.

Not at the arena. huh?

Probably running down another lead.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kent would grab
Murray and make him talk.

He'd better stay away
if he knows what's good for him.

You know Kent. Look.

Get the address of Murray's training
quarters. Must be in the phone book.

I have a hunch that's where he's headed.
He's liable to be up to his neck in trouble.

-It’ll pick up Wayne and Jimmy at the arena.
-l'll go too. Wait.

Here it is.
“Mortimer Murray. sports promoter.“

Mortimer. Fancy that.

As long as he can't use his fingers.
he's harmless.

I'm gonna give you one more chance. Ram.
Why did you cross us up?

Who talked to you? Who paid you?

Give him a little twist, Bad Luck.

I know nothing.
I did only what you asked.

Please. I talked to no man.

No! I did only what you asked.

You talk. or we'll twist
those arms right off.

All right. boys. The party's over.

It's Superman!

The genie. The superman.

Percy! Hey! Get this guy.

- You are not hurt badly?
- I will recover quickly.

You came just in time.

I prayed that you would come.

These men will never have a chance
to hurt you again.

But there are others that have
already been hurt. These you must help.

I will keep my promise.

The police. They must not catch me.

You have nothing to fear from the police.

Remember, I made you a promise.

Go now. Let them in.

- Great Caesar' s ghost!
- Jeepers!

- What happened here?
- Sahib. I can explain everything.

These men were torturing me
when a genie, a superman...

Superman again.

- I thought so.
- You thought what. chief?

- I figured we'd find you here.
- Were you here when this happened?

Why. yes. Yes. certainly. that's right.

Incidentally. Ram here was forced to teach
Brannigan those pressure-point tricks.

- But he can heal all those that were hurt.
- You can heal those poor. crippled men?

Why. if you can. it'll be like magic.

Like the only real magic.
The magic of knowledge.