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01x10 - The Secret of Superman

Posted: 08/13/22 07:04
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great Metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

- Hello?
- Mr. Kent.

This is Mrs. Olsen.
Jimmy's mother.

Oh. yes. Mrs. Olsen.

Something the matter?
What time is it?

It's past one in the morning
and Jimmy's not home yet.

Jimmy's not home?

No. No. there's nothing special
going on at the paper tonight.

- When did you hear from him last?
- He called me from the office about : .

You know, it only takes five or ten minutes
from downtown to here.

Could he have stopped off anyplace?

Well, the only place that he could have
stopped was Jerry's Diner at the corner.

- Did you call the diner?
- Yes. It's closed.

I'm terribly worried, Mr. Kent.

Jimmy's never done anything
like this before.

Now. don't you worry. Mrs. Olsen.
I’m sure everything's gonna be all right.

Chances are. he ran into
a fire or an accident.

He's just trying to be
a good reporter.

- But I'll check around and I'll call you later.
- Oh, thank you, Mr- Kent-

- Goodbye.

You will not answer the phone
if it rings again.

- Now. where is the editor's file?
- The what?

The editor's filing cabinet?

Oh. over there.

Good. That's all now.

You go. Understand? Home.

I go home.

First. I go. Then you go.

I go home.

Jim. what are you doing here?

Jim. what's the matter with you. boy?

- Don't you know me?
No. l...

Jim. Jim. wake up.

Mr. Kent.

What are you doing here
this time of night?

I don't know.

- Is this the chief's office?
- Of course it is.

You don't know how late it is
or how you got here?

No. The last thing I remember.
I went to Jerry's Diner.

- Jerry's diner?
- Yeah.

Some guy came up
and sat next to me at the counter.

I don't remember any more.

How'd the chiefs private file
get opened?

Gosh. I don't know.

Maybe Mr. White forgot to lock it.

Oh. no. he didn't forget to lock it.
lt's been jimmied.

There's a folder missing.

Now think. Who jimmied this cabinet?

I don't know. I tell you.
I can't remember, Mr. Kent.

- I hope you don't think I did it?
- No. no.

Of course it wasn't you.

- You know what folder's missing?
- No. sir.

- The file on Superman.
- Superman? Oh. golly.

You better go on home.
Your mother's worried.

I'm going over to the Newspaper Club
and tell the chief.

Come on.

- Herman!
- Yeah?

Take this up to room .

And don't fall asleep on the way.
Mr. White's waiting.

Yeah. Mr. White. .

Give that to us.

What is this. the Explorer's Club?

A man could starve to death here
waiting for a sandwich and coffee.

Come in.

Okay. it's here.

- Good evening. Mr. White.
- Hello.

- Who are you? I never saw you before.
- Josef. sir. the substitute waiter.

Herman is ill tonight.

Well. don't just stand there.
Put it down. Put it down.

- Sugar. sir?
- No sugar.

Just give me the coffee
before it freezes.

I said no sugar.

- What is this?
- Nothing. sir. Just black coffee.


Call a...

- Call a doctor.
- Sit down.



Mr. White. do you recognize this?

Yes. lt's my office file on Superman.

Mr. White. who is he?


Who is he?


I have determined he always figures
in your newspaper's stories.

Reports on Superman's activities
invariably appear first in The Daily Planet.


Then someone at The Planet
must know how to contact him.

No one does. No one.

You are the editor of The Planet
and you don't know?

Why are you trying
to make me think...

...when I can't think?

Why do you want to know?

Because I have work for Superman.

I must find him.

Go to the door.
Send whoever it is away.


Mr. White.

What's going on here?

- It's Herman.
- He has been badly injured. Call a doctor.

- Chief. what is it? What happened?
- I don't know.

Chief. it's me. Clark.

- Who?
- Clark Kent.

- Don't you know me?
- No. No.

Chief. wake up!

- Kent?
- Yes.

It's an emergency.
Get them up here.

- What's that file doing here?
- Why. I don't know.

Last thing I remember
was that new waiter coming in.

Yes. right away.

Get me police headquarters. please.
Inspector Henderson.

You don't remember anything after
that fake waiter gave you the coffee?

Nothing. I've told you five times.

It’ll get it.

Clark Kent speaking.
Oh. yes. Fred. Did you get it?

Oh. you did? Well, what is it?

Sure. I'll tell Inspector Henderson.
Thanks. Fred.

That was the lab.

The analysis of the coffee in the chief's cup
shows a powerful amytal compound.


That's the basis of the truth drug
they're using in European prisons.

Fred King says this is a new.
more powerful compound.

The lab's never seen it.
They're trying to break it down.

I remember now.

We had a confidential report on the stuff
from overseas intelligence.

You know what it does?

Invades the brain centers.
paralyzes the will.

You're telling me?
I was the guinea pig.

Question is, what are you
gonna do about it?

What about that file on Superman?

Why did they steal it?
Why did they bring it here?

Someone wants to find out
about Superman.

From me? What would I know?

A lot of people think Superman
works for The Planet.

You're the editor...

Say. maybe they're smarter
than we think.

Maybe you're Superman.

Me. in that outfit?
Now. look here. Kent--

Skip it. I've got a hunch.

Like you said. I think they're trying
to find out something about Superman.

They started on Mr. White
and the Olsen kid.

But look. they've circled Miss Lane's
name and yours. Here and here.

- Kent. I think you're the next man up.
- Could be.

Don't worry. If they're up to something big.
they don't want you. they want Superman.

Six of one. a half dozen of the other.

I'm gonna tail everyone at The Planet
who's ever seen Superman.

That's a good idea. I can't afford
having my staff fed truth dr*gs.

They go around in a daze
enough of the time as it is.

- Don't put a tail on me. inspector.
- Why not?

It might scare them off.

I want to meet these characters.
get close to them.

They could be rough boys. Kent.

- How close are you figuring?
- Just as close as I can get.

I might even quit The Planet.
try and get a job with them.

You can't quit The Planet.

You can always fire me.
can't you. chief?

Fire you?

You again?
Haven't you got a job yet?

Nope. No paper in town will hire me.

- Hello. Sam.
- Hi.

How's the chance on a cup of coffee
and a couple of doughnuts?

- Can you pay for them?
- Why. sure.

I must have a quarter somewhere.

You're into me
for nearly two bucks now.

You want coffee.
you'll have to have the cash.

Give the man some coffee.
Give me some too.

- Well. thank you.
- That's perfectly all right, my friend.

Plenty more money
where this come from.

You wouldn't be looking for a place
to go to work. would you?

Work? I sure would.

- Hey. come here.
- I can't talk to you. kid. I’m not allowed.

You been tailing me for weeks for nothing.
See that big guy over there?

- Yeah.
- He's the one that doped my milk.

He's trying to slip something
in Kent's coffee.

Excuse me.

See. See what he did? Grab him.

Hey. you.

- Where you hit?
- In the leg.

Jimmy. take care of him.

- Come on. run.
- I can't. He got me in the back.

- Well. I'll help you. Where to?
- Twenty-six Mason Street.

Come on.

Hello. Planet? Give me the City Room.

Miss Lois Lane. please.

Easy now. I feel the b*llet.

Never mind. doctor. lt's too late.

- How is he. doctor?
- Dead.

Oh. I’m sorry.

No need to be. He did his job
in bringing you to my house.

Me. doctor? Why?

We shall see. We shall talk a little while.
and we shall see.

But forgive me.
You've had a difficult time.

- Would you like a sandwich?
- I surely would.

If you don't dislike
to eat a dead man's lunch... was ready here.

Would you like beer or wine?

Neither one. thank you. If you happen
to have some milk or ginger ale...

Ginger ale. certainly.

Before my friend died...

...he said perhaps you might be
on the lookout for a position. Mr. Kent.

I surely am.

To our meeting.

May it bring both of us good fortune.

Sit down. Kent.

Yes. doctor.

Finish your ginger ale, Kent.

Yes. sir.

Since you'd like to work for me...

...perhaps you'd begin by getting rid
of the body in the next room.

Yes. sir.

I dislike dead bodies around the house.
They're so untidy.

At the back door is a small truck.

Take the body to the river
and dump it.

Yes. sir.

Then come straight back here.
Speak to no one.

To no one. sir.

Your mind is now a blank. Kent.
subject to my will.

On your way in the truck. think of
every time you have seen Superman.

Every detail about him.

You know a great deal about Superman
don't you. Kent?

A great deal.


We shall have a nice. long talk
when you come back, Kent.

Where is he. Jim?

House number .
He went in with the big guy.

- You mean the one who doped you?
- Yeah.

Good heavens!

Wait. Miss Lane. Where's the tail
Henderson put on you?

I lost him. Don't worry. Jim.
Stand guard right here.

If I’m not out in ten minutes.
call Inspector Henderson.

You're not going in there alone?

Remember, I’m a newspaperwoman.
And I won't be alone. Clark's in there.

But most important of all.
this may be the break on the story.

So you're Lois Lane of The Daily Planet.

Perhaps I should say
the rather celebrated Lois Lane.

Save it. Where's Clark Kent?

- Who. Miss Lane?
- Clark Kent.

- I suppose you've never heard of him?
- I’m afraid not. my dear young lady.

But forgive me. Perhaps I should have
offered you some coffee.

Let's drop the bedside manner and
the double talk. doctor. What do you say?

I happen to know Clark Kent
came in here a half an hour ago.

There's a man from The Planet
watching the house.

A reporter watching my humble house?

Because we think you might be
behind something...

...that would make interesting copy.

Such as sodium amytal truth serum.

- Had enough?
- All right.

Mr. Kent was here.

But just before you knocked.
he went with my associate on an errand.

He's coming straight back.

Won't you sit down and have some coffee
while you're waiting. Miss Lane?

It's hot now.

So are you. doctor.

And I want to ask you
a few questions.

Thanks. I will have coffee.

- But I'll pour.
- Please don't bother.

No bother.

Woman's privilege.

Charming picture.

Oh. dear. What's that?

It's blood!

No. Miss Lane.
It's not Mr. Kent's blood.

Unfortunately. my associate
was wounded.

So I heard.

And where did Clark take him?

To his rest. I hope. Poor chap.

He was dead. Miss Lane.

Quite dead.

Never mind. It will wash out the blood.

- Sit down in that chair, Miss Lane.
- Yes.

Now I'll ask the questions.

Who is Superman?


You must have some clue to him.

No. None.

Could it be that he hides
behind the darkest disguise of all?

Could it be that he is a woman?

Superman? A woman?


Oh. no. Dr. Cm.

What made you ask that?

Because he has compassion.

He aids people in trouble.
He helps the weak.

White and Olsen are often not there
when he appears. are they?

Very seldom.

- Sometimes you are not there, Miss Lane.
- Sometimes.

But Clark Kent is always there.

Clark is never there.

He arrives when Superman is gone.

He is always there.
but they are never seen together.

No. Never.

Of course not.

They couldn't be because
Clark Kent is Superman.

Clark. Superman?

Yes. He must be.

But he is not now Superman
any longer.

Because now Kent is in my power.
I have destroyed his will.


- Jimmy!
- Miss Lane.

- Is Olsen outside?
- Yes.

Go outside and get Olsen.
Bring him into the house.

No. You'll k*ll him.

It’ll k*ll both of you
before I'll be interrupted.

Now. get Olsen!

Yes. sir.

Why didn't he try the drug on you?

He tried. I played along with him.

It’ll alert all squad cars
in the Mason Street area.

No. wait a minute.
Let me get back there first.

The Planet's earned this exclusive.


Hello. Inspector Henderson?
This is Jimmy Olsen.

Jimmy. Hang up the phone.

- Miss Lane. What's the matter?
- Hang up the phone.

- Come into the house with me.
- Okay.

It's Olsen. He called me.
then hung up.

He's in trouble. You alert those squad cars.
I've got to get back there at once.

Alert all squad cars in southwest area.
Twenty-six Mason Street.

This is Dr. Ort, Jim.

- Where is Mr. Kent?
- In my office.

Please come back there, both of you.

I want to try a little experiment.

I have had my office sound-proofed
for certain experiments.

Such as the removal of people
who pry into my business.

Turn around!

Superman! You got here just in time.


You're Clark Kent.

Stay with him.


Lois. don't you know me?

No. l...

Well. Clark...

Where are we? What happened?

Don't you know?
Don't you remember anything?

Not a thing.

Are you sure?

It's all a blank.