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01x07 - The Birthday Letter

Posted: 08/13/22 07:02
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

- Got a second. chief?
- Sure. Lois. Come in.

Got this letter.
thought you'd like to hear it.

It's addressed to Superman.
care of the Daily Planet.

“Dear Superman: Tomorrow is my birthday.

I will be years old.
I would like to go to the county fair...

...and ride on the merry-go-round
and the roller coaster...

...but I can't because I’m crippled.
You do so many good things for people...

...l thought maybe you would take me
to the fair.

Your friend. Kathie Williams.
Hill Street. Metropolis.“

- Kind of sad. isn't it?
- We'll take her to the fair.

Go and make arrangements
with her family.

It isn't the same. Think what it would mean
to this youngster if Superman took her.

Well. we'll do the next best thing.
Give her a real party.

- Good human-interest story. Go ahead.
- Okay. chief.

Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb

- Hello?
- Look. they're after me. I gotta talk fast.

The meeting's : Saturday night
at the Lambert Engraving Company.

You got it?

Hello? Hello?

Must have been wrong number.

Boy. you sure took a long time.
You learn anything?

The clerk at the tobacco store says Cusak
was on the phone when he was shot.

I don't get it.
I thought Cusak was supposed to call here.

He was. But he called the wrong number.

- How do you know?
- The clerk found this on the floor.

It's Cusak's writing.

- Ain't this our number?
- Ours is . you idiot.

That's the mistake Cusak made.

Now he's dead. and we will never find out
who he gave the message to.

Oh. we'll find out.

I know a way to trace this number
through the telephone company.

Thank you very much.

The name is Williams.
Hill Street. apartment .

- Williams? Bet it was the little girl--
- Slugger. keep quiet.

- What for? It says in the paper--
- Please. Slugger.

- We must find out who took the message.
-lt's the little girl in the paper.

All right. all right.
What little girl? What paper?

In the Planet.
I was just reading about her.

She's crippled.
She's gotta stay home alone all day...

...on account of her ma goes to work.
lt's the same name and address.

- What are you talking about?
- Here. read it.

“Kathie Williams. Hill Street.“
He's right.

She's written Superman. asking him
to come and take her to the county fair.

Marie. that's how we get to her.

She's expecting Superman.

Well. Superman is going to show up.

Or. let's say.
someone dressed as Superman.

- Yes.
- Say. that's a great idea.

But who we gonna get to...?


What you looking at me for?

I give you one guess.

- Good morning. Lois.
- Oh. hello. Clark. you're back. How was it?

Pretty grim.
I don't like covering train wrecks.

- What's new around here?
- Let's see.

Herman Cusak, a small-time hoodlum
believed to be mixed up with...

...Big Jim Hanlon's g*ng. was shot and
k*lled in a cigar-store phone booth.

I picked up a copy of the Planet in Chicago.

- He did a stretch for counterfeiting. right?
- Five years.

- Anything else new around here?
- No. that's about it.

Oh. Kathie Williams.

The little girl that wants Superman
to take her to the fair.

You read my story.

Sure. I did.
The question is, did Superman?

Well. I don't know.

Clark. that poor little kid
sitting out there waiting and hoping...

- And I promised that--
- Lois. listen.

Superman's never let you down yet.
has he?

- No. but--
- Well. I don't think he's going to now.

- You're Superman!
- Yes.

- Where's Kathie?
- That's what I'd like to know.

- I came to take her to the fair.
- You came--

Why. yes. You are Kathie's mother.
aren't you? What's wrong?

You know. I just came in. I took time off
from work to fix a birthday party...

...and I found this.

“Dear Mommy: If I’m not back
by the time you get home. don't worry.

Superman took me to the fair.“

I don't understand.
This is Katherine's writing?

- You made her write it.
- I made her write it?

Don't pretend. You've taken her
someplace. You've taken her.

- You're mistaken.
- Well. you won't get away with it.

If any harm's come to Kathie. I'll...
I’m gonna get the police.

Superman. why did you carry me up
the fire escape? I thought you could fly.

Why did we come here?
You promised to take me to the fair.

Don't ask so many questions. little girl.

I don't think you're Superman at all.

You don't talk like Superman.

You don't act like Superman.

You don't even look like Superman.

Yeah? ls that so?

You made it. Slugger. Good work.

Kathie. I am your Aunt Marie.

And this is your Uncle Marcel.

- I don't have any aunts or uncles.
- Well. you do now. little girl.

You must be wondering why
we played this little joke on you.

It is a surprise.

We have some gifts for you.
And a birthday party. Cake and ice cream.

The message. Get to the message.

Oh. yes.

Kathie. dear. yesterday a man called you up
on the telephone and left a message.

It was all a mistake.

He dialed the wrong number.
and the message was really meant for us.

Can you remember what the man said?

Oh. sure. He said.
“Look. they're after me. Gotta talk fast.“

Good. Good. And then?

Then he said. “The meeting's set
for : Saturday night.“

Saturday. That is tomorrow.

- Go on. dear.
- Go on?

The rest of the message.

Where did he say the meeting
was going to take place?

Oh. that? I forget.

You forget?

What's the use of knowing the time
if we don't know where?

Leave this to me. Marcel.
I will handle it.

Do you think you might remember
after a while?

I don't know. I wanna go home.

Well. this is what we will do. Kathie.

Stay here. have the birthday party...

...and after you've finished
all that lovely cake and ice cream--

- And remembered the rest of the message.
- And remembered the rest of the message.

- We will have Slugger take you home.
- My mommy doesn't know where I’m at.

- She'll be worried.
- We will call her up and explain.

Slugger. you take care of that.
Tell her Kathie is safe and not to worry.

Marcel. get the ice cream.
I will get the cake.

- I forget the number.
- What number?

- The little girl's ma. You said to call and--
- You fool.


That ain't nice.

Listen to this from the Daily Blade.

“It is now over hours
since little Kathie Williams...

...was forcibly taken from her home
by Superman.

What is being done to find her?

Why is a rival newspaper
offering a reward...

...for any evidence
that will clear Superman?

The Daily Blade has always stood
for decency and fair play...

...but when it comes to
shielding criminals- ♪

- Oh. that's all. I can't read any more.
- Don't take it to heart. Lois.

We know Superman had nothing to do
with Kathie's disappearance.

Of course. it was an imposter
dressed as Superman.

But when I read this rubbish.
I get so mad I could--

Come in.

- Can I help you?
- My name's Perkins.

L've come about the reward.
They told me outside that--

- Oh. yes. Mr. Perkins, won't you sit down.
- Thank you.

I'm the clerk at the tobacco store
where that fella was shot the other day.

Cusak? Well. I was sweeping the floor...

...and I found a piece of paper
with a phone number on it.

Well. I figured that that was the number
that Cusak was calling when he was shot.

Excuse me. but exactly what
has this got to do with Superman?

Well. I’m coming to that.

You see. this piece of paper
with the phone number on it, I--

Yes. may I see it?

Well. I don't exactly have it right now.

You see. a man and a woman came
in the store and I was showing it to them...

-...and they took it when I wasn't looking.
- Go on.

I remember the number. though.
It was Avondale .

Well. I got kind of curious. so I called
this number and a woman answered.

I found out
it was where this little girl lives...

...this Kathie Williams that Superman's
supposed to have taken.

- Have you been to the police about this?
- No.

No. I didn't think nothing about it
until I read about Superman and the reward.

Can you describe the man and woman?

Well. the man was kind of ordinary-looking.
with a little moustache.

And the woman. she was kind of plain.

They both talked with an accent.
French. I think.

You know. now that I come to think of it.
she called him Marcel.


It's a French name. all right. I wonder.
Excuse me.

Get me the FBI. please. Craig Roberts.

- What is it, Clark?
- Just a hunch.

- Well. the reward. When do l...?
- Oh. yes. Mr. Perkins. of course.

Mind sticking around
until I've checked with the FBI?

No. No. I guess not.

Clark. I’m going over to Mrs. Williams'.

This story should convince her Superman
had nothing to do with Kathie's abduction.

-It’ll be here if you need me.
- Right.

Kathie. dear. please. Please try to
remember the rest of the message.

- I can't.
- If you will only try real hard...

I've been trying all day.
and all day yesterday.

I don't like it here. I wanna go home.

But why? Haven't we been nice to you?
Look at all these toys.

If there is anything you want.
anything at all...

I wanna go home.

I got a football...

...boxing gloves and a baseball outfit.

- She's a girl, idiot.
- Yeah. I know.

Also. I got a doll.

It says “Mama.“

I don't like it.

What do you mean?
I picked it out special for you.

It's no good.
Any old doll can say “Mama.“

My doll can sing.

I want my own doll.
I wanna go home.

Marcel. do you think
if we got her own doll for her...?

You mean go to her house?

- That's too dangerous.
- Of course it is.

But what else can we do?
She's got to remember the meeting place...

...if we are to be there tonight
and stop Larue from delivering the plates.

The doll might work. at that.

Slugger. look after Kathie.
We'll be back in a little while.

Here it is.

Who are you? What do you want?

Well. I’m a reporter from the Daily Planet.
I had an appointment with Mrs. Williams.

- Go on.
- Well. I just wanted to tell her...

...that we're doing all we can.
To find Kathie. that is.

Kathie's her little girl. She's missing.

Been missing for a day or so.

Well. I guess I came a little early.

Let's get out of here. fast.

- You're sure? There's no question?
- Nope. That's them. all right.

- Now do I get the reward?
- Yes. Mr. Perkins. now you get the reward.

Marcel and Marie Duval. eh?
Where did you get these?

The FBI. Craig Roberts sent them over.

They're French counterfeiters.
They hired a man named Larue... steal two -franc plates
from the Bank of France.

- Did he?
- He did. but he double-crossed those two.

He brought the plates to America.

The FBI figures he plans
to sell them to Big Jim Hanlon.

Wait a minute. This little punk. Cusak.
who was shot in the phone booth...

...didn't I hear someone say
one of Hanlon's boys rubbed him out?

Right. Cusak was working
for them. the Duvals.

He probably found out where Larue
was to deliver the plates to Hanlon.

He tried to call the Duvals.
but he got the wrong number.

Kathie Williams' number.

A second later he was dead.

It's all beginning to fit.

These characters thought Cusak had given
the message to Kathie. so they grabbed her.

Right. Someone in a fake
Superman outfit.

They might be torturing the poor kid.
beating it out of her.

- Kent. she's crippled. We've got to--
- Clark. chief. I--

- Great Caesar's ghost!
- I just saw the man and the woman.

- You mean these two. the Duvals?
- Yes.

They were snooping in Kathie's apartment.
I followed their cab.

But I got caught at a light
and they got away.

- What cab?
- A United.

Excuse me. chief.

Miss Bachrach, will you get me
the United Cab Company? Thank you.

- How long ago was this?
- About minutes ago.

Ten minutes ago.

- Where did they pick up that cab?
- At a stand outside the apartment building.

Hello. This is Clark Kent. Daily Planet.

Yes. One of your drivers picked up
a couple of fares on Hill Street.

Yes. I'd like to contact him.

I see. Will you have him call me
the minute he does? lt's important.

That's right, Kent. K-E-N-T. Thanks.

The driver hasn't reported in yet.

We might as well
make ourselves comfortable.

All we can do is wait.

And so the tin soldier
stood straight and stiff from that time on.

- You like that story. little girl?
- Yes. And you know something?

- What?
- I like you.

I like you too. little girl.

Mr. Slugger. you're not really a bad man.

- Why don't you take me home?
- Well. now. that wouldn't be right.

I know. You're just afraid of them.

Afraid. me? I ain't afraid of nobody.

Didn't I tell you about the time I went
rounds with Terrible Tommy O'Toole?

If that ref hadn't been blind as a bat.
I'd have--

Then you will take me home. Mr. Slugger?
You're not afraid?

Me. afraid? I ain't afraid of nobody.
Climb aboard.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm just gonna take the little girl home.

Get back into the room.

L've been patient. Marie.
I've let you handle this your way.

With no results.
The toys. the doll, nothing's worked.

It's : . We only have half an hour
to get the information out of her.

Now I'll take over.

You remember, all right.

You're just being stubborn.

Well. I know how to handle
stubborn children.

Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb

That's it. Lambert.
Lambert something.

Lambert Engraving Company.
Out in Watsonville.

- We just have time to make it.
- What about them?

Leave them here. By the time they're found.
we'll be out of the country.

- The girl. Don't you think we ought to...?
- Oh. she's no problem. She can't walk.

But just to make sure...

Don't do that. Don't do that.
Don't do that.


- Yes. he's here. Clark. the cab driver.
- Oh. good.

Clark Kent speaking.
That's right, a man and a woman.

Where did you take them?

The Rosewood Apartments
on Bleeker Street?

Thank you.
Call Inspector Henderson.

Tell him to meet us there. Come on. Lois.

Yeah. that's right. inspector.

- They left about half an hour ago for the...
- The Lambert Engraving Company.

Out in Watsonville.
The man said : .

It's minutes to .
Maybe we can get out there in time.

Maybe not.

- Clark. where you going?
- This is a job for Superman.

I mean. I've got to find him.

- Are you going to arrest Mr. Slugger?
- Have to. Kathie.

But I'll do what I can
to see he gets off lightly.

He's really not a bad man.


- Hanlon could not make it, Larue.
- Marcel.

You have a bad memory
for appointments. Larue.

You were supposed to deliver those plates
to us in Paris two months ago.

- Marcel. if you'll let me explain. I--
-lt's too late for explanations now.

- Give Marie the plates.
- I don't have them. Marcel.

You lie.

- You came here to deliver them to Hanlon.
- No. I do not have them.

I will sh**t you down like a dog.

Okay. Hanlon. get them up. All of you.

What's your hurry. lady?
You're not going anywhere.

Take care of them.


- What happened?
- I just stopped a g*n battle.

The plates. Marie. Get rid of them.

The plates.
She dropped them in a vat of acid.

There you are. inspector.

You can see that these are returned
to the Bank of France.

Kathie. I've come
in answer to your letter.

Yes. I’m the real one.
lt's the real one this time.

As I understand it.
you want to go on the roller coaster?

And the merry-go-round
and the Ferris wheel.

All right.

Well. we're going on a roller coaster...

...a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel
all our very own.