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01x13 - Would You Wrather Lose a Luau?

Posted: 08/12/22 17:25
by bunniefuu
Cami, careful!

My ankle's still broken

from when I did my triple twist
in gymnastics class.

I heard you got a blister
standing in line to register.

It's hard to remember details
when your body is in shock.

Sorry I'm late.

I needed some extra prep time.

To ruin your hair?

I'm breaking a slump.

My hockey playoffs start tonight,
and I've been playing terribly.

I need something drastic
to change my luck.

There's drastic,
and then there's criminal.

Uh, can you two save
your buddy banter for after the show?

And... we're on.

Good morning, Wratherheads.

We thought we'd kick off today
with a very romantic question.

Would you rather hug an angry cat

or kiss a filthy rat?

You Wrathers are making all kinds
of bad fashion decisions today.

You want some of this?

You don't scare me.

Yes, you do.

Vote now, Wratherheads.

And no comments on Ollie's outfit.

My mom's making him wear it
for his class picture day.

I looked so adorable
in that thing when I was his age.

Now he has to wear it.


I remember one person
teased you so much

you ran home crying.

Hey, my grandma's a p*stol.

If you're gonna wear shorts,

you better have
the knees to back 'em up.

Oh, look. The votes are in.

Hug an angry cat it is!

Ollie, you sure you want to do this?

He's got some pretty big claws.

The bigger the claws,
the bigger the hugs.

That's not a saying.

I just said it.

Okay then, here we go!

-[cat screeches]
-Ah! Ah!

Not me, Ollie!

Sorry, Fred.

-[cat meows]
-Ow! Ow, ow, ow!


My favorite pants!

-I'm sorry.

-Good kitty. Pretty kitty.
-[cat snarls]

-[cat screeches]
-[scratching, ripping]

Told you he was a hugger.

[theme music playing]

Would you rather lose your phone

Or give up pizza for a month

Share your diary with the world

Or have to eat it for your lunch

Sing out of tune to your friends

Or trip and fall into your crush

Shave your head, paint it red

Or use your dog's toothbrush

We need a little Q and A

Come on Wratherheads, play along

Would you rather do this

Would you rather do this

Or would you rather do that

Would you rather do that

Don't matter what we do

We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world!
Would you rather do this

Would you rather do this

Or would you rather just dance

No matter what we do
We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world!

Would you rather do that?

[indistinct chatter]

Settle down, social committee.

The school has given us

bucks for our next social event.

Well, .

I needed a new gavel.

How about a dance?

Oh, Clare, so close.

But what's better than a dance?

A dance where you can win something.

How about a dance-a-thon?

[loud banging]

Worth every penny.

Now we need an awesome theme.

I'll get the ball rolling
by suggesting Hawaiian luau.

Or we could do a winter wonderland.

Or we could all remember
we live in Minnesota.

Anybody else?


Uh, sorry, I don't think I know you.

That's okay, I don't know you either.

I think that's because I'm new here.

Great, so do you have
an idea and a name?

Yes, and yes. Delaware.

What kind of idea is that?

No, that's my name.

My idea is
a street robot-toga party theme.

Your name is Delaware?

Yep. Well, that's
of course my nickname.

My real name is Arizona.

-My mom named me after her favorite--

Aunt. Aunt Arizona, she's so cool.

She lives in Oregon.

It's a small town in Missouri.


Um, getting back to your idea.

Explain it to me
as if I thought you were bonkers

and had no idea
what you were talking about.

It's past meets future.

We used to be ruled by Romans in togas,

and we're soon to be ruled by robots.

What do they both have in common?

Say it with me: dance!

Did she say it too?

I couldn't hear because I was talking.

I still like winter wonderland.

-Under the sea!
-No, but...

[all chattering]


I think Jack was on to something
when he said luau.

Wait, but I didn't say--

Jack, just take the compliment.

All in favor of luau, say aye.


All right, luau it is.


All in favor of taking
Clare to the nurse?



Chew on that, South Plains! Boom!

Take that, slump! Boom!

You did great out there.

Let me get my star some water.

Can you get me some extra dino sauce?

Don't ever think about becoming a nurse.

Finally, the old Cooper is back.

If we win tomorrow,
we go to the finals!


[all howling]

[howls, coughs]

Ah. Why couldn't you be
the North Plains Cows?

I'm a much better moo-er.

Talk about a good end to a horrible day.

Cat attack,

breaking your crutch,

making it up to you by pulling
you around school in that wagon.

You know, your Pop-Pop

went in and out
of slumps when he bowled.

One time, after having a horrible day,

he bowled his best game.

He thought it was the universe
making it up to him,

so he kept repeating that horrible day,
hoping to get the same result.

Great story.

Does it end with me getting dino sauce?


Congratulations, see you at home.

Bye, Fred!

I'm totally doing Pop-Pop's thing.

If I repeat my horrible day,

then I could get the same results.

I like it.

Now lead me to the rink, my good man.

I wanna feel the ice on my tootsies.

Hey, Cami. What do you
think of my wagon?

I think I want to find a steep hill.

Morning, Fred. I like the upgrades.

While you're riding your winning streak,

I thought I'd ride in style.


You get the idea.

Hey, I thought
we weren't doing the show today.

If I want to win my game later,

I need to repeat all the horrible things
that happened yesterday.

Including the cat attack.

Sorry I have to miss that,

but I have a dance-a-thon to plan.

If you can believe it,
some new girl wanted a robot-toga party.

I can believe it.

I look great in a toga.

And that's why we're not having
a robot-toga party.

Hey, Wratherheads.

If it's cool with you guys,

I need to do yesterday's question

with the same result.

I'll explain later.

So, would you rather hug an angry cat

or kiss a filthy rat?

[cat snarls]

Thanks for putting on the suit again,

I love three things:

my brother,
Wolverines hockey, and cat v*olence.

The votes are in. Thanks, Wratherheads.

-[cat growls]

Here we go, angry cat.

[cat screeches]



Now's when I break Fred's crutch.

Step on Ollie's toys.

-[toys squeaking]
-Ow, ow, ow!

Fingers crossed this blister
heals before the dance.

I've got some
great rubber ducky bed sheets

that'll make my toga lit.

Look at you, fancy lady.

Didn't you get all dressed up
yesterday, too?

Mom, I'm not dressed up.
They're just clothes.

These earrings match, right?


Listen, I know you're at that age

when you don't want to share stuff
with your mom--

Oh, good, so we're all on the same page.

Pass the cereal, please.

Charlotte, I'm really sorry.



Again, seriously, couldn't feel worse.

Cooper, what is wrong with you?


What is happening?

I'm doing the Pop-Pop thing!

Come and get me, kitty!

[cat growls]

-Ah! Ah!
-[cat screeches]

Get off my son, you relatively tiny cat.

[cat screeches]

I hope Pop-Pop was right.


Pop-Pop was right!
We're going to the finals!

That's my son!

That's my son.

Not the one in the wagon.

Way to go, Coop!

[horn plays "Charge"]

I just put that in.

You know it's cool
'cause everyone's staring at me.

And there's gonna be a punch bowl

shaped like an actual volcano.

Does it erupt in people's faces?

I'm trying to throw a party,

not send kids to the E.R.

I like the E.R.

Janet gives me lollipops.


Delaware, what are you doing?

Standing in your doorway

answering your question
about what I'm doing!

I have something to tell you.

Okay, what is it?

I'm gonna be honest.

I forgot, but I'll get it back.

It just takes a second
when I'm overexcited.

Okay, well, I'm kind of sort of busy.

-Retrace steps.

Riding my bike, taking nap in the yard,

getting yelled at for taking a nap

in that lady's yard.
[shouting] Got it!

Wow, that was loud.

Okay, what is it?

I was researching our luau,

and found this.

Some people may see
a metallic street performer

buying a frozen banana
from a Hawaiian food truck,

but I see...

Robots at a luau.


But your face is kind of saying no.


Fair enough, just throwing it out there.

Hanging with the social committee

has cracked open
this creative vortex in my brain.

It almost scares me what I'll find next.

You and me both.

Oh, you so rock.

To the napping yard!



My assistant Pam came through
with the luau supplies.

She just needs the money.

Where's the envelope?

My luau money is gone.

Somebody steal it?

No, this backpack
hasn't left my sight all day.

I lost the dance-a-thon money.

You seem down.

Maybe I can help.

[rock music plays]

Morning, sweetie.
I made you a healthy breakfast

to get your engine started.

Can't talk, gotta find my luau money.

But you seem plenty awake.

Whoa, not so fast.

Oh, I get it.

You care more
about Cooper's winning streak than me.

I was just hoping you'd talk to me.

I'm your mother
and I'm pretty sure all this

is about a boy.

There's no boy.

So Caleb is the name of your notebook?


Fine, he's in my math class,

snorts when he laughs and plays the tuba.


He sounds... cute.

I know, right?

I've been trying to get up the nerve
to ask him if he wants to hang out,

but Cooper keeps ruining my outfits
with his superstitious nonsense.

Where'd he come up with that anyway?

I have no idea.

-[toys squeaking]
-[Cooper] Ow, ow, ow!

Uh-oh, here he comes!

-Go. I'll handle your brother.
-Thanks, Mom.

Where's Charlotte?

Oh, she tried to run out

but I got her with some milk

before she left.

You're welcome.

Wow, thanks, Mom.

What's taking that cat so long?

Whiskers, in here!

Wait, how could you spill milk
on Charlotte if this is unopened?

Ugh! Fine, I lied.

But only because I don't want you
to spill milk on your sister.

But what about my winning streak?


you're gonna be fine without the milk.

Believe in yourself,

and success will follow.

Yeah, yeah, stop reading

fortune cookie messages off the fridge.

Just because it came from a cookie
doesn't mean it's not true.

And then I took the envelope

and I put it in my folder.

Then I looked up.

Ahh! Ah, haha! Aloha!

Everyone, uh, welcome
to the luau meeting.

Uh, we've got our big dance-a-thon
tomorrow night.

Everything's going as planned
and that about covers it.

Meeting adjourned.

Wait, we have ideas for the luau theme.

Or we could do something else.

I'd hate for it not to work out.

Okay, how about...
pineapple smoothies.

And a surfboard photo stand.


Those sound very expensive.

Um, I was actually thinking

we could have more
of a B.Y.O.T. dance-a-thon.

You know, bring your own theme,

and decorations,
and food, and drinks.

So B.Y.O.T.D.F.D.

Well, we still haven't talked about
what the winner of the dance-a-thon gets.

A slap on the back
and a sparkly pen.

Ooh, pretty.

Uh, heh, you guys good?

Yeah, you are! See you at the dance!


So, wanna tell me what's wrong?

If anyone was half-listening to you,
you're worried about money.

I really can't.

Being by yourself is never fun.

I learned that the hard way
at see-saw camp.

But maybe I could help.

I lost the envelope
with the fundraiser money in it.

You can report me
to the committee if you want.

Not my style.

But I might turn you in...
to the hug police.



What am I gonna do?

I promised everyone
a great dance-a-thon,

and now I've ruined it.

So the money's gone.

But we can still throw a great event.

I've got the music covered.

I got a drum set when I was five.

[arrhythmic drumming]

Can you believe
I never took a lesson?



you're a genius!

That's how I lost the money.

Follow me.

Stay away from me, Cooper!

You think I want to do this?

Hi, Cami!

The janitor said yesterday's trash
is still here.

Hopefully it won't be that bad,

and the money will be in there.

It's bad.

Why did it have to be Sloppy Joe Day?

The flies seem to like it.

Whoa, Nelly, that's a lot of yuck.

Yeah, but somewhere
under all that yuck

is my reputation as social chair.

Uh, if we just climb down carefully...


Delaware! What are you doing?

There's no time for careful.

We've got a dance-a-thon to put on!

Is it gross?

No, it's just a lot of dancing.

What was that?

What was what?

Something just grabbed my ankle.

Oh, my gosh! Ah! Ah!



Hang on, I'm coming! Cannonball!


Am I not supposed to be here?

I don't like trouble.

Don't let the tuba playing
fool you, I am no bad boy.

I'm just listening for my brother.

Long story.

Let me just grab my math book
and then we can go to the library.

Oh, uh, any chance I could have
a glass of milk?



Any chance I could have
a glass of milk, please?


No, I'm sorry, we're... out of milk.

How about a glass
of apple juice instead?

Ooh. Uh, more sugar
than I'm usually allowed, but...


...maybe I am a bad boy.

Only two hours till the finals.

You still need to hit Charlotte with milk.

Lucky for us, she came home.

Who's that drinking my apple juice?

It's that rough and tumble band kid.

If I didn't have a blister...

That must be the guy
Charlotte's always talking about.

This is why she's been dressing up.

And why mom was protecting her
from my milk spill.

Mama bear's not here now.

Go get her, champ.

I would, but I just created
the perfect butt nest in my playa' wagon.

I don't know.

Charlotte really likes this guy.

[groans] Horrible
caring brother instinct kicking in.

Must resist.

Ready to get out of here?

Oh. Uh, can I use the bathroom first?


I mean, of course! Just be quick.

I'll-- I'll try.

I didn't mean--

Just go.



Hi, Cami.


Did it look like I was att*cked
by a dumpster shark?

I was thinking giant raccoon!
Why would you do that?

Because it's awesome.

You know what else is awesome?

The money!

Delaware, you're the best!

You're also very different.

I get that a lot.

I like different.

I don't get that a lot.


Do you hear those sirens?

What sirens?

The hug police!

You have to start.
This is new territory for me.

Here, pour this on me. I don't care.

What about Caleb?

It's going nowhere.

I've been my usual awkward self
saying stupid things.

I even questioned
the efficiency of his bladder.

So that's not a good thing
to ask on a date?


At least one of us
should be a winner today.

I can't.

And if Caleb doesn't want
to hang out with you,

he's the loser.

That's nice. Thanks.

Wolverines forever!

[rapid drum beat]


Is everything okay?

I just spilled. I'm such an idiot.

We don't have to go to the library anymore

if you don't want to.

Are you kidding? I love the library!

Uh, you still want to go, don't you?

Y-Yeah, if you do. Do you?

-If you do.
-Guys, go to the library.

Thank you.

Turn my wagon around.
I can't even look at you right now.

All right, everybody,
welcome to the dance-a-thon!


It's pretty easy,
last person dancing wins.

Tell them what they win, Delaware.

A brand new pair of sunglasses

so you won't be blinded
by your shiny new phone!


Three, two, one, dance!

[dance music plays]

Who do you think's gonna win the prize?

Oh, I have to win.

We spent all the money
on food and decorations.

That's my phone.

Hey, Coop, you made it. How'd you do?

I lost a tooth, a toenail, and the game.

But the night's not a total loss.


I'd love to dance,

but this blister is still throbbing.

To the punch bowl, wagon boy!


