05x13 - Doc Take the Fifth/Safety Last/A Business Affair

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x13 - Doc Take the Fifth/Safety Last/A Business Affair

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

Song: Love, exciting and new.

Come aboard, we're
expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat.

Soon we'll be
making another run.

The love boat.

Promises something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love, won't hurt any more.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard, it's love.

[Theme music]



I'm Gary Michaels.

Could you help me
find my cabin, please?

Well, if I can't, i'm
in a lot of trouble.

Promenade .


It's right through
those doors and--

do you hear music?

[Music playing]

Wedding bells?

You'll have to excuse him.

He always gets romantic at
the start of the cruise.

It's this antique
music box of mine.

It must have come open.

Oh, that's nice.

That's a beauty.

Well, you think that's
a beauty, look inside.

Oh, man.

What a knockout.

That's a very pretty lady.

She's my wife.

Or she was my wife.

Oh, sorry.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

That was almost years ago.

In another life.

I keep hoping I'll
find her again.

She's really the
only girl I want.

Well, guess I'll settle in.

Through those doors, right?


Wedding bells isn't the
only thing that guy's hearing.

I'm Diane Dayton.

Oh, yeah.
It's right here.

Diane Dayton.

Fiesta .

That's right.

Yeah, ok.

Right into the elevator
and down a flight.


You bet.

Gopher, gopher, that's her.

Her who?

That's the girl in
the antique music box.

She sure looks good
for her age, doesn't she?

Mom, I want to see
captain steer the ship.

I want to see where the
captain steers the ship

and where the radar is.

Ok, ok.

All right.

Come on.


I'm Barbara Lee and
this is my son Mike.


Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Your cabin is on the
promenade deck, Mrs. Lee.

It's right through
the lobby in the--

where is the captain steer.

It's called the bridge.

And it's right up those stairs.


Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

If your camera is
broken, I'd be glad to--

I think the case saved it.

I just wish my knee
came in a case.

Mike, you come
down here right now.

All right.

Now you apologize.


Young man, you ever
want to be a fullback,

you come see me in
a few years, huh?

I coach high school football.

George wetlin.

I'm Barbara Lee.

And Mike.

Is it just the two of you?


Just the two of us.

Are you sure you're all right?

I think so.

But an injury like this could
require constant attention.

Come on, mom.

I'm sorry, but as you see--

Mike-- my constant
attention is spoken for.



Have you seen Julie?




Have you seen Julie?

No, she hasn't
come on board yet.

She's been kind
of down lately.

I hope nothing's wrong.

But what could be wrong?

Oh, well, sir,
anything could be wrong.

She could be in a
taxi accident or a bus

accident, a train wreck.

Oh, here she comes.

It's amazing she
lived through all that.

Hi, captain.

Mindy, guys, sorry I am late.

No, I'm sure you
have a good reason.

Well, yeah.

I went to the beauty
parlor while I was ashore.

I knew she had a good reason.

It took longer
than I expected.

It's something I've been
wanting to do for a long time

and I finally got up the nerve.

I hope you like it.

Oh my goodness.

I've never seen
anything like it before.

It's very interesting.

Most unusual.

I love the cut.

I was so afraid
you wouldn't like it.

Well, I'm just going
to go down to my cabin

and play with my new hair-do.


Well, at least we know one
thing-- we'll always be able

to pick her out in a crowd.


Just the guy I
was looking for.

You remember that
picture you showed me?

The one with a girl in it?

She's sitting right
over there, by the pool.

I'm not kidding you.
- Come on.

I'm used to being
kidded, gopher.

It's all right.
- I am not kidding you.

She looks just like the girl and
she's sitting right over there.

That's-- that's her.

That's-- that's the
girl I was married to.

Well, if I were you,
I wouldn't introduce

myself just like that.


Hello again.

Do I know you?

Well, don't you?

Uh, no.

I don't think so.

Well, I have something
that might jog your memory.

As a matter of fact,
it will blow your mind.

I have a picture
that you have to see.

Oh, not the old come into my
cabin and look at my etchings


No, no.

Wait here.

I'll be right back.

I can't.

I have an appointment
for a massage.

But-- but this
is very important.


So's my massage.

Well then, meet me after.


you won't be sorry.


The starlight tech
in about two hours.



I'll see you later.


[Hums wedding march]


Well now, if it isn't
the little fullback.

You want to play rough?


What are you doing--

Mr. Wetlin, what are you doing?

Well, he started it.

What am I going
to do with you?

I'm sorry, Mr. Wetlin.

It's George.

It's ok.

We were having fun together.

Well, you're
very understanding.

Well, Mike.

I think we've bothered
Mr. Wetlin quite enough.

No, really.

It's no bother.

In fact, it'd be great if you
two could join me for dinner.

Can we, mom?

Can we?

Well, that's
very kind of you--

oh, it's not kindness.

It's for totally
selfish reasons.


it's a date then.

All right.

I'll see you at : .

Come on, Mike.

Join me while I
get some sun, ok?

I don't want to.

Well, Mike, I brought--

I don't want any books.


Here, let me help
you with those.

Oh, it's all right.

Thank you.

I guess I just had so much
suntan lotion on my hands,

they just slipped out.

Thank you.

Did Julie make it back?

Oh, you haven't seen her yet.


Uh, Isaac, look,
we've got to warn you--


Hi, guys.



You don't like it?

Like what?

Oh, doc was just
telling us a joke

about a rabbit and a bear--



Oh, I thought you were
laughing at my new hairdo.

Oh, you got a new hairdo.


Do you like it?

Ah, Julie, it's
something else.

Oh, great.

Then it's unanimous.

All my friends
like my new hairdo.

Well, I better
get back to work.

I can't just stand around
here all day looking gorgeous.

Her hair is dyed.

Her hair is dead.

What kind of friends are we?

Letting her walk around with
hair that looks like that.

Somebody has got to
tell her the truth.


Gopher, since it's
your idea, why don't--

oh, no, no, no.

We'll draw straws for it.

Short straw tells her.

Um, I don't think I
should be a part of this.

I mean, I am a minor and minors
aren't allowed to gamble,

especially on the high seas.

Draw your straw, minor.

Too bad, gopher.

I just saw Julie.

What are you going to do about
that horrible hair of hers.

Well, we're just
drawing straws to see

who should tell her, sir.

There's one left.

Lost again, huh, gopher?

Ok, here I am.

Blow my mind.

Does this look like
anybody you know?

That's me.

Or my grandmother.

No, no.

It's you.

But the picture's too old.

Almost years.

Where'd you get this.

Well, most recently
in an antique shop.

And then I started remembering
our other life together.

Other life?

Our other life?


I'm talking about reincarnation
and love, a love so strong

that it made us find
each other again.

I don't know what you're on,
but it sure can't be legal.

Well, did I
imagine the picture?

That's me all right.

I don't understand.

Well, you'll start remembering
again, just like I did.

Look, it's and we're on a
ship together, just like now.

Think back.

Just think back.

Try to see it the way it was.


Just thinking back now.

The way it was.


This is the most wonderful
honeymoon anybody ever had.

I've got something for you.

A wedding present.

Oh, darling.

It's magnificent.

Open it up.

Thank you.

I love you.

Darling, I'll never
forget this moment.

Nor will I, not
if I live forever.

Couldn't you see it?

Couldn't you see the way it was?

You gave me this music box.

I-- i--

I don't know.

I think i--


Gopher: I'm going now.

I told you that I'd do it.

You lost fair and square.

I will tell her.

I just happen to be busy
at the moment, all right?

No, wait a second.

This is the moment.

We don't have to
do this right now.

Oh, hi guys.

Hi, Julie.

What's going on?

Gopher, the lady's
talking to you.

We have a problem.

Oh, well, you know, if
you guys have a problem,

any problem, I want to help.

Oh, you like all the little
curls around my head.

It's the way I
would have worn it.

Yeah, it's amazing what
you can do with hair.


Now what about your problem?

The problem is hair.



Mine hair.

Mein herr.

Doc and I have a bet on
how to spell mine hair.

Yeah, is it
m-e-i-n or m-i-e-n.

Oh, m-e-i-n capital h-e-r-r.

There you go.

You see?

Ladies with beautiful hairdos
are also beautiful spellers.

Mike, honey, slow down.

You're gonna make yourself sick.

Hey, your mom's right, tiger.

If you don't chew your food,
no assimilation, no muscle.

Right, coach.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Mike, they had this in the
gift shop with your name on it.


What is it?

Well, it's a pedometer.

Joggers and athletes use it.

In the morning, you set it to
, clip it on your clothes,

and at the end of
the day, it tells you

how many miles you've covered.

It'll also tell
your mom how many

miles she covered chasing you.

Hi, Mr. Wetlin.

Mrs. Lee.

Barbara, this is Vicki.

She's the captain's daughter.

- Hi.
- Hi.

She's available to
sit with Mike tonight,

if that's all right with you.

Oh, I don't think
that will be necessary.

Mike and I will be
turning in soon.

Please, Barbara.

I'm sure Mike will be in
very good hands with Vicki.

Don't worry about a thing.

Well, I suppose it
will be all right.

A girl?


All right then.

I'll be down in a few minutes
to show you the medicine he has

to take before he goes to bed.


Come on, Mikey.


Is everything all right?

Oh yes.

Everything's fine.

It's just that when you have
kids, you have medicine.

Speaking of
medicine, my doctor

tells me that I should be
dancing at least two miles

a night.

I don't know.

It's just so hard to
accept that you and I

had a previous life together.


Diane, listen, reincarnation
is a belief shared by millions

of hindus and Buddhists.

My folks are
southern baptists.


Well, darling, you're
just avoiding the truth.

I'm not.

And please don't
call me darling.


It feels right, doesn't it?



Oh, I don't know what I feel.

Diane, I never thought i'd
be lucky enough to find you--



Good evening everybody.

Good evening.

Oh, thank you, John.



Have you spoken to Julie?

About what, sir?

Oh, about the-- the word.

Oh, mein herr.

Oh, sir, that's all
straightened out.


Very good.

Julie, I want you
to know it wasn't

easy for gopher to tell you.

Oh, merrill, was that
a fog horn I just heard?

Of course not.

It's a very clear night.

Anyway, Julie, as I was saying.

It wasn't easy
for gopher to tell

you about that silly looking
hairdo and that horrible color.

That's what a friend is for.

Oh, captain, if you win
the rest of my friends

will excuse me,
I'll take my silly

looking hairdo with its
horrible color back to my cabin.

Excuse me.

I didn't even draw
the short straw.

You know, I imagine raising
a little boy all by yourself

can be pretty tough.

When I was first divorced
about four years ago, it was.

And now I kind of like it
being just Mike and me.

I know what you mean.

I'm set in my ways, too.

You know, I've been a bachelor
for so long I've gotten

to like holes in my socks.

I'm really glad I let
you talk me into this,

because I'm having
a wonderful time.

I knew you would.

Enjoying yourself?

I can't explain it, but
I feel so close to you.

Well, you should we've
loved each other a long time.

Oh, Gary, could
that really be true?

Of course it is.

You know it is.

Ah, darling, I'll never
forget this moment.

Neither will I, not
if I live forever.

I haven't been on a
date in a long time,

but I don't ever remember
it being this much fun.

That's because you've
never been out with a guy

as charming as I am.

I was just thinking that.

Is something wrong?

Well, it's late and I
should be getting back.

It's early.

Mike's in very good
hands with Vicki.

There's really nothing
to worry about.

Well, I'd feel better
if I looked in on him.


I'll be back in a few minutes.

Here, take this with you.

Well, guess it
was no it's accident

that I took this cruise.

Oh, you couldn't have
avoided it if you tried.

There's only one
thing I regret though.

What's that?

This won't be our first time.

Mrs. Lee, he
just got to sleep.

I tried to page you
at the night club, but--

Vicki called me when Mike
wouldn't take his medicine.

You can't imagine--

oh, yes, I can.

How much do I owe you, Vicki.

Oh, don't worry about it.

Mr. Wetlin took
care of everything.

Good night.

Good night.

How long has your son
been taking this medicine?

About five years.

I assume it's for
his hyperactivity?

More than that.

Mike has minimal
brain dysfunction.

It affects his coordination
and his attention span.

I'm sure you already know that.

But most of the time,
he's a happy, affectionate

child, just like anyone else.

And then suddenly--

violent, destructive,

Yes and he can hurt
himself and others.

His father wanted to put him
in an institution, but i--

I just couldn't do it.

I guess it was
hard for my husband

to deal with, having
a child that wasn't

like all the other children.

Constant pressure,
the embarrassment.

I know these situations
are never easy.

That's what finally
broke up our marriage.

Well, please call me
if you need anything.

Thank you.

Good night, Mrs. Lee.

Good night.


You sure you want to
be seen with someone

with such silly looking hair?

Julie, please.

I want to apologize about that.

Everybody feels terrible
that they hurt your feelings.


Oh, you didn't
hurt my feelings.

You just made me very angry.

Well, guess what?

I got Gladys to open
up the beauty salon

and she gave me some hair dye.


What color are you
going to dye your hair?

Julie, come on.


I'm not going to change
the color of my hair

just because you guys insist
on living in the th century.

Give me one good
reason why I should.

Because it's the pits.

That bad?

The pits?

The pits.

We who are about
to die, salute you.


Gary: I'll be right out.

I'm brushing my teeth.

What takes you so long to
get ready for bed anyway?

Gary: I want this
night to be perfect.

[Music box playing]

Barbara, I got worried.

What happened to you?

Well, i-- I have
this headache, and i--

I thought, well, maybe I
just better go to sleep.

Well, I wish you'd
come and told me that.

I could have been waiting
out there all night.

I'm sorry.

Look, Barbara.

If you don't want to see me, you
don't have to make up excuses.

Just tell me.

Julie: It's a mess job, huh?

I sure hope it works.

I'm sure it'll work.


I'm sure it will work.

Gladys guaranteed it.

I hope so.

Being glamorous was
fun, but I understand

why movie stars have to take
such good care of themselves.


- Being glamorous is hard work.
- Yep.

Ew, I got this stuff
all over my hand.

Hey, Julie, you know
you're not supposed to leave

this stuff on overnight.

I'll see you in the morning.

Oh, I sure hate to leave
all this stuff on my hair

overnight, but if it
works, it'll be worth it.

[Music playing]

Ah, oh, it's a good
day for singing a song.

Oh, it's a good day
for moving along.

My hair is green.

I come from a long line of
blond haired, blue eyed people

and I have green hair.

Green haired people
are very lonely people.


How's your headache?

George, look, I didn't really
have a headache last night.

I'd like to explain.

Please sit down.

I didn't want to stand
you up last night.

See, there's something that I
think you should know about--

mom, look.

Mike, that's great.

But I think that's
about enough for now.

You're quite a
little athlete, Mike.

Ah, he's in great shape.

I want to be a football
player when I grow up.

Football's my favorite sport.

Well, I'll tell you what,
when we get back home,

I'll get us some tickets
and we'll go to a game.


Can I, mom?

Well, I don't see why not.

But only us men, huh?


Mom thinks football
is for animals.

Hey, how's your
pedometer working?


I put on two miles already.

Wow, I wish I could get
my team to hustle like that.

Mike, Mike, Mike!

- No!
- Mike.

Stop it, stop it!




Spoiled kid.

She ought to learn
how to control him.

Diane, what happened
to you last night.

I came out of the bathroom
and you were gone.

I've heard of lousy ways
of getting a girl into bed,

but re-incarnation?

That is the all time lowest.

What are you talking about?

How many other
faces have you pasted

in that music box of yours?


Diane, I'm sorry.

I really mean that.

It just didn't work out
the way I thought it would.

See, I saw you in the
travel agents office

and when I heard
you were booking

the same cruise, well, i--

I got the idea and
I took your picture.

Get away from me.

I don't want to see your face
for the rest of this cruise.

And I mean that.



Julie won't come
out of her cabin.

She wouldn't come out for
breakfast and I went by again

and she still won't come out.

Oh, if I had weird
hair like that,

I wouldn't come out
of my cabin either.



I think we really
hurt Julie feelings.


Oh, that must be my
fault. I wouldn't

have said anything
to her if I had known

gopher hadn't spoken to her.

Well, maybe the next
time each of us sees her,

we should tell her how much
we really like her new hairdo.

That's a good idea, Isaac.

She's not the only girl
with platinum hair.

Besides, I'm sure we'll all
get used to it, given time.

I wonder how much
time he's talking about.



Hi, Mrs. Lee.


Mike looks like he's
doing much better.

Ah, yes.

He's calmed down quite a bit.

And how are you doing?

I'm hanging in there.


Here, I thought this trip
would be perfect for Mike,

but I'm afraid
it's a little more

excitement than he can handle.

Well, he's a little more
than your friend could handle.

George, yes.

Well, I thought for
a while we could

have something good together.

But why can't you?

Well, when he finds out
about Michael's problem,

he'll be off like a shot.

That doesn't sound like
you're being very fair.

Maybe he will run away, but
then again, maybe he won't.

Now why don't you give him a
chance to make up his own mind.

Ah, say, doc--


I'll look after Mike for you.


Hey, Mike.

You're doing great.


What's that guy's name?


Who is it?

Gopher: It's gopher.

Come in.

Julie, can't wait to see
the color of your hair.

I haven't told the other guys.

How did it turn out?

Come on.


Don't keep me in suspense.

Gopher, you remember
this is not just my hair.

You bought the dye, so
it's your hair too, right?


Julie, your hair is green.

I mean, our hair is green,
but mostly yours is--


I know.

That's what I thought, but
I needed a second opinion.

What am i--

I'm sorry.

Actually though, you
know, it's not all green.


In back it's a little blue.


Diane, please.

I warned you to
stay away from me.

But listen, Diane, it's--

I know I did something
wrong, but it

was just a little white lie.

You're a terribly sick person.

Ah, don't you see?

Something-- something
made me trick you so

that we could find each other.

That something happens to
be a nasty, perverted mind.


It's love.

Last night, you were
in love with me.

Admit it.

We both felt it.

Last night, I didn't know
you were a con man or a liar.

Ah, Diane, darling.

We have to be together.

You can't avoid it.


Watch me.


Oh hi.

How's your little darling doing?

Look, you mustn't
blame Michael

for what happened this morning.

I don't blame Mike.

I blame his overprotective
mother who coddles him

and refuses to discipline him.

Look, if I'm overprotective,
it's because I have to be.

I didn't want to get
into this with you,

but I feel like you
deserve an explanation.

Mike has minimal
brain dysfunction.

He has what?

It's a disease and it
causes sudden uncontrollable

bouts of anger and aggression.

Barbara, I'm sorry.

I had no--

I apologize.

No need to apologize.

Why didn't you tell me?

Well, it's not exactly
the kind of thing

you discuss on a first date.

You mean, it just happens
to him without warning?

Well, the medication helps
to keep it under control.

And there's a family counseling
program that helps me to cope.

Look, this is
really unfair of me.

I really just came in
to see if you and i--

you don't need to be
saddled with my problems.

Announcer: Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to Mazatlan.

And tours will be
leaning in one half hour.

Hey, aren't you
going to Mazatlan?

It's really a fun spot.


Oh, boy, have I had a
lot of good times there.

I remember one time--


[Music playing]






I just saw the past.

I really saw it.

I can't let it happen again.

Well, you want me to
charge this to your past life

or to this one?

Gopher, did Ms.
Dayton leave the ship?


She was one of the
first one's off.

Well, did she say
where she was going?

Ah, no.

Oh, but I told her
about this place

makes fantastic margaritas.

Los gatos.
- Los gatos.


actually that you put on--

Captain, it's me, Julie.

Let me in.

Captain, I've got
something awful to show you.

Oh, relax Julie.

I've already seen
your platinum hair.

I'm really starting to like it.

It's green.

It's spoiled.

What am I gonna do?

I don't want green hair.


There, there, Julie.

We'll take care of it.


Oh, sir.

There, there.

[Music playing]

Diane, am I glad I found you.

Now listen, I know
this sounds crazy,

but you've got to
get out of your fast.

Will you please
leave me alone?


I saw our past.

This time I really saw it.

And I just saw my future
and you're not in it.

Diane, I'm telling
you the truth.

I saw it.

A chandelier fell on you.

Gary, take my advice.

Have yourself committed.




Announcer: We will depart
Mazatlan in minutes.

We hope you enjoyed your stay.

You mean, her hair is green?

I mean, really green?

Yes, but don't say
anything about it.

Just try to make
her feel better.

- I'll try.
- All right.

Now just be natural.

Don't even mention
the word green.



Who is it?

Vicki: It's Vicki.

Ah, just a second.

Come in.



You come to see the
lady with the freaky hair?

Oh, no.

I came to see you.

Did your dad or gopher tell
you anything about my hair?



Was dinner ok?

Did you seat some nice
people at your dad's table?

Oh, yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Green.

I mean, black.

I missed you.


You would have loved dessert.

It was delicious.

Except dad wouldn't
let me have any

until I finished my vegetables.

And you know how I hate green--

well, peas and spinach
and broccoli and--

you sure nobody told you
anything about my hair?


Do you want to look at it?

Eh, if you've seen one green
head, you've seen them all.

Julie, I'm sorry.

Oh, it's ok.

I know you meant well.

Would you look at it anyway?

What do you think?

I like it.



But I like you no matter what.


Announcer: Hope you enjoyed
your stay in Mazatlan.

Our next stop is the
port of Los Angeles.

Mom, how come we didn't eat
dinner with Mr. Wetlin tonight?

Well, I guess he must
have had other plans, honey.

Say, there's a great
movie on tonight.

You want to go?


I don't feel like it.

Are you tired?

You hardly touched
your dinner at all.

I'm ok.

You know, when
we get back home,

I'm going to get
some tickets and take

us to that baseball game.

It's football, mom.


I'm going to get your pajamas
and get you ready for bed.

[Music playing]

I feel so sorry for Julie
sitting all alone in her cabin.

Oh, I told her to
take the night off.

She didn't want
to, so I insisted.


I didn't want any insensitive
people laughing at her.

I know what you mean.

Mel, do you
think Julie will be

able to get all like green gook
out of hair before we get home?

Only if we hit
an iceberg and it

takes two years to tow us in.

Who knows?

Maybe just start a
new fashion trend.

If not, we can fix her
up with Kermit the frog.

I can't believe what's
happened to me on this cruise.

It's like a dream.

Yes, except it's not a dream.

It really happened.

Well, I still don't know
if I believe in reincarnation

and foreseeing the future.

But I really do know
one thing for sure.

You really did save my life.

That's true.

I did.

And since I did, don't you
think it's only fair that you

spend the rest of it with me?

Is that a yes?

Why don't you ask me
on our th anniversary?

Make it .




How come you didn't come and
eat dinner with us tonight?

I wasn't very hungry.

Me neither.

When we get home,
are you still gonna

take me to that football game?

I really don't know, Mike.

Hey, watch it.

What are you doing?

It's ok, Mike.

I'm here.

Don't go away any more.

You just try to get rid of me.

Hey, could you handle a
couple of cheeseburgers?


I have to ask my mom first.

His mom says yes.

But only if she can come, too.

On the level now,
do you really think he

had a previous life together?

Well, I don't know
about a previous life.

But I know we're gonna
have a great future life.

- All right.

- Thanks, guys.
- Thanks.

So long.

Bye, bye.

Oh, I forgot to tell you,
I want to have lot of kids.

Oh, didn't he tell you?

You already have
an -year-old son.

It's been wonderful.


Thank you so much.

Vicki, doc, thank you.

Come see us again.

We will.

All three of us, huh?

Bye, bye.

Ah, Vicki, excuse me.

- Dad?
- Yes?

Where's Julie?

Oh, she's probably
hiding in her cabin.

Well, how do you
like, the new me?

Actually it's the old new
me, or the old new old me.

Well, anyway, it's me.

Oh, no, you didn't.

You don't like it?

Oh, yes.

I do.

But I think that doc, Isaac,
and gopher were just getting

used to you the other way.

You're kidding.

No, he's not.

[Theme music]
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