05x05 - Country Blues/Daddy's Little Girl/Jackpot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x05 - Country Blues/Daddy's Little Girl/Jackpot

Post by bunniefuu »


- ♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard ♪

♪ it's love ♪♪


- Enjoy your cruise.

Hello, welcome aboard.
May I help you?

- If you please.
We're Richard and Marcy Simmons.

- Crane. Marcy crane.

My father has
a sort of selective amnesia

when it comes to my marriage,
to say nothing of my divorce.

- Come on, Marcy.

- I think he was planning
on my staying

for the rest of my life.

- Yeah, well, sometimes
you sure act that way.

- Well, uh, you're
on the promenade deck,

cabins and .

Have fun.

- Thanks very much.
- Thanks.

- Hello, may I help you?

- Oh, i'm, uh,
Dr. Jonathan hunt,

but I'm not staying.

Right off the bat I spot
my dream shipmate, she's taken.

- Oh, oh!

Hang on to your ticket.

That's her father
she's traveling with.

- Her father?
- Uh-huh.

- Oh, bless you, my child.

- (Laughs)

- Uh, vital statistics, please.

- Sure... Marcy crane,
on the promenade deck,

cabin or ,
and don't pick the wrong cabin.

- Okay.

- Oh, doctor?

Wouldn't you like to know
where you're staying?

- You just told me.

- (Chuckles)
Fiesta .

I don't think I have to tell you
to have a good time.

- Excuse me.

Has a Mr. Martin corell
checked in yet?

- Sure, he's right over there.

- Yeah, that's
miss Barbara gosford he's with,

one of the society gosfords.

- Oh. He must be
pretty influential himself.

- Mm-hmm.

- The company wants us
to give him

the super red-carpet treatment.

Excuse me.

- I'll see you later, Martin.

- Bye.

- Mr. Corell.

Welcome aboard.
I'm captain stubing.

- How do you do?

- I hope you and miss gosford
will dine at my table tonight.

- Oh, we'd be delighted to.

- Good.

- Blinky!


Oh, it is you,
isn't it, blinky?

- Annabelle?

Annabelle folker?

- That's right!

Isn't this great?

We went to the same little old
country schoolhouse together.

- Just what have you been up to
all these years?

- Oh, well, not too much.

- I'm afraid Annabelle's
being modest.

She's a big recording star.

She's headlining the show here
on our ship.

- Oh, forgive me.

I guess I just don't follow
show business.

- Oh, it don't matter.

Well, hey, I better get my stuff
out of here.

- Yes, I'll get settled in too.

- We'll have a nice long talk
later, okay?

- Good.
- Bye.

- Bye-bye.

- Well, looks like
on this cruise

I'm gonna have something
to really sing about.

- Hey, gopher.
- Hmm?

- What's the matter?

You look kind of, uh... blah.

- Oh.

My car died and I've been
looking around at some new ones

but the prices are insane.

I used to dream of paying
that much for a house.

Not much chance
for the little guy anymore...

Unless of course we marry
a rich widow or something.

- I wouldn't want to be married
to a widow.

I don't think I'd like the idea
of being her second husband.

- Lot better than being
her first one.


(Ship horn blowing)


- You know, Marcy,

you really ought to wear
something a little more...

- Dad, don't you think
you'll get a little warm

in your stuffed shirt?

Why don't you get us

a couple tall, cool,
exotic somethings from the bar?

Not a Shirley temple.

- (Laughs)

- Mmm.

- What's wrong
with Shirley temples?

- Funny, you don't look like
my father.

- That's probably because
I'm not.

I am Jonathan hunt,
who's a veterinarian,

and who doesn't even care
if you hate animals,

and if you don't agree
to have dinner with him tonight,

he will jump overboard and drown

and be on your conscience
for life.

(Water splashing)

- (Laughs)

Okay, doc, it's a date.
: .

- Good.
I'll start shaving now.

- Who was that?

- I'm not sure,
but it might be fun finding out.

- You know, you gotta be careful
on these cruises.

You don't know anything
about him.

- Wrong.

His name is Jonathan hunt
and he's a little crazy.

What more does a girl need
to know?

- A lot more.


I have a good idea
what he's after.

- So do I.

But, daddy, what he gets is
pretty much up to me, isn't it?


- Thank you.

- Wow, $ for one tiny bottle
of perfume?

What man is worth that?

- (Laughs)
The one you haven't got yet.

- He must be quite a hunk.

- Oh, yep, he's a hunk,
all right.

See for yourself.

- Mr. Corell?
- Oh, you know him?

- I was there
when he checked in...

But, Annabelle,
he's with another lady.

- Oh.

Well, I guess
I'll just have to leave it

at us being good old friends.


- We also have
a shuffleboard tournament

if you're interested.

- Oh, I hardly think so.

- Well, hello.

- Oh, hi, Annabelle.

- Hi! Hi, blinky.

- Blinky?

- Just a nickname.

Annabelle, I'd like you
to meet Barbara gosford.

Annabelle folker.

- Nice to meet you.

- Martin tells me you two
were classmates

at your little
country schoolhouse.

- That's right.

- How cute.

Oh, Martin, you did say
something about a walk on deck?

- Ah, yes.
Excuse us.

- "How cute."


- Hmph.
I wouldn't worry.

There are plenty
of other guys on board.

- Good.
Then let her find 'em.


I'm gonna land blinky.

- , ... ...

$ , .


♪ You belong to me ♪

♪ I was meant for you-- ♪

(Knock at door)
What? Who? Who is that?!

- Isaac.

- Isaac! Hi!

Uh, uh... just a minute!

I'll be right there!

Just... just tidying up.

Be right there.


Hi, how's it going?

- Hey, what you doing?
- Oh, not too much.

Just having a shower,
then I'll be right back up.

- Okay, I'll wait for you.

- Uh...


(Paper crackling)

- Bed's lumpy.

- Ah, well, I like it that way.

It's good for my back, see?


- Wait, there's something here.

- No, no, no, nothing's there!

- What's this?

- I broke my piggybank.

Well, hey, you know,
I've been looking for a car.

I've been saving up for weeks.

- Weeks?!
- Years? I've--

okay, all right, look.

I found it, but nobody
is gonna miss it, okay?

- How much is here?

- Oh, gee...

$ , .

- What?!
- Isaac, please!

- Gopher, you cannot keep this!

Someone is bound to claim it!

You have got to turn this in!

You have no choice!

- You're wrong, Isaac.

You don't know maritime law.

Article , section .

- What's that?
- Finders keepers.

- Gopher!

- It's my problem, okay?

Now, just promise me you
won't tell anybody about this.

Not a soul, okay?



- Now, look.

Shall we get the preliminaries
out of the way?

- I think it's a good idea.
- Good.

Now, you know
I'm a veterinarian.

- Yeah.
- I'm ,

I work at the L.A. zoo.
And I'm not married.

To be exact...

My wife left me the week
our rhinoceros went into labor.

Now you.

I know you're Marcy crane.
What else?

- Well, your wife and I have
a lot in common.

I'm a medical ex-wife too,
as of six weeks ago,

only my husband
was a gynecologist.

- No conflict.

Different line of work entirely.

Uh, how about another drink?

- Oh, no, I can't.

I promised daddy I'd let him
beat me at ping-pong.

But I'll see you
at dinner, right?

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh... by the way,
was it a boy or a girl?

- Was what a boy or a girl?

- The baby rhinoceros.

- Oh, it was a girl.

I named it Lisa after my wife.

- Huh, I would have
left you too.


- Could you sign this one
to didi mckinney?

She's a room steward.

- Sure, Vicki.

- Hi, Annabelle.
- Hi!

- What's going on?
- Vicki's collecting autographs.

Some of the passengers are
too shy to approach a big star.

- But you don't have to be,

- Come on, Vicki,
you can get those later.

- But i--
- come on, come on, Vicki.

- See you later, thank you.

- Thanks, Annabelle.

- I didn't realize
I was so out of touch

with who's who
in the musical world.

- (Chuckles)

- Well, it's almost time

for that call you have to make
to Washington, darling.

- Oh... yes, yes, right.

- He's so busy these days.

He'll soon be announcing
his candidacy for state senator.

- I didn't know that.

- Well, I suppose people
in your work aren't in touch

with the political scene,
miss flicker.

- It's, uh, folker.

- Oh, sorry.

- Do you think Annabelle
has much of a chance?

- I don't know, sir.

She's up against a real tiger.

I'm afraid she's gonna
get scratched up a little.

- If you'll excuse me,
Martin might need my help.

- Sure.
See you at dinner tonight.

- I'm afraid
that would be impossible.

We're invited
to the captain's table.

- Oh, Annabelle,
I hope you know

I expect to see you
at my table tonight.

- You do?
Oh, that's great!

That's just great!

I'll be there, bye!
- Bye-bye.

I try to help out
whenever I can.

I'm just a country boy at heart.

- (Laughs)


- You know, I haven't seen
gopher since we left port.

- He's in his cabin.

- Oh?
He found a girl?

- Better.

- Well, what could be better
than a girl?

Two girls?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

- Ooh, that little rascal.

I'll go check in on him later.

I'm sure he'll share with me.

- Wanna bet?


- Oh, no, Isaac.

No, I think I'm gonna
skip dinner tonight.

Well, I'm just not hungry,
that's all.

No, no.
No, I'm fine.

No, really.


All right,
I'll see you tomorrow then.




A car like this would be nice.

And of course I'd need
a chauffeur.

Gopher's chauffeur--
I like the sound of that.

I'm rich.


I'm... rich!

I'm gonna buy everything
I always wanted.

Everything... I always wanted.




(Playing fanfare)


Thank you, merrill.
We're going sailing.

You can take the month off.

- Oh, thank you, sir!
I appreciate that.

Very nice of you, sir,
very nice.

- Not at all.
Oh, by the way...

Get the car washed and, uh,
little hot wax on top.

- Oh, thank you, sir!
I love you!

I love you, sir!
- I love you too.

You're a nice guy.
(Fanfare continues playing)

Hey, hey, hey, knock it off!

- Yes, sir.

- Very nice, guys,
but take five.

- Gopher, is that your boat?

- Uh, yeah, I only use it
for small parties.

Come on, babe.
Let's go for it.

- (Giggles)

- I love that kid.

- Flowers, sir.

Flowers for the pretty lady,

- How much are they?

- Only a dollar a bunch, sir.

- Okay, I'll take that bunch,
the whole cart, plus the farm.

There you go, kid.

- Oh, thank you, sir!
Thank you!

- Okay, no, no, it's all right,
it's all right.

Hey, wait a minute,
wait, no, no, no.

Wait, wait a minute!

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Wait, no, no, no, no!

Oh! Oh!

Oh... oh...

Ooh... mmm...


- Good evening.
- Good evening.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- How are you this evening?
- Fine, how are you?

- I'm afraid you're
at the wrong table, young man.

This one's reserved
for my daughter and me.

- Yes, sir, I know.

- I'm sorry, dad, I forgot to
tell you Jon was gonna join us.

Jonathan hunt, this is
my father, Richard Simmons.

- Uh...


- Thanks, daddy.

- You know,
you really should have told me

that you invited a stranger
to dinner.

- Jonathan's not a stranger.

Don't you remember,
we met at the pool earlier?

He picked me up.
- Marcy...

- Oh, he's got a terrific
technique for picking up women.

Probably comes from practicing

with all those other
wild animals.

Jonathan works at the zoo.

- You work at the zoo?

- Well, second choice.

I really wanted to run away
with the circus

but my wife objected.

- This young man
is married, Marcy.

- So am I, technically.

- (French accent) Would you care
to order some wine?

- Any favorites, Marcy?

- Yes, actually, I'd like--

- just a second, Marcy.

I'd kinda like to know

what the boys at the zoo
are drinking these days.

- Sommelier, une bouteille
De chateauneuf du pape,

cru , s'il vous plait.

- Oh, magnifique, monsieur!

Oh, c'est tres bien.

Vous etes UN grand connaisseur
du vin!

- Merci.

- I guess I neglected to say
it's Dr. Hunt,

and nowadays they're serving
more than soda pop at the zoo.

- I never saw such popularity.

You should go into politics.

- Maybe I will.

- Oh, well, it takes
more than popularity.

Politics requires background
and, of course, connections.

I've tried to help Martin

what little I could
in that area.

- Well, that was real nice
of you, miss gooseford.

- Gosford.

- Oh, sorry.

Well, I better be getting ready
for my show.

- Well, as they say
in show business, break a leg.

- Oh...
- Yes, by all means, do.

Oh, I just love your dress.

It's so different.

Did you make it
all by yourself?

- No, but you're right,
it is different.

Mine I'm filling all by myself.


- Good night.

- Well, captain,
it's been very pleasant.

- Thank you.
It's nice having you with us.

- Yes, thank you, captain.

- Bye-bye.

- Sir, I don't think
it's a good idea

having them both
at the same table.

- I don't think
it's a good idea

having them both
on the same ocean.

- Oh...



Ladies and gentlemen,
may I present

the star of our show,
Annabelle folker!


(Band playing)

- Hi!

♪ On the road again ♪

♪ just can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ the life I love is
makin' music with my friends ♪

♪ and I can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ on the road again ♪

♪ like a band of gypsies,
we go down the highway ♪

♪ we're the best of friends ♪

♪ insistin' that the world
keep turnin' our way ♪

♪ and our way
is on the road again ♪

♪ just can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ the life I love is
makin' music with my friends ♪

♪ and I can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ on the road again... ♪

- Martin, dear,
do you mind if we leave?

- ♪ ...We go down
the highway... ♪

- Now? We can't leave
during her number.

- You know I wouldn't ask
if it weren't important, but...

I really don't feel well.

- ♪ ...And our way
is on the road again ♪

♪ just can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ the life I love is
makin' music with my friends ♪

♪ and I can't wait
to get on the road again ♪

♪ yes, I can't wait to get
on the road again ♪♪

(Cheering and applause)

(Knock at door)

- W-Who's there?!

- It's doc.

Come on, goph, open up!

- Yeah?

- Hey, goph.

I, uh, didn't see you
at the show.

- Oh, yeah.

Well, to tell you the truth,
doc, I'm kinda tired.

- Oh, I can understand that.

- Yeah, well,
if you'll excuse me,

I'll just go to bed now.

- Uh, be kinda crowded in there,
won't it?

- What do you mean?

- Oh, you're not fooling me.

Come on, gopher, aren't you
gonna share the wealth?

- How did you find out?

Oh, Isaac.

- I'm doing you a favor.

Look, you're too frail
for two girls.

- When I get my hands
on that guy, I'll--


- Gopher, I'm offering
my services as a friend.

At the very least, you could use
a technical advisor.

- Oh, yeah...
Well, doc, you know something?

I haven't made up my mind
which one I like yet,

so we'll call you, okay?

- Maybe I can help you decide.
- No!

- Oh... one day you might want
something from me.

- I don't think so, doc.

I don't think I'm gonna be
wanting any favors

from you or from anybody else...
Ever again.


(Door lock clicking)

- Thanks for a nice evening,

- It's over?

So early?
- (Laughs)

It's after : A.M.

- Oh, so?

You gonna let a clock
run your life?

I mean, do you realize
that the great horned owl

is just beginning to hunt
for lunch?

And that the aardvark is just
about to thrust himself

into a pile of pismires?

- I give in.

Come on,
let's have a nightcap.

I'm not sure what I have.

- Whatever you have, it's been
getting to me all evening.

- I'm sorry.

Gee, I didn't realize...

Did I, um, interrupt anything?

- Did he?

- I'll remember where we were.

Good night, Mr. Simmons.

- Yeah, good night.

- You did that deliberately.

- Honey, I'm really sorry.

I mean, it was so late,

I just never thought
there'd be anybody with you.

- You waited up for me

because you thought
there might be somebody with me.

- Marcy, that's ridiculous.
- Is it?

Then what are you doing up
at this hour?

- I couldn't sleep.

Just thought I'd wait up
and say good night.

- Fine.
Good night, dad.

- Marcy, look.

I know guys like that.

I was one myself.

- I'd rather not talk about it.

I'm afraid I might say something
I'd be sorry for.



(Elevator bell dings)

- Hi, gopher, how are you?

I haven't seen you
this whole cruise.

- Oh, well,
I've been kind of tired.

Been spending a lot of time
in my cabin.

Um, you can go.
I'll take over.

- What's in the bag?

- Uh, nothing, nothing, just,
uh, some old laundry.

- Laundry in the safe?

- Hey, you know how much
shorts cost these days?

Uh, Julie...

- Hmm?
- Uh...

Has anybody reported
losing anything?

- Like what?

- Like, uh... anything?

- The usual stuff:
Sunglasses, beach bags, sandals.

- That's all, though?

- Yeah.
Are you all right?

- Oh, sure, I'm fine, really.

- Gopher.
- What?!

- Are you all right, gopher?
- Oh, sure.

Heck, I was just telling Julie
here I feel great.


- Well, I haven't seen you
very much and you're so jumpy.

- Has anyone turned in a--
- no!

- I haven't told you
what it is yet.

- Sorry.

What is it
that you are looking for?

- One of the passengers lost
a pair of white slippers.

- Oh, yeah, Vicki,
they're right here.

There you go.

- Thanks.

- Gopher, I'll be back
when we dock.

- Gopher.
- What?

- If you don't feel well,
perhaps you should see--

- oh, no, sir, sir,
I feel great, really.

Hey, thanks for your concern.

- Good.


(Julie over pa)
- Attention, please.

We will be arriving
in puerto vallarta

in minutes.

- Can I join you?

- Mm... of course.

- Boy, I envy you.

All I can handle in the morning
is a cup of coffee.

- Well, when you're
in the zoo game,

you have to grab it
when you can.

You never know where
your next meal's coming from...

Or if you're gonna be it.

- Look, Dr. Hunt, I'm sorry
about that wine business.

It was snobbish
and I apologize.

- Forget it.
I have.

- I guess i'm
a little overprotective

when it comes to Marcy.

We've been so close.

You know, she's my only child,
and a girl at that.

- I understand, Mr. Simmons.

- And when I saw the two of you
together last night...

Well, I guess all fathers are
just a little unhappy at first

over the men
that their daughters pick.


Nobody's good enough
for my little girl.

But I think that you two
are gonna be all right.

Did she tell you
that she's in the middle

of divorce proceedings?

- Uh, no...
(Clears throat)

No, no, sir,
we didn't talk about that.

- Just like her.

You'll get used to things
like that.

- Mr. Simmons--

- what about your divorce?

Have you started it yet?

- No, I haven't.

- Well... all in good time,
I suppose.

Boy, I gotta go.

I... I wanna make a run ashore
into puerto vallarta.

- Mr. Simmons,
I think--

- I think it's about time
you start calling me Richard.

I expect I'm gonna be seeing
a lot of you, Jonathan.

And unlike some fathers...

I won't be standing
in your way.


- Well, you saw it, Julie.

She dragged him out right
in the middle of my number.

- Oh, you need some cheering up.

Why don't you go
to the governor's reception

in the town Plaza?

- No, I think I'll stay on board

and stick pins
in my Barbara doll.

- (Laughs)
I better make my announcement.

- Julie, hold up
on that announcement

for a minute, will ya?

- Why?

- Just for one minute,
that's all.

Then let 'er go.


Y'all going ashore?

- Yes.
- Great.

We can make it a threesome.

- Well, it's fine by me.

- I know a real cozy
little restaurant on the beach.

Breezes blowing through
the palm trees, soft music...

- Uh, Martin--

- we can have a nice, long chat
about the good old days.

- Oh, I'm terribly sorry,

but I'm afraid my headache
is coming back.

- It is?
- Uh-huh.

- Well, then, perhaps
we should stay on the ship.

- Oh, thank you.

(Julie over pa)
- Uh, ladies and gentlemen,
all passengers are invited

to the governor's reception
at noon in the town Plaza.

- You hear that?

A governor's reception.

Fella in politics
shouldn't miss that.

- Well, can't be helped.

- No.
- Tell you what.

Since you're feeling poorly,
I'll see that he gets there.

- Well, perhaps I could manage.

- No, no.

That tropical sun'd be m*rder
on a headache.

- I could stay here
if you really need me, Barbara.

- No, of course she don't.

You think for one minute
miss gosford here

would stand in the way
of your career?

Men just don't understand.

Now, you take good care
of yourself

and I'll take good care of him.



- (Sighs)


- Gopher.
- What?!

Oh, it's you.

Don't do that.

- Gopher, you have been acting
so strangely lately,

everybody is worried about you.

Now, that money is starting
to affect you.

You're not yourself.

- Oh, that's your imagination.

You didn't tell anybody,
did you?

- No.
- Oh.

- You know you're not being
realistic about this.

You're gonna have to return it.
- Why should I?

Isaac, do you know how long it
would take me to save grand?

, .

- You're risking your job
and your future.

- Hey... future's taken care of.

- (Chuckles)

Gopher, losing $ ,

is not like losing
a pair of sunglasses.

Somebody's gonna miss it.

Now, you're just
kidding yourself.

This is all wrong.

You have got to go
to the captain

and tell him you found it.

- He'd force me to turn it in.
I'd lose it!

- It was never yours to lose
in the first place.

Now, give the money back...

Before you get yourself
into trouble.

- I don't know, Isaac.

- Well, at least think about it.

- No.


- Hi!
If it isn't the invisible man.

I've been looking for you
all morning.

Where you been?

- Oh...

You know.

- Look, if you'd rather
I didn't hang around--

- no, no, no, no,
please sit down.

I'm sorry, Marcy, I...

I really like you,
but before you get hurt,

I think we better
nip this thing in the bud.

- Okay.

Just what is it we're nipping?

- You're a terrific lady...

But I am just not ready
to get serious.

- I see.

And, uh, where did you
get the idea

that I was working
on my hope chest?

- Look, I know you've been hurt,
you're vulnerable...

And it's only natural for you

to be looking
for a relationship.

- You egotistical...
Rhinoceros trainer!

You can take your understanding
and shove it in your ear!

- Hey, Marcy,
did you ever find Jonathan?

- Oh, I found him, all right.

- Well, it's nice to see him
and your father

getting along so well,
isn't it?

- Jon and my father?

- Yeah, I saw 'em both
having breakfast this morning.

Seemed buddy-buddy.

- (Scoffs)
My father.

Of course my father.
Who else?


(Gopher over pa)
- We hope you enjoyed your stay
in puerto vallarta.

Our next stop
is the port of Los Angeles.

- Yeah, Julie,
the reception was just great.

But wait'll you hear
the best part.

Blinky's throwing a big
fundraising banquet next week

and he asked me to go with him.
(Knock at door)

(Julie on phone)
- That's terrific!

- It's open.
Come on in.

- I have to talk to you.

- Um, I gotta go, Julie.
I'll call you back later.

- But aren't you forgetting--
- bye.

- I'll come right to the point.

I understand that Martin

has invited you
to the banquet next week.

- That's right.

- He's going to be meeting
many influential people

for the first time.

The slightest misstep
could ruin him politically.

- You mean like, uh, showing up
with his hick country cousin

Annabelle flicker,
as you called her?

- I'm sorry about that.

I have been rude.

I apologize.

But you do see the problem?

- Well, blinky don't seem
to think I'm a problem.

He did invite me.

- Well, for once,
he wasn't thinking.

He was carried away
by all the clamor over you

and later on he'll be
the butt of jokes.

Look, politics is
a cruel business.

Believe me, I'm not speaking
for myself but for him.

I'm telling you very honestly.

If you care at all
for the man...

You must turn down
his invitation.



- Hey, Marcy, you better...

You better start changing
for dinner.

- What did you say to Jonathan?

- Nothing, I just gave him
my blessing.

- How dare you interfere
with my life like that!

I'm a grown woman,
I am not a ten-year-old!

- Marcy, don't get upset.

- I want to be upset!

But not for the reason
that you think.

This may come as a shock to you,

but I don't want
to marry Jonathan

any more than he wants
to marry me.

I came on this cruise
to have fun,

to enjoy myself, to relax.

And if that means playing games

with Jonathan
or someone like Jonathan,

and that's how I feel,
that's what I'm gonna do.

- Marcy, I just hate
to hear you talk like that.

- I'm years old

and I have been married
for five of those years!

- Yeah, and your choice
of a husband was so good

that you're now in the middle
of a divorce.

- (Sighs)

That's true.

But that doesn't give you
the right

to choose the next one.

If there is a next one.

- Honey...

Look, don't you see?

I just wanna prevent you
from making any more mistakes.

- And that's what
you gotta stop doing.

I'm a big girl now.

I've earned the right
to make my own mistakes.

Sure, I picked
the wrong husband...

And the next one might not be
Mr. Right either,

but it's gotta be my choice...
And my mistake.

Daddy, just be my father.

And my friend.


(Knock at door)

- Come in.

- Sir, I'd like to report
a bag I found.

- A bag?

Well, turn it in
to lost-and-found.

- Well, it had a little money
in it, sir.

- How much?

- $ , , sir.

- I see.

Gopher, I'm quite busy, so...

, ?

- .

- You call that a little money?

Gopher, I'm proud of you.

A less honest man
might be tempted

to keep it and say nothing.

- I did.

Sir, I-I found that money
before we even left Los Angeles.

I've been holding it
all this time.

I'll level with you, sir.

I wanted to keep that money.

- I see.

That's why you've been
so nervous.

- Look, if you want
to fire me, i'm--

- gopher, what's important

is that you did the right thing
in the end.

Thinking about keeping it,

that's something any of us
might think about.

- Wanna split it?

- (Chuckling)

Put it in the safe.

- Yes, sir.

Thank you, this-- at least this
puts me out of my misery.

Sir, what happens
if no one claims the money?

- Then I guess it's yours.


- Annabelle, I've been looking
all over for you.

- Oh, well, I, uh...

I've been busy.

Look, um...

Look, blinky,
about the banquet--

- Barbara spoke to you,
didn't she?

- Well, yeah... kinda.

- Let me guess.

She probably said you'd damage
my political career

if you went to the banquet.

- That's right.

- She's absolutely wrong.

See, people like you.

You appeal to them in...

In ways that I certainly can't.

So rather than hurting
my chances,

you'd be a great help.

So you must go with me.

You know...

You and I could make
a great team.

- (Chuckles)

I gotta go on.

You mean that,
don't you, blinky?

- I'll be waiting for you
after the show.


- And now, from back home,
my friend and yours,

Annabelle folker!


(Band playing)


- ♪ well, I've spent a lifetime
lookin' for you ♪


♪ singles bars and good-time
lovers were never true ♪


♪ playin' a fool's game,
hopin' to win ♪


♪ and tellin' those sweet lies
and losin' again ♪

♪ I was lookin' for love
in all the wrong places ♪

♪ lookin' for love
in too many faces ♪

♪ searchin' their eyes,
and lookin' for traces... ♪

- You insisted
that she go with you?

- Well, Barbara,
try to understand.

- That it's just good politics?

Which, by the way,
makes strange bedfellows.

Excuse me.

- ♪ Lookin' for love ♪

♪ oh, lookin' for love
in all the wrong places ♪

♪ lookin' for love
in too many faces ♪

♪ searchin' their eyes
and lookin' for traces ♪

♪ of what I'm dreamin' of ♪

♪ hopin' to find a friend
and a lover ♪

♪ I bless the day
I discovered you, oh, you ♪

♪ lookin' for love,
lookin' for love ♪


♪ I was lookin' for love ♪♪

(Cheering and applause)


(Orchestra playing)


- Didn't see you at the dance.

- Oh, hi.

I wasn't in the mood.

Dad, I'm sorry
about what I said--

- hold it.

Don't apologize or you'll spoil
all the good you did.

Yeah, it didn't take
much soul-searching

to realize how right you were,
all the way down the line.

My only excuse is that I never
could stand seeing you hurt.

I still think of you as that
little girl who twisted her arm

when she fell out of the tree
and needed me to make it better.

- I still need you.

But please don't try to stop me
from climbing more trees.

- Deal.

Now, how about a dance
with your old man?

- Best offer I had all night.


- Excuse me, sir.

Would your daughter dance
with an idiot?

- She's dancing with me,
isn't she?

What's one more?

- Um... I don't suppose

you would accept an apology,
would you?

- Probably not.

But why don't you give it a try
and see?

- Okay.

Green darts...

- Okay...

I was right in the first place!
You're crazy.

I accept your apology.

- Uh, Marcy, I am...

I-I'm not really sure
about this marriage thing.

- I am.

You're not the man
I wanna marry.

- Why not?
What's wrong with me?

- Well, I think you have
this thing turned around.

To marry you, first,
I'd have to find out

what was right with you.

- And how long
is that gonna take?

- If it happens,
you'll know.

- Until then...

- Until then... we'll just have
to take it one day at a time.

- And what about the nights?

- They usually take care
of themselves.



- You were great,
just great.

- Thank you.


I'm not going
to the banquet with you.

- Why?

You really would be
a great help to me.

- I know.

That's why I won't be going.

Because that's all I mean
to you-- help.

Barbara was right.
Your career's everything.

- That's not true.

- Hey, there's nothing wrong
with it.

That's just the way you are.

Like at the reception.

You was always looking over
my shoulder

to see who else might be around.

You'll always be trying
to win over everybody,

not just somebody.

Me, I'm just
an old somebody person.

Sure, on stage I'm trying
to please everybody too,

but in private,
I need the one-on-one.

And with just one.

- Make me sound
like a cold fish.

- Oh, no.

Just a different fish.


Go to Barbara, blinky.

She's really okay

and I think
she really loves you.

She's sure a better man
for the job

than I could ever hope to be.



- Doc.

- Hope you had a good cruise.

- Oh, it was wonderful.
- More than wonderful.

Well, I gotta get going because
my animals are expecting me.

- Nice knowing you, Jon.

- Marcy.

I'll be seeing you
and I'll be thinking about you.

- I know, every time
you feed the rhinoceros.

- You know, Marcy,
I'm starting to like that boy.

He'd make a solid husband.

Perhaps we ought
to invite him...

Okay... okay...

Doc, what's a guy
have to do these days

to become a grandfather?

- Oh... come on, daddy.

- Bye.

- (Chuckles)

- Keep moving!

Come on,
everybody off the ship!

Hey, come on!
(Snaps fingers)

Let's go, come on!

Let's go, folks, keep moving,
nice, straight line!

Hey, don't bunch up,
come on, let's go.

Come on.

Everybody off, let's go,
come on!

Ought to get
a high-speed escalator

to get these people off faster.

- Gopher, will you relax?

- I can't relax!

There's $ , at stake.

If all these people leave

without anyone making a claim
on it, it's mine!

- Yes, but shouting
is not going to help.

- I can't stand the suspense!

Who's that?

- I dunno.


- Mrs. Smithers?

Weren't you on the cruise
before this one?

- With my older sister Betty.

- Oh...

- I came back aboard
just hoping...

- What's wrong?

- It was right in there...
And it's gone.

Our life savings.

Oh, I know Betty's getting
well along in years

and she doesn't trust anyone

and so we carry our money
with us everywhere.

It's every penny we ever owned.

I just don't know what
we're gonna do without it.

- Mrs. Smithers,
why don't you come with me?

- Are you all right?

- Never felt better in my life.

- Oh!


- Good-bye, Annabelle.

- Good-bye.

Now, you keep up the good work.

Who knows?

One day I may sing
at your inauguration.

- It was nice meeting you,
Annabelle... very nice.


- Friends.

- Well, let's get a move on...

- We sent your luggage ahead

but I didn't want
to take a chance with this.

- Oh, thanks, Vicki.

- You've got to come back.
You were wonderful.

- So... the city slicker lady
won out after all.

- Well, yes and no.
Mostly no.

And as the old song goes,

"I don't know whether
to k*ll myself or go bowling."

(All laugh)


- Good-bye!


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