03x08 - Future Imperfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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03x08 - Future Imperfect

Post by bunniefuu »

These need to go in the post immediately.

Oh, and do you have a new pen? This nib's all clogged up.

Ma'am, I understand, I sympathise, and I want you to know I'll do everything I can to get to the bottom of the matter.

I'm a dog owner myself.

Anyway, you take very good care.

What was that about? Oh, sir, seems the woman's dog has gone missing.

Oh, and you're going to investigate? Well, I believe it behoves me.

Crabtree, you don't have time to go chasing after dogs. There are more pressing matters to hand. Well, sir, it's not just the one animal.

Several dogs have gone missing from this woman's neighbourhood.

It's most likely the work of a dog-napper.

Most likely the bloody things are in heat and have just run off.

But, sir... Crabtree, no wasting your time on wild dog chases. Understood? Sir.

"Dog-napper"! Oh, Detective? An envelope brought for you a short while ago.

I couldn't help but notice there's no return address.

Any other keen observations, Constable? Actually, yes, sir.

It's scented of lilac.

At least, I believe that's lilac. Er, my aunt was very...

Yes, your aunt. ..was fond of lilac.

"Dear Sir, you are cordially invited "to an event that will change the future "to be held in High Park this evening at seven o'clock."

The invitation said nothing about bringing a guest, William.

It said nothing about not bringing one, either.

It's rather exciting, attending an event with no idea as to its purpose.

Or where it's to be held.

Although I suspect we've found it.

CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS CHATTERING And you have no idea what this is all about? None whatsoever.

Father promised something most astounding.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he said.

Oh, William, I think every professor, doctor and scientist in the city is here.

Mm, a who's who of the intelligentsia. Julia?

Drius! How good to see you! Dr Drius Algar, Detective William Murdoch.

Pleased to meet you. The same.

It is still Doctor, isn't it?

Only in title. I spend most of my time these days researching.

Champagne? I'd be delighted.

Detective? No, thank you. Thank you!


I see you received my invitation.

Mrs Pendrick! It was you?

And I see you brought a guest.

How wonderful.

Might I ask what this event is in honour of?

My husband is about to make matters clear.

Ladies and gentlemen, might I have your attention?

Good evening, and thank you all for coming.

For those of you who don't know, my name is James Pendrick...

Excuse me. ..and for some time now, a small group of like-minded individuals has met.

We share a common interest, the science of eugenics.

Eugenics is the investigation into the conditions under which men and women of a high type are produced.

Now, how is this to be achieved?

We know that by mating only the best with the best, any species grows stronger. The principle's plainly seen in nature, as Mr Charles Darwin has pointed out in his theory of evolution.

Why, then, might not the same principle be applied to mankind?

Yes, why not? Hear, hear!

Rip, c'mon! Here, Rip.

Here, Rip.

Hey! Get out of that, you!

Now our humble group is asking you, the city's leading minds, to join us in the noble cause of bettering the human race.

Now, the last thing you want to do is to hear me prattling on.

So to explain matters further, I have invited a very special guest, no less than the great author and eugenicist Mr HG Wells.

Julia? Standing with Mr Wells, isn't that...?

My sister, Ruby. Yes.

Rip, c'mon. Hey, come back here!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is my distinct pleasure to...

SCREAMING Oh, my! Drop it.

George, we'll need to organise a search in case there are more appendages.

I'll have the men get some grappling hooks in the water straightaway.

How unexpected to find you here, Ruby.

I hoped my arrival would be a surprise, but it would seem I've been upstaged.

I thought you were still travelling around the world and writing about Harry Houdini.

A fascinating young man, but it was time to return to my work with Mr Wells.

Oh, Bertie? Your work. Of course.

Bertie, there's someone I'd like you to meet. No need for introductions.

Miss Julia Ogden, I presume.


Why, the same!

There you are, Doctor.

The, er, appendage is now all yours.

Of course. If you'll excuse me.


Hello again, Miss Ogden.

Detective Murdoch, please meet Mr HG Wells. Yes, of course.

It's a pleasure. I am a fan.

As am I of you. Ruby has told me all about your exploits.

Oh! Has she?


I'm afraid I can't give you an accurate time of death, William.

The water makes it impossible to pinpoint.

Could the limb have been taken from a corpse, say a medical cadaver?

There's very little indication.

It was either taken from someone very recently deceased or...

..or someone who was still alive.

If that were the case, could they have survived the procedure?

Not without receiving medical attention immediately.

Yes, we checked all of the hospitals.

No-one with this type of injury was treated.

Then it's very unlikely they lived.

Hm. Can you tell me anything else about the victim?

A little. A male.

Judging by the size of the limb, over six feet in height.

The blotchy skin suggests someone over fifty.

And given the arm hair, a blond.

Hands are smooth. He want a labourer. Anything else?

Whoever performed the dismemberment may have had knowledge of anatomy and surgical technique.

A number of the guests at the eugenics meeting were doctors and scientists who no doubt would have had the necessary training.

I know many of them personally.

I couldn't imagine a single one committing such a terrible act.

Hm. Yet they must be considered.

Even so, surely they would have disposed of the limb somewhere less obvious. True.

It may be a coincidence, it may not.

Thank you, Julia. I'll begin my investigation by searching for missing persons matching your description.

It's intriguing, the notion of bettering the human race. Hm.

But it's as if we were discussing a prize stallion breeding a mare.

Not that that wouldn't be intriguing as well.


Well, husbandry has been practised for centuries.

Mm. Yes, it has.

Well, I must be off.

Yes. Good evening.

Good evening.

Er, Detective?

Sir, this is Miss Estelle Malling and her fiance, Tobias Allan.

Miss Malling. Mr Allan. How may I be of assistance?

It seems Miss Malling's father, Linus, has gone missing.

Linus Malling? The barrister?

Yes. He didn't return home last night.

Estelle, I'm sure there's a simple explanation.

Miss Malling, could you describe your father to me?

He's 54, tall, six foot two inches...


Why, yes. Do you know something of his whereabouts, Detective?

Well, I cannot be certain. I'm afraid it's possible I have some disturbing news.

Please start from the beginning, Miss Malling.

I last saw Father yesterday morning after breakfast when he left for his office, as he always does.

Was anything troubling him? Nothing.

The only thing bothering him was a cold. His head was stuffed terribly.

We should have known something was wrong when he failed to attend the eugenics meeting.

He'd have never missed the affair. Oh? Why not?

After all of his years in court, Linus was a believer in the need to rid the human race of criminal behaviour.

And he saw eugenics as a means to that end?

He felt that could only be achieved by never allowing criminals to breed again.

I take it you both adhere to this belief.

It's only logical.

Did Mr Malling have any enemies?

Oh, there were disgruntled clients.

But that's to be expected with any lawyer. Any recent arguments?

Now that you mention it, I overheard Father quarrelling in his study.

With whom?

The head of the Eugenics Society.

James Pendrick, eh? Yes. And given my suspicion of his involvement in the art heist and murders...

A suspicion harboured only by you. Yes, but Mr Pendrick may have...

Yes, yes, yes, orchestrated the theft for his own benefit.

Murdoch, the man saved your life.

Mm. And in doing so prevented me from discovering who was actually behind the Rembrandt affair.

The simple answer is staring you in the face.

Linus Malling represented a lot of bad apples.

Most likely one of them didn't agree with his defence.

Perhaps, but I would venture few of them had the skills necessary to dismember the victim. Point taken.

And you must allow it is odd Mr Pendrick's name would come up again.

Fine. Look into Pendrick as well.

But I'll tell you what's odd. It's this whole eugenics business.

Pure bloodlines?

We already practised it.

Now, if that's bettering the human race, I want no part of it.

Hm, matches. Matches...

George? I take it nothing was found at the pond.

No, not yet, sir, but the lads still have a ways to go.

Very well. In the meantime, find out all you can about Linus Malling's recent cases and see if anyone had made any threats toward the man.

Sir. Right away.

Oh, Inspector, might I have a word?

It's not the bloody dog-nappings again?

Well, sir, I've looked into the matter further, and I've determined that all the victims... Victims?!

Sir, all the victims are either pure-breds or with pup. Now...

Crabtree, I don't want you investigating these dog-nappings.

Is that clear?

Matches, matches... Transparently.

Detective Murdoch!

I am pleased to see the constabulary has assigned such a competent officer to the case.

I'll try to be brief, Mr Pendrick.

I understand you had words last week with Mr Malling.

Linus? Exchanged words?

What has he got to do with matters?

My God!

It was his arm.

I believe so.

Please, answer the question.

Are you suggesting that I had something to do with this? Yes.

Yes, you are.

Why, this is preposterous. I would never...

The question remains unanswered.

Very well.

We had a disagreement.

Linus is a...

Linus WAS a real stick-in-the-mud when it came to matter regarding science and eugenics.

Science? Do you know what transformationism is, Detective?

It's the heart of the evolutionary argument, that a species over many generations can be modified.

Very good. I'm a firm believer in transformationism.

I'm also convinced that, by applying modern science - surgery, chemistry - what took nature millions of years to accomplish, we can achieve in a single generation.

The means to do so don't exist. Yet.

But it's only a matter of time.

To that end, I fund many scientific projects.

A better man is within our grasp.

And I take it Mr Malling disagreed with you.

Linus felt selective breeding was the only means of achieving our goal.

So you quarrelled about this.

"Quarrelled"! No, it was merely a healthy discourse, nothing more.

I would never have harmed Linus.

And I'm to simply take your word for this?

The criminal act is a blemish I intend not to perpetuate, but remove from society.

I share your goal, sir.

I'll see myself out. Yes, please do.


Is this a social call?

I'll leave that to your husband to explain, Mrs Pendrick.

Mm, how cryptic!

Nevertheless, I trust you will be attending our rescheduled eugenics meeting.

I've not been invited. An oversight on James's part.

No doubt. Well, consider this a personal invitation.

Then I wouldn't dream of missing it. Excellent.

No, you heard me correctly. I'm in need of an adult male brain.

Yes, they're difficult to find, I understand.

Yes. Why, thank you.

Dr Ogden. Mr Wells! I didn't hear you.

Oh, there is no need for apologies.

Whatever brings you to my cheery little office?

I came to personally invite you to hear my address, rescheduled for this evening.

Well, thank you, but I'm afraid I'm rather busy with work.

I would be grateful if you could find the time to attend.

Well then, I shall be there. Very good.

Is there something else, Mr Wells? Yes.

I find you most intriguing, Julia, your accomplishments astounding.

I see. Well, the most interesting Ogden is my sister.

Clearly, all of the Ogden women are of fine stock.

Mr Wells, you're being far too forward. What would Ruby think?

Oh, she would not mind. She had no objections to my marriage.

You have a wife?

Second wife, actually.

But let's leave that for later, shall we?

Later... Until then.


Detective Murdoch!

Miss Ogden. What brings you here?

Why, you, of course! Me?

I'm looking for another piece to write and thought perhaps an expose on true crime might interest the public.

Rather dull, I should think.

Not with an intriguing hero.

Miss Ogden... Ruby, please.

Ruby, I must remind you of what happened when you inserted yourself in the Houdini case.

I found the affair most titillating.

Yes, I'm sure you did.

Nevertheless, I fear I must decline.

Oh, William... Excuse me, sir.

Er, sir, the men may have found something at the pond.

Right. Please excuse me.

Of course.

The men were about to give up when the grappling hooks snagged something, sir. Good work.

The sacks are very heavy. Weighted down with rocks, no doubt. Most likely. Let's have a look, shall we?

What have we here, Detective?

SHE FAINTS, SLUMPS TO GROUND Thank you. This should help.

The inspector's private stock.

I'm simply mortified.

Fainting like a schoolgirl! Why, the things I've seen and done...

Yes, well, perhaps if you had heeded my request, none of this would have happened.

There is no need to scold me.

Well, a scolding is what you deserve.

I specifically asked you not to insert yourself in any of my cases.

Now, I'm afraid I must insist yet again that you refrain from doing so in the future.

Very well. Good. George, have you anything?

Er, very little, I'm afraid, sir.

The burlap sacks are come into a dozen greeneries across the city, and the rocks seem to be of no evidentiary value.

I see.

Well, I'm off to the morgue.

Good day, Miss Ogden. Detective.

If it's of any comfort, it still turns my stomach to see such things.

Crabtree! Sir? The alderman's foxhound has been snatched.

I thought you were dealing with this. But, sir... No excuses.

Sort it out once and for all. Miss Ogden.

Yes, sir.

Not to worry. As usual, I'm one step ahead of the inspector.

I must bid you good day, Miss Ogden.

Time is of the essence.

I can confirm the remains are those of Linus Malling.

And the cause of death?

Massive brain injury due to numerous blows to the head.

Hm. Any defensive wounds?

There was no indication of any other trauma. He was in perfect health except for a great deal of mucus in his nasal passage.

Ah, yes, his daughter mentioned he was suffering from a terrible head cold.

Is there something in the mucus?

Yes. I believe it's pollen. A clue to his final hours?

Perhaps. May I keep this?

Yes, of course.

No-one else is likely to ask! I keep returning to the Eugenics Society.

So many in attendance had the skills necessary to dismember a body.

Yes, but for what possible motive?

I'm not sure. But I'll be paying close attention this evening.

This evening? At Mr Wells' speech?

Yes. So you know it's been rescheduled.

Er, Mr Wells invited me personally. And you?

Mrs Pendrick.

I see. Well, good.

Then we can attend with one another.

Yes. Together.

Shouldn't be long now, Higgins.

Are you sure this plan'll work?

Very confident.

How can you be sure the dog-napper will appear?

Well, we know he steals expecting dogs from this neighbourhood.

I put up flyers saying that my dog is expecting pups and I'm looking to get rid of them.

All we have to do is wait.

The culprit is as good as cuffed.

I don't know about this.

Listen, I think it'd be best if you went home.

The inspector's been very mercurial about this investigation.

I don't want you getting in trouble on my account.

Are you sure? I'm positive.

Consider the dog.

Through generations of selected breeding, a cold-blooded k*ller now guards its own prey.

Imagine, if the same can be done for mankind, what the future might entail.
Sweet mother of...!

Miss Ogden!

I'm sorry I frightened you.

That's OK. I was only frightened because I was very intently focused on my dog there in that moment. But of course you were.

Perhaps some of you are most familiar with my most recent work, The Time Machine.


In it I portray a far-flung future filled with the most dreadful remnants of humanity, monstrous products of Darwinian evolution.

It is a cautionary tale.

The future need not be such.

If we commit to eugenics, we can control the evolution of mankind.

Why are you here, Miss Ogden?

Ruby, please.

And I'm here because I'm intent on writing a story about the realities of police investigation.

No, I suspect you're really here to get closer to Detective Murdoch.

How could you accuse me of such a thing? Why, I am cut to the quick!

Well, I'm sorry, Miss Og... Ruby.

But I simply don't believe you. Hm... Someone in the yard. What?

In the yard!

My plan has worked.

But why isn't your dog awake? Now, that's a very good question, one that will be answered in a while. A while?!

Aren't you going to arrest him?

I want him to lead me to the rest of the animals.

I guess there's no point in telling you to stay put. None.

Fair enough.

Stay behind me.

Miss Malling, Mr Allan.

I'm surprised to see you here.

Father would not want the criminal element dictating our lives.

The Eugenic Society, our wedding, everything will go ahead as planned.

Very brave of you. Detective, one thing occurred to us after we left.

It hadn't seemed important - no raised voices or such.

Anything might help. About a week ago, a Eugenics Society member visited Father.

Afterwards, Father seemed a bit... off.

This Eugenics Society member, who was he?

It was Dr Algar.

I see.

Thank you. Please excuse me.

CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS CHATTERING Doctor? I'm so pleased you could make it.

I found your talk most interesting.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Perhaps over dinner?

Oh! Well... Doctor?

Mr Wells!

I hope I'm not interrupting. No, not at all.

Your timing is impeccable.

There's an urgent matter I must attend to.

Oh? Well, we must be off.

Actually, it's work related.

If it's not too much trouble, I shall leave you in Mr Wells' capable hands.

No trouble at all, Detective.

I'm most grateful, sir.

Good evening.

WHINING The missing dogs!

At least a number of them.

The alderman's foxhound.

And yours!

Drugged yet unharmed.

But where's the dog-napper?

Here, there's another room.

My God! What is that?


Or at least... parts of them.

How horrible!

Is there something I can help you with?

Detective, I object to the groundless treatment I am receiving.


Dr Algar, you have been stealing and experimenting on dogs.

Further, I'm investigating the m*rder of a Eugenics Society member who was expertly dismembered.

You, sir, belong to the same society and possess expert surgical skills.

What possible reason would I have to m*rder Linus?

You and the victim met shortly before his death.

He was deeply upset by something that transpired in that meeting.

That is nonsense. Really?

Convince me. I had no idea the dogs were stolen!

I hired a local to acquire them for me.

I assumed he was doing so legally. That's most convenient.

As for my experiments, I really don't expect you to understand.

I believe they're in the area of developmental biology, the study of the embryo and the growth of unborn organisms.

Perhaps I have misjudged you.

And I you. Imagine being able to predetermine physical characteristics in the womb - athletic ability, intelligence, height, hair and eye colour, even gender.

In future, no sickly child need be brought into this world again.

You believe your work here to be noble?

It's more than noble.

It's revolutionary.

One day, it will ensure the very future of mankind.

Detective, I've answered your questions.

Will you please remove these?

This is outrageous! You have nothing!

I don't consider theft and animal cruelty "nothing".

What am I to do? Chat with your neighbour.

Perhaps about dogs.

How'd them coppers get my name, Doc?

I don't suppose some mangy mutt gave it to them, now, do I?

MUSIC PLAYS Your taste in music has gotten better, Jules. Less stuffy.

Thank you. I think.

You seem well.

Very well.

And Detective Murdoch? The eternal courtship continues?

Rather than discussing my affairs, I think we should talk about yours.

Mine? What of them?

There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to come out with it.

I believe Mr Wells is making advances towards me.

That's just Bertie.

Although his taste is usually towards the less dowdy.

Ruby, you do know the man is married?

Of course! And that means nothing to you?

Quite the opposite. I think it adds a certain frisson to it all.

Oh, Jules, don't be so prudish.

Prudish? I'm not being prudish.

I'm concerned for your heart, your wellbeing.

For such a seemingly modern woman, you can be decidedly old-fashioned.

Ruby, you know this will end badly.

I think it would be wise for you to reconsider your relationship with Mr Wells.

Thank you for the unsolicited advice. I'll be sure to consider it(! )

Dr Algar's right. You've got nothing on him. Cruelty, theft?

I'm not talking about minor charges.

Look, I don't like the idea of the bloke going round acting like he's Dr Frankenstein either, but there's nothing tying him to the m*rder of Linus Malling.

And I'll admit there are other nagging questions.

Like why would he cut up the body in a manner that'd draw attention to himself?

And why was the victim beaten so brutally?

The k*ller was filled with rage.

Yet this Algar seems about as dispassionate as they come.

Do you have anything at all to go on?

There is one thing.

Dr Algar's experiments would have been rather expensive.

Someone must have been financing him.

And I believe I know who that individual was.

Of course I funded Dr Algar's work!

Why wouldn't I?

Surely a man with a scientific bent such as yourself must recognise the significance of his experiments.

I find them troubling. Troubling? How? They're for the greater good!

Where's the line between human and animal?

And what's to stop it from being crossed?

Ridiculous. No-one would ever experiment on humans. To suggest otherwise is scaremongering.

Who's to say that line hasn't already been crossed?

By Algar?

Or one of his associates.

You are treading dangerously close to slander.

Please don't make me report you to your superiors.

If there is a connection between you and Linus Malling's death, I will find it, Mr Pendrick. On that you can count.

Then I have no need to worry.

Excuse me? Detective Crabtree?

Oh, Miss Ogden! Erm, I'm a constable.

How forgetful of me.

Er, Detective Murdoch's not in right now. But if... Actually, I'm here to see you.

To see me? I need to speak further with you for my article.

Yes, well, I wouldn't want to impede your writing. No, you wouldn't.

Perhaps later? Around six in the park?

Yes, certainly.

Miss Ogden, now isn't the time... Detective.

Actually, sir, she wasn't here to see you.


Oh, well, good.

Er, and your book has arrived.

Mr Wells! Please, please, come in.

I hope I'm not catching you at too inconvenient a time.

No, not at all. Please, sit down.

What is it that I may do for you?

I am here on behalf of the Eugenics Society.

For what reason? They want you as a member, of course.


I find that hard to believe. I know what you're thinking, Murdoch.

I had the very same thoughts.

"I'm not worthy. My stock isn't good enough."

Sir, you know nothing of my stock.

Oh, on the contrary, I know a great deal about you.

In fact, you were researched by the Eugenics Society.

Researched? Yes. You and I have very similar backgrounds, it turns out.

Both born into poverty, held deep religious beliefs and scientifically minded, both self-made men.

Mr Wells... Detective, I'm not asking for an answer.

I'm merely a messenger. Please consider the Eugenics Society.

Mr Wells, if I may, you were trained in the sciences by none other than Darwin's greatest advocate, Thomas Huxley, were you not?

I am proud to say yes.

Then perhaps I can trouble you to confirm that the specimen on that slide is in fact the same as the reference?

Of course.

I concur.

Let me guess.

You're here to harass me again.

I am here for the truth, sir.

"The truth"? What the devil are you talking about?

A pollen sample was recovered from Linus Malling's body.

It is from the very rare phantom orchid.

Coincidentally, you have a specimen right here in your home.

Mr Pendrick, Linus Malling visited you shortly before his death, something you failed to mention. Would you care to explain why?

I am growing tired of defending my every move to you, Murdoch.

So either arrest me...

Constables, arrest Mr Pendrick. This is an outrage, Murdoch.

This is a bloody outrage.

Linus called on me the morning of the eugenics meeting.

For what reason?

To deliver his resignation to the Eugenics Society.

Resignation? Why?

He felt the gulf between his selectionist school of thought and my transformationist beliefs was too great.

I thought a middle ground could be found. Linus disagreed.

Mr Pendrick, one thing I am is an excellent judge of character, and men of good character never lie.

However, they are from time to time less than forthcoming.

Linus was rejecting the entire notion of eugenics.

But I thought Mr Malling was a devout believer.

As did I.

So why not simply tell me this earlier?

Linus left my house alive. I didn't see how it affected matters.

Again, you are showing less than good character, sir.

I have had just about enough of this.

You didn't want it known that a prominent member of society rejected your beliefs. That is absurd.

Taken to its logical end, eugenics will lead to forced sterilisation and the cruellest experimentation imaginable.

Detective Murdoch, the superior man will be beyond such things.

KNOCK AT DOOR That is my solicitor.

I suggest you acquaint yourself.

So, they call this Crackerjack?


I tried it at the Chicago World's Fair. It was rather clumpy then.

Well, they seem to have overcome the clumpiness.

To delicious results, I might add.

I had a look for your writings on Houdini last year. Did you?

I checked several of the newspapers and magazines in the library, but I couldn't find them.

You wouldn't have.

Oh? I write under the nom de plume Rupert Olssen.


It's just easier that way.

To be a man?


I find that very distressing.

In fact, I find this whole eugenics affair very distressing. Why?

It would change the whole world for the better.

Well, I'm simply a man. I'm not the tallest or the most handsome or the smartest, but I consider myself to be a good man of good character.

I try to do well by others.

I think with perseverance I could achieve anything I wanted.

And it seems to me that that opinion would conflict with the views of the eugenicists.

And you.

I mean, you are one, are you not?

No. My relationship with Mr Wells is strictly professional.

That's not what I understood.

The situation has changed recently.

I should get back to work.


I think it's a shame that you have to write under a man's name. I think that's a real shame.

CHATTERING That Pendrick has got a bloody chilling streak in him.

If you're not up to his standards, you're no more than a dog to him.

Oh, he's a man like any other, as capable of m*rder as the next.

However, I'm less convinced of his guilt.

You've changed your opinion.

Not about the art thefts.

But I question his involvement in Mr Malling's m*rder. Based on...?

For one thing, the manner of death.

Why beat someone to death? Usually, it's for a personal reason.

Mm. Not some argument over scientific principles. Agreed.

It may have been embarrassing, but hardly worth k*lling over.

Maybe Malling's quitting the Eugenics Society hurt someone else.

And in a far more personal manner.

Ah, George. Sir?

I'd like us to revisit all of Mr Malling's journals, logs, business appointments, everything.

I've been through them several times.

And I'm sure you did a thorough job. But let's go over them again, this time not looking for a suspect. What?

I'm not sure. Just anything out of the ordinary.

Excuse me, Doctor. Mr Wells!

I've come to see if you've considered my dinner invitation.

I have. And...? And I'm afraid I must decline.

I see.

I confess my disappointment.

Mr Wells, the answer is no.

Of course.

It's been a pleasure, Doctor.

Perhaps we shall meet again.


Mr Wells?

Had I said yes, was I simply to be another conquest?

I'll answer with another question.

Were you tempted? Your silence speaks volumes.

Does it?

You see, Doctor, I sense that there is something missing... in your life.

At first I thought it was Murdoch, a seemingly bland chap at first blush.

He's far from bland!

I've come to realise that.

But there is something missing.

I hope you can address it.

Good day, Doctor.

No disrespect intended, but if I was as rich as Mr Malling, I'd have led a more interesting life.

Here's something.

Four weeks ago, Mr Malling made several trips to City Hall.

Searching the records for something.

I'd have thought a prominent barrister would have an assistant to do that sort of thing. Indeed.

Yet he chose to do so himself.

I wonder what he was looking for.

Mr Allan, I'll ask you again, did you m*rder Linus Malling?

This is a monstrous accusation totally without foundation.

Mr Malling had been checking marriage records at City Hall, specifically those of your family.

The intelligent work of any father whose daughter is about to marry.

The diligent work of a eugenicist checking his future son-in-law's bloodlines, no?

And what of it? You failed to achieve his standards.

Rubbish! Your father died an incurable...

Lies. Your brother was a convicted thief. You won't defame my family.

Your sister was caught... There is no need to humiliate me!

Mr Malling demanded you break off the engagement, didn't he?

I couldn't just give up and let Estelle go.

So I asked to meet with him before the eugenics meeting to try one last time to reason with him!

The next thing I knew, he was lying on the ground.

You needed to dispose of the body.

I had studied medicine at university, so I finally put it to good use.

And Dr Algar? Did you mean to incriminate him?

When suspicions fell on him, I let matters take their natural course.

The true shame is I believe Mr Malling had had a change of heart.

He had resigned his position at the society.

Why would Linus do that?

I believe for Estelle. He loved her more than anything in this world, didn't he? He did.

Her happiness superseded any scientific argument.

Pity he didn't get the opportunity to tell you.

It wouldn't have mattered, Detective.

I am not fit for a woman like Estelle.

I'm not fit for any woman.

Hang me.

And put an end to my mongrel blood.

Are you sure you must be off? I do enjoy your visits.

As do I. However, my next writing assignment cannot wait.

And what's it to be on? Eugenics.

And the dangers associated with it.

A very worthy subject.

Actually, it'll be the first piece published under my own name.

Ruby, that's wonderful! Mm.

And Mr Wells?

While Bertie and I share a special bond, I believe it is time to move on. Oh!

In fact, there might be someone else in my future.

Would you care to share? After all, what are sisters for?

Thank you, but not just yet.

Constable Crabtree.

Ah, Mr Wells.

KNOCK AT DOOR Mr Wells! I came to say goodbye and congratulate you on your investigation. Thank you.

I hope this whole affair hasn't coloured your opinion of eugenics.

Not in the least.

Eugenics is a matter we will never see eye to eye on.

That's most unfortunate. But I respect your opinion.

Goodbye, Detective. Oh, might I borrow a pencil and paper?

I must write these things down as they come to me. This whole business with Dr Algar and the experimentation on animals has given me an idea, something perhaps set... in a desert.

Or perhaps something on the shores of a remote island. Yes, an island.

With a doctor. Of course, yes.

Mrs Pendrick?

Detective! What brings you here?

To discuss eugenics?

I'm afraid not.

Oh. How disappointing.

But perhaps for the better.

Oh? Given these recent goings-on, I've revised my opinions.

I suspect your husband won't take kindly to that.

It has caused some tension.

More than usual, that is. Your husband is the reason for my visit.


I find his views on eugenics very disturbing.

Further, given my suspicions surrounding the recent art theft and subsequent murders...

It causes me concern. For me?

Surely you're joking, Detective.

Should you have any reason, do not hesitate to contact me.

Good day, Mrs Pendrick.

Good day, Detective.
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