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01x04 - Sesh

Posted: 08/12/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
Listen up!

Guys, it's payrolls

tomorrow. Can we make sure

we're not taking lunch

off the desk, please.

If the labor market

somehow contrives to give us

eight years of Trump, I

don't know what I'll do.

Probably nothing.

I've built an indicators monitor.

Weekly jobless claims,

credit card arrears,

Google searches for vacancies,

are all rolling over.

Good edge.

I'll circulate it. It's

a finger in the air,

- but definitely something.

- I like it. Cool.

Oh, hey, uh, HR's been in touch.

They're having some issues

with your Tier 2 visa.

- I'm gonna look into it.

- I can do that.

No, let let me do it.

Unless you wanna go home?

Because I can arrange that.

I know you're going to hate this.

- Oh, please don't sing.

- Oh, I wasn't going to.

Happy birthday to you ♪

Happy birthday to you ♪

- Happy birthday dear Harper ♪

- Dear Harpsichord ♪

Happy birthday to you ♪

And many more ♪

I can't look at a birthday candle

without thinking about Robert Herrick.

Nobody knows who that is.

Who the f*ck is Robert Herrick?

Don't worry about your visa.

You're the right kind of immigrant.

Happy birthday.

We're living in an era

of woke capitalism, right?

I'm Nike. I pretend to

care about Black people.

You pretend to hate

capitalism and buy my trainers.

- "Nike-ee."

- Nike, but

So do you, like, pre-rehearse

these little nuggets?

Oh, my gosh.

- Yeah.

- What is this Blue Peter thing?

I was gonna give it to her at work,

but I knew people like

you would judge me.

I would judge you, but I'm trying to be

- less egocentric now.

- Right.

Everyone, this is the last of it.

Can I keep this for the wank bank?

I actually wrote a paper on

the moral case for capitalism.

That must've been short.

No. It was 8,000 words.

All right, birthday

girl gets two. Enjoy.

That's top tier ski wear, that is.

How many left?

Uh one.

This is like that scene in Notting Hill

where they try and work out

What, with With the

brownies? Okay, well

Hey, so, I'm not trying to be a Luddite,

and I know you'll hardly ever use it,

but I think it's kinda

nice to see the future

in tiny little boxes.

Ooh, I think I like her

Like her, like her ♪

All my friends are getting married!

Okay, well, yeah, there you go.

Who can argue with that?

I know today's hard for you.

I know you must be

thinking about your brother.

It's personalized,

so you better like it.

- Can't return it, 'cause

- Yeah, it's yours now

You guys call this "seshing"?

Uh, yeah, It's like, um

- a session.

- Why?

It's, like, as big a cultural touchstone

as, I guess, anything.

I won't bend ♪

You're hurting so much ♪

and I I use that

term in a nongendered way.

Dude, I I get it. Thanks.

Okay. Um. Enjoy the kitchen.

I'll watch.

My boyfriend's filled our apartment

with these cheese plants.

The brochure said we should name them.

They pulled out names

from a hat at his work.

- Sorry if I'm interrupting.

- Interrupting what?

It's an IPA.

You feel ♪

No pain ♪

In the sweet surrender ♪

The light warms again ♪

You're hurting so much

I need you to ♪

Harper, I've booked us an Uber.

Nah, we're gonna have one more.

We've only got that

student drive tomorrow.

Are you sure, Harper?

Nothing good ever happens past 2 a.m.

Everything good happens past 2 a.m.

This music sounds like

a f*cking car alarm.

Yeah, Thatcher tried to ban it,

so you're dancing on her grave.

All right, yeah, can you come for one?

Yeah, okay, no, two Yeah, two's fine.

Um, yeah, mate, same postcode.

Can I have one K on tick?

And a couple round ones?

Ta. Cheers. See you in a bit.

I'm changing the music.

The tyranny of choice.

Got Gus on the desk now, which is good.

- So got a got a mate.

- Great.

It's nice to be working

with him, you know?

- Is it nice?

- He gets me, and, uh

And he looks after me,

and I look after him.

Yasmin f*cking offered

me a place to live,

and, like, that was really f*cking cool.

Like, she didn't have to do that.

Is that a f*cking joke, is that a joke?

about myself, you know, like,

about myself. Like, I can

- Yeah. Bonjour.

- What do you do at work?

- At my desk?

- Mmm.

Uh, they won't let me on the phones.

I'm not taking it

personally at the moment.

- Right.

- I'm just sort of going with it.

Have you ever had K? Ket? Ketamine?

It sort of makes you feel a little

bit legless, a little bit wobbly.

I mean, you've never had

any before so, like

You get like a new perspective

To be honest, I literally

can't see anything.

Got to do it in style.

If it's your debut,

it's your first time

You look like f*cking Elton John.

- We're like different people.

- Who are you talking about?

I hope you're overwhelmed.

- Yeah, like

- I'm just saying, I'd be overwhelmed.

- You don't wanna talk about it!

- Yeah, man, I'm just, um

- No, not really.

- I get it.

Goldman Sachs? It's Robert Spearing.

That's what I'm saying, bro, like

- I mean

- Honestly?

- Yes!

- Fifty f*cking thousand quid.

I'll have five cents.

I don't know, my friends are,

like, cool and nice, whatever.

- I mean, I'm just so focused

- I'm with you there.

- on work right now, like

- Me too.

I don't eat

I don't sleep ♪

I do nothing

But think of you ♪

I don't eat

I don't sleep ♪

I do nothing

But think of you ♪

You keep me under your spell

You keep me under your spell ♪

You keep me under your spell ♪

Uh, stop. No, stop.

- I'm sorry.

- It's fine.

No, I'm sorry.

You know

- You can tell I want to

- It's fine.

It's not a good idea anyway.

You know, it's just

with me and Yasmin,

with with whatever's

happening there.

I didn't know that anything

was happening there.

Dad and I really hope

you're going to make it

back for Thanksgiving.

Oh, I saw on Instagram that

Todd's got rid of his little ho.

I'm not saying reach

out, but maybe reach out.

Okay, bye.

People are missing the move.

Gregory, you smell like a brewery, mate.

No, I think that's Robert.

Robert, you smell like a brewery, mate.

I think it's Greg.

Harper, it's Duncan

Hixe in middle office.

Can you call me as soon as you get this

in order to discuss something urgent?

The market is backstopped like

Harper, you coming?

But you can't go to the drive.

Harper, you can't represent us

like this in this condition.

It was a chance to represent

the firm in front of Sara.

Remember, this place

is bigger than one desk.

I mean, I want to,

but that's on tomorrow.

Yeah, wing it.

At minimum find a replacement.

And please, take a shower.

He's so bear-ish.

It'll be good for your internal profile.

They're, like, a component of

the 360s they do pre-RIF day.

What is it?

It's like a corporate

spiel for college kids.

Yas, go. It's not like

you're on the phones,

and you're a great advert for the firm.

Or maybe you could go, Tash?

Actually, that would

require you to speak.

I love you. I love my gift.

You weren't in your room this morning.

Yeah, Rob kept me up.

Fine. But I've booked us spin.

And I've already paid for you, so.

There's a pungent smell

of wine in this area,

which hitherto was absent.

On your bike, Yas. Sell the firm.

Come on, Kenny.

This is Bloomberg Daybreak.

I'm Alix Steel. It is 7:30 a.m. on

- Duncan?

- Yeah?

reports the worst month since 2013

- Harper.

- Ah! The elusive Harper.

Hi, sorry, sorry, crazy

morning. How can I help?

Forwarded you a time stamp

on a mismatched trade.

- Allerton Capital.

- What's the issue?

There's a discrepancy on the notional.

Graduates have done this

before, so I just need to check.

Did you buy the right

currency? You booked 50 quid,

Allerton are confirming

50 dollars. Which is it?

Sterling. Uh, quid.

Allerton's confirmation

says it's a dollar amount.

It definitely wasn't.

Call the client. I'm sure he'll rectify.

It's probably their mistake.

If it's yours, I need to know ASAP.

Do I need to tell my manager?

Is this, uh, a serious issue?

Absolutely you should.

Not telling him is not acceptable.

Okay. I'll I'll fix it.

Listen, if anyone wants me,

f*cking I.M. me. Stop ringing my line!

No, exactly. I was just

going to flag that

I'm not gonna hold your hand.

Contrary to popular

belief, I am not God!

A load of our economists

clamoring over each other

to be wrong on the

direction of Europe

- Allerton Capital.

- It's Harper from Pierpoint.

Um, I was hoping to speak with Aubrey.

- Putting you through.

- Aubrey speaking.

How is your wife coping

with the sleep apnea?

It's less about how she's coping,

more about how I'm coping.

Just checking, you got my Bloomie

with our NFP preview?

Yeah, I don't really read

those, but appreciate the flag.

Sure. Um, while I have you,

that cable ticket that we did,

middle office is saying

that you booked 50 dollars.

Well, that's because I did.

No, you booked 50 sterling.

Are we seriously having

this conversation?

We can pull the tapes on the trade

and listen to the audio,

but it would mark a first

in my 20-year career.

Does Daria know you're calling me?

I I'm really sorry.

This is clearly a

brain fry. Um, I must have misbooked it.

C Could you amend it on your end?

With the rate where it is?

Why would I eat that for

you? I'm no philanthropist.

Is that all?

Um Aubrey, I

- I'm sure that we can

- No, I'm sure.

I'm willing to lay

this ridiculous request

at the feet of your inexperience,

but if you push me on this,

it will legitimately damage

my relationship with your superiors,

and then you'll have

a real problem. Thanks.

Rish, where's street on the

NFP print at 1:30 please?

Uh, consensus is plus

250. We're at plus 150.

Cassandra, you still think

we're grinding to a halt?

Strong and black, just like me.

How late did you go last night?

Sorry, I can't do this right now.

- Sure.

- Hey.

Do you have anything stronger?

Uh, globalization of trade is

How many?

Take two and you'll feel like

you're inventing Facebook.

Duncan, client did buy 50 quid.

He's refusing to amend

it on his end. He's lying.

Ah. Okay. Well, let's pull the tapes.

All voice trading's recorded.

Oh, yeah. Oh, I put in extraordinary

Is there another option?

No. Look, he shouldn't have run you over

just because you're young.

Amend the trade in the

system to 50 dollars,

and see what the loss is.

flew them in on a helicopter.

Isn't that wild? Oh,

no, no. I don't give a

Okay, I imagine it's quite a hit,

but sell now and at

least we've contained it.


Is it done? What does it say?

It says it's all squared away.

Good. I was dreading the team meet.

You we we were slow on this one.

When is your meet?

1:30. Just after nonfarm payrolls.

Now, you're sure it's done?

- It's done.

- Good.

See, no two days are the same,

'cause the market is always dynamic.

And here we're taught

to think like owners.

You manage to make it sound

like a socialist enterprise.

We're on a very aggressive

image rehabilitation drive,

so you might want to put your tie on.

Excuse me.

Don't ask.

I can imagine.

What did you guys get up to?

Ah, um

Yeah, I really put her in the locker.

Yeah, well, now I'm having

to deal with the fallout, so.


I doubt they've ever even

been in the same room.

Look how much they like each other.

It feels weird to be in

a position of power here.

So, what are you gonna do with it?

- Hi!

- Hi!

- Nice to meet you. Having a good day? Hi.

- Hi.

All I know is I f*cked up

and the loss is at 50k right now.

Why don't you just tell Eric?

We have had two of the

best P&L days of the year.

I can't just put my hands up

and say that I wiped it out.

Yeah, Eric will flip,

but you risk your job

if you don't come clean.

Why did you make me stay up all night?

I didn't make you do anything!

Look, you're his project.

You're allowed to make one mistake.

No, no, actually I'm not.

I'm not allowed to make any mistakes.

People like you are

allowed to make mistakes.

What the f*ck does that mean?

Mistakes are a privilege.

Okay, yeah, well, the

loss is hypothetical.

- In the book? It's live, right?

- Yeah. So?

Well, then, it's not crystallized.

So, surely it can still swing

to the upside or the downside?

If the NFP's under 150k

at 1:30 this afternoon

That's a f*cking punt.

No, there's less chance

of a Fed rate hike,

which is bad for the dollar.

Sterling surges against dollar,

and my loss is totally offset.

Look, just tell Eric, all right?

You're not thinking properly.

The street's looking for 250k.

You don't know what the

f*ck you're talking about.

So why don't you stick to whatever it is

that you're good at, and

I'll just I'll be fine.

If you wanna f*cking talk

about last night, talk about it.

Otherwise, let's just put a pin in it.

Dude Please.

I'm moving all kinds of

size today. I am the flow.

Yeah, he who talks about his

conquests exaggerates them.

This is the first time

I've been on the floor for the data

since the evangelists invaded Iraq.

Normally have a lunch.

Yours is incredibly antisocial.

Things slowing down then?

Published on the whispers

about a new bubble in tech,

interest for Kaspar.


Happy to call Usman to

run him through the note.

Won't be necessary.

Kaspar tells me he's already

opened a dialogue with Robert.

Maybe we could do dual coverage

Let's not overdo it, Augustus.

Or I could just back Robert up?

Can't imagine you want

to be subordinate to him?

If you have any questions about it,

- just let me know.

- Yeah, sure.

- Cheers mate, thanks.

- Can I have the note?

What is it? Why are you ignoring me?

Grow up. I have a girlfriend.

I had interviews at Morgan Stanley,

Nomura, Barclays, and

I can count on one hand

the amount of times I was

interviewed by a woman,

until I got to Pierpoint.

It was really important for me to see

people like me in positions

of responsibility

I was just curious, why are

there no women on the board?

Uh, we've actually just hired

our first female president.

That's more like a figurehead.

Like, what's it really like

being a woman in this environment?

Not dissimilar to being a man.

You know, there's always banter.

"Banter" sounds like a euphemism.

Well, you have to have a sense of humor.

And men have been hiding

behind theirs for years.

Well, you can either stand

on the sidelines and comment,

or you could join us and

try and affect change.

I think Yasmin is very

capable of navigating

these things herself. But ultimately

Ultimately, you come here

because it's one of the few workplaces

where nobody cares where you're from.

There are many potential

role models here,

and you could be one of them.

I'll have four sugars.

Bit of a bastard behind

the eyes. Hungover.

You haven't covered that risk.

Your P&L on that trade

is minus 50 thousand.

You're not authorized.

I have to level with you. Um,

I'm still working on the client.

- So you lied to me?

- No, you misunderstood.

I'm just softening them up a bit.

Um, it's their error. I

just need a little more time.

I'm not gonna be held responsible

for your lack of responsibility.

I'm empowered to report

this. It's literally my job.

- I just need until 1:30 p.m.

- That would be gross negligence.

- Well, is it illegal?

- No.

- Is it unethical?

- That's muddier.

Well, so we've established

that it's not black and white then

That's not the point.

Look, this is on me.

You can be ignorant.

- Our conversations

- They happened.

I don't care about the electronic trail

or the audio trail

either. It's the principle.

Let's be pragmatic.

Having me in your debt makes sense.

I could help you with

a move to front office,

I could get you facetime with an MD,

help you with a lateral

move, whatever you need.

You wanna get me a job?

Do you even know how

long I've worked here?

You're the one facing disciplinary,

but if you wanna keep insulting me,

I'm happy to stay here for a bit longer.


- Just f*cking help me!

- Don't

do that. This is a workplace.

We're colleagues.

I'm I'm not getting emotional.

I'm barely four months into my career.

I I'm just asking,

colleague to colleague.

Please, Duncan.

1:30 is the absolute limit.

After that, it becomes

our managers' problems.

Are we c**ts?

You know what I mean, you know, like

were we that cunty when we did these?

Surely you knew we entered

a career that connoted,

you know


Yeah, but I didn't think that

cuntishness was a prerequisite.

I don't need you to speak for me.

I wasn't.

Yeah, well, in my experience,

anyone that calls themselves

a "male feminist" is usually

the villain of the piece.

Yeah, well, I never made that claim.

You know, just, it wasn't all right.


We used to play this

game when I was at school.

Sports days, prize-givings,

stuff like that.

We'd rate the dads

talk about which ones we'd snog.

Do you think they're

doing that about us?

I reckon I could f*ck

anyone I want in here.

Not anyone, Robert.

Oh shite, it's her again.

Lure them in young, work them to death!

f*cking murderers! Party of Davos!


She just went charging in!

Don't don't move.

We can't miss the flow.

Save me, Rishi, save me!

Eric, don't make my job tougher.

We We'll continue this on the move.

The ways people degrade

themselves to get a promotion.

All right, come on.

Harper, no client is

worth being burned alive.

Get. Come on.

- Excuse me, sorry.

- Hey!

Mate, glad I'm not running

position into this print.

Harpsichord, anything granular to watch?

Uh employment rate.

No shit.

Sorry. I'm looking at wage growth too.


I've just spoken to Aubrey at Allerton.

Why did you lie to me?

You're middle office. You

shouldn't be calling clients.

You made a mistake.

So what the f*ck do

you think you're doing?

Fifteen seconds to the

print. It's gonna be soft.

Then we're clear.

No, Harper. You can't

trade your way out of this!

That is unacceptable. It's reckless.

This is where we are now.

- Harper!

- Just wait.

The announcement's coming in five.

Big miss on the number.

Plus 120 versus street at plus 250.

What did I say?

Told you.

Okay. Pull up the

trade input loss sheet.

I shouldn't be doing this.

It's already done.

Execute anywhere within ten grand,

and you might get away with this.

This move's one-way traffic.

The print is soft. I'm running it.

Harper. Don't f*ck around.

Cover that risk now.


There's a reason I'm

sat here. Bear with me.

Ivor's buying dollars.

It's f*cking Ivor, man!

Storb now too!

First move's always wrong.

f*cking hell, Eric, Ivor

is lighting us up, mate.

Of course he is. He trades with me.

Harper, I am gonna come over

your hoot and broadcast this

if you do not execute at this level now.

It'll come back.

- f*cking punch it!

- f*cking wait!

I'm not messing around!

- All good?

- Absolutely. Of course.

Where are you gonna find 140,000 dollars

before the close?


Harper! Come collect your winnings.

You won!

Won what?

Traders payroll

sweepstake at 250 big ones.

Lucky bitch.

I entered your prediction

for you. You owe me a pint.

Greg, you've done

something selfless there.

Somebody should make a note, no?

Yeah, I'll tell my blog.

Probably leave it out as

it's so out of character.

Hi. Hi. It's Harper.

Can I run something by you

in person in person

It has to be in person, um,

it needs to be pre

4:30, before the close.

Are you okay?

I've never had anyone hate me before.

I need to have a shower.

Do you fancy a bevvy after work?

I have plans with Seb.

You didn't f*ck anyone, did you?

So there are gonna be

some very, very happy MDs

and some pretty miserable ones.

I think a ton of people got

whiplashed on this NFP print.

Do you think the payroll data

considers Instagram models?

f*ck! I've got another

engagement drinks tonight.

Hopefully if I go, they won't

invite me to the wedding.

Yes, there are few things

more common than a wedding.

Like what?

Richard Branson. Skiing

in France. Airline pajamas.

What's wrong with marriage?

Please tell me you're wiser than that.

Well, it's legal now. So it's an option.

You must be thinking about doing

the honorable thing soon, Theo?

Yeah, yeah. I mean,

there's no rush. But

I love her, so I guess it's inevitable.

You're far too young. Went

to Jaspar Conran's wedding.

- Suffice to say it was a party.

- Did you actually go, though?

Or is that just another part

of your life you're lying about?

No time like the present. Yeah.

You ever speak to me like that again,

I'll put you in the f*cking ground.


Rishi, Pierpoint

Look both ways, you twat!


- Hail.

- Hail.

I cry your worships' mercy.

I shall desire you of more acquaintance,

good Master Cobweb.

If I cut my finger, I

shall make bold with you.

Your name, honest gentleman?


I pray you, commend me to

Mistress Squash, your mother,

and Master Peascod, your father.

Come on.

I shall desire you of

more acquaintance too,

Good Master Peaseblossom.

Your name, I beseech you, sir?

- Mustardseed.

- Which one's your niece?

Good Master Mustardseed,

I know your patience well.

That same cowardly, giant-like

Thanks for taking the time to see me.

I promise your kindred

Every child on that stage is doomed.

I wish my sister wasn't too

proud to take my money and

drag her out of this sh*thole.

It seems fine.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fine.

Did me all right, didn't it?

But then I'm not everybody, am I?

Some Labour MP sent his

kids here for "credibility,"

ended up hanging himself

with an orange in his mouth.

Or was that Michael Hutchence?

that, when he waked,

of force she must be eyed.

I have a really

commercial idea I needed

to put in front of you

- pre the close

- Shh.

but not this the man.

The NFP turnaround is pure positioning.

We have a really competitive

short dollar yen option.

I've priced it especially for you.

The rate is locked,

but you'll need to execute pre-close.

being o'er shoes in blood

plunge in the deep

and k*ll me too.

The sun was not so true unto the day

I once had a Lehman saleswoman

follow me into the toilet

and try and flog me some MBS.

I'll believe as soon this

whole Earth may be bored

So it's a vanilla currency

option that will lose me money.

So either you think I'm

stupid, or you're stupid.

And I know you're not stupid.

The only real currency you ever have

as a salesperson is honesty.

a m*rder*r look, so dead, so grim.

So are you going to tell

me why you're really here?

and so should I,

pierced through the heart

- with your stern cruelty.

- I made a mistake.

Yet you, the m*rder*r

I misbooked something,

and made it worse.

- Have you told your boss?

- No.

Well, tell your boss.

It's the only option.

Shut the f*ck up!

What's this to my Lysander?

Where is he? Ah, good Demetrius

I thought

with your normal

receptiveness to my thinking

I had rather give his

carcass to my hounds.

What are you doing here, Harper?

drivest me past the

bounds of maiden's

Clear your head, take

a second, come clean.

Henceforth be never

Whatever the consequences,

you'll feel relief.

Oh, once tell true, tell

true even for my sake.

And I'm willing to forget

about this little intrusion.

looked upon him being awake

Don't ever put a price on your dignity.

thou k*lled him

sleeping? O brave touch.

Could not a worm, an adder, do so much?

Lead him to my bower.

The moon methinks

looks with a watery eye,

and when she weeps,

weeps every little flower.

You always put so much

pressure on yourself.

You know how you get.

Mom, you don't understand.

No matter what I do now,

they're going to fire me.

Uh I don't know about that.

I'm so f*cking stupid.

I don't know why I

thought I could do this.



I really don't know

what you want me to say.

Uh, tell you what,

can I get another?

Seb, this is Robert, he's a colleague.

I've heard a lot about

you. You all right?

Hey, man. I didn't think

- Yas spoke about me at work.

- Oh, she does.

Sit down, man.

Ah, no, it's all right, don't worry.

You got, um You got

some shit in your hair.

Oh yeah, um It's just paint.

Yeah, no, I didn't mean

you had actual, like

you know, actual feces in your hair.

Do you want, uh do you want a pint?

Um No, I'm all right.

Actually, um, I can get my own.

- Uh, nice one.

- I'll get myself one.

I hooked up with one of the students.

- When?

- Just now.

What happened?

He went down on me.

And when I came in his mouth


he looked up at me and he said

"You taste like a hangover."

That is the least convincing thing

I've ever heard in my life.


I'm gonna take these off and

slip them into your pocket.

You're going to put them on

your face and send me a photo.

Because that's all you're good for.


What the f*ck.

I got s-s-stammers

And no manners ♪

All right?

Oceanic cinematic ♪

I reach out

For something bigger than free ♪

You lick it and you stick it ♪

And it's kinda like the taste

Of everything ♪

Isn't that your best

mate from the prospectus?

Emaciated, kinda wasted

Can't remember ♪

I've never met her.

Somewhere in Tucson ♪

I watched for one or two songs

Then I left ♪

Enjoy your evening.

I give two cents

And a dollar ♪

For all the paranoia I forget ♪

Well boredom is a k*ller ♪

For me the sealer dealer

Now you're dead ♪

You paid your debt ♪

You're playing dead ♪

Doors opening.

Doors closing.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll

meet you straight after.

Can we talk somewhere private?

You've been so fair to me.

And the opportunities

that you've given me

If I wanted a story, I'd

read Moby d*ck. What's up?

I misbooked a trade.

How much?

Hundred and forty thousand dollars.

I called your college today.

We needed a hard copy of

your credentials for the visa.

So I called them.

You realize this makes you

the most under-qualified

person I've ever hired?

When I was a summer analyst at Salomon,

my boss

looked like Newman from Seinfeld.

But like Newman if

he was a linebacker.

He once said to me

"I used to think

if there was such a

thing as reincarnation,

I wanted to come back as

the president or pope

or a .400 baseball hitter.

But now I want to come

back as the bond market.

Because it intimidates everybody."

People like us

born at the bottom.

Where would you put

our percentage chance

of ever making that top quintile?

It's about three percent.

That's intimidating. We

intimidate people here.

Why is that?

Because hunger is not a birthright.

Your qualifications don't

have to be a problem for you.

Because they don't have

to be problem for me.

You understand what I'm saying?

What was the final P&L?

Two hundred k.

No, no. It was a 140k loss.

Profit, 200k profit.

I ex*cuted for you pre-close.

Nicole at Mallon Mercer.

It's a hell of a spread she ate.

What did you do?

I went to watch her

niece perform Shakespeare.

You You just coined jargon

for good client service.

I would have never known.

But there are generally

two times to tell me

when you've f*cked up.

The moment it's f*cked,

or the moment it's un-f*cked. Clear?


That was the thing with Newman.

He knew from day one he could trust me.

So I trusted him.

He wasn't big on compliments, but

I heard him compliment me once.

What did he say?

"That little chink's a born salesman."