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03x02 - Wedding Crashers

Posted: 08/12/22 09:35
by bunniefuu
They're here.

Uncle Dunc!

Hey, you're a sight

for road-weary eyes. Aw.

- You're my favorite uncle.

- I'm your only uncle.

- Hi.

- Hello.

How was the drive?

Oh, filled with lots of

spirited wedding playlist discussion.

Mm-hmm. Brian vetoed all yacht rock,

so basically, the wedding's off now,

which is a shame

because this place looks great.

Did you do that yourself?

Uh Yeah. Just sort of whipped it up.

It's gorgeous. Everything is.

Any word on Tyler?

No. He's not even responding to texts.

Don't worry. I'm gonna be

the best man you've ever had.

Uh, you know, actually,

I didn't ask you to be my best man.

I asked you

to stand up during the ceremony.

Don't worry.

The best man will help.

- Probably just accept this, shouldn't I?

- Probably.

Thank you.

Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut.

James Bolton.



- Where are

- Sh, sh.

Samuel Coffey.


Is that you, Captain?

What in bloody hell's going on?


What dark sorcery is this?

Come this way.

This way only.

Where are we?

The home of Benjamin Locke,

now inhabited by his descendants.

When are we?

Much has changed

since you last drew breath many years ago.

The w*r you fought was lost

and your lives with it.

- You saying I died?

- You both did.

Now you're echoes of your former selves.

Then who the hell are you?

Your captain

and something more.

Is Kinsey joining us?

She's on the phone with the Savinis

chatting about wedding stuff.

Have her friends ever filmed a wedding?

No, but they shot the most

amazing horror film I've ever seen.

It's gonna be epic. Trust me.

- Great.

- Hey, Uncle Dunc.

I have some last-minute

best man duties to attend to.

Like what? Buddy?

You'll see.

- At least he's taking it seriously?

- Yeah. That's what worries me.

Well, well, well.

Now does this say Josh?

Ooh. Let me see. Let me see.

Yes, that's the way it looks to me.

- This is the Josh?

- It is the Josh. Would you two mind?

Mind? No. Why would we mind?

Just excited to finally meet him.

Well, I'm gonna use

all this nervous energy to go unpack.


Thank you again, Nina.

You're really going above and beyond.

Stop. You're family.

We'd do anything for you guys.

I didn't know there was a Snow Globe Key,

or I definitely would've warned you.

These sisters were insane.

Who knows how long

they were trapped inside of there?

The whole thing was terrifying.

Bode could've frozen to death.


I, uh, I heard something about a wedding.

Aw, I had a feeling.

I didn't wanna believe it,

but I had a feeling.

- Hey, Mom.

- Oh!

I didn't have a feeling.

I was considering a cardboard cutout

but had a hard time deciding on a photo,

and it made me realize

that I would miss you, oh, even more.

Look at your hair. I like it!


Everything looks great outside.

- Why didn't you tell us you were coming?

- And miss this reaction?

There's dinner if you're hungry.

It's pizza. That we ordered.

You really went all out, huh?

Oh! Come here.

Today is a special day.

What? No.

Kinsey, cut it out.


- Tyler!

- You're back.

Didn't know I was so missed.

Of course you were.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know that was you.

Why? What happened?

Tried to scare Bode,

and he, like, flipped me like a ninja.

- How'd you get so strong?

- I used the Hercules belt.


Trying out a new look?

Oh, it's vintage.

So, where have you been?

How have you been?

- When did you decide to come back?

- Let's see. Uh

Montana, fine,

and, uh, I'm not gonna miss

Duncan's wedding.

Hey, stopped in Wisconsin. I got this

for you.


Why Montana?

Got a job.

A job?

Yeah, framing houses.

All that free labor Mom got out of us

fixing homes finally paid off.

Do you get to use a nail g*n?

Sure do.

Uh, Mom's heating up some pizza

if you wanna join?

It'd be so much easier

if he could just remember.

Yeah, but it's not what he wanted.

I know.

But still.

And there are more of these keys?


made by Benjamin Locke's descendants.

Generations of arrogant men and women,

all believing themselves

worthy of such gifts.

You called us Echoes.

But what does that mean?

s*ab him.


- Why?

- Come now. Just asking questions.

I command you.

s*ab him!

No, no! No, no! No, no!

There's no blood.

I can't believe you stabbed me.

As Echoes, you are impervious to pain,

incapable of physical suffering.

But cross me,

and I will toss you both

back into that well house,

and that would be the end of you.

How'd you get here?

I broke down the barrier

between our world and

worlds far greater than this.

And it was at that place that I merged

with something of unspeakable power.

- Not sure I understand.

- You will soon.

If I get my way,

you'll see it for yourself.

Why do you need us?

Because you two

can do something that I cannot.

And what's that?

Take the keys.

Ty! Breakfast is ready!

Coffee, Kins?

No, thanks.

I'm gonna stick with my lemon tea.

She's warming up her vocal cords

for the big performance later.

- You're gonna be amazing.

- Eh, no pressure.

Just my wedding day.

Have you guys noticed the, uh,

the window in the well house?

The bars are all bent.

- Really?

- Yes. Door was hanging open.

- Were you playing in there?

- No.

So, Tyler,

back for good?

Uh, no. I'm heading back

to Montana tomorrow.

But you just got here.

- Gotta get back for work.

- Seriously?


Well, as you are here, I have a question.

Since Bode's gonna be up there with me

As your best man.

Uh-huh. Uh

would you also do me the honor

of standing with me during the ceremony?

The honor would be all mine.

Congratulations on being

my second in command.

- Okay, let's have a wedding!

- Yeah!

Heck yeah!

So when are the cousins getting in?

Their flight landed

about an hour ago.

Hey there. Looking sharp.

Uh What can I do to help?

Let's see.

Can you go talk to the caterers?

Make sure they have everything they need.

And, uh

I'm sorry I can't stay longer.

Oh, you don't have to apologize, Ty.

Just need some more time.

Of course.

I get it.

With everything you went through

Do what you need to do,

and we'll be here for you,

however long it takes.

So, caterers.


And apparently,

the string quartet just arrived.

I'm Bode Locke,

and as my uncle Duncan's best man,

it was one of my main duties to go

Now? Really?

Don't need to sweat it, Dad.

Who's sweating anything?

I just can't get the stupid tie

Oh. Crap, there she is.

She looks absolutely stunning. Okay.

- She does, but so do you.

- Ha!

You just have to be your charming self,

and everything will be fine.

- Okay.

- Just play it cool.


- Hi, guys.

- Hi.

Glad you could make it so last minute.

Yeah. Well, my dance card was full,

but then I heard there was salmon.

- I'm gonna go find Bode.

- Okay.

So put me to work for my meal.

What is that?

A new key opened up this clock.

I just found it.

Do you know how it works?

Maybe these do something.


We don't want them

getting in the wrong hands, Miranda.

The keys are too dangerous

to not properly secure them.

This is a child's Harlequin chest.

As it would appear to the naked eye

when it's locked.

Try and open it.

Impenetrable and indestructible.


Who are you?

Uh, who are you?

I'm Benjamin Locke,

and you're an intruder in our home.

No way.

What business do you have here?

It's okay. I'm a Locke too.

I know all about the keys, and

I actually used one to get here.

- I'm from the future.

- The future?

But no such key exists.


What is your name?

I'm Bode.

I'm your great, great, great, great,

great, great, great, great

Holy crap!

What happened?

You disappeared and just reappeared.

It took me back in time.

I met Benjamin and Miranda Locke.

They had this key

I've never seen before with this chest.

Hang on. You time traveled?

I totally time traveled.

Okay. Who are Benjamin and Miranda?

They're my ancestors from way back.

Chamberlain told me about them.

They made the first keys.

At least the key brought you back.

Why wasn't I there for very long?

How long did it seem?

Like, three minutes?

These are Roman numerals.

This last one, it must be

the length of time that you're there.


This will give us a warning.

But how do we know when we're going to?

Only one way to find out.

Quick, hide.

Another night, another dream

But always you ♪

It's like a vision of love

That seems to be true ♪

Another night, another dream ♪

But always you ♪

In the night, I dream of love so true ♪

Uncle Duncan?

Uncle Duncan?

- Don't freak out.

- We're from the future.

He's your nephew.

We're using a new key

that lets you time travel.

No way.

I haven't found anything that epic.

What year is it where you guys are from?

What am I doing there?

Do the Red Sox ever win a World Series?

Do Dylan and Brenda get back together?

Where's my dad, Rendell?

I think he's out fishing

with his girlfriend, Erin.

You know what?

That's probably Rendell now.


Are you his and Erin's son?

We can't. Not yet.

That was insane.

I I wanna go see my dad.

We need to go back.

Go back where?

Of course you find the Timeshift Key

on the day of my wedding.

We saw you. Do you remember

back when you were a kid?

That's not how this key works, buddy.

But you know about the key?

Yeah. Rendell and I found it.

We played with it a bit.

I was kinda hoping that this particular

key never saw the light of day again.

Certainly not on this day.

What are you doing?

This one's too unpredictable.

There you are.

The photographer's ready for you outside,

and can you guys

go help Josh with the programs?

We found a new key.

I went to Colonial times and then

to when Uncle Dunc and Dad were kids.

Okay, okay. Today is not the day

to be playing with keys, new or old.


Now, please, go help Josh outside.

So, tell me about this new key.

I will, later. For now,

just keep it away from Bode, please.


Hello. Program?

Hey. Right this way.

Guys, it's time.

Oh shit.

- The rings.

- Where are they?

I must have left them upstairs.

I got it.

Uh, okay. Side table by the bed.

A little black velvet bag.

Don't worry.

It's not like they can start without you.

I got them.


Okay, come on!

How long will I love you? ♪

As long as stars are above you ♪

And longer if I can ♪

How long will I need you? ♪

As long as the seasons need to ♪

Follow their plan ♪

How long will I be with you? ♪

As long as the sea's bound to ♪

Wash up on the sand ♪

How long will I want you? ♪

As long as you want me to ♪

Friends and family,

we are gathered here

on this beautiful day to celebrate love

and to witness the joining together

of these two wonderful human beings

in marriage.

Brian, do you take Duncan

to have and to hold

for as long as you both shall live?

I do.

And, Duncan, do you take Brian

to have and to hold

for as long as you both shall live?

I do.

These rings are a symbol,

a never-ending circle

of the vows you've made to one another.

So, with the power vested in me

by the great state of Massachusetts,

I now pronounce you husband and husband.

Now the only thing left is

to seal your union with a kiss.


How long will I love you? ♪

As long as stars are above you ♪

Hey ♪

Uh-huh ♪

What I like about you ♪

You hold me tight ♪

Tell me I'm the only one ♪

It's good to finally meet you, Jamie.

Likewise. Bode told me about your comic.

- Squadron Strange?

- Yeah.

- Can I read it sometime?

- Sure. Yeah, I'd love that.

That's what I like about you

That's what I like ♪

That's what I like about you

That's what I like ♪

Hey, Mom.

- Let's dance.

- Uh

Uh-huh, hey, hey, hey ♪

Guys. Bacon-wrapped meatballs, incoming.


- Oh, hi.

- Ditched for bacon.

I think they're a little intimidated

by my moves.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

This is a slow song. This is a, uh

This is a romantic song.

I wonder what we should do.

And I'm back there that night ♪

Can I make an observation?

Of course.

You seem really happy.

The kids and I have been

connecting more, and uh

having Tyler home has been great.

But, um, there are other things

that I've been missing.

- Other things.

- Mm-hmm.


- Competitive bowling.

- Right.


I was hoping you'd say that

because I've been practicing.

- You have?

- Yes.

- Aw.

- Mentally, not physically. Mentally.

It's a mental game though.

I haven't gone out there

on the boards, but


But I'll give you a rematch.

Oh, anytime.


I'm really glad you called.

Me too.

The famous Josh.



It was a beautiful ceremony.

It was all Nina.

She and the kids made it happen.

- Oh

- Very true.

- No, just

- What?

- Nothing. Nothing to see here.

- Oh.

Found this in the mom's room.


Yes. Well done.


Find it.

Yes, sir.

Unlock it.

Gordie. It's so nice

to see a familiar face here.

You too. Hey, what a lovely event, huh?

Little Duncan married.

I know, right?

I still picture you and Lucas

and your whole g*ng hanging out together.

Hey, your performance in The Tempest

was a real highlight for me.

It's nice of you to say.

Y'all were so close.

I wish I'd had a friend group like that.

I'm sorry if you ever felt excluded. We

We just kinda had our own thing going on.

No. No need to explain.

We're all adults now.

So, um, you happy to be back?

Mmm. Getting there. Slowly.

Well, I'm on the school board,

and we still haven't found a suitable

replacement to coach the track team.

They didn't even make it

to regionals last year.

They could

They could really use you back.

- I'll think about it.

- Terrific.

If I could have your attention.

He's giving a toast, isn't he?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Um, I'm Bode Locke,

and as my uncle Duncan's best man,

it is one of my main duties

to give a toast.

When we first moved here last year,

we didn't really know what to expect.

We didn't know anyone or anything

about Matheson or Keyhouse.

But we did know one thing.

- We had family.

- Aw.

We had Uncle Dunc.

So much has happened since then,

and you've been by our side for all of it.

So, even though that I'm sad

that you won't be staying with us anymore,

I'm happy that now

we have an Uncle Brian too

- Aw.

- Here here.

which is why

I only have one thing left to say

as you leave for your honeymoon

and new life together.


Aloha to you too, buddy.

- Ah, that was great. That was really good.

- Whoo!

Nice job on the song. It was

- It was really beautiful.

- Thanks.

Is your speech up next?

Uh, yeah.

Maybe after about ten more of these.

How many is that for you?

Um, more than a few, less than a lot.

I thought when you came back,

you you'd be staying for a while.

Look around, Kins.

You guys have all moved on, right?

I am too.

I'm trying.

Nobody's moved on, Tyler.

- You have any idea how much we miss you?

- I miss you guys, too, but I, um

What? What's wrong?

That key on your neck.

I just got the weirdest déjà vu.

What do you mean?

Uh, this this image popped into my head

of a chain being wrapped around Bode.

To making memories.

It is

It is weird being home. It's like

Y You know that that thing?

When there's like

When there's a word

on the tip of your tongue,

and you just just can't find it.

Only it's a feeling.

Sorry, I'm not making any sense.

No, you're making total sense.

Ty, do you remember what this is?

What it does?

It's the Chain Key.

Gabe used it against us, but it wasn't

It wasn't Gabe. It was, um

It was Dodge.

What's going on?

Do you remember when Mom was drinking?

How it made her remember magic?

She She remembered going into the mirror.

- Yeah. So now you remember, too, right?

- She


These memories don't have to go away.

All you have to do is tell me it's okay

to use the Memory Key.

The Memory Key.

I found that in the bench.

We can go back to the way things were.

We need you here, Tyler.

I need you.

Happy birthday, Jackie.

Open your eyes.


I can't.


I don't want this.

I don't I don't wanna remember this.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed.

All right, everyone.

It is time for

the grooms' spectacular send-off.

So, please, gather at the driveway

and wish them well.

Should we

I'm I think I'm gonna go inside

just for a minute.

- Okay.

- Just not feeling great.




Hey! What What the hell

do you think you're doing?

Lad's got sand.

Are you coming

to see Duncan and Brian off?

Yeah, I just need to check

on something inside. I'll meet you there.

Keys to that cabinet.

Where is it?

I don't I don't know.

Too bad for you, then, innit?


Are you okay?

What the hell?

Here, let me get you some ice.

Who were those guys?

And why were they dressed like that?

I don't know.

They were trying to break into

that old cabinet in the drawing room,

and then you came in, and you you


How did you get rid of them?

With this.

What is that?

It doesn't matter.

And then they went out the front door,

except it wasn't

It wasn't the porch.

It was somewhere else.

They had the Anywhere Key.

The what?

Okay. I don't I don't know what the hell

just happened, but we should, um

We should call the cops.

I will. Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, it's just, um

I feel a little dislocated.

My head feels fuzzy.

It's not just the tequila.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Fine. I'll go tell Mom.


I'm gonna go lie down, I think.

I couldn't give you a warning ♪

But I felt it all over me ♪

I hope you come where I'm going ♪

Bye, Brian!

Bye, Uncle Dunc.

We're gonna miss ya!

Here we go!

Swimming through stars ♪

And maybe that's all right ♪

I'm feeling you ♪

Every single way ♪

I'm feeling you ♪


Where's Mom?

And they had the Anywhere Key?

Yeah. No clue how they got it.

Tyler said the windows in the well house

were bent, and the doors were open.

I bet those guys were Echoes.

The Plant Key is gone.

I forgot I had it on, and I took it off

right before the wedding.

We'll figure it out, but right now,

we need to find a new place

to store the keys.

The Harlequin chest.

The what?

Now I remember where I've seen it before.

Follow me.

I saw Benjamin Locke use it

when I went back in time.

It's like an indestructible magical safe.

Does it have a key?

I'm feeling you ♪

I wonder where it could be.

What are you guys doing down here?

I was just telling Mom and Bode

about the intruders.

Doesn't even seem like

they took anything. So weird.

You call the cops?

Yeah, they're gonna check things out.

Um, just to, uh just to play it safe,

I think I'm gonna stick around

a few more days if that's cool.

Of course it is, honey. We'd all love it.

Well, I guess Tyler sticking around

is one silver lining.

I'll keep looking for the key.

We'll need it if we're gonna keep

the rest of the keys safe. Just in case.

In case?

They come back.

I won't let you go ♪

Every single way ♪