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02x09 - Alpha & Omega

Posted: 08/12/22 09:30
by bunniefuu
♪ The chest and the head
Divided by a white laser ♪

♪ You're playing your best role
But the mask shatters ♪

♪ Where are you going, boy? ♪

♪ When did you get so lost? ♪

This is our fight.

We're Lockes.

We need to be the ones to face Dodge,

so I'm asking you to stay safe
and out of sight until we can end this.

- But, Kins...
- Too many people got hurt.

If something happened to any of you,
I'd never forgive myself.

♪ How did I get fooled
By such a savage curse? ♪

♪ The more I forgive you
The more it backfires ♪

♪ Now you're dancing through the smoke
Like nothing else matters ♪

Kinsey, if you change your mind,
say the word, and we'll be there.

In a heartbeat.

Is it bad to say I'm a little relieved?

♪ How could you be so blind? ♪

Morning, Kinsey.

Feel like we got
a little interrupted yesterday.

It's frustrating,
this situation between us.

I really thought you cared about me.

What are you talking about?
You're not Gabe.

That's not entirely true.

It's gotta be hard to understand,
but you have no idea how good this feels.

I want you by my side.

I... I wanna share all of this
with you, Kinsey.

What we had was special.


What we had was a total lie.

The feelings on my side were real.


I didn't wanna force you into this.
I wanted you to choose it.

It mattered to me.

But now...

now you know what I'm capable of.

Look what happened to Jackie.

Truth is, you really only have one choice.

I will never choose to be with you

or be like you.

Fine, then I'll k*ll your mom.

Yeah, Nina.

And just to be clear, not turn her.

I mean k*ll her.

Well, maybe now you're not so sure, huh?

Just think about
how crushing it would be for poor Bode

to have lost both of his parents.

Once you join me,
I'll leave the rest of your family alone.

I'm supposed to trust you?

You have my word.

The only thing I want is you.

It's a lot, I know. Take it in.

I'll be back tomorrow, and...

we can get this whole thing resolved.

See ya.

Hey, I'm sorry
that I've been a little distracted lately,

but I've been making a lot of progress
in my research project on Matheson.

- That's cool.
- Yeah.

You know who keeps coming up a lot
in my reading is the Lockes.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Their ancestors
have been in Matheson forever.

They were here
before the Revolutionary w*r.

And they were blacksmiths and locksmiths,

and they made
these incredible ornate keys.

Did you know that?

I mean, I guess I kind of figured it out.

They're called the Lockes.
They live in a place called Keyhouse.

Has Bode ever mentioned finding any keys?

Why are you so interested?

There's this key
I've been trying to locate.

It keeps coming up in my research.
It's called the Omega Key.

- The Omega Key.
- Mm-hmm.

An omega symbol looks like...


You think you could ask Bode if he's seen
anything like that around the house?

Could you do that for me?

Sure, Dad.

He was asking about the keys,
especially the Omega Key!

What? Really?

that's the one he wants.

How does he know
about the Omega Key?

I don't know.

- Did he say omega specifically?
- Yes!

You think my dad might be a demon?

- Probably not.
- How do you know?

Dodge manipulates people
into stealing keys for her.

She did it to me and Sam

and probably did it to your dad too.

Demons can't take keys.

He's got no idea
what kind of danger he's in.

That's why
we have to protect our parents

because they don't understand enough
to protect themselves.

I'll get there soon as I can.

In the meantime, keep an eye on him.

Kins, are you in there?

Yeah, give me a minute.

Okay, but, Kins, I...

Bode, please! I just need a minute.

Hey, wait up a second, bud.

Um, I'm heading over to Jamie's.
I'll be back before dinner.

I... I need to ask you something.

When you were talking to Jamie,
you mentioned the omega symbol.

What were you talking about?

Oh, it's just a new game
that me and Jamie were playing.

Uh, it has ancient symbols.

You both sounded so serious
like... like you were worried.

It's a very stressful game.

Okay. See here? Omega symbols.

Your dad drew all of these.

How do you know it's him?

Well, it's his yearbook.

Also, Sam Lesser.

He... He had a tattoo
of this exact same symbol on his wrist.

Do you remember that?

Uh, maybe.

So you can see why I'm having a hard time
believing this is all just a coincidence.


I don't know.

You would tell me, wouldn't you?

If there was something going on.
If you knew something.

If I could, I would.

I'm sorry.

I love you. I just gotta go.

Now you just need to stir it as it melts.

How'd you learn how to do all this?

Chamberlin taught us.
Though I think he grew to regret it.

You know, Rendell,
he said that I was lucky.

That I've been given a gift.

It's hard for me to see it that way

when the only two keys I've made
have caused so much pain.

I hope it'll be different for you.

It will be.

We're gonna bring Jackie back.

How's it going in here?

This needs to melt, pour it in the mold,
and then we have to wait for it to harden.

Mmm. How long will that take?

Every key is different.
Could be a couple minutes, a couple hours.

You'll be finished by tonight, right?

What's the matter?

Gabe showed up at Keyhouse.


He told me he's gonna k*ll Mom
if I don't agree to turn.

It'll be all right.
It's never gonna get that far.

There's no way to totally protect her.

- I can't let that happen.
- You're not gonna turn.

I'm not gonna let him k*ll Mom.
He went after Jackie because of me.

No. No, no.

- That wasn't your fault.
- Wasn't it?

If we're being totally honest here.

Don't even think like that, Kinsey.

He gave me until tomorrow.

She needs to coax it out of him.

Wha... No.

No, this is...

This is wrong.
I would be lying to my daughter.

How long have you been
looking for this portal, Josh?

How much time have you spent
dreaming about it?

No, I'm sorry. I, um... I can't do it.

What if your wife
is on the other side?


Don't use her to manipulate me.

What if I take you to see it?

The door?

Then you can decide what to do.

You're already so close.
Don't you just wanna see it?

And what is that gonna cost me?


I promise.

All right.

Smart decision.

We're gonna have to go soon. Tide's low.

You're gonna need some better shoes
and a jacket. Okay?

Okay, I'll go to my place.
I'll meet you in the courtyard.


Bring two flashlights.

Gabe. Eden and that history teacher,
they're up to something.

Like what?

I don't know.
They were in the common room.

Looked like she was trying
to convince him to do something.

Just k*ll the bitch.


k*ll her. Eden. Get rid of her.

Who are you talking to?

My good pal, Gabe?

Let me say hi!

Are you making Javi spy on me?

What are you up to, Eden?

Better not be something
you're gonna regret.

I'm actually very busy,
so I'm gonna run. Okay?

Bye-bye now.

Why are you here, Javi?

Hockey practice.

Hmm. I'm pretty sure the rink
is on the opposite side of the campus.

I'll take that!

Where are you going?

Oh, the weather's turned around,
so I'm gonna go on a quick hike.

Can I come?

Well, honey,
I just need a little time to myself.


But I won't be long,

and Bernadette is in the front office
if you need anything, okay?


- All right, bye.
- Bye.

Ready to go?

Are you bleeding?


I sometimes get random nose bleeds.


You okay?


You ever feel like everyone's in on a joke
except you?



Duncan said that

you and Gabe broke up.

You wanna talk about it?

He just wasn't who I thought he was.

Yeah, he was a nice kid, but I don't know.
There was always something off about him.

Can I admit that now?

Well, your instincts were right.

Hey, I was thinking
we could cook something later.

Maybe watch a movie?

I'd even let you choose.

Can I take a rain check?

There's something
I have to do tonight, and, um...

Maybe tomorrow?



Let me know
if you change your mind about tonight.

I'll be here.


Thanks, honey.

Of course.

What happened?

My dad got his hiking gear
and left with Eden.

Did they say where they were going?

No, but he came in here first.

He was digging around in his drawers,
over here.

It's okay. He's gone.

Why does your dad have this?

What is it?

I think it's the opening
behind the Black Door.

Your dad went to the sea caves.

Eden's taking him to the Black Door.

We gotta go help him.

How's that gonna work?


have the advantage.

This next part is crucial.

It requires deep concentration.

A key gets its magic
from the intention of the key maker.

Close your eyes...

and focus on that intention.

What do you need this key to do?

The material that we're using
is from the demon world.

But that doesn't mean
that its power can't be reshaped.

The keys,
they can bring about the darkest evil

or the greatest good.
And you, as the maker, get to decide.


Now what?

You add your blood.

Scot. What are you doing here?

Okay, look, I know what you said,
but I just...

I can't not help you, Kinsey,

and I made a list
of eight reasons as to why.

Number one,
I'm quite nimble. Number...

I know it's selfish of me,

but I'm kinda glad
you didn't get into Rochester.

I mean, they're still idiots
for not taking you.

Yeah, well, I mean,
can't put all the blame on them.

I actually did get in.

But you were so excited.

Oh my God. You didn't change your mind
'cause of what was happening here?

No! No! No.

No. I just had a feeling.
I didn't really feel up to it.

You know, listen to your gut, right?

Not when your gut is wrong.

Scot, we all have self-doubts,
but you can't pass this up.

I thought you were happy
that I'm here, hmm?

Not at the expense of your dream.

You have to do this.

Call and tell them you changed your mind.

Well, I guess I could... try.

- You just saw that, right?
- Yeah, I saw that.

Stone cold.

It's frozen.

- You think someone's using a key?
- There's not a key like that.

This weird, freezing stuff's
been happening to me all day.

First, my tea went ice-cold,
then my bathroom mirror got frosted.

I was starting to think
I was going insane.

All right, well,
if... if it's not a key, then...

maybe you got a ghost on your hands.

- A ghost?
- Yeah.

Ghosts are often associated
with creating cold spots.

I mean, at least
according to paranormal lore.

That sounds like total bullshit.

Coming from the girl who's actually
hung out with her ghost relatives.

Fair, but Chamberlin's never been
inside the house.

Well, maybe he's trying
to tell you something.

I'm being haunted by my demon ex-boyfriend
and my great-great-grandfather.



So what's the big message?

What do you wanna tell me?

Kins, look.

Whoa, whoa. Hey, Kins, I wouldn't do that.


Kins, I really wouldn't.

Hey, Kins, have you... have you ever seen
that really famous 1906 French silent film

by one George Méliès
called The Chimney Sweep?


Me neither, but I'm pretty sure
things didn't go well for him.

Hey, Scot, can... can you stop talking?

Yeah, right. Sorry.


This must be what Chamberlin
or whoever wanted me to find.

- What the hell is it?
- I don't know.

But look.

I wanna say
how grateful I am to you all.

I really never thought
that I could get to this place.

Thank you.

Thank you, Gary.

Oh, would anyone else like to share?

Hi, I'm... I'm Nina.

I'm an alcoholic.

Hi, Nina.


Some of you probably know this
about me already,

but my husband died last year,

and I moved my kids here
to the house where he grew up.

We all went through
a... a rough transition phase.

I thought for a second
I would drag us all back to Seattle, but...

I didn't 'cause the kids, they...

they're doing great.

They're really thriving here.

And I'm glad.

I mean, what mother
doesn't want that for her kids?

And I figured once they were happy again,

that I could start to move forward myself.

I actually thought that it would
be easier for me, you know, 'cause...

I'm an adult.

I've got the wisdom of my years.

I'm used to holding pain and joy
inside my heart.

And I've been... I've been trying,
but there are just these things...

I can't move on from things
that still make no sense to me.

I don't understand
how Ellie Whedon disappeared,

and I don't believe
that my friend Joe committed su1c1de.

And this kid who k*lled my husband,

if it was... if it was just some...
some random freak out like they say,

then why did he follow us to Matheson
to try to finish us off? Why?

And why am I the only one still asking?

Why aren't my kids?
I don't understand how they...

I want them to move on
and to be happy. I do.

But it just makes me feel
like I'm completely on my own.

I know that...

...that alcoholism can be, um, isolating.

But what I'm talking about, it's... it's...

it's something more than that.

Thank you for listening.

Thank you, Nina.

I appreciated you sharing.

Oh yeah, I guess I just really needed
to get that out.

Oh, I hope you didn't take any offense.

I know you did everything you could
about Ellie and Joe.

Don't even worry about it.
It was frustrating for me too.

I'm just sorry
you're having such a difficult time.

Would you be up
for grabbing a cup of coffee just to talk?



This way.

I can't believe
we're this close to Keyhouse.

It was right under my nose.

My ancestor
clearly didn't want anyone finding it.

There's not one mention in his journal
of the sea cave.

Your ancestor,
he was the first person to find the door?

Uh, he didn't mention a door.

He said that he found a portal,
and it opened for him.


He must have been a really powerful dude.


I found the harness or whatever.

Thank you. But...

What does it do?

Where's the key that goes with it?

I wish I could literally talk to you,
but we don't have the Ghost Key anymore,

so I'm gonna need a little more help.


Thank you, Chamberlin!

Yeah, cheers! Wherever you are!

So what do you think it does?

I'm sorry I'm getting the credit.

No, I don't need credit.
I'm glad it worked.

Here, this way!

I think it's ready.

It worked.

There's only one way to know for sure.

It's real.

The energy.

It does not feel good.

You feel the power, though, right?

You can't fully experience it
until the doors open.

Let's get the hell out of here.
Get the key.

How do you know about this?

Doesn't matter.

Well, look at this.

New alliances.

Okay, what the hell's going on here?

You wanna tell him, or should I?

She's a demon,

and she's trying to open this door
so you'll turn into one too.


And why?

So you can make your own demon army
to fight against me?

Come on, Eden. That's sad, even for you.

I've already k*lled your best lackey.
I can do much worse.

You're gonna regret never respecting me.


I think it's gonna be
the other way around.

Bye, Eden.

- Use your flashlight on them!
- What?

Oh shit!



The whole cave is collapsed.



Hello? Can anyone hear me?



Dad, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Can you go and get help, honey?

We can do this.

- We're gonna get you out of there.
- Okay. Who's with you?

Hold on.


Hey, uh, can you fit through this?


You okay?

Yeah. How did you do that?

It doesn't matter.

What happened to you in there?

The... The shadows, they came to life,

and they were gonna... they were gonna
tear the whole place down, and...

and then you showed up, and...

How did you know where I...

Where, um...


Yeah, sweetheart, what's up?

You were just telling us something.

Was I?

How'd we get in this cave?

Well, we were just exploring,

and then some rocks came down,
and you bumped your head.


Yeah, that would explain
why I'm so confused.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm good.
I'm just glad we're all safe.

We should probably get out of here.

Come on.

Tyler, look.

I'll be here if you need me.




What are you doing here, Tyler?

Did you miss me?


in a sense.

Well, that's silly.

I'm here.

I'm still myself, you know.

How's that?

I remember
everything we've ever done.

Every moment.

Going into my head, traveling to Bath.

Isn't that what you wanted?

It is.

So we can still be together.

You just need to let me in.

What does that mean exactly?

It means letting go of any preconceptions.

Embracing your impulses.

Throwing away all your,

"I need to be the Tyler everyone else
wants me to be," and just

following your desires.

We could be so happy together, Tyler.

Don't you want that?

Yeah, I do. I really do.


What is that?

I want you to take it from me.

I'm so sorry.

You don't have anything to be sorry about.

I didn't think anyone could save me,
but you did. Thank you.

I love you, Jack.

I love you too.

Is something wrong?

I don't know.

You okay?


Jackie! Jackie!




Jackie! Jack!




Jackie? Jackie?



