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02x02 - The Head and the Heart

Posted: 08/12/22 09:25
by bunniefuu
Everything okay, miss?

Need me to call somebody for you?

It's freezing out here.

Let's get you out of the cold.

Did it work?

Come on.

Hurry up.

- I really hate that thing.
- So do I.

I had to do something about it.
It kept coming after me.

Get back!

All right, ugly.
Here's a little fisherman for ya.

I don't know.
I thought that key was badass.

The goal...

...wasn't to turn him
into a pile of mush and bones.

I've only got enough Whispering Iron left
to make one more.

I need to get this right.

How are you gonna do that?

By going straight to the source.

The Lockes.

Fifth grade, huh?

It's time to finally make some friends.

Hey, I was kind of busy last year

doing battle with a demon.

I'm just giving you shit.

We all... We all had a lot of distractions
last year, but this year you're free,

so, you know,
go and be a social butterfly.

There's a girl in my class
who has a phobia of butterflies.

Just do the social part, then.

You're gonna do great, bud.

Here, I made you lunch.

Oh, Kins, that is so sweet.

Make sure you get a parking pass
from Bernadette.

If you don't, she has a power trip
about getting people towed.

Parking pass. Got it.

Don't use the soda machine
in the field house. It eats dollars.

- You can text us.
- We'll be there.


I got it.

So not only is Mom gonna be on campus,
this is your last first day of school.

I am planning on going to college.

I know, but that's different.

How's Jackie?


Yesterday, she, uh...
she showed me this memory of

Eden somehow sweet-talking a cop into
letting them out of a speeding ticket.

It was... It was great.
It was totally normal.

Uh, when I brought it up later,
she had no idea what I was talking about.

Imagine going into Gabe's head
and having him completely forget.

I've actually never been inside his head.

- But you went into Scot's head, right?
- Well, yeah, but I don't know.

It hasn't really come up with Gabe.
Is that weird?

Only if it's weird to you.

Wait up!

♪ I gave my knuckles a run for their money
Spider web ♪

♪ Cracks on the mirror
I see someone but not somebody ♪

♪ If I could, then I would... ♪


♪ If I could ♪

Welcome to the upper class.

♪ I let my demons take hold
And choke on me ♪

♪ Can't fill these holes
That I'm digging ♪

- You're in a good mood.
- Why wouldn't I be?

We're juniors now,
and we got a partial standing ovation

for premiering what has gotta be
the second-best lobster movie of all time.

What's the first best?

The Lobster?

- There aren't any lobsters in that movie.
- Okay, so then we win.

And to celebrate,

I got us dinner reservations for tonight
at Stan's Pizza.

I didn't know Stan's
even took reservations.

Usually they don't,

but they made an exception
for a high roller such as myself.

That sticky table next to the dartboard?
That's all ours.

Oh. How could a girl say no to that?


This place is incredible.

High Victorian Gothic at, uh,

well, its highest.

I'm guessing from the looks of it,
it was built 1860s, 1870s?

1877. Impressive.

Well, full disclosure, I teach history.

Ah. Sadly, this place
hasn't been kept up too well.

Hence why I've been hired
by a patron of the arts to restore it.

I'm Nina.

Josh. Nice to meet you.

- Do you mind if I...
- No, go ahead.

Yep, you clearly know what you're doing.

Thank you.

I mostly restore old houses,
but I'm excited to expand.

Except for this.

Excuse me?

Carpet runners
covering up these floors.

This is original hardwood.

This is chestnut.
You can't even get new chestnut anymore.

I'm aware of that. But I also can't...

These are from trees that, back then,
were three, four hundred years old.

That means they started growing
in pre-Columbian times.

Doesn't that just k*ll you?

Yes... it's amazing.

But I also can't just
disregard the practical concerns.

This is a performance space,

and the acoustics
are incredibly important.

You wouldn't cover
the Hope Diamond in duct tape, would you?

Even if somebody did try to convince you
that it was practical.

I'm just saying, let's not forget to show

respect for our historical treasures.



Thanks for reminding me.

I'm gonna get back to doing my job now.

Maybe you should go and do yours.

If I have any corrections
on your teaching,

I'll be sure to let you know.

This summer,
I got my second ear piercing.

It was a really hard decision to make

because my mom says
I have such perfect ears already.

That's very exciting, Molly.

Thank you.

Bode, would you like to show the class
how you spent your summer?

This summer, I got super strong.

I spun my brother's car
on top of my finger like a basketball.

He didn't like it much,
but it was worth it just to see his face.

Okay. Thank you, Bode.

Next time, take the assignment
a bit more seriously.

- But I...
- You can take your seat now.

So embarrassing.

Now that was awesome.


So you believe me?

I believe anything's possible.
But how'd you do it?

- I shouldn't say.
- Come on, spill it.

But I barely even know you.

Listen, I'm new here, and you're
the most interesting person I've met.

You can trust me.

Try and take this key from me.


I just need to make sure of something.

Did I just pass some sort of test?

Uh, let's just say things got
pretty serious for me last year.

Yeah, last year sucked for me too.

We lost my mom.

I mean, she died.


My dad did too.

So you know what it's like, then.

So explain how you got
superhuman strength.

What I'm about to tell you
is top secret, understand?

My family
used to live in Seattle.

All right.

Welcome, everybody. I am Mr. Bennett.

I'm new here.

Hey, you're prepared, right?


New teachers love surprise quizzes.
It's a known fact.

- Mind if I sit next to you?
- You can do whatever you want.

Please, just try not to distract me
from my studies.

Now, I know that
we're all gonna be great friends here,

but first,
we have to get through this hurdle.

Told you.
God, I hate being right all the time.

Yes, I'm sorry.

It is a quiz, but it's gonna be super easy
if you did the summer reading.



I didn't do the reading.

Um, yeah, you did.

Don't you think I'd remember
reading a 400-something page book?

Jackie, listen, we...
we put the book into your head.

What does that even mean?

It means you know the answers.
Just... Just start reading.

How would I know any of this
if I let you talk me into blowing it off?

Just... Just read the first question.
It'll... It'll come back.

- What's the point?
- Guys. Let's try to have some quiet, okay?


Jackie! Jackie!

I, uh... I didn't do the reading,
so you can just give me a zero.


And like that...

Harvard's gone.




You guys saw that, right?

That's honestly the least impressive thing
I've seen her do.


Loss of speech is normal at this stage.

Doug fainted.

All right, while Abby's whole conception
of reality is totally altered,

let's get down to business.

Guys, we had a huge premiere.

I think it's safe to say
we've got a fan base now.

- You mean bigger than just Doug's mom?
- Whoa, hey! Don't knock loyalty!

Linda Brazelle's our OG stan.
You show her some respect.

Just a joke.

Look, we've got some heat.

I say we ride it
and get our sequel off the ground.

The Splattering 2: Crustacean of Carnage.

Okay, hold on. Hold on.

Can we go back
to the part with the magic keys?

You don't see how the two are connected?

I mean, no offense to Zadie,
but she's not a master at CGI.

We just...

- You know?
- Okay, hold on.

Tom Savini never used CGI,

and he also didn't have access
to a bunch of magic keys.

So what are you saying? You don't wanna
use the keys for the sequel?

No, Doug, I'm saying
let's remember our roots.

Okay, fair enough.

So, Scot, how's the script coming?

You should probably tell them.

Wait, tell us what?




So, as you might know,
I've always dreamt of getting on this

really prestigious and insanely... insanely
selective film program back in the UK.

And as it turns out,
a last-minute spot has opened up.

And it seems to be down to just me
and one other person.

- Wow!
- Hey, that's incredible.

- Congrats, man.
- Thanks.

Wait, when you say last minute,
you mean like you're leaving soon?

Yeah, a couple of weeks.

But I might not be leaving at all.
I might not get in, and I just...

Scot, I am so happy for you.

But so you know,
you're committed to that contract.

You're gonna deliver
the greatest script ever

in exchange for zero dollars
before you get on that plane.

Douglas, my friend,
I promise I will get it done before I go

or before I would have gone
in case they reject me,

which, let's be honest,
they probably will, so...

You're here right now,
so let's just focus on that.

I best get to writing, then.

It's a lot, isn't it?


I can see why you wanted to test me.

I'm not insulted.

Okay, good.

Remember what I said, okay?

This stuff is secret.

The keys and Dodge,
the Black Door, everything.

I'm not gonna tell anybody.

Seriously, who would believe me anyways?

Oh, there's my mom.

Hey, buddy!

- How was your first day?
- Good.

This is Jamie.

- Oh! Hi, Jamie. It's so nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

She just moved here.

- Really? Where'd you move here from?
- Chicago.

Oh, I gotta go. My dad's here.

Is he? I'd love to meet him.

Hi there.

Dad, this is Bode and his mom.

- Yeah, we've...
- Already met.

Oh, cool.

Well, it was really nice
to meet you, Jamie.

And, yeah.

- Bye.
- Bye.

You never told me
Scot might be leaving.

Well, it wasn't my place to say.

Anyway, I knew
he'd tell the whole squad soon, so...

I mean,
he's definitely gonna get in, right?

Who could be better
for that program than him?

Yeah, he's amazing.

But I guess you never really know
what those places are looking for.

Do you not... You don't want him to go?


No, I do.

That school
sounds like an incredible opportunity.

Of course I want him to get in.

Either way,
I think the movie's gonna be fine.

I mean, Scot's talented and all,

but we have
literal movie magic on our side.


- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Hey, speaking of, do you ever think about,

you know, how the keys were made,
where they came from?

I told you my ancestors made them.

I know, but maybe
you inherited some sense of how to do it?

How to make new keys?

How to melt down metal
and somehow infuse it with magical power?

I don't think so. Sorry.

Maybe your dad
mentioned something once, or...

My dad never said a word about the keys.

We didn't know he used them until Bode
became a ghost and talked to Chamberlin.

Gabe, you didn't actually think
I could make new keys, did you?

No. No, I was just curious.

Your family has
this special connection to magic.

I just wanted to know more.

I'm curious about your family too.

My family, they have a special connection
to being really boring.


- Are they coming up for Winterfest?
- No.

They're not really the ice sculpture,
sled, and snow maze kind of people.

Mmm. Still, they're your parents.

Not every family can be magic, Kins.

♪ Youth's on fire, time's a good liar ♪

♪ No, get higher ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Youth's on fire, kids are all tired ♪

You feel like you know me, right?


Wait, it's, um...

Uh, Kinsey, right?

I'm serious.

I mean, you've been inside my head,
seen all my favorite memories.

I know, and I loved every second of it

except for the One Direction concert.


- But...
- ♪ It's okay that we lose today ♪

I wanna see some of yours.

♪ You know what they say ♪

♪ Youth's on fire, time's a good liar ♪

♪ Don't look down
The flames will get higher ♪

Wait, you wanna go inside my head?

♪ No ♪


I, uh... I don't know, Kinsey.
That's kind of...

I don't know.
It's probably a mess up there.

I don't care.
Whatever it is is part of you.


Okay, but, uh...

What if you see something embarrassing
and you don't like me anymore?

- What if I don't like myself?
- I don't think that's gonna happen.

Okay. Look, it's nothing personal.
I just don't think I'm ready for that yet.

- How could this not be personal?
- Because it's not about you.

- Gabe, I promise I would never judge you...
- No! No! Just drop it.


Kinsey, look, I'm sorry. I just...
I do want you to know me.

Just ask me anything, and I'll answer it.
Anything, I swear.

I think you should go.

Hey, Jack, I've...
I've been trying to call you.

Yeah, I've been busy.

Yeah, I see that. What are you, um...

Memory loss.

Yesterday in class, I couldn't,
for the life of me, remember what we did,

that we used the Head Key
to put that book into my head.

You were trying to explain everything,

but in the moment, it was like
you were just saying nonsense words.

And I was totally confused.

And then last week,
with the movie and the bonfire...

But you remember now?

All of it.

Every bit.

But what's happening to me?
I'm forgetting major parts of my own life.

You know how
grown-ups can't remember magic?


I think we're starting to see
how that begins.

You're about to turn 18.

Eighteen, but that's just...

barely not a kid.

I know, I...

I thought we'd have more time.


the keys and...

everything we've ever done
together with them?

It's just gonna be gone?

Like it never even happened?

And there's nothing we can do?

Hey, Jackie, it's, uh... it's me.
It's Tyler.

It's... It's you. Say hi to yourself.


Um, we are recording this to remind you

of all the times
that we've used magical keys together. Um...

So one of the very first times
was when I used the Head Key

to put books about England into my head

because I knew that you loved England,

and I was trying to impress you.

It... It was not a success.

No, but then later,

I got to see a memory of the first time
your dad took you fishing,

and you caught a fish about this big.

I was four.

It was very sweet.


Hey. Hey.

I was just going to the library
to get started on the script.

I'm sure it's gonna be
even more epic than the first.

Yeah. Well, I hope so. I actually don't
wanna let the Savinis down, you know?

You're really tough on yourself.

You can thank my parents for that.

There wasn't room for failure
in the Cavendish household.

They must be excited
about you maybe moving back.

Yeah. I, uh, may have not told them
I've actually applied yet.

Well, they just...

They think that filmmaking is a hobby.
They want me to be a barrister.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

I'm just trying to picture you
in that wig.

I know. It's ridiculous,
but it is the track they put me on.

It was their idea for me
to come to school in America.

Said it would give me
a more well-rounded résumé.

I will thank them for that.

Otherwise, we never would have met.

I know you're gonna get in.


Don't... Don't go jinxing it,
all right?

Hey, guys.

Hey, bud.

What's up?


I should get going.
Uh, I'll catch you guys later.

Preproduction starts this weekend. Whoo!

Hey, wait.
Do you wanna hang out after school?

It's my day to visit Erin Voss.

Mmm. Trouble in paradise?

Shut up, Eden.

- She doesn't know how to make keys.
- Ugh.

That's too bad.

Well, silver lining, we can k*ll her now.



All right, so we can't use her.

How are we gonna make this key?

I can't tell you how excited I am
that this renovation is finally happening.

Well, it's incredibly generous of you
to be financing the whole thing, Mr. Shaw.

Gordie, please.

I have so many fond memories
of my time in that theater.

I was Jud in Oklahoma! my freshman year.

- That was an adventure.
- I bet.

And then I was in
a memorable production of The Tempest

as an understudy
for a certain Rendell Locke.

Wow, really?

I think he may have tried out as a joke,
so it stung a little when he got the part.

But I have to admit,
he nailed that act 5 soliloquy.

Anyway, I'll check in next week.

I'm bursting with excitement.


Thanks, Gordie.

I was just about
to, uh, drop this by the theater for you.

Oh, thank you.
You, uh, didn't have to do that.

Oh, I did.

I, uh... I went digging around
in the school archives,

and I found a bunch of stuff
on the old theater.


Including some
of the original architectural drawings.

I photocopied those for you.


Oh, these are...

incredibly helpful.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, sure.

I found a bunch of old photos too

from 1878,
the year after the theater was built,

and wouldn't you know it?


There's carpet all over that damn place.

So there you have it.

Proof that I'm an actual jackass.

We just moved here from Chicago.

I've been teaching
at the same magnet school for 15 years.

Oh, so this is a major change for you?

Yeah, we've been through
some pretty big upheavals.

My, uh... Jamie's mom
passed away last year.

Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that.

Thank you.

We're gettin' through it,
but, um, Jamie and I felt

that Chicago had become more of
a depressing slideshow than a home.

I... I get that.

I lost my husband last year too.

You heard.

Of course you heard.

Someone mentioned,

which added to the general feeling

that I was a jerk
of historical proportions the other day.

My wife would not even have recognized
that mansplaining idiot

who tried to tell you how to do your job.

- I apologize.
- No, it's okay. Forget it.

I don't even like to think about
all the stupid things I said...

...said and did
in the year after my husband died.

So why Matheson?

Well, I have always wanted to live
in this part of New England.

- You have?
- Yeah.

The precolonial history of Matheson alone,
it's some of the most fascinating...

You know what?

I'm just gonna stop it right there.
Let's start all of this again.

Hi, I know that we have never spoken
a single word to each other,

but I just wanted to introduce myself.

- Josh Bennett.
- Nina Locke.


This is me.

You... You live in the dorm?

Yeah, I get a cozy, rent-free apartment

in exchange
for supervising 30 hormonal teens.

And that's a good deal?

Jury's still out.

Well, I'm... I'm gonna head back
to the theater now.

Maybe we could, uh, set up a playdate
for the kids sometime?

- I'm really glad Bode's made a new friend.
- Same here.

For Jamie.

Anytime, yes.


Hey, I got your text. You okay?

Jackie's getting lost again.

Shit, I'm sorry.

In a couple months, it's gonna be me.

What if something really bad
happens again? I...

I won't be able to help you.

It'll just be you and Bode.

And then, in a few years,
it's just gonna be Bode

on his own.

There has to be some way around this.

Oh, hey, bud.

I'm supposed to meet Kinsey.
We have a study date.

She's at the hospital.

She goes there every week
to visit Erin Voss.

Right. Uh, you know,
I must have gotten our days mixed up.

It kinda sucks.

I brought her favorite.
Dr Pepper and a bunch of Twizzlers.

Uh, can I have one?


So, you here all by yourself?

Yeah, my mom went to your school
to do some work,

and my Uncle Duncan
went to Boston for the day.

So what are you doing?

Mmm, just some homework.


Don't you realize
now's your chance to live your best life?

What do you mean?

Well, you've got all this power,

and you get to do
whatever you want with it.

So why don't we live a little?

♪ That fresh ink
Snaking up and down your arm ♪

♪ You know me
And you know I like it hard ♪

♪ But then you s*ab me in the back
s*ab me in the heart ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm weak... ♪

♪ That fresh ink
Snaking up and down your arm ♪

♪ You know me
And you know I like it hard ♪

♪ But then you s*ab me in the back
s*ab me in the heart, love is like ♪

♪ Running with scissors in the dark ♪

♪ Sometimes I wish that we could go back ♪

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

♪ Running with scissors ♪

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

♪ In the dark ♪

♪ Sometimes I wish that we could go back ♪

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

That was great, but I don't think Kinsey's
gonna show. I should head back.

But there's so much more stuff
that we could smash.

- I'm kind of smashed out, man.
- We can play with the other keys, then.

Well, I mean, there is one key
I've kind of always wanted to try.

Which one?

The Ghost Key.

I'll be back.

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

♪ Done, done, done
Done, done, done, done ♪

Maybe I'm being too hard on Gabe.

His parents' divorce probably wrecked him.

Maybe they made him feel like
it's not okay to let people in, you know.

Scot's head was a mess.

I loved it.

- I brought you some water.
- Thanks.

You are so sweet
to come and visit Erin every week.

- She doesn't get a lot of visitors.
- She was a good friend of my dad's.

I just think I'm afraid of losing people.

I see what Tyler's going through
with Jackie.

She's starting to age out of magic.

We're all gonna lose each other.

We have to find a way.

We thought after you become an adult,
you forget.

We found a way to remember.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Can you come meet me at the hospital?
- Yeah, why? What's going on?

Just get over here.

I've got an idea.

Get ready. This is gonna blow your mind.

- Oh, don't build it up too much.
- Impossible.

Are you sure I...

I can use it anytime.

Plus, if my mom comes home and sees
both of our dead bodies on the floor,

she'd go nuts.

Take it.

Okay, but don't draw on my face
with Sharpie or something.

Wow, I can't believe
I've never thought of that before.

But I won't. I promise.

Here goes nothing.

Pretty cool, huh? Have a good time!

I will, you little shit.

Excuse me!

Are you Chamberlin Locke?


Hi, I'm Gabe.

I'm dating your descendant, Kinsey.

Oh, Kinsey.

Did she fly out with you?

No, it's...

it's a bit of a secret that I'm here.

See, I really care about her.
I wanna get her a gift.

I wanna make her a new magical key.

That is not an easy task.

The very material
is extremely hard to come by.

That's the thing.

I think I stumbled upon a piece of it
down in the caves.

In the caves?

It's never been wise
to venture down there.

I know,

but I would risk anything for her.

So, you're in love.

What sort of key do you have in mind?

I have a few ideas.

But that's actually
what I wanted to ask you.

How do I give a key its purpose?

How do I make sure it does what I intend?

Why, through exactly that.


As one is smithing the key,
one needs to focus your whole mind,

visualizing precisely
what you want the key to do.

But the most important thing is

you must add a drop
of your own fresh-cut blood.

If you do that,

you will have a key that will show Kinsey
what is truly in your heart.

I'm very grateful to you, sir. Thank you.

I wish you luck, young man.

- How was it?
- Super fun! Thanks.

- Did you try and fly through walls?
- Sorry, can't talk. I gotta go.



Remember when we asked Ellie
how she could remember magic

even though she was a grown-up?

She said they found a way to remember.


the Keepers of the Keys.

- Erin's the only Keeper left.
- Yeah.

If we go inside her head,

maybe we can find a memory
of what Ellie was talking about,

how they remember.

Then we can make it
so that we never forget.

We're not gonna look at anything
we're not supposed to.

We're not gonna touch anything.

We don't wanna
make her worse than she already is.

Why... Why isn't there a second Erin?

I don't know. It's weird.

It's possible there's nothing in there.

We have to try anyway.

Hey, Kins, come look at this.

Wow, she never really moved on from Dad.

It makes sense.

She's been in a catatonic state
since she was our age.

Let's keep looking.



How do we get out
of here?

I feel something!

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.


Tell her to leave me alone!

- Who?
- Dodge!

Dodge is gone.

- I'm Kinsey.
- Oh! Okay.

And this is Tyler.

Who are you?

We're... We're Rendell's kids.

You're what?


have you been in here this whole time?

What do you mean "this whole time"?

Have you been trapped in here?

How do you know that Dodge is gone?

Because we sent her back
where she came from,

into whatever is behind the Black Door.

You're safe now.

I promise.

Just, um... Just come with us.

We'll get you out of here, okay?


What is this place? Where are we?

We're in the hospital.

That's, uh...

That's you.

Do you want us to...


I'll do it.