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01x03 - Head Games

Posted: 08/12/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
[lively instrumentals]

- [whirring and beeping]
- Guys, you gotta come see this!

Follow me!

[technological chatter]

[dinging and whirring
backed by whimsical instrumentals]

Welcome to my head.

Am I just super high?

- This is seriously amazing.
- [Glee] Yeah!

[Glee cheers] This is awesome!

- [Kinsey] Who's that?
- [Glee] Yeah!


My glee.

Feelings can become living things here,

How do you know that?

It's my head. I just do.


So trippy.

[Glee continues cheering in background]

- ["Jack in the Box" melody plays]
- [lid rattles open]

[daunting instrumentals]

There we go.

Orion's Belt complete.

[crickets chirp]

What is this?

We're inside one of my memories.

[exhales] Dad!


[Bode] He can't hear you.

I already tried.

You too tired for a story tonight, buddy?

- Never.
- [tranquil instrumentals]

[Rendell] What do you say
we give Peter Pan a break...

and I tell you a Rendell Locke original?

I don't know...

[Rendell] Yeah...

maybe you're not ready for the one
with the sea monster, it's too scary.

- Sea monster?
- [Rendell] Yeah,

see, there was this very old fisherman

and he's sailing the ocean
with his trusted shipmates...

Well... [sighs]

one day, they find themselves
in the middle of this huge storm,

and they got so turned around
that they ended up on a remote island

that wasn't on any map.

As they explored around
looking for food and shelter,

they come across a chest
buried in the sand.

When they opened the chest,
they discovered

it was full of gold.

[yawning] I thought you said
there was a sea monster.

[Rendell chuckles]
Oh, I'm getting there.

I think I remember this one.

[Rendell] They decided to take it
with them,

but while they were trying to drag
the chest back to their ship,

they were suddenly att*cked

[gruff] by a vicious sea monster.

[older Bode chuckles]

[Rendell] And the sea monster

chewed up their whole ship
so they couldn't escape.

It was its job to protect the treasure
and make sure...


- [technological chatter]
- [Kinsey] What happened?

- [lid clicks shut]
- [Bode sighs]

I think I fell asleep before Dad finished.

I never heard how it ends.

It's probably for the best.
That story got dark.

What are you talking about?
It had a happy ending.

If you say so.

I remember so.

[Bode exhales]

[dinging and whirring continue faintly]

[whimsical instrumentals]

[key crunches]

[instrumentals intensify then fade]

[key rattles]

[curious instrumentals]

- How is any of this possible?
- [Bode] I told you,

it's the keys.

How are you even finding them?

I hear them whisper.

[Tyler] Whisper.

What are they saying?

[stammers] Not really words.

At least none that I understand.

I just focus real hard
and it leads me to them.

Dad must've known about the keys.
There was one in the bracelet he gave me.

I wonder if there are any more.

- Okay, Tyler's turn.
- [Tyler] No.

No way. No one is poking around

- in my head.
- [Bode] Come on.

- Kinsey, come on!
- Same. Nuh-uh.


What's the point of having magic keys

- if we can't even use them?
- Shh.

[Bode] Hey...

Until we know how much damage they can do,
I'm gonna hold on to both of them.

- What?
- Why do you get both?

You already have the one
with the two faces.

The Mirror Key.

Obviously, I'm the... the oldest so...

And the least responsible.

[Bode] Hello?

I'm the one who's finding them all.

You already lost one.

That wasn't my fault.

- Okay, I didn't tell you this before,
- [dubious instrumentals]

but there's this scary well lady

who's trying to get the keys.

So I need to protect them.

And so we should give them to you?


I don't think so.

Okay, look, here's what we're gonna do:

Tyler's gonna take the Mirror Key,
and I'll take the... brainy key.

Head. Key.

Sure, we'll go with that.

- She is real.
- [Tyler] If she comes back,

you tell us right away. Okay?

[sighs] What if it's too late?

["I'm Gone" by Anna Elizabeth Laube plays]


♪ I can't do it, I can't do it ♪

[keyboard clacks]

♪ Was about to linger on you ♪

♪ But I blew right ♪

♪ Through it ♪

[keys clacking]

♪ I'm still feeling both, babe ♪

- [clacking]
- [man] What the hell? That's my laptop.

♪ Hang my lucky stars,
I will wade out to sea ♪

[barista] Doppio macchiato.

♪ 'Cause you're basically like ♪

♪ An old pair of shoes ♪

- ♪ Wavin' hands in my face ♪
- [kisses]

♪ Drinkin' way too much booze,
I can't do it ♪

- ♪ No, no ♪
- [key rattles, clicks]

[song fades]

[kids chatter in the distance]

[keys jingle]

[dubious instrumentals]

[door thuds, creaks open]

[items thud]

[frustrated sigh]

Marky Mark.

You knew I'd be coming, didn't you?

- [gate creaks]
- [kid 1] That sounds crazy.

[kid 2] Somebody's in there.

[kid 1] It's probably just some sad hobo.

[kid 2] Hey, lady!

- Where'd you come from?
- [door closes]

Where'd you get that key?

- Don't worry about it.
- Were there any others?

Perhaps one in the shape of a head?

No. Why?

[birds chirping]

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

[dog barks in the distance]

[crunching footsteps]

What does yours do?

It's... like a lighter.


You said you'd show me yours.


If you insist.

[key rattles, then clicks]

[door creaks open]

[indistinct speaking over intercom]

[kid 2] Whoa.

[kid 2] What the hell?

- [slaps hand]
- [kid 2] Hey!

[kid 2 thuds and screams]

[train whistles past]

Does anybody else want to see?

- [suspenseful music plays]
- [kid 1] Go. Go!

[bikes rattle]

[music fades]

[indistinct chatter]


How's it going?

Me and the droogs wanted to thank you
for all your hard work yesterday.



[student] Excuse me.

- Oh, my God! Band of Horses tickets?
- Yeah,

well, no. Not exactly.

It's a local Band of Horses cover band.

Cover Band of Horses.

Yeah, Matheson isn't exactly
a hotbed of culture.

But we do actually get
some pretty good cover bands.

You know, we've got Novembress,
Death Lift for Cutie, Nerdvana.

You know, it's a...
it's a nearish approximation

of having
a formative concert-going experience.

You sure Zadie and Doug
aren't still pissed at me

for botching their blood gag?

Actually, this wouldn't technically be
a designated Savini Squad outing.

- Two tickets.
- Yeah, just...

you and I. [chuckles]

Oh... So this is a date?

Yeah, well, I mean... God, not a date.

Not that word, that's...
that word's so antiquated.

You know, pedestrian even.

No, I would never deign
to make anybody feel obligated

to the social constructs
that exist under...

a dating umbrella. [laughs]

No, why don't we just call it a...

a hang?

- Hang?
- Hang. [laughs] Yeah.

So, Saturday?

I have a paper due
and this summer program application...

Okay, well, no... no pressure.
I'll just...

- swoop!
- [paper rustles]

I'll hold on to these

and if you want to join me,

great, but if it's a no,
you know, I'm a big boy.

I can take it. [chuckles]

It's a maybe.


[stammers] Maybe's good. Maybe's...

I'll take maybe. [laughs]

Just, uh, let me know.

Rocky Road.

[Kinsey laughs]

- [whistle blows]
- [air horn sounds]

- [air horn continues]
- [indistinct yelling]

[stick whacks puck]

- [whooshing of skates on ice]
- [sticks clatter]

[indistinct yelling continues]

[Nina] You don't have to sit with us.
Go ahead. Sit with your friends.

That assumes I have any.

So make some.

- [players whooshing]
- Bode.

- Nina!
- Hey!

Hi! So good to see you out here!

My son Tyler just joined the team.


this is Ellie, Rufus' mom.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Bode.

Rufus told me
all about his fellow soldier.

- Bud, you wanna go find us some seats?
- Okay.

- [Nina] Okay.
- Bye, Ellie.

- Bye.
- [Nina laughs]

- [horn blows]
- [player 1] Right! Right!

- [player 2 thuds against wall]
- So how's the renovation coming along?

Oh, you know, fix one problem,
eight more pop up.

[both laugh]

Well, if you ever want
to get out of the house,

I've been wanting to check out
this new Italian place downtown?

Ooh... Do they have a kids' menu?

Probably not.

- Sounds perfect!
- [laughs]

[whooshing and yelling]

Jackie, I mean he's clearly into you,

maybe he just wanted to make you jealous
or something? I don't know.

It's just like a really weird situation.

[Jackie] Can we just watch the game?

[Eden] Who comes to these things
to just watch the game?

I didn't realize
that we had a little audience.

- [man] Come on, pressure!
- It's Kinsey, right?

[coach] Pick it up!

Come sit with us.

[woman cheers]

- [heavy thud]
- [man 2] Get him!


[air horn]

[skates hissing on ice]

[man 3] Let's go!

I don't know
why I even bothered lacing up.

Relax. I've seen you at practice
and you're good but you're also new,

and the coach is pretty loyal to his guys.
You'll get your chance.

- [ice scrapes]
- [heavy thud]

[crowd oohs]


[Brinker] Yeah, that's Chad Garland.

All-star dickwad.

[gloves tap]

[indistinct chatter]


[Nina] Close game.

- [car lock beeps]
- We lost by six.

Still, good effort.

For what? Cheering from the bench?

- Hey, Ty, it was just the first game.
- [trunk opens]

You'll get more time the next game.

- [car engine starts]
- I'm gonna... I'm gonna go to Javi's.

See ya at home.

[indistinct chatter]

- [Jackie] Cool, I'll see you guys there.
- Jackie?

[Tyler] Uh...

You going to this thing at Javi's?


Um... [clicks tongue]

You want a ride?


- Oh, shit.
- What?

That douchey guy was trying to get me
and Eden to go to a party tonight.

[Kinsey] I don't actually have anything
because I just moved here, so...

I think you should really let me
show you around town.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Let's just get out of here.

[chuckles] Who is this? Your boyfriend?

- Her brother.
- You need to relax.

I mean, we're just having a conversation.

Is that how all your conversations go:
you talk and she tries to flee?

Maybe you should sit this one out.

Like you did most of the game.


- [grunting]
- Tyler!

- [continued grunting]
- [whack]

[crowd] Fight!

- [whack]
- [yelling] Tyler, stop! Get off him!

[Kinsey groans]

- [whack]
- [Chad grunts]

[crowd clamors]


[Tyler gasps]

- [dramatic instrumentals]
- Feels good, doesn't it?

- [man 1] Hey! Break it up.
- [man 2] Get off him!

[Kinsey breathes heavily]

Come on. Come on. Walk away.

- [crowd chatters indistinctly]
- [Kinsey pants]

[Chad groans]

[Joe] Well, the other player swung first.

But there's no question,
Tyler went too far.

I'll speak to Coach Riggs.

Probably looking at a few weeks suspension
from the team.

Tyler's just been so off.

[takes a deep breath] Down on himself,
defensive. [sighs]

It's understandable,

with everything he's been through.

You know, I wish I could just...

jump us a year into the future.

Get us past all the tough parts.

Well, you'd miss out
on some pretty great parts, too.

[Nina] Yeah, that's true.

[eerie instrumentals]

[Sam] Hey.

You waiting on your dad?

[Tyler] Mm-hmm.

[Sam] What did you do?

I got home late
from a hockey party last night,

I broke my curfew by 15 whole minutes.


Yeah. Dad's gonna... He's gonna give me
a whole lecture about it, so...

- [indistinct chatter]
- You two have been fighting a lot lately.

[deep breath]
I can never just make a mistake.

You know, it's like every little thing
becomes a moral lesson.

Kinsey's perfect,
but I can't catch a break.

[sighs] I feel you.

Can't tell you how many times I wake up
thinking I gotta k*ll my dad today.

[Tyler chuckles]


you ever do decide to k*ll your dad,

do me a favor:
k*ll mine while you're at it.

[tense instrumentals]

[approaching footsteps]


Hell of a fight there, Mayweather.

That assh*le was creeping on my sister,
so you can...

you can spare me the lecture.

Hey, no lecture.

Look, um... I may not know what it's like
to lose somebody like you did.

But I know a ton about anger, man.
I've been there.

That shit will destroy you if you let it.

So, uh... don't.

[crunches into popcorn]

What's with the shorts?

My legs look cold to you?

[both laugh]

Come on, man.

[Tyler inhales sharply]

["Bodys" by Car Seat Headrest plays]

♪ That's not what I meant to say at all ♪

- [phone chimes and buzzes]
- ♪ I mean, I'm sick of it ♪

♪ And I just wanna hold you ♪

♪ But that's not what I wanted to say
At all ♪

[keyboard clacking]

♪ I mean, I'm sick of it
And I just wanna hold you ♪

- [song fades into dramatic instrumentals]
- [keyboard clacking]

[fire crackles]

[phone screen clicks off]


[mop swishes]

Enjoying your punishment chores?

This is just... This is just how I like
to spend my Saturdays now.

[clock ticks faintly]

I'm sorry about last night. I...

[stammers] I didn't mean to push you or...

That wasn't even you.

I saw the look in your eyes, Tyler.
You went somewhere else.

- [mellow music plays]
- It was scary.

Come on. How can you even say that? I...

I don't want to talk about it.


I've thought about this a lot.

[Kinsey sighs]

And I've decided
I want to go inside my head.

- Sure that's a good idea?
- No.

But I have to know what it's like.

It... freaks me out, but...

but I think
that's exactly why I need to try it.

By yourself?


[sighs] I don't think so.

I'm coming with you.

Don't wander, don't touch anything,
don't take anything.

It's my head, I'll know. Got it?



[Kinsey slowly exhales]

- [key crunches]
- [suspenseful instrumentals]

[Tyler] Holy shit.

[heavy exhale] Here goes.

[doors whoosh]

- [electrical humming]
- [rotating doors patter]

[whimsical instrumentals]

[mechanical whirring]

Bode got an arcade
and I get a weird ass mall?

[elevator clanks on level and dings]

They're like memory stores.

"Summer camp, birthdays, sleepovers.

Best dance moves"?


So organized.

Even your head is a control freak.


That's where I want to go.

[doors rattle open]

[tranquil instrumentals]

[block clicks out and dings]

What is it?

The first time Dad took me
to the top of the Space Needle.

- Wanna see?
- I'm good.

[block dings and clicks out]

They ran to their ship,

[inhales] and the fisherman boarded first
with the treasure in tow,

but his friends...

- they didn't make it in time.
- [crickets chirp]

A sea monster att*cked them
while the ship just sailed away.

His friends all got swallowed?

That's right.

And the fisherman felt so guilty.

[Rendell takes a deep breath]

So instead of keeping the treasure
all for himself,

he decided to give it to their families.

- [young Kinsey] That was nice.
- Until one day,

when the sea monster returned
for his treasure...

- Oh no...
- Yeah... [laughs]


it saw what the fisherman had done,

how many people he had helped,

and it coughed up all his friends.

Incredibly, they were still alive.

And they were all reunited,

right there on the shore.

Super dark ending, huh?

That's not how I remember it.

Goodnight, sweetie.

- Night, Mom.
- [Tyler laughs]

[Tyler] That's Bode.

[Rendell] You want one more story?

[young Kinsey takes a deep breath]

[laughing] Okay, pumpkin.


- [Rendell sighs]
- Goodnight, Daddy.

I should've asked for one more.

- You asleep?
- [young Kinsey] Not yet.

You forgot Sally in my room.

I know she helps you sleep.

Thanks, Tyler.

[echoing whoosh]

What just happened?

I don't know, I was...

thinking about you and we jumped memories.

You can control it?

Can you control what you're thinking?

[grunting and commotion]


- [Chad grunts]
- Let's get out of here.

[continued fighting grunts
in the background]

I didn't hit him that hard.

- In my mind you did.
- [wind whips]

[Tyler] Who's that?

It kind of looks a little like...


[indistinct growling]

[car rushes past]

- [Kinsey gasps, pants]
- [indistinct rustling and growling]

- [advancing footsteps]
- [continued growling]

[creature vocalizing]

[pants] Where'd it go?

I don't know.
[stammers] Let's get outta here.

[heavy sigh] Now where are we?

We're back in Seattle.

How do you know?

[echoing footsteps]

[Sam] Kinsey?

[Sam, sing-songy] Kinsey!

Holy shit.

[Sam] I was hoping your dad
would answer some questions,

but he wasn't any help.

Will you help me, Kinsey?

[dramatic instrumentals]

Must've been so scared.

[older Kinsey] I saw that fireplace poker.

I could've grabbed it

when Sam's back was turned.

I could've hit him.

[labored breathing]

[Sam] Kinsey.

- Mom... Mom came in. She stopped him...
- But what if she hadn't?

I hid like a coward.

[rattling breath]

[older Kinsey] I was paralyzed.

- We all have regrets about that day.
- [indistinct rustling]

- [creature growling]
- [intense crescendo]


- [creature screams]
- [Tyler yells]

[frantic, high-pitched screams]

[grunts and screams]

- [Kinsey screams]
- [creature whimpers]

[Kinsey sighs]

[creature continues to whimper]

- [poker rattles]
- [Kinsey pants]

[Tyler exhales heavily]

Are you okay?

[Tyler gasps]


[heavy breathing]

[key crunches]

[light rumble]

[key dings]

What the hell was that thing?

My fear.

- It's like Bode said, I just know it.
- [exhales in pain]

- [groans]
- [Kinsey] Oh, my God.

- You're hurt, even out here.
- Wait.

Why did you make it attack me?

I didn't!

It was in your head, Kinsey.

I'm sorry. Let me get some ice.

No, I'm fine. Just... Just let it go.

["Run" by Brandyn Burnette plays]

♪ Now I put up for my city ♪

♪ Like the video to karma, yeah ♪

♪ It only pushed me harder,
Only made me stronger ♪

♪ Had a list of things I wanted ♪

- ♪ Staying only made it longer ♪
- ["like" chimes]

- ♪ Yeah, I lift that scholarship ♪
- ["unlike" chimes]

♪ Told 'em give it to another kid ♪

♪ They probably deserved it ♪

- ♪ NYU just wasn't working ♪
- [song fades]

[Rendell] The sea monster swallowed

all of the fisherman's friends.

But not the fisherman.

He let him live.

He let him live so he could spend
the rest of his days on the island.


Never forgetting what had happened.

What he'd done.

All the pain he'd caused.

[eerie instrumentals]

The past is always with us, Tyler.

Now, you can try and run away...


it's always there.

- [pleasant music plays]
- [cars rushing]

And I'll have a Malbec.

- Or... Should we just share a bottle?
- [indistinct chatter]

I'm good with water. Thanks.

So, I should, um...

[clicks tongue, takes a deep breath]

I'm actually sober.

[utensils clatter]

And I got you that bottle of gin
for your housewarming, like an idiot.

It's always good to have something
for guests.

Do you wanna just go get some coffee?

No, no. This place is great.

It doesn't bother me.
People drinking around me.

How long's it been?

- [Nina inhales]
- [patrons laughing]

Six years this April.

Congrats. It's not easy.

The worst part is...

all the time I missed out on with my kids.

Which you're getting to make up for now.

How are they doing with the move?

They're coping in their own ways. [sighs]

Kinsey's really anxious.

She overthinks everything.

Tyler hides out in his headphones.

Bode's just this tornado of energy

when he's not hanging out

with his scary imaginary friend
in the well house.

The well house?

Yeah, he definitely inherited
his father's overactive imagination.

[ominous instrumentals]

[Ellie exhales]

To new friends.

- Cheers.
- [glasses clink]

[lid rattles]

[faint whispering]

[indistinct whispering continues]

[whispering grows louder]

[suspenseful instrumentals]

[chorus of faint whispers]


[Bode] There we go.

[whispers continue]

[whispers intensify]

[key rattles]

[curious instrumentals]

[clock ticking faintly]

[dubious instrumentals]

- [key clanks and rattles]
- [lock clicks open]

[doors rattling open]

[door creaks]

[twinkling whoosh]

- [nebulous cloud whooshes]
- [Bode thuds]

- [twinkling]
- [Bode chuckles]

I'm floating!

[whimsical instrumentals]

[Bode rushes]

[Bode] Tyler.


Tyler, look at me! I'm a ghost!

Can you see me?

[Bode sighs, whooshes]

- [Bode] Whoo! Yeah!
- [twinkling]


[rushing through the sky] Yeah!

[laughing] Whoa! Whoo!


- [wind rushing]
- Whoa!





[instrumentals soften]

We have our own cemetery?

- Hello, there.
- [Bode] Whoa!

[Bode exhales]

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to give you a fright.

Are you a ghost like me?

A ghost? Yes. But not like you.

I passed on many, many years ago.

The name's Chamberlain Locke.

Hi, I'm Bode.

I'm a Locke, too.

I just moved here.

How wonderful.
Key House has new inhabitants.

Pleased to meet you, Bode.

Have you seen my dad, Rendell?

He might be a ghost, too.

He died a few months ago.

Oh, I haven't seen Rendell
in quite some time.

If I may ask, where did your father die?

Back in Seattle.

Only those who've died on the property
like myself still roam here.

Some have chosen to cross over,
but I myself prefer to stay.

I'm so sorry
to hear about your father, Bode.

He was a fine young man.

- [faint twinkling]
- You knew him?

Oh, he was my great grandson.

He and his brother Duncan
used to fly around and explore.

My dad used the keys?

Oh, yes.

[car door closes]

That's my mom getting home. I better go.

It was nice meeting you,
Great Great Grandpa

- I'll come visit you again.
- [whoosh]

Oh, thank you, Bode.

I'd like that.

- [whoosh]
- [whimsical instrumentals]

[instrumentals soften]

[Bode] What's Ellie doing here?

[door rattles, creaks open]

[key clinks]

[hushed] Lucas.

Lu... [exhales]


[curious instrumentals]

[sharp exhale and inhale]


Bode, did you eat the rest
of the chow mein?

[yelling] Bode?



Quit screwing around.



- [whoosh]
- Bode!

- Wake up! Bode?
- [twinkling]

- Gotcha!
- [screams]


- [Bode chuckles]
- What just happened?

I found this key
that lets you turn into a ghost.

- [door creaks]
- [key rattles in lock]

I was floating around
and then I met our great great grandpa.

That guy there.

- [stammers] And then he said...
- I thought you were dead!

[sighs] I'm sorry.

We told you not to screw around
with the keys.

- I know. I'm sorry.
- Then why did you?

[defeated exhale] I just...

thought I could find Dad.

[somber instrumentals]

[wind whirring]

[paper rustles]

[Nina] Wow.

Looks like you've got
a lot of great options.

When's the application deadline?


I can only pick one so it has to be right.

I love this shading here.

Nah, it's too obvious.

There's no point of view, no vision.

These all came from your brain, sweetie.
Your brain, your vision.

No one else's.

[papers rustling]

Why don't you get out of the house
for a little bit?


Just clear your mind.

What're the kids from the hockey game
up to?

Or your movie friends?

Well, Scot invited me to something, but...

I'm not gonna go.

How come?

[sighs] 'Cause I don't wanna screw it up.

That shouldn't be your assumption.

I disappoint people.

Or they get hurt.

I doubt that's true.

- [solemn instrumentals]
- Who got hurt?

This Scot guy?

Not yet.

But probably eventually.

Or he'll hurt me.

Decide I'm not as cool as he thought.

And why does he get to decide what's cool?

Well, he does spell his name
with only one T, so...



You'll have fun...


You could never disappoint.

[Kinsey steadily exhales]

- [muffled music plays from the bar]
- [indistinct chatter]

[distant laughter]

- [car door closes]
- [car engine rumbles away]

[solemn instrumentals continue]

A little to the left.

[clicks tongue] How's that?

- Good.
- Okay.

We'll work on the Big Dipper
tomorrow night.

If Dad used the keys,

why wouldn't he have told us?

Probably he forgot.

Just like how Mom forgets.

Maybe 'cause they're old.


He didn't want us using them.

Chamberlain Locke said
he had fun with them.

Then why'd he hate this place so much?


he was scared of the well lady, too.

Yeah. Maybe.

Me and Kinsey...

we're here.


- [whoosh]
- [eerie instrumentals]

[instrumentals intensify, then fade]

["Speak Loud" by Trills plays]

- ♪ You said you were going out ♪
- [g*n clicks]

You're gonna tell me what I need to know
about Key House!

[g*n shot]

♪ I said don't go far ♪

- ♪ You had me searching for a reason ♪
- [heavy item dragging]

♪ But I was in the dark ♪

♪ You and me after,
You and me before ♪

- ♪ Time splits in two ♪
- [Kinsey grunts and groans]

- ♪ On both sides of the door ♪
- [Kinsey pants]

♪ You and me after,
You and me before ♪

[creature grunts indistinctly]

- [Kinsey grunts]
- [creature screams]

♪ On both sides of the door ♪

[Kinsey pants]

- ♪ What a waste for you ♪
- [Kinsey grunts]

♪ To be pulled into the water ♪

[knife tings]

- ♪ What a shame ♪
- [Kinsey breathes heavily]

- [shovel digs into dirt]
- [dirt thuds]

- [shovel digs in]
- ♪ What a waste for you ♪

♪ To be pulled into the water ♪

- ♪ What a shame you can't hear me ♪
- [Kinsey sighs]

♪ I speak louder! Louder!
I speak louder ♪

- ♪ Hear me speak ♪
- [song fades]

[lively instrumentals]