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01x01 - Welcome to Matheson

Posted: 08/12/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
[lively instrumentals]

[song ends]

[dog barking]

[approaching footsteps]

[keys jingle]

- [lock clicks open]
- [phone chimes]

[phone screen clicks open]


[woman] Rendell Locke is dead.

[ominous instrumentals]


What happened?

You know what happened.

[bags rustle]

I know what I need to do.

[dramatic instrumentals]

[papers rustle]

[slides box on floor, r*fles through it]

[paper stacks whacking table]

- [safe buttons beep]
- [safe clicks open]

[instrumentals soften]

[key tings]

[steady exhale]

- [crescendo]
- [key crunches in chest]

- [screams in agony]
- [crunching]

- [blood rushes through body]
- [continued screaming]

[flames roar and hiss]

- [explosions]
- [glass shattering]

[suspenseful instrumentals fade]

["Wasted Nun" by Cherry Glazerr plays]

♪ Flesh and bones ♪

♪ Giving in ♪

♪ I can't see the fog I'm in ♪

♪ But it's there ♪

♪ In my eyes ♪

[camera shutters]

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ I'm so tired, weekend in ♪

♪ I'm an unproductive sin ♪

♪ Special lady with her issues ♪

♪ You can sue me if I kiss you... ♪

- [Bode] Let's play a game.
- [Kinsey] Bode, no.

We can play "I Saw a Monster,"

"Whack-A-Bode" or "Serious Question"?

- No Whack-A-Bode in the car.
- [Bode] Okay.

Serious Questions, then.

Serious Question:

If you had to lose one sense,
what would it be?

Right now, my sense of hearing.

It's a serious question, Kinsey.

- Pass.
- Boring. Tyler?

[kicks seat] Tyler?

- [angry] Tyler!
- [Tyler] One more time

and G.I. Joe loses a leg.

I think that's the first thing you've said
since Ohio.

[exhales] I said something in Ohio?

Yeah. You said, "Oh look, we're in Ohio."

Oh. I was right.

Now I have a serious question.

What would you be doing right now

if we were still in Seattle?

[Bode] I'd either be playing Fortnite
with Stuart and Wyatt

or I'd be playing Fortnite
with Stuart and Chase.

What would you be doing, Ty?

I would be on a French Club ski trip
with Sarah Johnson.

You took Spanish.

Why isn't anyone playing for real?

Definitely wouldn't wanna lose
my sense of smell.

[Nina] Smell is tied to memory.

When your father and I would sell a house,

we'd grind up a lemon
in the garbage disposal.

Covers the smell of the paint.

[echoing boom]

[sinister instrumentals]

No one likes the smell of paint.

But everyone...

everyone has a good memory of a lemon.

["Wasted Nun" plays faintly
from headphones]

Hey, check it out. We're here.

[window squeaks]


[inspiring instrumentals]

[seagulls caw]

[birds chirp]

[kids playing in the distance]

[tires crunching on pavement]

[Nina] Okay, let's stop, huh?
Check out the town.

[Bode] Yeah.

[Nina] Hey, who wants ice cream?

[Bode] Me!

- [Tyler] You're kidding, right?
- [breaks whine]

- [distance church bells ring]
- [door squeaks open]

Come on, Rufus!

[door squeaks shut]

- [bell rings]
- [Kinsey] Must've just missed the rush.

[clerk chuckles]

Only pregnant women and masochists
crave ice cream in this weather.

- [clerk chuckles]
- We're one of two.

I like your bracelet.

[Bode and Tyler talk indistinctly
in background]

- [plastic spoon rattles cup]
- Thanks.

It's on the house, Mrs. Locke.

[Nina] Mm!

Newcomers discount.

That's very kind of you.

We don't need charity.

It's hospitality.

Welcome to Matheson.

- [bell rings]
- [door speaks open]

[Bode] How does he know who we are?

[door closes with a chime]

[sweeping instrumentals]

- [snow crunches under tires]
- [engine rumbles]

[Bode] Oh, cool!


Are we rich?

I don't know if I'd say rich,

so much as very lucky kids.

Yeah, I feel so lucky.

[heavy exhale]
It's bigger than the pictures.

It's also a little more Norman Bates.

[Kinsey] How come
dad never brought us here?

He'd say it was a depressing sh*thole
that wasn't fit for derelicts.

- [door opens]
- Paraphrasing.

[man] Hey!

Welcome to Key House!

Uncle Duncan! Uncle Duncan!

We have a house with a name!

Well, puns are a Locke family tradition.

[laughs] How was Boston?

[Duncan] It was good.
I wanted to get you guys something

to mark the occasion of coming
to your ancestral home for the first time.

[bag rustles]

[Duncan and Bode chuckle]

Wanted to get you something
like a plant but then I was running late,

I didn't want to miss the movers, so...

that's for you. [sighs]

That's for you.


- Who wants to see inside?
- [horns blow]

- Me!
- [Duncan laughs]

[Duncan] Okay, let's go!

- [Bode] Yeah!
- [Duncan] Whoa!

[Duncan grunts and groans]

[door squeaks open]

- [Kinsey] Holy sh...
- [Tyler] Jesus.

[horn blows]

[Duncan] Well, you saw
that your other car got here.

The movers unloaded
the rest of your boxes so...

all you have to do is unpack.

Oh, my god, these floors are original.

- Oh, it's all original. [chuckles]
- [Nina laughs]

Quick tour.

This is the drawing room.

Ooh. Drawing room.

That's good for you, Kinsey.

[Bode] She likes to draw just like you,
Uncle Duncan.

A drawing room is where people

would go drink and smoke cigars
after dinner, snot-gobbler.

Well then why don't they call it that?

[Duncan] And this...

well, this is the Winter Study.

Our ancestors amassed
a pretty big library.

Historical stuff.

- Revolutionary w*r.
- [music box plays then closes]

Books on Matheson.

- Weaponry.
- [Tyler] Wow.

- Can't wait to dive in.
- [paper horn blows]

[Nina sighs]

[Duncan] Okay...

[playful instrumentals]

Washer, dryer...

basement is down the steps, on your left.

[Nina] It's chilly in here,

has the insulation ever been replaced?

[chuckles] Well, replaced would imply
that it was ever added.

This place is huge! It just keeps going!

[Duncan] And this is the Great Room.
It's multi-functional.

Living room,

- creepy portrait gallery.
- [Tyler] Who are these guys?

Well, this... is Devon Locke.

He still holds the high score
in the Galaga machine at Stan's Pizza.

And this is Snooki,

Lemonjello, Buzz Lightyear,
Snooki the Second,

Phoebe, Chandler

and Monica, but...

the most famous relative,

no one's ever seen.

The Locke-ness Monster

- That's not even spelled the same.
- [Duncan] Concluding our tour

in the kitchen.

[Nina] Excellent.

Okay, guys. Unpack, explore.

- [paper horn unfurls without sound]
- Let's do this thing.

Tyler. Want to pick rooms?

You pick for me.

[Duncan sniffs] Hmm...

I sense a theme.

I'm applying to Parsons

- for their summer program.
- Hmm.

[deep breath] I have to submit one sketch
of a bicycle.

[Duncan] Famously hard to draw.

[Kinsey] Exactly.

They all look warped.

Warped isn't a bad thing.

Just ask Picasso.

[Kinsey chuckles]


- [water rushing in distance]
- [birds chirping]

[birds trilling]

[lighter flicking]

[snow crunches under footsteps]

[seagulls caw]

[waves crash on shore]

[roaring water]

[lighter flicks]

You wouldn't do that
if Dad were still here.

[sighs] If Dad were still here,
we'd be in Seattle, dum-dum.

Serious question, Tyler.

Are you okay?

I mean, I know none of us are okay, but...

you seem really far away.

I know you and Dad were fighting a lot
right before.

[somber instrumentals]

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Frickin' liar.

I can't believe that guy already knew
who we were.

Get used to it.

Tomorrow at school
it's gonna be even worse.

[Kinsey takes a deep breath,
slowly exhales]

You wanna know something real stupid?

When I saw this place,
the first thing I wanted to do

was text a picture to Dad.

He'd really like this.

You know what?

I think we should.

Come on.

[camera shutters]

[somber instrumentals fade]

[Nina sniffs]

[clock ticks faintly]

[phone chimes and buzzes]

[rushing effect]

["Time of the Season"
by The Zombies plays faintly]

[Rendell] Check my work, boss?

♪ It's the time ♪


♪ Of the season ♪

[Nina] Hmm...

Exquisite job.

I'd say you're ready to move upstairs.

- Is that an invitation?
- [laughs] To paint.

- Do I have to go?
- Yes.

[Rendell inhales sharply]

Is it so bad that in our busy lives

I want to spend the afternoon
working in the same room as my wife?

One coat in the bedroom, two in the bath.

Yes, boss. [long inhale]


I love you.

[Nina] Love you, too.

[Kinsey] I'm twerp-hunting,
have you seen him?

We're playing Whack-A-Bode.

Uh... No.

I don't know where Bode is. [deep exhale]

- [hushed] Try the basement.
- [laughs]

[door bell rings]

♪ What's your name? ♪

Tyler forgot his key. Again.

- Oh, come on. Give him a break.
- [Rendell] Mm-hmm.

♪ As you take us... ♪

[Nina] Oh. Hi. You're...

Sam. Sam Lesser.

- I know Ty.
- [Nina] Right. He's at hockey practice.

Actually I came to see Mr. Locke.

- Sam.
- [Nina] Come in.

- Everything all right?
- [Nina] Must be freezing.

[Sam] I just need to talk.

[Rendell] Well, uh...

[deep breath]
Why don't you come by my office

at school first thing Monday?

It really can't wait.

We can talk Monday, Sam.

No, no, we can't.

- [ominous instrumentals]
- Tell me everything I need to know.

[Rendell] Sam.
I need you to put that down.

I don't think so.

Well, I'm not talking to you
when you're holding a g*n.

- You sure? You might wanna reconsider.
- [g*n shot]

- [Nina gasps]
- [glass shatters]

[Nina moans]

Tell me what I need to know
about Key House!

Whatever you think you understand
about that place...

- you don't.
- [thudding on door]

- [Tyler] Dad! No!
- [g*n shot]

- [Nina screams]
- Dad!

- [Rendell gasps]
- [thudding and rattling at door]

- [Rendell grunts]
- It's locked!

[thudding at window] No, no, no, no!

[screaming] Open the door, please! Mom!

[crescendo to silence]

[wind chimes twinkle]

[wind whirs]

[camera shutters, whirs out picture]

[snow crunching under footsteps]

[solemn instrumentals]

[camera shutters, whirs out picture]


- [iron gate rattles]
- [sighs]



[wind rushing]



[camera shutters, whirs out picture]


[picture whipping down well]


[deep exhale]

[curious instrumentals]

[echoing] Hello?

[echoing] Hello!

Are you my echo?

[woman's echoing voice] Yes.

I am...


- [Bode gasps and pants]
- [ominous instrumentals]

[Bode yells and breathes heavily]

[Nina] Um... Hey, Dunc,

weren't you in charge
of taking care of this place?

Well, I've been very busy.

- Teaching drunk ladies to paint?
- Exactly.

It's time-consuming. And exhausting.

[Nina scoffs]

Well, have there been any updates

to the plumbing?

- Electrical? Heating?
- Hmm...


- I've been very consistent in my neglect.
- Okay,

so, both you and Rendell
have avoided this place like the plague.

It wasn't a happy place.

Well, if you both hated it so much,
why didn't you just sell it?

I wanted to, believe me,
but Rendell wouldn't let me.

But once you fix it up,

we can sell Key House for jillions
and you can move anywhere.

No, that's not the plan.

I mean, I need a project.

My kids need a home.

Does it have to be this project?

This home?

[door rattles open]

Listen, Bode's freaking out.
He says there's a girl in the well house.

[wind whirring]

Hey, sweetheart, let me check it out.

[gate rattles]

Okay, the door's locked,
do you have the key?

I haven't seen it in years.

No reason to go in,
the well's contaminated with sea water.

[Tyler] There's no one in here.

[stammers] I heard a voice, I swear!

- Maybe you heard an echo.
- Yeah, that's what she said!

- She said she was my echo!
- [Duncan laughs]


Okay, listen, now, bud.

That's not a safe place to play.
The roof is old

and it might collapse
at any minute.

It's full of bats and tetanus.

If you go near it again,
I'll beat your ass.

I know what I heard.

I'm not lying!

There is a girl in there!

[Nina] It's been a long day,

we're all tired.

Come on, now. Let's call it a night.

Come on.

[soothing instrumentals]

[heavy exhale]

["Fight For Me" by GAWVI plays] l

♪ Hey, go, you the best ♪

[dishes clatter]

["Fight For Me" continues faintly
through headphones]

♪ Let 'em know we gon' ride ♪

Take those off for breakfast, please.

♪ Ride for me, yeah ♪

[music stops]

[utensils clank]

[Tyler] Is this an eggshell
or a fingernail?



Eggshell. [laughs]

Want a, um...

frozen waffle?

They gave me a swipe card
for the dining hall, so...


[Nina] Hey, like the new look.

Yeah, it's very "saving it for Jesus."

Forget your eye drops in Seattle?

[Nina] Guys,

same team. Omelets?

It's eggshell free.

I'm not hungry.

[food disposal clanks loudly]

[Nina exhales]

[Bode] Oh, god.

That's disgusting.

You're so lucky it's a week
before your school starts.

Someone has to map out the house.

How are we in boarding school
and aren't even boarding?

They also have day students.

Listen, guys.


going to a new school,
starting in the middle of the year,

sure, it might suck, but,

also it might not.

- Stellar pep talk, Mom.
- Yeah, wait, let me write that down.

What did I forget?
Permission slips?

Ty, you have that hockey thingamabob.

- Medical consent.
- Already turned it in.

I forged your signature.

And I sent an email

from your account to the Assistant Head
so we can catch up on

whatever we've missed.

Great. Okay.

Okay, next time,

I got it, just ask me, okay?

[Duncan] Good morning, guys!

Gonna head back to work in Boston.

Never fear,
Uncle Dunc'll be back tomorrow.

[Kinsey] Later.

Bye, Uncle Duncan!

I really know how to clear a room.

[Nina chuckles]

- I believe these belong to you now.
- [keys jingle]

[door opens and closes]

- Keys to the proverbial kingdom.
- Thanks.

One night we'll all grab dinner
in the city.

You, me, Bryan.

Sounds like you're already planning
an escape.

Good luck.

[door opens and closes]


[birds trilling]

- [wind chimes twinkle]
- [sighs]

Sayonara, Key House.

[crow caws]

Were you just flipping off the house?

Uh... No, I was saying goodbye.

[birds chirp]

[stammers] There's more than one meaning
to the middle finger.

Like aloha?


Yeah, like aloha.


[laughs] See you, bud!

[cheery music plays]

[car door opens]

[car engine rumbles]

[indistinct chatter]

[student] Bye!

Here we go.

[students laughing]

[continued indistinct chatter]

See you at lunch?

I've got hockey tryouts.

[lockers opening and closing]

[girl] So, Angelica's coming
to Javi's party, Emma,

other Emma, Logan,

- Peter.
- You should invite the Locke girl.

I know, but come on,
she's probably a real killjoy.

Can't exactly blame her.

It's really not that big of a deal.

I mean, my aunt died last year

and I didn't get any special treatment.

[locker closes]

Okay, but your aunt didn't die like that.

And your point is?

[heavy sigh]

[pattering footsteps]

Ah, yes!

Hey, how's it going?

You mind if I sit, Rocky Road?

[boy laughs]

- Excuse me?
- Rocky Road!

It's a "Nom De Guerre."

You know, it's both the ice cream
you ordered yesterday and...

well, your life?

Rocky road.

I ordered mint chip.

But imagine if you didn't.

Look, if this is your spot,

- I'll move.
- No, no, no, no, no!

I've been looking for you,
like, everywhere.

That came out wrong.

What I meant to say was,
when I saw you yesterday, I thought,

"Man, now that girl's weird." [laughs]


No, look, I thought,

"Now here's a girl who is clearly
trying to play down how cool she is,

just sitting under the stairs
eating her bologna."

Okay, first of all,
it's pronounced baloney.

Second, this is fologna, I'm vegetarian.

And third?
I like my fologna just fine, thanks.

Mm... [sighs]
Fologna doesn't even like itself.

[boy laughs]

It's a self loathing substitute lunch meat
for a self loathing lunch meat. [laughs]

It tastes like boredom.

And you, Kinsey Locke,

[puckers] are not boring.

Scot Cavendish.

[Scot grunts]

[Scot laughs] So,

me and my droogs

are having a thing later.

You should come.

You have friends?

More than one, in fact.

Call ourselves the Savini Squad.

You said your last name was Cavendish.

Well, I did, and it is.

But it'd be pretty lame
to name a squad after myself,

wouldn't it? [laughs]

No, Savini.

Tom Savini.

You know, the Godfather of Gore?

The man who put the word artist
in special effects and make-up artist?

Dawn of the Dead?

Creepshow? Friday the 13th?

Are those movies or something?

Wait, are you messing with me?

[Scot laughs]

Come play with us, Rocky Road.

Thanks, but no.

So, what, you're just gonna sit
under the stairs all year round?

Mm-hmm. I have 118 fologna sandwiches
until the end of the year.

- Mm.
- I'll be here every day counting down.

Well, that sounds bloody awful.

So, how about I ping you the address

and when you're ready
for a dollop of sriracha, we'll be here.

[whoosh notification]

[phone screen clicks open]

[Scot grunts]

[ascending footsteps]

- ["Flake" by FIDLAR plays]
- [whistle blows]

- [skates hiss on ice]
- [slaps puck]

[indistinct yelling]

[stick clacking puck]

♪ Hey, man, what are you doin' tonight? ♪

[music slows and distorts]

- [g*n shot]
- [Tyler, screaming] Dad!

[Tyler thuds on door] No!

- Dad!
- [Rendell grunts]

- [g*n shot]
- Dad!

["Flake" continues]

♪ It's all I can take ♪

[slaps puck]

♪ You're a flake ♪

[sharp inhale]

♪ And I need a, need a break ♪

You got skills, dude.

[boy] Seriously.

I'm Javi. That's Brinker.

[breathless] Tyler Locke.

[Brinker] We could totally use you.

What's your position?

I played center in my old school
in Seattle.

[Javi] You don't have to play center
to get laid here.

Girls love trauma.

[exhales] Wait, what?

- [Brinker laughs]
- Dude, you've been through real shit.

You know how dope that is
to someone who nothing's happened to?

- [indistinct yelling in the background]
- Trust me. Grass ain't greener.

Look, we're having a party tonight.

- [man] Javi, Brinker! Let's move!
- [Brinker] You should come, dude.

[indistinct chatter]

[lively instrumentals]

[wheelies whir on smooth floor]

[Nina] Bode! Hey, Bode.

I'm going to the hardware store
for some things, wanna come?

No, not really.

Well, text me on the iPad
if you need something.



[indistinct cartoon chatter from iPad]

Oh, yeah.

[light clinking of spoon on bowl]

[faint indistinct whispering]

Hear that, sir?

[imitating G.I. Joe] At ease,
it's probably just nothing.

[crow caws]

[ominous instrumentals]



[gate rattles]


[loudly] Anybody?

I know that someone's down there!


[echoing woman's voice] I'm here, Bode.

Who are you?

[echoing woman's voice] I'm an echo.

Your echo.

You woke me up.

[sighs] Why are you down there?

[Echo] Echoes can come to life
in this place.

[stammers] No way.

[Echo] Have you found any keys yet?

What keys?

Your house is filled with amazing keys.

There's a key that can let you

step outside your body and be a ghost.


And another that can change
the way you look.

The best is the key that can take you
anywhere in the world

you wanna go if you know how to use it.


It's made of gold
and has six interlinked circles.

[Bode, echoing] Where can I find them?

[Echo] You listen for them.

They whisper, Bode.

Have you heard any whispering
in Key House?


They'll only call to people
who are very special.

Like you,

- Bode.
- [Nina in the distance] Bode!

[sighs] Gotta go.

Better not tell anyone
about visiting your echo

in the well house.

They might worry.


[Bode grunts]

Oh, my gosh, Kins, the most amazing thing
just happened to me.

I'll hear about it later.
This place is freezing.

[bracelet jingles]

All I wanna do right now
is stand in a hot shower

until my skin falls off.

[door opens and slams shut]

[faint indistinct whispering]

[curious instrumentals]

[faint indistinct whispering continues]

[bracelet clasp jingles]

[bracelet pieces rattle on table]

I wanna get some ice cream.


[hushed] Ice...




[key rattles in lock and cranks]

[series of locks clicking and rattling]

[radar effect]

["City Looks Pretty"
by Courtney Barnett plays]

♪ The city looks pretty
When you've been indoors ♪

There's no way.

[door creaks shut]

You're Kinsey's brother, right?

- Your sister here?
- [stammers] Am I here?

Is this a trick question?

♪ They don't know where you've been ♪



I'll have a scoop of vanilla

on a sugar cone, please.

You got it.

♪ Friends treat you like a stranger ♪

♪ And strangers treat you
Like their best friend ♪

♪ Oh, well ♪

[deep exhale]

- Vanilla on a sugar cone.
- Thank you.

♪ Or in the days bending backwards
To reach your goal ♪

I am here.

That'll be three bucks.

- [register beeps]
- Hang on.

♪ Sometimes I get sad ♪

♪ It's not all that bad ♪

What are you still doing in here?

Before you get mad, let me explain.

You broke my bracelet.

No, I found this inside.

Dad gave this to me.

I promised I'd take care of it,
he trusted me with it.

But it's a hidden magical key,

it can take you anywhere!

Enough of these stupid games, Bode!

If I'm lying then where did I get this?

The freezer.

It's not pretend.


Take me to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

[curious instrumentals]

[key rattles in lock]

Eiffel Tower.

- [scoffs]
- What?

Why didn't it work?

Because you're delusional.

- Hey! [groans]
- Get outta my room!

[door slams]

[sentimental music plays]

- [pants slide]
- [whimpers]


[deep exhale]

[Kinsey] Mom,

Bode broke my bracelet!

Can you tell him
to stay the hell out of my room?

Yeah, sure. [sighs]

I'm sorry.

What's that?

I found a box of your father's things
in the attic.

Look at this.

It's a picture of him

and, I think, his high school friends?

Wow. Look at Dad.

[phone buzzes]

Where's Tyler?

Hanging with his hockey bros.

[sighs] I'm glad he's making friends.

[phone buzzes]

Looks like you both are.

Why are we even here?

Away from everything and everyone we know?

Dad never even wanted us to come here.

We needed a fresh start

and we were never gonna get it back there.

Okay, you know what?
It's no different here.

People still stare whenever they see us.

But it's gonna get better, I promise.

[scoffs] Okay.


Dad never did bullshit platitudes.


[faint indistinct whispering]

[stool thuds]

[whispering continues]

[suspenseful instrumentals]


[metal clinks]

[slug dripping]

[heavy breathing]

- [gate rattles]
- I'm coming back!

Did you find any keys?

I found that anywhere key
you told me about.

But it only worked for me, not Kinsey.

She couldn't go to the Eiffel Tower.

[Echo] Have you ever seen a door

- at the Eiffel Tower?
- No.

To travel through a door,

you have to have seen it.

Makes sense, I suppose.

You know a lot of stuff about me,
but I don't know anything about you.

Well, we're friends, Bode.

[Echo] So I can tell you anything
you wanna know.

How do you live down there?

I already told you.

[Echo] Magic.

Don't you get hungry?

Yes, I can get hungry.

I get so hungry sometimes.

Well, I could bring you some Doritos.

Doritos are important in my world.

I would like that a lot.

I found another key.

It has two faces and a mirror on it.

What does it do?

If you could have one wish
in the entire world, Bode,

what would it be?

I wish I could talk to my dad again.

- He died.
- Oh.

I'm so sorry.

But you're in luck.

That key you found?

The one with the mirror?

It'll let you see people who have died.

That's impossible.

Death is not as final as you think.

Your whole family can see your dad again.

Show it to your mom.

Thanks, Echo.

["Good, Feel Good" by Dirty Monster plays]

♪ Makin' it hard to dance ♪

[phone playing video game]

♪ Disassociated rhythm ♪

[Tyler] Something wrong with your phone?

Eight Ball app.


♪ She's a party animal
And she don't even know it ♪

So, what did you ask it?

[indistinct chatter]

Will anything interesting ever happen
at one of these parties?

- [partygoers laugh]
- And?

Mm... Not likely.

[sighs] So you're saying
I might as well call it a night.

I'm saying don't get your hopes up.

Javi is serving cheap vodka
and Cheez Whiz,

I left hope at the door.

[Jackie laughs]

- sh*ts?
- [glasses clink]

I think I'm gonna peace out.

I turn into a pumpkin at 11
on school nights.

Well, suit yourself.
It just means that there's more for us.

[partygoer yells]


I just wanted to say
that after everything

that your family has been through,

all of us,

everyone at school is here for you.

- I'm here for you.
- [glasses clink]


[Eden exhales]

[muffled rap music plays from other room]

[heavy breathing]

[tense crescendo]

[suspenseful instrumentals]

You can't forget
that it's all your fault...

that he's dead.

No! No, no, no.

[Eden] I thought that you wanted to.

[Tyler] I do. Um...

It's just not the right time.

I'm sorry.

- Uh...
- [muffled rap music plays]

Sorry. I should go.

♪ They the bad guys,
You don't wanna fucks with 'em ♪

[dog barking in the distance]

[Scot] Welcome, welcome,



Kinsey Locke, meet Zadie Wells
and Doug Brazzar.

- So, this is the squad.
- Yeah.

- One less and it'd be the Savini Couple.
- [Scot laughs]

The Savini Dyad has a nice ring to it.

[Scot] Yeah, but, with you,

that makes four, which is perfect
for group cosplay, right?

- We were fine before.
- [Zadie] Mm-hmm.

[Scot] Yeah, but four's so much better,
you know, Wizard of Oz,

Ninja Turtles.

Golden Girls.

And you're just in time.

[eerie music plays on movie]

- [man on screen laughs menacingly]
- [woman on screen screams]

Day of the Dead is still
Savini's finest decapitation work.

[Doug] No question. The guy's head that's
still screaming as it's being ripped off?

I mean, come on, it's a beautiful thing.

[Scot] Yeah, and I've gotta say,
I'm not particularly impressed

with our girl Nancy here, I mean,

on a final girl scale
of zero to Jamie Lee,

she's getting a six
and that's being generous.

Come on,
she blows the guy's head off in the end.

Yeah, but only after hiding behind a tree
while he m*rder*d all here bloody mates.

Final girls don't hide. They just don't.

[Sam, sing-songy] Kinsey.

[footstep thuds]

[Sam] I just want to talk.

[menacing laughter on screen]

[Sam] Kinsey.

[Sam] Come on.

[Sam] Last chance, Kinsey.

[tense crescendo]

Oh, shit.

Oh, Rocky Road! Whoa, Kinsey.

- Kinsey, you okay?
- Just leave me alone!

[stammers] What's up?

You know not all final girls make it
to the end by fighting the monster.

Some of them hide.

They stay quiet
when their family needs them.

They're not waiting for their moment.

They don't even know
if another moment's coming.

They just close their eyes
and wait for it to be over.

[dramatic instrumentals]

Truth is...

some final girls are cowards.

This is a terrible miscalculation
on my part, I mean, [laughs] utter idiocy.

Look, just come back inside,

- and we'll watch something else.
- [Scot] Anything you want! Kinsey!

- [door closes]
- [Scot sighs]

[solemn instrumentals]

[car honks]

- [honks]
- Just let it go, Scot!

[heavy breathing]

Can you get in the car
before we have to cut off

your frostbitten toes?

[engine idles]

[Kinsey sighs]

[Kinsey sighs heavily]

[door squeaks closed]

[key rattles in lock, then clicks]

I want to see my dad.


[mellow instrumentals]


[technological whirring]

[key rattles in new lock, then cranks]

[technological chatter]

[curious instrumentals]


[heavy breathing]

[Nina] Bode!

Mom! Come here!

[Nina] What's wrong?



What is this?
Some kind of optical illusion?

Mom, I don't think
that's such a good idea.




[crescendo to silence]

[Bode, echoing] Mom!

[suspenseful instrumentals]

[light patter of footsteps]

[glass shattering]

[echoing] Bode?

[echoing] Bode!

- Mom?
- [Nina, echoing] Bode!

[echoing] Bode, help me!

[dramatic instrumentals]

- [Nina] Bode, help me!
- I'm gonna go find help!

[Bode] Echo?

[yelling] Echo, we need your help!

[Echo] I'm here, Bode.

[yelling] My mom's in trouble.

I used the key,
and then she went through my mirror

and now I don't know how to get her out!

Can you help me?


[dramatic crescendo]

I'll help you, Bode.

But if we're gonna save your mom,
I need you to give me the Anywhere Key.

Where did she go?

That key opens the door
to the prison of the self.

It's a fine place to trap your enemies.

I thought you said that key lets you
see people who have died!

Yup. And that part is true.

Many people have died in there
because it's very hard to get out.

See you around, kiddo.

- [Bode pants]
- [key rattling in lock]

[doors rumble open]

[suspenseful instrumentals]

- [doors shut]
- [instrumentals intensify]

[heavy breathing]

[car approaches]

- Guys, help, it's Mom!
- [Kinsey] What's the matter?

She went through my mirror!

- [Tyler] What do you mean?
- I'll show you! Come on!

What the hell?

[Tyler] That can't be real.


[echoing] Tyler?

- I have to go in.
- No!

[Kinsey] Here.

Use this to get back
when you find her, okay?

All right.

Be careful.

[glass shattering]

[Tyler whooshes through mirror]


[glass shattering]

[suspenseful instrumentals intensify]

- [Nina, distant] Tyler!
- Mom!

[breathes heavily]

[Nina, echoing] Tyler!

- Mom!
- Tyler!


[glass shattering]


- [Tyler, echoing] Mom!
- [Nina, echoing] Tyler!

- [Tyler pants]
- [Nina] Tyler!

- Tyler!
- Mom, close your eyes,

just follow my voice!

- Can you hear me?
- I can hear you.

[overlapping echoes]

[Tyler] Mom!

Over here! Close your eyes!

You sound closer!

- [Nina] I can hear you!
- Keep going!

[gasping and crying]

Pull us out!

[heavy breathing]


- [Tyler] Whoa!
- [bodies thud]

[panting and gasping]

Are you all right?

- [key rattles out of lock]
- [digital zipping]

- What the hell just happened?
- [Bode] I told you,

these keys are for real business.

This is... what is this?

This house is full of magical keys.

- [Tyler exhales deeply]
- Mom?

Are you okay?

Fine. Fine!

Did you have fun at your party?

The mirror?

It's nice, right?

Uh... It could use some polishing.

[Bode] Mom!

You went through the mirror in there!
And then you got lost inside!

He's not lying.

You were just in there.

What are we talking about?

The mirror.

Oh, right. [laughs]

We can get you one for your room, too.

I'll add it to the list.

What is this place?

[suspenseful instrumentals]

- [banging]
- Lesser?

You got a visitor.

[door squeaks open]

[door squeaks closed]

Hi, Sam.

[hushed] I told you I'd come see you.

[instrumentals fade to silence]

[lively instrumentals]