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01x08 - Playing House

Posted: 08/12/22 07:51
by bunniefuu
[intense music playing]

You are welcome here, Rose Walker.

Who are you?

You have somehow dreamed your way

into an audience with Lord Morpheus.

The King of Dreams.

- And now you must go.

- Lucienne.

She shouldn't be here.

No, but I should like her to stay.

What is this place?

[Dream] You're in The Dreaming,

the place where

people come when they sleep.

So, I'm asleep right now? I'm dreaming?

[Dream] Yes, and I should like to know

how it is you found me.

I heard you talking about my brother.

Is he here?


[Rose] Do you know where he is?


But I think he might be with

one of my missing Nightmares.

She's a nightmare?

What would she want with Jed?

I don't know.

But I have a feeling

it has something to do with you.

Me? Why? What did I do?

It is not what you did.

It is what you are.

I'm sorry. I don't understand any of this.


Dream vortexes

are largely incomprehensible.

What's a dream vortex?

You are.

You see, once every few thousand years,

a mortal is born with

a dreaming ability so powerful,

she can travel

through the dreams of others.

Apparently, all the way to my throne room.

I was just looking for my brother.

If you can find me in The Dreaming,

you can find your brother.

No matter where Gault has hidden him.

How? How do I do that?

For now, keep looking for your brother

in the waking world.

Matthew will watch over you there.

At your service, Rose.

When he is with you, I am with you.

Then tonight, when you sleep,

you and I will go in search

for Gault and your brother together.

In your dreams.

She's just a nightmare, right?

She can't hurt him, can she?

[alarm blaring]

Which one of my enemies is it this time?

Johnny Sorrow?

The Phantom of the Fair?

Or is Doctor Death back for more?

[Gault] It's the Pied Piper.

He appears to be using

next-gen sonic technology

to control all the area's children.


This looks like a job for

The Sandman.

Time I put the Piper to bed.

[wind blowing]

No sign of the Piper. No sign of anyone.

[Gault] I'm afraid we're too late.

They've all been kidnapped.

[Jed] Wait.

[lively pipe music playing]

Can you hear that?

[Gault] The Pipers' tune.

Can you hear where it's coming from?

[chuckles] I can.

[music gets louder]


[Jed] Are you seeing this?

[Gault] I am,

and I don't like what I'm seeing.

Return to base, Sandman.

[Jed] Don't worry.

I've got this.


[exclaims softly]

Get back here, Jed. Right now.

There's too many of them! Ahh!


- [grunts] Help!

- I'm trying, Jed, hold on.

- No!

- Jed!

- Please help!

- Jed!

- [Jed grunting]

- [squeaking loudly]


Aunt Clarice?

Uncle Barnaby?


I-I-I think I'm hurt.


Is anyone there?


We can't just leave him down there.

The second you open that door,

he's gonna run away again.

He has to learn.

[Jed] Aunt Clarice?

[knocking on door]

Is anyone there?






Unity, hi. It's Rose calling.

How are you, darling?

How was it with the foster agent?

Was she awful?

Well, she wouldn't tell us where Jed is.

[Unity] Oh, no, of course not.

That would have made it far too easy.

[Rose] But she did tell us one thing.

Apparently, Jed's foster parents

were friends of my dad's.

So, she told you quite a bit.

Do you remember your father's friends?

No, but if it's okay with you,

I thought I'd stay longer and maybe

Oh, of course, love. Of course, Rose.

- [man] May I?

- Please.

Unity, am I interrupting something?

There is a lovely young journalist here

who wants to interview me

about the sleepy sickness.


I keep telling him,

I slept through the entire thing.

I'm hanging up now. Enjoy being famous.

That was my great-granddaughter, Rose.

Oh. Is she in London?

She was.

Now she's back in the United States.

In Florida.

Really? Whereabouts in Florida?

A town called Cape Kennedy.

You sound American to me. Have you been?

Cape Kennedy? No.

But now I'll have to visit.

[Hal] Did you figure out the printer?

I did.

What do you think?


I think I wanna help you

put these up all over town.

- Really?

- [Hal] Mm-hmm.

- Can I pay you for them?

- You already did.

I overcharged you for the room.

May I see?

[Barbie] Morning!

[gasps] Oh, my gosh. Rose!

Oh, look at you guys. Can I have some?

Uh, babe. What are you doin'?

Putting these up.

Yeah, but we're out all day with Sindy.

Sindy can put some up too.

She's our realtor. She's fabulous.

[Rose] Thank you, guys.

Zelda suggests we take some as well.

Thank you.

We can all hit the streets

when Lyta wakes up.

She's still asleep?

I just wanna stay like this forever.

[Hector sighs]

I do too, but


You should be out,

living your actual life,

not having ghost-sex

with your dead husband.

You're not a ghost, you're a dream.


Been meaning to talk to you about that.

If I were a dream,

wouldn't I disappear when you wake up?

- Don't you?

- No.

Then what do you do?

I go to work. I I cook. I work out

You go to work?



Doing what?

I finally built our house.

Can I show you?


You You built our house?

Come on. I'll give you the tour.

I did my best to follow your blueprints,

but there were a few details

I, I just couldn't remember.

[softly] It's perfect.

What's in there?

Uh, that room's not quite finished yet.

Why did you build this?

Because it was our dream.

And now that we're both here,

maybe it can come true.


You have to stay with me.


In our house, the way we planned.



You know eventually I have to wake up.


You're awake.


- You okay?

- Yeah.

What are those?

Is this a terrible idea?

No, not at all.

'Cause I was thinking, we could put up

a few near the foster agency?

Just to let that woman know

we're not giving up.

No, I think she probably got that

from yesterday.

Was I that bad?

- Should I go there and apologize?

- No.

But why don't you let me

do that side of town?

My lord, may I help?

[Dream] Is this everything

we have on Rose Walker?

And Jed Walker.

But I shouldn't think there's anything

in those you don't already know.

Except perhaps

Except perhaps why she was able

to wander into my throne room.

What do you think?

Why did Gault target her brother

and not her?

Did you read about Unity Kincaid?

The day you were imprisoned,

there were people all over the world

who fell asleep and could not wake up.

Unity Kincaid is the sole survivor

of what they called the "sleepy sickness."

The day you returned, she woke up.

Rose Walker is her great-granddaughter.

Which would seem to suggest that

my absence caused the birth of a vortex.

Is that not a possibility?

Vortexes are

naturally occurring phenomena.

No one knows why they happen.

Not even I know.

But I do know

they are not caused or created.

They simply happen.

Then this is all a coincidence?

And not an imminent threat?

My instinct says no, but tonight

when Rose Walker sleeps,

I shall see it more clearly. May I?

Of course.

[Rose] I've been trying to

remember my dad's friends,

but I don't think he had any.

He was a pretty unfriendly guy.

Well, do you remember any golf buddies,

or drinking buddies, or

What else do

married straight men with kids do?

Well, if they're anything like my dad,

they have affairs.


That's why your mom divorced him.

That was just one reason.

Maybe your dad didn't have friends.

That's why I thought

we'd start with his neighbors.

That was his house. Our house.

The last time I saw Jed was right there,

seven years ago.

You haven't seen him since?

When my mom got a job in New Jersey,

my dad cut us off completely.

Stopped paying alimony, child support.

He wouldn't let us see

or even talk to Jed.

[Hal] Hmm.

[doorbell rings]

My mom sued.

She never gave up,

but I went off to college.

I haven't been a very good sister.

Mm, you're making up for it now, though.

I'm trying.

[knocking at door]

Come in.

Hi, Ms. Rubio.

I'm Lyta Hall. Rose Walker's friend.

What can I do for you, Ms. Hall?

I just wanted to come by

and apologize for yesterday.

I know your job is hard enough

without having to deal with

other people's, uh, grief.

'Cause that's what it was. It wasn't you.

Rose wanted to come by but

But she is out looking for her brother.

I think she really just

wants to know if he's okay.

I'm sure he is.

Is there any way you could find out?

Check up on him?

You wouldn't have to tell us.

I don't wanna get you in trouble,

but do you do follow-up visits?

We do. But I can't just

No, I understand.

I'm sorry.

That's really all I came here to say.

Thank you, Ms. Rubio, for your time.

[door closes]

The woman from the foster agency

wants to come by.

For what?

- To check on Jed.

- What?

Why now, all of a sudden?

It's a They do that.

It's a regular thing.

What did you tell her?

Well, I couldn't tell her no.

I can.

Call her back.

Fine, I'll do it.

You don't think

that's gonna raise a red flag?

If you don't want him here,

we can give him back.

I'm not giving back $800 a month.

Get him up here.

I'll talk to him.

I'll make sure he doesn't run away again.

No. I'll talk to him.

[Clarice] Come on up, Jed.

- You're all right.

- [sighs]

The woman from the foster agency's

coming to check up on you.

If you're good,

you can sleep in your own bed tonight.

But if you embarrass us

in front of this woman,

I will take you back into the cellar.

I will wire your hands to

the pipes down there,

and I will break every bone in your body.

Do you understand me, Jed?

Then go clean yourself up.

Here. I'll fix you something to eat.

[fridge door opens]

[indistinct chatter]

I mean, I tried to escape.

I went directly to New York after college

to have a huge Broadway career,

before moving on to film

and television, of course.

Of course.

But, you know, these days,

if you're not already

a film or television star,

you can't even get a job on Broadway.

So, when my grandmother died

and left me that ridiculous house,

I came home.

[Rose] Do you miss New York?

- [Hal] Not as much as I thought I would.

- Hmm.

I mean, New York's very hard,

and this place is not so bad.

I'm gonna put a few up over there.

So if you maybe want to

Yeah, absolutely. I'll catch up with you.

Matthew, is that you?

[Matthew] No, that's a crow.

I'm a raven. Common mistake.

You're real?

Technically I'm a dream, but sure.

[Rose] And is Morpheus watching right now?

[Matthew] He is. I can feel him

in the back of my head.

It's the weirdest feeling.

[Corinthian] f*ck.

[Matthew] Do you need him?

[Rose] No, but he said

he'd be there tonight when I fall asleep.

He's gonna help me find my brother.

That's the plan.

And I'll be around till then

if you need me.

Thank you.

You got it, kid.

[Hal] Jed Walker. If you see him

or know anything about him, just text.

[man speaks indistinctly]

Okay. Thanks.

What have you got there?


Uh, we're looking

for a kid named Jed Walker.

He would be about 12 now.

Oh. How long has he been missing?

Well, he's not actually missing.

He's in foster care.

But the agency won't tell us where.

- Would you mind if I kept this?

- No, not at all.

Mm. See you around.

[Hal] Yeah, I hope so.

[Rose] Friend of yours?

No, but he took a flier,

so he might be calling.

Mm-hmm. I'll give him your number.

You're a good friend, Rose Walker.

He's doing great in school.

Helps out around the house.

Never complains.

I don't know what we'd do without him.

Right, Barn?

That's right.

[Eleanor] I'm so happy to hear that.

You look good, Jed.

You look happy.

Thank you, ma'am.

I wonder if I might have

a moment alone with you both.

It's just some admin updates.

You wanna go to your room, son?

[Eleanor] It's all pretty straightforward.

I just need to update Jed's file

with all his current information.

His school, insurance.

All the usual stuff.

Is he still in Callow Elementary?

So good to see you, Ms. Rubio.

[Eleanor] Oh.

It's good to see you too, Jed.

[door opens and closes]

Hello. How can I help you?

I have a question for you.

Have you seen this boy?

Your Aunt Clarice and I

want you to know we were very impressed.

With the way you got this note

into that lady's bag.

I'm sorry.

[Barnaby] No, you're not.

But you will be.

[Corinthian] Hmm.


[Rose] Where is everyone?

[Hal] They must have all gone to bed.

There's not much to do

in Cape Kennedy after dark.

Or during the day for that matter.

That's kinda what I like about it.

I was thinking, maybe I should move back.

Why? To do what?

I don't know.

Before my mom died,

I was gonna go to grad school

[chuckles] and try to become a writer.

But maybe it's like you and New York.

[scoffs] God. I hope not.

No, I mean, your life is here.

You have this house.

People who love you. You've got Dolly.

Rose, do you think I wanna be here?

Cleaning up after Barbie and Ken?

Don't get me wrong,

I love them, they're great.

But if Broadway called tomorrow,

I would sell this f*cking house.

And I would never think about

any of these people ever again.

Go to grad school,

write a novel about me,

but do it now while I'm still cute enough

to play myself in the movie.

'Cause this was never my dream.

Hold on, buddy.

I'm on my way.

[Dolly] Here she is, boys.

Here she is, world.

Here's Rose!

[audience cheering]

[lively music playing]

Curtain up ♪

Light the lights ♪

Play it, boys.

Ya either got it or ya ain't ♪

And boys, I got it ♪

You like it? ♪

Well, I got it.

Okay, doll. Listen carefully.

I'm only gonna say this once.

This is not my real face.

And this is not my real face either.

[music distorts]

Hal, you're gonna have

to come up here and help me.

Mama's runnin' out of hands.


[Lyta moaning]

[Lyta] Rose?

I am having

a relationship with a sentence.


It was just one of those things.

It was a chance meeting

that grew into something

more important for both of us.

Everybody knows about me and the sentence.

And now,

I have the pleasure of reading it

into the Library of Congress.


Babe! Please open the door.

Let me in the car.

Barb, it's not funny anymore.

Honey! Just open the door.

Barbie, open the door.

It's not funny anymore.

Let me in the car! Barb!

Come on!

Honey, I need to get in the car.

Okay? Just let me in the car, please.

Why is this happening?

I thought we were looking for Jed.

We are.

Then why am I in my friends' dreams?

Because you are drawing

the dreams of others to you.

Barbie, please! What'd I do?

Just be careful

not to lose yourself in them.

Take a moment. Find your own path.

[Martin grunting]

[Barbie] I can hardly believe it.

Here we are at last.

The Arch of the Porpentine.

Our journey has indeed been long,

Miss Barbara,

and many's the worthy companion

we have found and lost along the way.

So many lives lost, Martin Tenbones.

And because of what?

A confection of spun silver

and rose quartz.

The Porpentine is more than that, lady,

as you know in your soul of souls.

[Martin huffs]

So, what is a dream vortex?

What is it for? What does it do?

I confess, there are some questions

to which even I do not have an answer.

But I can tell you that a vortex

has the power to dream

entire worlds or destroy them.

[girl humming]

[Rose] Is that

[Dream] Zelda.

When she was your brother's age.

[young Zelda continues humming]

Mommy and Daddy told me to go away.

So, here I am in the old bone orchards.

Nobody understands me.

Nobody cares.

Nobody understands but Chantal.

Chantal comes along,

shows me she's my soul sister.

Me and her are gothic heroines,

secret brides to the faceless slaves

of the nameless night

of the castle of dread desire.

[Rose] Is she lost?

[Dream] She's at home here.

That is what most people seek

when they dream.


Do you know where that is for Jed?

[ravens cawing]

You know this place?

That was our house growing up. Look.

You've done it.

You've found your brother's dream.

Now, we find Gault.

[alarm blaring]

[Jed] He's not a member

of my rogues gallery.

He's the most powerful foe

we have ever faced.

The King of Nightmares.

And he has come to take me away from you.

I'm not about to let that happen.

Thank you, Sandman.

But this battle is mine to face.

And mine alone.

We'll see about that.

Jed, Jed, come back, please.

What's our next move? How do we find him?

Halt, King of Nightmares,

or I'll send you both to Dreamland.


I am the Guardian of Sleepers.

I am Lord of the Dream Domain.

I am the Sandman.

You are the Sandman?

Is that what she told you?

Where is she? Your master.

Stay back.

Jed, we're not here to hurt you.

It's me you want. Not him.

Oh, my God. Mom?

That is not your mother, Rose.


Is that you?

I've been looking for you everywhere.

Mom, it's Rose. She's all grown up.

I'm sorry, Jed.

Mom! What did you do to her?

Jed! Jed, look at me.

She is not our mom.

Our mom is not here, but I am,

and I need you to tell me where you are.

I'm right here.

No, Jeddy, this is a dream.

When you wake up, where will you be?

Look. Did you write this?

Uncle Barnaby said he's

gonna break every bone in my body.

- Who's Barnaby?

- Aunt Clarice won't be able to stop him.

[Rose] Where are Aunt Clarice

and Uncle Barnaby?

They're home. They're in Homeland.

Where is that? Where is Home Land, Jed?

Come, Gault. We must go.

I'm sorry, Sandman.

It's time to wake up, Jed.

Wait, no!

Goodbye, Rose Walker.

Stop! Not yet. Jed, tell me where you are.

[Jed] Rose?



[doorbell rings]

You expecting someone?

[Clarice] No.

Good morning.

Good morning.

You're making it very difficult

for me to leave this morning.

That was the plan.

Just hear me out.

You being here, in my dream,

means something is different.

Something has shifted.

So, if you can choose to be here


maybe you can choose to stay.

Think about it.

We can have the life we always wanted.

Have a baby.

Start a family.


This is a dream.

Anything is possible.

[Lyta exclaims]

Oh, my God.

[Hector exclaims]

[Lyta] What is happening?

[both chuckle]


Lyta, I found him. I found Jed.

- [Lyta] What?

- I found Jed.

[Lyta] Just a minute.

- [indistinct shouting]

- [breathing heavily]

- [Clarice screams]

- [objects clattering]


[Gault] Do you have any idea

what his life is like in the waking world?

Humans cannot live in dreams.

As long as he stayed there,

the child had no life

nor the chance for one.

The boy is being abused.

He's suffering.

You abused that suffering

to build a Dreaming you could rule.

I had no wish to rule.

I merely wish to be a Dream

and not a Nightmare.

To inspire rather than to frighten.

The choice is not yours to make.

We do not choose to be created.

Nor do we choose how we are made.

[Gault] That is true.

- But we can change.

- [Dream] No.

We are, each of us,

born with responsibilities.

Even I am not free to choose

to be other than I am.

Nor is anyone.

If that were true,

why did all the other

Dreams and Nightmares

choose to leave this place

when you had gone away?

Not all of us chose to leave

and nearly all have returned.

Do you think they came back out of love?

Or because they were afraid

of what you would do to them

if they did not?

Because I'm not afraid.

You should be.

A Nightmare's purpose is

to reveal a dreamer's fears,

that they may face them.

Perhaps a few thousand years

in the darkness will reveal your fears.

Better that than to make others afraid.

Even a Nightmare can dream, my lord.

You feel her punishment was unjust?

I used to be something else.

Before you made me your librarian.

We all change, sir.

Even you, perhaps. One day.

Lucienne, I realize that in my absence,

you were compelled to

make decisions in my stead,

and I am grateful to you.

But I am back now.

You may return to the library.

[breath trembling]

[Corinthian] You must be Jed.

[Corinthian panting]

Your sister sent me.

Your sister, Rose.

[indistinct chatter]


[officers chatting indistinctly]

Ma'am, you can't be here.

My little brother, Jed,

he lives with them.

Is he inside? Is he okay?

There was no one else inside.

Just the two adult victims.

Wherever your brother is, he's not here.

["The Big Bad Wolf" playing stereo]

So, how do you know my sister?

I don't.

But I'm really looking forward

to meeting her.

When I tell you who's who ♪

Oh, yeah, 'cause I'm the big bad wolf

What you say ♪

I'm the big bad wolf, what you say ♪

I'm the big bad wolf ♪

And I'm blowing down your neighborhood

What you say ♪

I said a-woo, oh, yeah ♪

I said a-woo ♪

What you say ♪

You got to seize up your day ♪

Make the most out of you

Oh you gotta make the most ♪

Watch your knees when you pray, yeah ♪

If you flex with my crew ♪

Oh, you know why? ♪

'Cause they're the big bad wolf

What you say ♪

They're the big bad wolf, what you say ♪

They're the big bad wolf ♪

Blowing down your neighborhood

What you say ♪

I said a-woo, oh, yeah ♪

I said a-woo ♪

I'm gonna huff and puff

And blow your house down ♪

I'm gonna huff and puff

And blow your house down ♪

I'm gonna huff and puff

And blow this house down ♪

I'm gonna huff and puff

And blow your house down ♪

I'm gonna huff and puff

And blow this house down ♪

'Cause we're the big bad wolf

What you say ♪

We're the big bad wolf, what you say ♪

We're the big bad wolf ♪

We're the big bad wolf, what you say ♪

What you say ♪