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01x06 - Matinee

Posted: 08/11/22 20:49
by bunniefuu
You already are
the oldest president in history.

And I recall that President
Kennedy had to go days on end

without sleep
during the Cuban m*ssile Crisis.

Is there any doubt
that you'd be able to function

- under such circumstances?
- Not at all.

I will not make age an issue
in this campaign.

I'm not going to exploit
for political purposes

my opponent's youth
and inexperience.

Erin Tieng,

you were quoted
as saying that your mom

and Missy need you at home.

Sorry to fact-check you,
but that's not what Missy said.

Missy said, and I quote,

"I never asked you
to be a martyr."

That's not fair.

After Dad died,
there was nobody else.

My mom couldn't even balance
the checkbook on her own, okay?

You're saying your
mother sat you down and said,

"Erin, I need you
to take care of us forever"?

There was nobody else...

Now you're dead.

What? I'm right here.

You're dead, Erin.

You stood there
and watched it happen,

just like you've done
with everything in your life.

That's when you were needed.


There was nothing I could do!

Oy! Erin!

Wake up!

We're here!

Wake up!

Come on already.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

It should be
right around here somewhere.

There's nothing here.

There's plenty here.

This is the truck yard
for the plant.

But I'm guessing the Brandmans

didn't make it over here
so much.

Mac, this is all closed down,
just like it was in 2019.

So what or who is still around?

What the hell is that?

This is the place.

You sure?

What's up?

You must be Little Tiff.

Just "Tiff."

You Big Tony?


Slide me your hand.

What are you gonna do with them?

The music and lights were crazy.

That was wild.

You're gonna go
down the hall and to the left.

Are you ready?

What the f*ck?!

Are you ready?

Okay! Wait here!

I'm going to the stage
to find me!

Your nose!

Aw, shit!

- Are you okay?
- Hey! Get off me, psycho!

We're good.

No toilet paper.

Okay, that's gross.

Excuse me.

No water, either.

These people are animals.

f*ckin' KJ.

She's just lucky I held back.

I would've mopped the floor
with her ass.

What's wrong with her?

One minute, she's swooping in
and rescuing me.

The next minute,
she's punching me in the face.

That girl is crazy.

Hey, you listen to me.

You're handling all this
like a champ.


No, I'm serious.

Rocky Balboa out there
needs to get her shit together

and suck it up
like the rest of us.

We got enough problems without
her flying off the handle

every time she has
the slightest inconvenience.


Now, don't you start
with me now, too.

Will you just look down?

No. No.

Yeah, yeah.

You look great.

So, obviously,
we wanted to be careful

not to draw the Old Watch

to any of our
future selves again.

- We still want to be careful, that is, but...
- Hey.

It's okay.

You said they didn't realize

that there are more
than two of you, and that's,

with apologies,
how many bodies they found.

So they took off
and don't realize you're here.


Yeah, I guess so.

So, wouldn't it stand to reason

that they're
no longer after you?


I guess so.

You're taking all of this
really well.

I have to admit,
it's a little...

Am I? I guess.

Current theories
about the quantum geometry

of space-time suggest that
randomly traversable wormholes

through time may exist.

So it only makes sense
that you traveled

through something
like a wormhole to get here.


So weird.


You've been through a lot.

You look exhausted.

You want to crash at my place?


But I need to find
the other girls I came with.

There are other time travelers?

There she is.

k*lled it
with those lights, Tiff.

You the best, Tiff.

Later, Tiff.

It's really hard to believe

that you actually grow up
to be that.

Love you, Tiff.


I mean, she looks pretty, uh...

...out there, huh?


I mean, you're, like,
the life of the party.

Future you seems...

really cool.

My poor time-traveling babies.

Come here.

Come here.

All of you. Come on.

Come on.

You, too.

Let's get you guys to bed.

Nice work.

Just like Mom does it.


But we do it better.

You like?

It's, uh...


Not what you were expecting?

I'm just confused as to why
we're still in Stony Stream.


I can see
where that's coming from.

But a lot has changed here
since what you remember.

A lot.

You'll see.

I'm sure.


Is this...

Were we valedictorian?

Are you really surprised?

Not really.

Tomorrow. It's late.

You need your beauty rest.


It's fine. I'll be on the futon.

You sure?

I can move 'em.


Sweet dreams.




Do you think we can trust her?

You mean, can we trust you?

Forget it.


You hungry?

Uh, I'm starving.

Hey, where's KJ?

She said she needed some air.

I went to the market.

I remembered we like...

blueberry Pop-Tarts with...

no frosting?

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

Rice Krispies?

You're the best.

I was thinking last night.

I have a theory
that might explain

how you traveled through time,

why I don't remember any of it

and how we might be able
to get you back.

You have a theory?

Yep. And I think I nailed it.

Nailed it?
And you know all of this

because you're some kind of...
dance DJ?

No. I hypothesized all this,

because we went to MIT.

Also, I'm a lighting designer.

The Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.

Nailed it.

You all seen KJ?

She went for a walk.

Said she needed
to clear her head.

I gave her some clean clothes
and some cash

in case she wanted
to hit up the doughnut place.

I don't know if she should be
out there alone.

What if the Old Watch
comes back?

Relax. It's cool.



You've all traveled
through time.

I'm sure she can handle sitting
on a bench for a few minutes.

Good. Maybe she'll chill

the f*ck out.

May I help you?

Yeah. Um,
I'd like to see the Kubrick.

Okay. We started showing 2001
about 20 minutes ago.

Okay. Thank you.

Sorry. I just...

You've only missed the monkeys.

I can still sell you a ticket
if you want to see it.



Remember when she grounded us

for cutting our hair?

Oh, I totally remember that.

They really hit it off.

Tiff has always been in love
with herself.

They just met.

Give it time.

I've been going over
Larry's documentation,

and he seems to have recorded

every local appearance of one
of these wormhole openings

that I assume you guys use
to travel through time.

So did you figure out
when the next one appears?

'Cause younger you has no idea.

I'm just missing
a few key data points

to decipher date and location.

Yeah, figures
Larry would screw us again.


Wait, that's it. Larry can
tell us what we're missing.

- He's dead.
- No, he's not.

Not right now.

Are we really talking
about this right now?

I bet he's still
on his stupid farm.

- All we'd have to do is go there and get the code...
- Bad idea.

No f*cking way should Erin
ever have to see him again.

And you probably
shouldn't be so eager

to see him, either,
after he made you look

like a total idiot.

Take that back.
Because I am not an idiot!

Okay, everybody calm down...

My idea is
the best idea we have,

and you both know I'm right.

Going to '99 Larry
is probably the only way

to decode exactly when and where
the next folding will occur.

And unless you two have a better
idea on how to get home...

That dude is a piece of shit, Tiff.

- I didn't say he wasn't.
- Okay. What's up?

Hey, baby.

You said you'd give me
a ride to work.

Yeah, um, something came up.

I'm a little busy.

What, are you babysitting?

I thought you could just...
take the bus or something.

Oh. Wow.



I'm guessing you're pissed

because I didn't come over
last night.

If you think
I gave a second thought

to where you were last night,
then you've...

Where's the farm?

About 20 minutes or so
out Route 183.

All right, let's go.

Uh, hey, wait, what farm?

We have to take Wembley
to the highway to get to 183.

Which means
the shop is on the way.


You good here?

Judging by your reactions, I was
assuming you didn't want to go.

Yeah. I don't want to go.


TV remote is
on the stereo cabinet.

Don't touch the stereo
or the game console.

Food is in the fridge.

Come on.

You want to play video games?


That guy kind of smelled.

So, you work at a record shop?

I'm a high-end
vintage vinyl dealer.

And I'm gonna be
a half hour late.


Is somebody upset with me?

Come on.

You know I didn't mean
what I said about last night.

I'll call you tonight?

We'll see.

You know
you can't stay mad at me.

So, why do you act...

that way around him?

What way?





actually playing it pretty smart
when you think about it.

I mean, he was pissed, and...

I was smoothing it over.

By changing who you are?


you're gonna learn
it's actually smart

to sometimes act a certain way

in order to get what you want.

What do you want from him?

You'll understand
when you're older.

But it's just better
to keep things copacetic.

You know? Easy.

Fewer headaches for me if...

I don't have to think
about him that much.

But he's your boyfriend.

How is that even
a real relationship?


it's kind of not.

I definitely wouldn't say

Russ and I are
completely different people.

For one thing, he has no drive.

Zero ambition.


He still lives in Stony Stream.

These clove cigarette things
are bullshit.




Is somebody there?


I just, um...

...wanted to hear her voice.

I get it.

Do you want to call Dylan?

Your house is
probably still around.

You could call
your parents, too.

If I never talk to my dad again,
it'll be too soon.

Dylan's probably
at medical school.

I doubt he even came home
for the summer.

Mm, what about future you?

What about it?

Dylan in 2019 must have told you
something about yourself.



it's just that...

...I am also at medical school.

But it's for animals.

Veterinary school?

Yeah, exactly.

Apparently, I want
to help animals or something.

It's in Florida.


So you grew up
to be pretty cool, too.

I'm really happy for you.

You're lucky.

I wouldn't say I'm lucky.


I've got a crazy idea.

This is close enough.

Think you might see
your '99 self in there?

I hope so.

Somebody's got to keep
my mom and Missy

from k*lling each other.

So, what kind of vet
do you become?

You know how it goes.

They teach you
how to treat all sorts

of different kinds
of animals at first.

Horses are kind of
my specialty, though.

I mainly go to them at, like,

whatever stable
they happen to be at.

But then I also have
this place of my own

where they can come to
if they need to

while I nurse 'em back
to health.

In Florida?

No, that's after school.

I guess my brother
likes to visit with his girls

so they can come
and pet the horses,

feed 'em carrots and stuff.

I'll be outside.

Okay, I'll be out in a sec.

She looks really good.

She does,
but don't let that fool you.

Missy doesn't understand her
at all,

and she's going
to be taking off any day now.

And Mom is going to get sick.

Thank you.

Hey, it's tough, man.

Feels like the whole world
should stop

when you're not around.

But it just keeps on going
without you.

And it really sucks.

- Look how pretty you are.
- Thank you.

There's a lot going on
under the surface

that you just can't see.

You want to get out of here?


We can wait a little longer.

Play it cool.

I know.

Hey there!

How you folks doing on
this fine afternoon?


can I help you two?

I don't want to play games
with you, Larry.

I'm sorry?

We're with the STF Underground.

Yeah. Um...

you must be
at the wrong place, so...


You can trust us.

We know everything about Heck

and Naldo
and the entire time w*r.

In fact, I know a rough layout
of every building on this farm.

And I know you.

She came from the future.

Larry, is someone out there?

Uh, hang on, Meemaw. Uh...

I'm just grabbing some tools
from the barn.

- Be careful.
- Uh, always. Hey!

Hey, kid, you can't just...

Hey, hey, stay out of there!

Of course.
It's not here yet.

How are we gonna get home now?

What are you looking for?

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

All right,
you two need to tell me...

Do you know what this is?

I have one just like that.

Correction: This is that one.

You really are from the future.

Just her.

Can I see?

This is my handwriting.

There are so many entries.
Look at this.

My God,
how many years of work is this?

- Twenty and change.
- Wow.

I-I only have two foldings
recorded right now.

So, this,

this is the folding when I first
met the Standard Time Fighters.

Heck and Naldo,
y-you know them, huh?

- Yes.
- And this one here...

That's when they left me
embedded with the Underground.

To await further orders.

You're a new recruit?

Um, about 18 months.

But I guess...

Wow, I guess...
I guess a lot more happens.

It sure as hell does.

Larry, we need your help.

How do I know
this isn't some ruse

cooked up by the Old Watch
to sniff me out?

Because we didn't blow you away.

Yeah, but you need my code.

You're gonna give me that code

because you owe me big-time.

- What do you mean I...
- You betrayed

me and my friends!

Four 12-year-old girls!

And then when you promised
to take us home,

you left us trapped here,
in 1999,

and a woman died!

Someone died?

We didn't ask for this.

But now we're here,

in a random time
that isn't ours.

And who knows
if we'll ever get home?

All because of you.

So give us the cipher.

Because just seeing you again,

let alone having
to ask you for help,

makes me sick to my stomach.

Okay. Follow this formula,

and you'll be able
to decode the coordinates.


I'm a good guy.

The STF, we're the good guys.

Look, I don't know who you are

in 2019,
but right now you seem...


I am.

- I really am.
- Then you have

the power right now to change
something for the better.

Thank you.

I'm not gonna do that to you.

What I did.

I won't hurt anybody.

And I'll do whatever it takes
to make sure that never happens.

- I hope that's true.
- Larry,

sweetheart, where are you?


Coming, Meemaw!

Hey, uh...

how can I get in touch
with you again if I need to?

You won't.

We're Tiffany Quilkin.

We're listed in the phone book.

At least some things
never change.

Stony Stream still hanging up
the same shitty decorations.

You don't get it.

What's there to get?

Just... knowing,

like, really knowing
when you're gonna die.

It messes with you.

And you start to forget about it
for a little bit.

And then when you remember...

I just can't help but think...

...what's the point?

At least you got
a lot of years left.

It doesn't get better
for me, Mac.

Of course, you don't understand.

You got this whole
exciting future ahead of you.


With your brother
and becoming a veterinarian.

- Seeing your nieces grow up. It's really...
- Jesus!

Will you shut the f*ck up?!

What do you want?

You want some sad
middle-aged future?

Sounds great.

Hey, I know.

Why don't you just not get into
some big f*cking robot in 2019

and kamikaze your stupid ass?

Problem solved.

You are such a f*cking jerk!

No shit, genius.

You and KJ deserve each other.

Go f*ck yourself.


- I have to pee.
- Okay, fine. I'll be here.

Getting candy.

Hi. How are you?


Oh, hey. Cool. You came.

Wow. Have you been here all day?

Oh, um, no, I just came
for the last one.

- Why didn't you come sit with us?
- I got here late,

and I didn't want
to bother you or anything.

- It's all right.
- Yeah.

Okay, so what did you
think of it?

Um, you know, at first,

I was kind of confused.

- Yeah.
- But then I just...

- I don't know, I stopped thinking about it so much...
- Yeah.

...and I listened to the music

and watched
what was on the screen,

and it was really beautiful.

It's a movie that
you cannot come at logically.

You just have to let the
experience wash over you.

- Yeah.
- You know?


When did you know?

Know what?


Just, uh...

d-did you know...

...that you were someone
who liked...



Ones like these.

I mean, how did you know

that you were someone
who felt this way about...



Well, uh...


The good news is that everybody
moves at their own pace.

And it can be overwhelming,

but every person's journey
is different, you know? And...

a lot of people are not gonna
understand at first, but...

you find a movie

that you really connect with
and it...

feels really, really,
really, really, really great.

You just try to listen to that.

Hey, do you want to grab some
coffee with us down the block?

Uh, KJ and I were-were thinking

about skipping Barry Lyndon

I got to go.

- Hey.
- Hi!

Proud of you.

Poor guy was practically
on the verge of tears

as it was.

I'm proud of us.

I mean, we did everything
we set out to do:

valedictorian of our class,

a graduate of MIT.


technically, we didn't graduate.

Wait, what?

I don't understand.

You said we went to MIT.

That's what you said.

We did... go.

We just...

...left our sophomore year.

We quit?!

Oh, my God, we quit?

MIT isn't what you think it is.

That place had nothing
to teach us.

Look, when I first got there,
I was elated.

I-I remember touring campus
with Mom.

It was everything.

But then reality
started to set in.

The looks, the comments.

And, furthermore,
it was so rigid.

There was no room
to do anything outside the box.

There was one way to do it,
and it just got to the point

where I couldn't take it

It worked for Steve Jobs
and Bill Gates,

so why shouldn't it work for me?

This is working for you?

Hell yeah, it is.

And, frankly, I'm starting
to get insulted by you acting

like it shouldn't.

I call my own sh*ts.

I pursue my own projects.

Like what?

Like this educational start-up

on the Internet
we're getting off the ground.

We are going to break barriers
and change minds

in a way that has
never been done before.

Educational, like a school?

Like an institute?

That's the idea.

It's up to us
to make our success real.



I have good reason to believe

that we'll be
very successful at this.

So do I.


Glad you're back.

That was a long walk.

You feeling better?


We're making really positive
progress with the ledger.

We're on the verge of decrypting
all of Larry's code

so we can locate the folding
that will take us back to 1988

will appear.

I want nothing to do
with anything

that has to do with Larry.

I'm going out for a smoke.


Did you just bogart my cloves?


I'm real sorry about them.

Literally all of them.

I'm sorry.

I saw myself while I was out.

So what's the report?

Did Mommy and Daddy get you
a convertible for sweet 16?

Yeah, the...

the house and the cars
and the clothes all...

look really nice
from the outside.

But sometimes you just got
to look a little deeper,

and it's just...

it's just all really confusing.

But I look happy.


In the future.

That's good.

Happy is good.


I guess I don't really know that
much about her life, though,


I know that she's in New York

and she wants to make movies.


I think that...

...maybe she's sorted
some things out.

I think that maybe...

I think she might be...


I guess...

I might be, um...

You know what happens to me?

I die.


Brain cancer.

I make it all the way to 16.

Cool, huh?

Dead in four years.

Found out in 2019 from Dylan.


I think me kicking the can
got him to turn his shit around.

Grow up to be
this amazing doctor,

family man.

I'm in the ground,
but he got the brass ring.

It's weird.

Whenever stuff gets really bad,

I always tell myself
to suck it up and stick it out,

'cause I know it's all gonna be
different when I grow up.

The second I turn 18,
I'm leaving my shitty house

and getting the f*ck far away
from Stony Stream.

And just thinking about that

would make it okay.

Doesn't matter
if everything is shit right now,

'cause, one day,
it's gonna be so good.

But that's all such bullshit.

'Cause it never gets any better.

This is it.

You can't tell the others.

What? Why?

Because I...

Because I don't want them

looking at me the way that
you're looking at me right now.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime
experience for me.

I mean,
physicists have been saying

that time travel is
theoretically impossible

because the second law
of thermodynamics says

time only moves forward,

n-not to mention
quantum divergences

where you have closed
time-like curves and whatnot.

But now you and I
are about to just...

find out actually how to do it.

It-it's absolutely crazy and...


Do you get how huge
of a discovery this is?


I mean, it's pretty neat.

It's mind-blowing.



Wait, I think I got the first
part figured out over here.

See, some of the characters
in his code are used

over and over again.

I think they might be
the latitude

and longitude coordinates
for his farm.

I think you're right.

And here's the moon cycles.

I think that means
that these two values must be

the month and day
of the folding appearance.


Which means we need to focus on
the values four characters over,

since we know the first two
stand for a one and a nine.

As in "1999."



Here we go.

The next folding is...

...July 25...

...two thousand



That's not for seven years.

Seven years?


So, you can all crash here
for a while,

- but...
- Seven years?

We cannot stay here
for seven years.

That is completely unacceptable!

Ideally, no...

Do it again.

Double-check it.

You have to be wrong.

I'm sorry, okay?

But I don't think we're wrong.

f*ck this. Okay?
