06x14 - Ichigo, Complete Hollowification!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x14 - Ichigo, Complete Hollowification!?

Post by bunniefuu »

Your pale broken wings...

Are just a bit tired from that clear blue sky

You don't need to force your smiles for someone

It's okay now... to smile for yourself.

Loneliness still continues to stalk me

A candle lit within

The party is lively; the chandeliers are gorgeous, and yet...

How do I fill the hole left behind by those lacking words?

I don't even know anymore

If I can at least swim freely in my dreams,

I wouldn't need a sky like that

I can face tomorrow without painting over all the things up to yesterday

Your pale broken wings

Are just a bit tired from that clear blue sky

You don't need to force your smiles for someone

It's okay now... to smile for yourself.

Soul Reapers...

They are the spiritual guardians of the World of the Living.

They are the balancers who keep a close eye

on the countless souls, good and evil,

that fill this world.

Ichigo and Toshiro's advance troops barely defeat

the Arrancar that Aizen had created,

but both sides suffer a lot of damage.

Concerned that they cannot defeat the stronger Arrancars as they are,

the Soul Reapers all decide to prepare themselves after the battle.

Uryu and Sado also begin training to become stronger.

Meanwhile, Ichigo,

sensing that he cannot suppress his inner Hollow,

visits the Visored.

I'm surprised you knew where we were...


Your coming here means that you've decided to join us, right?


I'm here to take advantage of you guys.

I won't join you guys, but...

I want you to show me how to...

...suppress the Hollow inside me!

Is your barrier all right, Hachi?

It is not all right...

Cut it out! You still don't understand?!

I keep telling you not to be scared, Ichigo!

I'm not scared.

I'll tell you something useful.

Use your Bankai.

Shut up.

I know...

You think that if you use your Bankai

against someone as powerful as I am,

you're suddenly going to lose control of your inner Hollow.

You're scared, aren't you?!

I said, "Shut up!"


I get annoyed when I look at you!

You keep getting nervous!

I've had enough!

If you hate this so much, then do whatever you want!

You don't have to use your Bankai or turn into a Hollow!

I'll just finish you off...

And it'll be over!


How can she become a Hollow and still remain conscious?!

How can she put on and take off that mask?!

I'm fighting her in person!

I can watch her as much as I want!

If I watch her and think about it, I should understand!

That's why I came here!

I won't use my Bankai...

I won't turn into a Hollow...

I won't open up my soul to him.

Ever again.

That's enough.

You don't have any complaints, do you, Hiyori?

You understand now don't you, Ichigo?

Your Hollow can't be suppressed just by thinking about it

with your mind and body.

You pass!

We're going to pound knowledge

of how to suppress your Hollow all the way into the heart of your soul!


Ichigo's not coming back!

Shut up... It'll be all right.

He'll come wandering back after two or three days.

How can you be so calm?!

It's got to be a kidnapping!

A crime's been committed!

What's this?! What's wrong, Yuzu?!

You're crying!

J-Just wait a second, Yuzu!

I'm going to show you my k*ller one-shot gag!

Umm... I do this, and...

I'm a mustachioed man!

You were always a mustachioed man!

Rukia, how was it?

Did you find my brother?


I'm sorry.

I see...

I don't even sense any trace of his Spiritual Pressure.

Where did you go, Ichigo?


Tsk... Don't make this kid cry.

What a hopeless big brother...

Lunch is late... Hiyori, make something to eat.


Why do I have to make something?!

Even if I did, I wouldn't let you eat it, baldy!

Love, did you hear Prince of Darkness's new song

that just came out?

Anyway, Rose, did you read this week's Jump?


- You never let me read it anyway. - This is amazing!

Lisa, make sure you look after that Soul Reaper.

I'm watching him!

Shut up!

You're not watching him!

You're just looking at swimsuit models!

Shut up! Go away!

Don't interrupt me!

You're on duty today, right?

I just have to shout out, right?

All right...

One, two!

One, two!

One, two! One, two!

- One, two! - Lunch sure is late...

- One, two! - Baldy!

One, two!

One, two!

One, two!

One, two!

One, two!

One, two!

One, two!

I can't...do this!

What the hell are you doing?!

I'll slap you around if you act stupid, baldy!

Th-That's my line...

That's what I'd like to say!

You bragged about how you were going to

pound in the knowledge of how to suppress the Hollow within me.

So why do I have to row for more than a day

on this clearly handmade, beat up, silly machine?!

Are you stupid?!

Or rather, am I stupid for rowing on it like you told me to?!

That's right! You're stupid! You're the only stupid one!

- And you're bald! - We're back...

- Ah, thank you! - We finished training,

so stop blabbing and listen to us, baldy!

Shut up with the "baldy," fangs!

How can you consider this training?!

If you think I'm talking about your hair, you're wrong!

- I'm saying you're wearing a bald wig! - I bought you lunch...

- Also, my fangs are - Do you want to eat it now?

- my most attractive feature, baldy! - Ah! I will!

You called me baldy again!

How is Berry?

He's fuming.


It seems like he doesn't like the Super Hiyori Trainer.

What?! Only now?!

I don't think that Hiyori explained the trainer very well.

Why you...

I feel the same way...

She always says one or two things too little.

Don't complain. Row until you collapse!

Why you...!

Wait, Ichigo...

The Silly Hiyori Trainer...


...is the foundation of your future training.


The level of your training is determined

by how long you can row on that machine.

What do you mean by "level"?

It's as Hiyori says. Don't complain.

Keep rowing on the Silly Hiyori Trainer.

Want me to make you say it, baldy Shinji?!

I'll hurt you, baldy Shinji!

We'll teach you how to control your Hollow transformation...

When you are able to row on that machine

for at least three days straight.

N-No way!

I'm bound to row on this thing for three days or even a week!

I can tell after rowing on it all day!

A person expends an incredible amount of spirit energy

just by touching it.

That's what it's made to do!

Your plan is to see how many days it'll take for me to collapse,

so you can measure my maximum spirit energy capacity, isn't it?!

But with my current spirit energy,

I'll definitely go for at least five days!

There's no point in measuring!

Teach me how to control my Hollow transformation!

I don't have time!

I don't have time to be playing around with you Visored!

Shut up!

You don't have time?

That's surprising, coming from someone who doesn't know

about the Hogyoku's awakening time.

Wait... What did you just say?

I said, stop blabbing when you don't really know anything

about the Hogyoku or about Hollow transformations!

What's this? How do you know about the Hogyoku?

We know about the Hogyoku, the Arrancars, and Sosuke Aizen...

We've known all about them for many, many years.

I'll tell you the details another day.

I thought that I should take my time

and get your soul prepared our way...

But when I think about it...

You became a Soul Reaper, got your Shikai,

and got your Bankai at incredible speed.

How do you know about that?

I see...

As you say, it might be better for you

if we just teach you how to transform into a Hollow.

Here I go, Ichigo.

Don't regret it...

Hachi, build a double barrier.


Can you hear me, Ichigo?

Right now, you are going to undergo a complete Hollow transformation.

Don't get eaten! Consume it!

If you get eaten up...

...it's all over.

Hachi, place a barrier here, too.


Don't say that!

It's not cute when an old man says it!


Place seals all over Ichigo's body.


Wall of iron sand, monk-like tower, the shimmer of burning iron,

unmoving and silent until the end...

Bakudo !

Gochu Tekkan!


It's been a while... King...

What's wrong?

You look pretty gloomy...

Where is old man Zangetsu?

You bastard...

I don't understand.

When you talk about Zangetsu,

are you talking about the one that you're holding?


...is it the one...

...I'm holding?

A white Zangetsu...

You asked me where Zangetsu was, didn't you?

I'll answer you.

I'm Zangetsu!

It's here!

Say, shouldn't we hide his zanpakuto?

There wouldn't be any point.

That would just make him more frantic!

Hachigen, open this up.

I'm on duty today.

I'll go first.


Don't k*ll him.

Only if I don't die.

I'm Lisa Yadomaru.

Pleased to meet you.

You bastard! What did you do to old man Zangetsu?!

How persistent! Don't make me keep saying it!


Ichigo... I'm not sure if you know...

but Zangetsu and I... ere one to begin with.

Both Zangetsu and I are your power.

I was a part of Zangetsu.

Even though we all share a single body,

outlooks change depending on who's in control.

If life is in control, you have flesh.

If death is in control, you become bones.

It's the same reasoning.

My power has increased, control has switched over to me,

and Zangetsu has become a part of me.

The more you try to draw out Zangetsu's power,

the easier it's become to control your soul!

Is that so?

Then that means that if I defeat you here,

old man Zangetsu will become the center of my power once more.


Defeat me?

That's impossible.

You think so?

Tell me it's impossible after seeing this!

You just don't understand.

I'm telling you...

...it's impossible.


- ...kai! - ...kai!

I dressed up my five fingers with a manicure

And then what's glowing was me instead

Inspiration is like a goldfish

Or perhaps a voice

There's no sound that doesn't bounce back

Those lines stretching parallel to each other

They say one line turns beautiful, then deteriorate repeatedly

I'm standing right there, but the way is locked

The distance grows, but it's within reach

And even today

I trace your gibberish roman letters over and over with my left hand

The one you see the moment you open your eyes

What color will he paint your nails?

You there in front of the TV lacking exercise!

The Super Hiyori Trainer that Ichigo was using

can be yours for a low, low price!

Buy it now,

and you can get it signed by Hiyori Sarugaki, the Bleach heroine!

Isn't that fraud in two different ways?

What did you say?!

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers! Golden!

Hold my breath! Hold it!

- Kon! - That voice!

- Give me back my gigai! - That's...

- That's my perfect body! - Kon!

- If I trade places with him now, - Where are you?!

all my woes will be gone!

Hanataro! Toss that over here!

Oh! O-Okay!

EXTRACTION PRINCESS All right, now! May misfortune be upon you!

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