06x07 - The Evil Eye, Aizen Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x07 - The Evil Eye, Aizen Returns

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

Soul Reapers...

They are the spiritual guardians of the World of the Living.

They are the balancers who keep a close eye on the countless souls,

good and evil, that fill this world.

Aizen, who has brought chaos upon the Soul Society,

has begun to set his plan in motion.

Arrancars, created by Aizen using the Hogyoku,

a material that removes the boundaries between Soul Reapers and Hollows,

appear in Karakura Town.

Damn it! I can't move my body!

I deny you... so now you'll get in my way?!

Damn it!

Ulquiorra and Yammy defeat Ichigo,

but Urahara and Yoruichi manage to drive them back in the nick of time.

Ichigo falls into a depression,

but before him appears Captain Hitsugaya's advance guard,

who have been sent from Soul Society to confront the Arrancars.


It's those guys who beat you up the other day!

More precisely, there are three classes within the Menos.

The first is the "Gillian."

The second is "Adjuchas."

And the third is "Vasto Lordes."

They are the top class within the Menos.

They are equal to humans in size.

There are said to be only a few of them within Hueco Mundo, but...

I'll give it to you straight.

These Vasto Lordes are stronger than our Soul Reaper captains!

If Aizen now has more than ten of these Vasto Lorde

under his control...

It'll be the end of Soul Society.

We have returned...Lord Aizen.

Welcome back, Ulquiorra... Yammy...

Now, tell me of your achievements... in front of your brothers.

Show me, Ulquiorra...

...what you saw and felt in the World of the Living, everything.

Yes, sir.

Please have a look.

I see...

And that is why you decided he was not worth k*lling.

Yes. Your orders were to "k*ll him if he proved to be a hindrance to us."

How soft of you!

I would've squashed those bastards with my first blow.


Whatever the reasoning,

if "k*ll him" was a part of the order,

it would have been best to k*ll him, of course! Right?!

I agree... whatever the case, he's the enemy.

There may have been no reason to k*ll him,

but there was even less reason to let him live.

And besides, Yammy!

You were beaten up pretty bad!

You may say he wasn't worth k*lling,

but it just sounds like you couldn't k*ll him.

Damn you, Grimmjow...

Weren't you watching?

The ones who beat me up

were the guy wearing clogs and the dark-skinned girl.

You don't get it, do you?

I'm saying I would have k*lled those two with one blow as well!

What's that?!



Do you understand that our problem isn't this guy as he is now?


What Lord Aizen is worried about is not this guy as he is now,

but this guy's rate of growth.

True, his potential powers were amazing.

But they were as unstable as they were great.

If we leave things as is,

then there's a chance of him either destroying himself,

or that we could bring him under our control.

That's why I came back without k*lling him.

That's why I'm saying you're soft!

If he gets bigger than you predict and turns against us,

what do you plan to do?!

If that happens, I'll get rid of him. That's all.

Can't complain about that, can you?

Yes, well... That's fine.

Do whatever you want...Ulquiorra.

Thank you very much.

Say, is that really going to get it out?

Oh... It's out! This is it!

Ugh... It just seems so yucky...

The Soul Candy came out so easily...

It sure is made simply, or should I say poorly.

- That's the Department of Research... - Hey...

- and Development for you, very unique. - Hey, I said!

What do you want?

When are you guys going back home?

What do you mean? we're not going home.

We're going to stay until our fight with the Arrancars is over.

Huh! You're staying? But where are you going to sleep?

Let me make this clear.

We don't have enough space to keep all of you!

Huh?! Not even me?

Y-Yikes! If you think about it, you're the last person I'd allow to stay!

For that matter, I have no idea why you would think

I'd let you stay in the first place!

What are you doing?!

You may undo a button, but what's impossible is impossible!

Not even if you lift your skirt a little!

Damn! I will not give in to temptation!

I'm a man who never gives in to temptation!

If that's the case, why don't you close your fingers?

Well, for now... I'll have Orihime put me up!

What do you mean? Did you already get her permission?

Not yet, but she's the type that just can't say "no."

Wha--? Inoue and Rangiku will be sleeping in the same room...

What a wonderful forbidden flower garden!

How about a little mascot for your flower gard-!

Do you want to come too, Captain?

You think I'd go, idiot?!

You should come! It'll be fun.

For you, maybe.

We're going too.

You have somewhere to go?

Of course not.

No need to worry.

And most of all, I won't depend on you.

I'll find a place to stay on my own.

You'd better... keep that wooden sword hidden!

Well then, I'll be going to Mr. Urahara's place.

You're going to live off of him again?

Of course not!


There's something I want to ask him about...

Is that so...?

Be careful!

So... Where do you plan to stay?

Hey! Wait a minute!

- Rukia! - Don't be a fool!

This is the only place for me, of course!

Are you crazy?! My family has seen you!

What excuse are you planning to give them?!

Listen to me, you...!


I smell a Hollow... Shall we take care of it?

Leave it. Too much trouble.

There's that Soul Reaper Kurumadani or whatever in charge, right?

Hm... I guess so.

But for a Hollow, it smells a little funny...

Why do I keep worrying over it? I feel stupid...

And you know, Kurosaki has recovered!

And you know...


I guess... Kuchiki is really something...

I think I'm...a little jealous.


And so you see. I've lost everything...

my place to stay and my money for food.

Oh boy...

Please let her stay here, Dad!

You've got it, Yuzu! That's exactly what I was thinking!

Stay as long as you like, Rukia!

No, no... Keep that thumb hidden, will you?

They'll catch on to your act.

Mother! Listen to me, Mother!

I now have a third daughter!

Of course, judging from the way he's acting,

there's no sign he has any doubts.

Yeah... It hit me in that instant!

A uniform, depending on who's wearing it,

can become a lethal blade!

Like an invincible blade

that can shred our steel armor of logic into nothingness.

Will you pipe down? I'll leave you behind.

Huh?! Wait!

- You have no reaction at all? - Ah, no... I don't mean you!

Hey! Hold it, will you?


What is that...?

I'm really going to leave you behind, Mr. Asano!

Quit being so formal!

I mean...! I saw this really realistic monster up in the sky!

Will you stop that, Mr. Asano?!

Stop that!

You want to stay over? Here?

That's fine, but... Why?

- Great answer! - O-Ow...!

I knew you'd say that!

That's what I love about you, Orihime!

In that case, can I take a bath?

All the excitement today got me all sweaty...

in my cleavage!

Oh... The bathroom's this...

Why don't you join me, Orihime?


I've already had my-

Ouch! Ouch! That hurts Rangiku!

Oh! Just a minute!


If you have nowhere else to go, you can come in.


Noisy woman.

How's the bath?

It's fine, but a little small...

I'm sorry.

Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean it that way.

Say... Why are you so down today?

What? I-I'm not down...

You can talk to me about it. I'll listen.

Oh...but...I'm not down.

If you don't talk to me, I'll do something painful to you.

I'm sorry I was so weak!

And next time, I swear...

I will protect you.

Kuchiki is...really something, isn't she?

Kurosaki was so depressed for so long but she cheered him up.

She gave him a swift boot... and made him perk up.

I'm terrible, aren't I?

I wanted Kurosaki to cheer up. That's all I wanted...

Or so I thought, but...

When Kuchiki came back and cheered up Kurosaki...

I should have been really happy, and yet...

And yet...

And yet...I-I'm jealous... of Kuchiki.

Kuchiki is kind and gentle... strong and pretty...

and she cheered up Kurosaki.

I really like her...but why am I so...

I don't feel like this in school,

but when I return home and I'm alone, I'm a mess.

Oh... This is so embarrassing! I'm terrible...



Silly girl.

Tickle-tickle-tickle- tickle-tickle-tickle!

Please stop! Rangiku-san...

Ouch! Oh, I hit my head!

Silly girl... You should just be yourself.

You and Kuchiki both...

Ichigo is still a kid who can't stand up by himself.

That's why he needs both you and Kuchiki.

What's wrong with being jealous?

Why, you're trying your best

to come to terms with your serious emotions, aren't you?

Do you know?

It's so much easier to run away from those emotions;

tossing them at the other person.

You're standing firm, trying to deal with them.

That's really cool, you know...Orihime.

There, there... Let it all out, you!

You can cry on my chest, anytime!

Everyone here?

You didn't let anyone see you, I hope.

Of course not.



On the way here,

I felt strong Spiritual Pressure from several sources.

It doesn't match Ulquiorra's report.

Turn the Pesquisa all the way up!

Just as I thought... There are a lot more...

I guess they've called for reinforcements from Soul Society.

If they'd nipped it in the bud,

things wouldn't have gotten so complicated.

That's why I say you're soft... Ulquiorra!

D Roy...





Capture all of them!

If they show even a hint of Spiritual Pressure, capture them all!


They just gave me your sister's room.

Well, that's to be expected.

I was planning to stay in your closet!

Don't tell me. Talk to my dad!

But that's why I brought some things to fix up that dingy closet.

Light! Bell! Massager! A little window!

Worse and worse!

And didn't you just slip in the word œdingy?

Here you go

What is it?

Strange face

Shut up!

Don't you think it's strange, Yumichika?

What is?

ThisThis handmade riceball.

They're handmade, but so neat,

and packed in this complicated wrapping.

They're lined up in all the stores.

And according to the salesgirl, they're replaced several times a day.

I tell you, it's insane!

I can't believe that salesgirl has that sort of ability.

I say there's somebody pulling strings in the background!

What a coincidence

I just came to the same conclusion!

I ate so much! I've had my fill! It was delicious, Orihime!


Of course!

It didn't look all that great, but it tasted great.

Oh, I'm so glad!

No matter how much I cook, there's no one to eat the food

so I thought maybe there was something wrong with my taste buds!

Oh, yes! Would you like some ice cream, Rangiku?

Oh, that sounds good!

Let's see

If you put all kinds of toppings on it, it's even better!

What would you like?

“ Delicious! “ Delicious!

What do you have in yours, Orihime?

Would you like to try it?

What a weird color! But it might be good!

“ Yum! “ Yum!

Have you captured them all? You will show them no mercy!

If they show even a glimmer of Spiritual Pressure, k*ll them all!

Don't let a single one escape!

Let's go!

I met you at age

and we had an eternal love

Beneath cherry blossoms petals

gently fluttering downward

That steep and sunny hill

where I ran up to see you,

And our shadows at the corner of the park,

they are still unchanged even today

You, me, and cherry blossom days,

we dance and sway in the wind

Holding in our heart the unseen future,

we look up at the pink sky

The blade of your Tensa Zangetsu is as black as your heart.

Shut up! Why, your heart is normally much blacker!

What are you saying?!

My heart is as pure and white as this zanpakuto.

What's with that zanpakuto?

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

The mail is here.

Here you go.

Seventh Seat Yamada, what about the rest?

Yes, well, they're addressed to Eighth Seat Ogido!

They're mostly from women.

Eighth Seat Ogido is popular with women.

Humph! I just can't understand why that guy is so popular!

Th-That's right.

You have many finer points, Third Seat Iemura!

For example?

“ Er, uh “ Er, uh

There's none?!
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