06x06 - Mission! The Shinigami Have Come

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x06 - Mission! The Shinigami Have Come

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

Soul Reapers...

They are the spiritual guardians of the World of the Living.

They are the balancers who keep a close eye

on the countless souls, good and evil, that fill this world.

Aizen, who has brought chaos upon the Soul Society,

has begun to set his plan in motion.

Arrancars, created by Aizen using the Hogyoku,

a material that removes the boundaries between Soul Reapers and Hollows,

appear in Karakura Town.


Ichigo prepares to battle Ulquiorra and Yammy,

sent to Karakura Town by Aizen,

but the voice of the Hollow within him

makes it impossible for him to fight.

Ichigo is saved by Urahara and Yoruichi.

We'll report to Lord Aizen...

that the wannabe Soul Reaper he has set his eyes on...is trash.

Not even worth k*lling.

It's all because I'm weak.

I don't know what I can do other than apologize.

Yo! How you doing, Ichigo?

R-Renji?! Ikkaku?!

Yumichika, Rangiku...Toshiro?!

That's Captain Hitsugaya to you!

What...are you all doing here?

Orders from above.

We were ordered to enter this world to prepare

for a full-on battle with the Arrancars,

and join up with the Substitute Soul Reaper.

Arran...? What's that?

Huh...? Were you fighting without knowing who your opponents were?



It's those guys who beat you up the other day!


Miss Kuchiki...?!

Wait a sec... She just came through the window?!

Well, she hasn't been in school for a while...

Idiot... This has nothing to do with her not coming to school!

But...who the heck is that redhead and skinhead?

Wh-What the hell was that for, Rukia?


Why you--!

What's with that sorry look?! Come with me!

I knew this would happen.

Yeah. He's always so much trouble...

Well, that look on his face would make anyone want to do that.

You think so?

I thought that gloomy look on his face was pretty stimulating.

What are you talking about?

There's nothing to get stimulated by!

I wasn't asking you for your opinion, Yumichika.

Then who were you asking?! Ikkaku?

Why me?!

Listen, you guys... quiet down, will you?

Hey... Take a look at that...

What's wrong with Kurosaki?

Did he faint?

Oh, no... Isn't he dead?

I'm telling you, those guys are bad news.

With that red hair and those tattoos...

Don't let them bother you, Renji. It's just human silly talk.

A blonde with big boobs and a silver-haired elementary student...

A bob-haired narcissist and a baldy with a wooden sword.



Who just called me "baldy"? Step up...

You'd better not let it bother you.

It's just human silly talk, after all.

Hold it right there! I'll slice you to ribbons!

I'll help you out, Ikkaku!

Can someone take over this job, please?

Hey, Rukia! Where do you think you're taking me?!

Shush! Just shut up and run!

Okay! There!

Hey, what's here...?

Oh! A Hollow?!

That's right. Go get 'im!



Damn you!

What are you doing?! Hurry up and fight him!

You call that fighting?!


Normally, you wouldn't have any trouble at all

defeating a Hollow like this one!

Quit complaining. You don't have to tell me what to do!

Damn you... I'm gonna...

I'm getting closer for sure.

If I keep getting closer like this...

I'll swallow you up...!

- Then... - Stop! Stop it!

...you'll disappear!

I know...

Ever since you got beaten by the Arrancars,

you haven't transformed into a Soul Reaper, have you?

What are you so afraid of?!


They got Chad! They got Inoue!

So what?!

Are you such a sorry person

that you'd lose heart over something like that?

Are you afraid of losing?!

Are you afraid because you can't protect your comrades?!

Or is it...that you're afraid of the Hollow within you?!

If you're afraid of losing, just become stronger.

If you're afraid because you cannot protect your comrades,

just become stronger,

and swear to them that you will protect them.

If you're afraid of the Hollow within you,

then become stronger until you're able to destroy it.

Even if no one else believes in you,

just beat your chest and shout that pledge!

That is the kind of man you are in my heart!

You're noisy...both of you!

Here I come!



Hey! It's been a while! Or...maybe not...

You've gotten over your injuries?

Yeah... Thanks to you, I'm fine.

No... I didn't do anything.

How long can you stay here this time?

I'll tell you about that later.

Come on!



I'm sorry I was so weak!


I...will get stronger.

I'll get stronger... and next time, I swear...

I will protect you.

Thank goodness... He's back to his usual self.

Thank you... Kurosaki.

Thank you, Kuchiki...

Welcome back!

I'm telling you, it's the truth!

If you mix ginger ale and lactic acid soda,

two parts to one, at that beverage bar...

It's amazing!

It'll taste like hair tonic! Isn't that amazing?!

Oh? Isn't that amazing? Just leave it to you, Mr. Asano.

It's probably your tongue...

What?! Why're you suddenly so formal?

Was I so irritating that you wanted to put some distance between us?

Hey...Mizuiro! Don't ignore me...

Our classroom seems a little noisy.

Huh? Yeah, you're right!

Okay! I'll go and scout the area!

Hey! Who in the world is stirring things up without me?


Huh? What the heck are you looking at?!

I'll grind you up, make meatballs, fry you crisp

into a minced fish and eat you up! Damn you!

Quit it will you, Baldy?

Huh? What do you think you're doing, Matsumoto?!

Slapping my head like that...

Shut up! If you keep it up, I'm going to tell Yachiru.

Uh...come on...listen... Don't do that, will you?

You should have listened to me to begin with!

The rest of you, don't dawdle, will you?

It's time we all left, you blockheads!

You're not including me when you say "blockheads," are you?

Oh, of course not... You're not one of them, Captain.

Lately, Captain, your persecution complex has been showing.

That's a naughty uniform, Sister!

Hey...is this guy okay?

Never mind him! Now, time to withdraw!

If you lie around like that, you look like a fixture, Mr. Asano.

You're still being formal...



You haven't changed, have you, Kon?

This stomping foot hasn't changed, either.

This is, without a doubt, Sister...

I...I am so happy!

Quit fooling around. Hurry up and go on in, will you?

This little room hasn't changed, either.

Quit it, will you? Leave off the "little."

Don't compare this with Byakuya's place!

Sorry... It just slipped out.

Yeah, right... Hey! Don't sit on my bed!

Well, why not? Gee, you're stingy.

Shut up! You can just sit on the floor, idiot!

- Boy, you're so stingy... - What's going on?

I wondered why no one was downstairs.

What are you two doing?

Shh! This is terrible! Ichigo's brought a girl home!

He brought a girl home

back when he was in middle school too, remember?

Like Tatsuki...

She's not like Tatsuki!

She's more...uh...girlie!

Tatsuki's gotten more curves since she entered high school.


Don't you start slobbering, Stupid Dad!

Anyway, as long as he doesn't bring home someone at Orihime's level,

I won't be surprised.

Humph! Karin!

That's right! There's no way Ichigo would be so popular.

Quit all the racket, you guys!

See, he got mad!

I'm sorry!

Humph! Getting all excited at my expense...

Your family's just as funny as ever.

Shut up!

Never mind that. Just tell me what the heck an Arrancar is...


Why are we being targeted?!

Hold it!

Huh? That voice?! Renji?! Where are you?

If you want to know about that, we'll tell you!


Yo, Ichigo! Long time no see... well, maybe not.

You guys... What have you done to my room light? Huh?!

I thought you'd see the light!

What's that...?

Now, don't get all serious like that.

Let's try to enjoy all this, shall we?

That uniform is a dangerous w*apon, Sister!

Is that the latest fad?

No, he's always like this.


The Arrancars are a group of Hollows that have removed their masks,

and have gained the powers of both Hollows and Soul Reapers.

Until recently, they were few and imperfect

but now that Aizen, with his Hogyoku, has come into contact with them,

mature Arrancar have been born.

That's what those two were the other day.

You're with us so far?

Yeah, I understand...

If not for the sketchbook I'd understand it better.

In the beginning,

Soul Society planned to take a wait-and-see attitude

until Aizen decided to take matters into his own hands.

On our side,

three of our captains pulled out and went over to the enemy.

Besides, things were in an uproar due to that Bount incident.

But meanwhile, the Arrancars were completed quicker than we expected

and they were sent into this world, so we couldn't sit back any longer.

And that's when we were quickly selected.

Who made the selections?

General Captain Yamamoto.

The Central has been vacant since Aizen eliminated the leaders.

During its vacancy,

the General Captain has the decision-making authority.

So, the one who knows you best, Rukia, was chosen...

No! I was chosen for my abilities!

And out of the combatants they could mobilize,

I was selected for being the closest to Rukia.

Then I was told to choose

those other than the captains that I trusted most,

so I asked Ikkaku to accompany me.

Then Yumichika said he had to come along and

Rangiku, who heard the uproar,

said she wanted to come because it sounded interesting.

Rangiku wouldn't be swayed,

so Captain Hitsugaya was forced to come along to supervise.

And so we're here.

Is this a picnic?!

Anyway... Aizen's definitely got his eye on you, Ichigo Kurosaki.

Aha! It's Captain Hitsugaya,

the only one who refused to go up into the ceiling with us!

Were you waiting up on the roof all this time?

That's not good!

You know how you stand out like a silver-haired elementary student.

Shut up!

It's true that an Arrancar is born

when the mask is removed from a Hollow.

But removing the mask of your run-of-the-mill Hollow

wouldn't get you much of anything.

If you're serious about declaring w*r on Soul Society

it'll naturally be something greater than the Menos.

Greater than the Menos?

What? That sounds like you're saying

there are Hollows stronger than the Menos.

Yeah... Well, more precisely,

there are three classes within the Menos.

The first is the "Gillian," the lowest class within the Menos,

and they are many.

Their characteristic is that they all look the same.

The Hollow you banished in this world,

soon after you gained the power of a Soul Reaper was of this kind.

I guess you could call them the small fry.

That one...was a small fry?

They're huge, but their movements are sluggish

and they are no more intelligent than beasts.

It doesn't take much for a captain to k*ll one.

The problem begins with the next level.

The second class is the "Adjuchas."

They're somewhat smaller than the Gillians,

and there are fewer of them,

but they are highly intelligent and much better fighters than the Gillians.

They control the large numbers of Gillians.

And the third are the Vasto Lordes.

They are the top class within the Menos.

They are equal to humans in size.

There are said to be only a few of them within Hueco Mundo, but...

I'll give it to you straight.

These Vasto Lordes are stronger than our Soul Reaper captains!

The power gained by the Menos

by turning into Arrancars is an unknown quantity.

But now that three of our captains have defected to lead the Menos,

this is a fact...

If Aizen now has more than ten of these Vasto Lordes

under his control...

It'll be the end of Soul Society.

We have returned...Lord Aizen.

Welcome back... Ulquiorra... Yammy...

Now, tell me of your achievements in front of your brothers.

I met you at age

and we had an eternal love

Beneath cherry blossoms petals

gently fluttering downward

That steep and sunny hill

where I ran up to see you,

...And our shadows at the corner of the park,

they are still unchanged even today

You, me, and cherry blossom days,

we dance and sway in the wind

Holding in our heart the unseen future,

we look up at the pink sky

In the next episode,

I will hold a dinner show at my palace in Hueco Mundo.

You can look forward to Ulquiorra's report

on the World of the Living.

I am at your service, Lord Aizen.

Uh... Where will it be held?

That is a secret.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Tetsuzaemon...for a long time now...

I haven't received any orders to go to the World of the Living...

I wonder why...


it takes a very serious situation to warrant sending a captain.

I have even prepared a gigai

so that I can go to the World of the Living at any time.

Captain Komamura's gigai...?!

I wonder why...

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