06x05 - Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia and Shinigami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x05 - Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia and Shinigami

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

Soul Reapers...

They are the spiritual guardians of the World of the Living.

They are the balancers who keep a close eye

on the countless souls, good and evil, that fill this world.

Aizen, who has brought chaos upon the Soul Society,

has begun to set his plan in motion.

Arrancars, created by Aizen using the Hogyoku,

a material that removes the boundaries between Soul Reapers and Hollows,

appear in Karakura Town.

Around the same time, Visored,

Soul Reapers who have awakened the powers of the Hollow,

appear before Ichigo.

Hirako, one of the Visored, invites Ichigo to join them.

Sensing the power of the Hollow dwelling within,

Ichigo feels fear.

Despite his anxiety,

he challenges the Arrancars, Ulquiorra and Yammy, sent by Aizen.

What do you wanna do, Ulquiorra?

She has a rare power.

Should we take her alive and present her to Aizen?


No, that's not necessary. Erase her, Yammy.


Sorry...for being late, Inoue.


Sorry. I'm sorry, Kurosaki.

If... If only I was stronger...

Don't apologize, Inoue. And don't worry...

I'll take care of these guys.

It'll all be over!


Tensa Zangetsu.

Incredible... This is Kurosaki's Bankai.

This is the first time I'm seeing it up close,

and it's so amazing.


It feels a bit different from what I felt on Sokyoku Hill.

The Spiritual Pressure is violent and rough...

It's so heavy and thick, I can barely breathe.

It's like this isn't Kurosaki...

Inoue. Stay back.

All right.


Hey, Ulquiorra... This guy...

Yeah... Who would have thought

your silly maneuvers would smoke him out so easily?

Orange hair... A black Bankai...

No doubt about it. He's our target, Yammy.

I saved us the trouble of searching, huh?


Are you the one who hurt Chad's right arm?

Hah! So what if I did?

- My arm! My arm! - You fool...

- Damn! What's this?! - That's what you get for

- What's this?! - lunging out like that

without gauging the enemy's strength.

That's why I keep telling you to master the Pesquisa.

But that kid...

He sliced through Yammy's Hierro, Iron Skin,

and cut off his arm.

I heard it's only been a short while since he learned to use Bankai...

But his Spiritual Pressure is exceedingly strong.

Still, this level of power can't possibly pose a threat to Lord Aizen.

Damn...you brat!

You can still stand?

You're tough, all right.

It seems you're having a hard time. Shall I take over?

Shut up!

You need to resort to your zanpakuto for a foe like him?

I said, shut up!


So that sword at his waist is a zanpakuto!

The cracked Hollow mask...

The hole in his chest... Zanpakuto...

As I was heading over here,

I thought the Spiritual Pressure felt odd.

Who are these two?!

Are they like us?!

Like Hirako and me?

Switch places!

Damn it! He's here!


If you switch with me, I'll take care this guy!

Disappear! Disappear! Disappear! Disappear!

I'm not your...!


Stay back, Inoue!


Shut up!

Damn it! I can't move my body!

I deny you... so now you'll get in my way?!

Damn it!

I don't know what's going on,

but he suddenly stopped moving!


That kid's Spiritual Pressure resonance has suddenly increased.

And the range of his resonance is abnormal.

When it's low, his Pressure is trash...

But when it's high, it's more than mine.

What's going on?

It's over, kid!

Break apart and disappear!


Hello there.

Sorry I'm late! Kurosaki!


People keep getting in the way. It's such a bother!

Coming between us means you're asking to be k*lled first...


I'll tend to them.

Sure thing.

You bastards!




He's fine. Don't worry.

Can you swallow?


You're not a graceful loser, are you?

A Sero?!

That'll teach you! I pulverized you!

No one can dodge my Sero from this range.

Who are you?! Whaddya do?!

How did you live through my Sero...?

Well you see...

If I deflected it, I would have put the others in danger.

So I just used something similar to offset it.


If you don't believe me, shall I demonstrate it?

Scream... Benihime!


What was that for?

Fool! The blood's gone to your head, Yammy.

These two are Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin...

At your level, you don't stand a chance against them.


Running away?

A very foolish taunt.

The two of you would fight me

while trying to protect trash who are on the verge of death...?

Surely, you know the odds lie in my favor...

In any case, our mission is over.

We'll report to Lord Aizen...

...that the wannabe Soul Reaper he has set his eyes on...is trash.

Not even worth k*lling.

I'm home!

I bought juice.

Ururu, Jinta...

How is Yoruichi's condition?

It looks like your arm is fine.


My arms and legs are fine for everyday living.

And in combat?

I messed up by not striking a blow while using Shunko.

I didn't expect that the Arrancar's outer skin

would be so dense in Spiritual Pressure.

Kisuke... They're strong.

At least, they're much stronger than what we expected.

Annoying, annoying, annoying, annoying!

It's so depressing in here!

On a day like this, it's best to go out and pick up some gals!

See you, Ichigo!

Ow! Damn, freeloaders have to be so considerate!

Sheesh! I'm risking my body like this!

Show some reaction at least!

Hey, you! Don't ignore me!

Well, I'm gonna find a cute gal!

And I won't introduce you to her!

I'll just have some fun all by myself!

Lots of fun! Too bad if you regret it later!

Did you hear me, you punk?!

Hey, hey, hey! Say something!

That Ichigo... what's wrong with him anyway?

Dad, please come!

Someone's causing a disturbance

- outside the house! - Oh no! Th-That voice!

Oh! It's Bostov!

What are you doing here?! Oh, you're so dirty!

If this keeps up, I...


No, no, no...

I can't be down in the dumps like this...!


Wh-What's wrong, Orihime?! You're hurt!

Oh, I fell down the stairs.

No way! No way!

You can't have fallen down the stairs!

Don't laugh!

You were absent for five days! And look at this!

Don't make me worry so much!

You're not going to hug me today?

How can I?


What is it, Kurosaki?

Nah, it's okay.

It's nothing.

What's with him?

Sorry, Chizuru. I need to go to the bathroom.

Huh? Hey, Orihime!

Please don't apologize...

I jumped in without anybody asking and...

I got hurt without anybody asking.

It doesn't hurt at all.

So...please don't look like that and don't apologize.


Even Chad was hurt.

Tatsuki nearly died...

It's all because I'm weak.

I don't know what I can do other than apologize.

So? Where is it?

I don't know.

Hey, when we were leaving, you had that note.

I lost it.

What're you doing?!

C'mon Renji, you show us the way.

You know your way around the World of the Living, right?

You've been here too!

Just for an instant.

Quit rambling on!

Just search for the Spiritual Pressure!

Well whatever.

But World of the Living guys wear such weird clothes!

It's called a uniform.

Students on this side are required to wear it.

I'll bet you studied up on that.

Leave me alone!

Besides, something's wrong with yours.

But man, these clothes are so tight.

Then be like us and

don't tuck your shirt in.

Don't be ridiculous! If I did that

I wouldn't be able to push my sword through my belt.

Actually, I think the sword is wrong too.

Shut up! You guys said I couldn't bring a real sword,

so I'm making do with a wooden one!

We didn't say that.

It's the law in the World of the Living!

I don't understand!

What kind of law says a real sword is bad?!

What's the big deal?

I sorta like this.

You're the only one pleased with your appearance.

Shut up, you guys!

If you don't want to cause a disturbance,

then start by walking quietly!

Yes sir.

Here we are. It's this room.

Well, open it.

Yo! How you doing, Ichigo?

R-Renji?! Ikkaku?!

Yumichika, Rangiku...Toshiro?!

That's Captain Hitsugaya to you!

What...are you all doing here?

Orders from above.

We were ordered to enter this world

to prepare for a full-on battle with the Arrancars,

and join up with the Substitute Soul Reaper.

Arran...? What's that?

Huh? Were you fighting without knowing who your opponents were?



It's those guys who beat you up the other day!


It's been awhile, Ichigo!

I met you at age

and we had an eternal love

Beneath cherry blossoms petals

gently fluttering downward

That steep and sunny hill

where I ran up to see you,

...And our shadows at the corner of the park,

they are still unchanged even today

You, me, and cherry blossom days,

we dance and sway in the wind

Holding in our heart the unseen future,

we look up at the pink sky

Rangiku, what's with that get-up...?

What're you talking about? Everybody likes uniforms, don't they?

I've also come up with a nurse's outfit and a maid's outfit.

Umm, umm... A maid is...

I thought about dressing up our captain as well,

but he seemed against it.


Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Gee, thank you so much...

What a treat.

Here are the ingredients.

Oh, I don't see any meat.

I don't either.


Did you forget? It's okay, I prepared some.

This is delicious!

Captain, where'd you get it? This meat...

I caught it by the front door earlier.

Huh?! Bonnie!
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