06x04 - Prelude to the Apocalypse, The Arrancar's Offensive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x04 - Prelude to the Apocalypse, The Arrancar's Offensive

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

With their battle against the Bounts over,

Ichigo and his friends return to the World of the Living,

and their peaceful lives.

However, a transfer student shatters that peace.

The mystery student, Shinji Hirako,

declares he belongs to the Visored, the Masked Army.

The Visored are Soul Reapers

who have awakened to the powers of the Hollow.

Hirako urges Ichigo to join them, saying he is like them,

and should not be siding with the Soul Reapers.

Meanwhile, the Grand Fisher appears before Kon,

who was in control of Ichigo's body.

The Grand Fisher brushes off the attack by Lirin's group

and advances toward Kon.

But just as Kon is about to be overwhelmed

by the Grand Fisher's vicious att*cks,

an unexpected figure appears.

Did you get it? Your revenge?

You came...

The new enemies that Isshin and Urahara spoke of are the Arrancars,

and the mysterious group, the Visored.

Meanwhile, Ishida learns that his father is a Quincy.

Once you become a Visored, you can't go back.

You're already on our side, Ichigo.

And the situation takes a turn...


Welcome home...


Huh? Hey, why didn't he?

H-Hey Dad, what're you doing?!

Are you all right, Brother?

Wh-What's the matter, Ichigo? You seem awfully depressed.

Hmm...I get it. You messed up on today's test, huh?!

Don't worry, Ichigo.

I, Isshin Kurosaki, am not such a petty man

as to quibble about test scores!

Your grades went down? So what?!

Who cares about grades?! It's a pile of crap!

I can't believe those are words coming from a parent's mouth.

A high school student should be more involved in stuff like love,

things you can't tell a parent!

- Is love something - So go for it!

- you can't tell your parents about? - Go!

Yes! % of pubic love is like that!

You mean adolescent love.

Sorry, I'll be in my room until dinnertime.

Huh? Ichigo?


It's because you didn't apologize properly, Dad! Geez!

Huh? Hey! If it isn't Ichigo! You're back early.

It's not like I was waiting for you. But welcome back.

What? What? What?!

Here I am, greeting you nicely!

You're looking all pale like a wax doll coated with three layers of wax!

Say something! Hey!

Oh yeah, how was your old man?

Like always? Or was he different from his usual self?

Hey you!

Come on, everyone. Let's all go home.

- Okay. - Okay.

Also, what you all saw... naturally, do not say a word about it!

Quit saying things like "old man," you stupid stuffed animal!

Kisuke will turn you into a mountain of felt and cotton stuffing!

I'm so glad I came over to check on things.

Everything's so normal, I could yawn!

And that's unnecessary!


What's the matter?



Sorry... Could you leave me alone?


What's with you?! So gloomy from the minute you get home?!

Hey you, what...?!

So you're down in the dumps? How disgusting!

Well, I won't keep you company.

I'm going for a walk. Let's go, Lirin!


Just come with me!

Hey, what...?!

If he wants to brood by himself, then be my guest!

Hey, what's the big idea?!

Sheesh... You have to be considerate when you're a freeloader.

Huh! Trying to act all cool!

After I...drove "him" away...

That mask kept falling back into my hands,

no matter how much I tried throwing away.

It suddenly disappeared.

And ever since...

Ever since then, I can hear it. It's inside my head, calling to me.

I don't need Hirako to tell me...

If this keeps up...

"If this keeps up," what?


You're getting too worked up, aren't you, Ichigo?

You're so easy to figure out.

How fun. I'll make you even more scared!

I'll get closer to you little by little.

And not just day-by-day, but much faster!

See? I'm much closer to you right now then a moment ago!

I'll get closer and closer to you... and I'll swallow you up!

Then you'll...disappear.

This is bad, isn't it?

See you!

So what...do I do?

Brother, can I come in?


I want you to tell me...Ichigo.

What's bothering you?

What're you saying? Nothing's bothering me.

I know...

I know that...

you're a Soul Reaper!


Nothing, as usual.

Man, I'm tired.

When you're on the clock and nothing's happening,

it's t*rture, eh?

Hey Rin! Will you stop munching on sweets all the time?!

Go make some tea!

Learn to be more considerate, you dunce!

I-I'm sorry! I'll...

I have a reading!

Position to , east section of Karakura Town.

Please assist and verify!

Hey! Everything okay?

Yeah! Perfect timing, Akon!


Look! Here it comes.

What was that?! Something fell!

I'm...a Soul Reaper?

Wh-What's that?

Soul Reaper? What're you talking about, Karin?!

- You... - Don't act dumb!

I've been able to see... for quite a while now.

At first, I didn't understand what it was.

But Mr. Kanonji...

What...is this Spiritual Pressure?!



Dad? Did you feel an earthquake just now?



Sorry, I don't have time.

Where are you going, Ichigo?!


Reporting! Message received from Squad !

Arrancars have been detected in the eastern section of Karakura Town!

There are two of them!

From the Spiritual Pressure, density, and stability,

we believe they are fully developed.

Hey, Arisawa! Let's call it a day!

You can go on in. I'm gonna run a bit.

You're sure into it as always.

See you tomorrow!

Karin, there was a big bang just now...

What's wrong? Are you all right?

It's nothing. I'm fine...

Are you sure?

Really. He wants some privacy until dinner's ready.



I came here quite often when I had my mask,

but the World of the Living is as boring a place as ever.

The reishi density here is so thin, I can hardly breathe.

Stop complaining. I told you I can manage alone.

You're the one who insisted on coming, Yammy.

Yeah, yeah.

Sorry, sorry.

- A meteorite? - I don't see anything.

Then what was it that fell here?

- Is it okay to get close? - Better not!

- This is sorta creepy... - Don't worry!

What's this?

Don't come near me when you don't even have any Spirit Energy!


Wait, Sado!

It's useless, Inoue... He's already dead.


You can see that, can't you?

All the souls in this area are being completely sucked up.


Not another...?

No, it's different from the Bount. They're gone now.

Besides, the method is different from the Bount,

and so is the scale.

Then who could it be? And why?

Let's hurry.


Can I ask you one favor, Inoue?


When we reach the site...

If there are any survivors, take them and leave.

But Sado, you'll be alone to...

I know you want to battle.

But I cannot heal the wounded.

Only you can save the ones who have survived.

Please, Inoue.

Yuck! That tasted awful!

Naturally. Weak souls like that wouldn't taste good.

But they kept staring at me like I was some freak show.

They can't see us. They weren't looking at you.

I know, but it's still irritating!

So? How many are we supposed to k*ll anyway?

One. There's no need to k*ll anyone else.

This place is overflowing with them... and you wanna k*ll just one?

Here in the World of the Living

I'm told there are perhaps three

who have the Spiritual Pressure to fight up to par.

The rest are trash. It will be easy to search them out.

I'm surprised.


There's a survivor.

Wh-What happened?!

Wh-What are they?

Wh-What is this?! I can't look away...

So...I can't suck out her soul with my Gonzui, soul suck.

Whether she's out in the open or hiding

this means she has some power in her soul! Right?

Ulquiorra! Is she the one?!

Look more carefully, idiot!

Her spirit's almost crushed just from you getting close to her.

She's trash.

Sheesh! So it's just by luck that she lived through my Gonzui?


See ya!

Huh? Who are you guys?

This guy... Just a simple kick, and its power is enormous!

Inoue won't be able to handle him.

Inoue, do as I told you. Take Arisawa and go.

Okay. Be careful, Sado.

Ulquiorra! Is he the one?!

Yammy, you should practice your Pesquisa and

learn to make your own judgment.

One glance should tell you...

He's also trash.

I see!


Sado! Sado!

- Ulquiorra! - Sado! Sado!

Stay with me!

- Is this girl trash, too? - Sado! Sado!

- Yeah, trash. - Sado!

Oh yeah?

Sado! Sado!

I'm sure Sado knew that these guys are super strong...

and neither he nor I could stand up to them.

He sensed that.

So Sado protected Tatsuki and me by fighting them alone.


What is this girl?


What? You can heal?

So that guy's still alive?! What a stubborn guy!

Healing powers?

No, that's not it.

It's not a healing power. It's time reversal, or space reversal...

Whatever it is, it's different from healing.

A power I've never seen before.

You're a strange one...girl.

I have to...I have to hang on until Kurosaki gets here.

No... Why do I always try to rely on Kurosaki?!

I've been to Soul Society two times

and yet I returned without being able to do a thing.

Right now, I don't want to put more pressure on Kurosaki.

I don't know what is troubling Kurosaki...

But I must chase these two off without depending on Kurosaki

and give him some peace.

That's about all I can do for him...




Tatsuki, Sado, Ishida, Kurosaki!


I will protect you all!


What's this? A fly?

T-Tsubaki! No!

What do you wanna do, Ulquiorra?

She has a rare power.

Should we take her alive and present her to Aizen?


No, that's not necessary.

Erase her, Yammy.


Wh-Who are you?!

I met you at age

and we had an eternal love

Beneath cherry blossoms petals

gently fluttering downward

That steep and sunny hill

where I ran up to see you,

...And our shadows at the corner of the park,

they are still unchanged even today

You, me, and cherry blossom days,

we dance and sway in the wind

Holding in our heart the unseen future,

we look up at the pink sky

What was that Spiritual Pressure just now?!

It went bang, then all these souls came together and...

What's happening?!

Something called Arrancars are wreaking havoc!

Oh no! I have to hide my belly button!

Don't worry. Stuffed animals don't have belly buttons!

An Arrancar isn't thunder!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


Pardon me for being late!

What happened?

Well... I went to cut my hair, but it was so crowded...

Captain, your hair always looks perfectly styled.

Do you...have a personal hairdresser?

No. I use my Senbonzakura and cut my hair myself.


It's a joke...

Oh, is that all...

What! The Captain made a joke?!
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