05x14 - Kariya! Countdown to the Detonation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x14 - Kariya! Countdown to the Detonation

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace Without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of Where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!


It's the captain!

The captain is back!




I'm fine. I brought down the Bount.

The South District is frozen over from my Hyorinmaru.

It will melt shortly, so go and retrieve the Bount.

Is it still alive?

No. I don't know if there's a corpse, but we can't leave it there.

Eventually, we'll have to give it a burial.

Yes sir!

Is Matsumoto back?

Yes sir! She's with Lieutenant Abarai of Squad ,

getting medical treatment for those who were injured.

Also, one more thing

What is it?

The Substitute Soul Reaper is here, too.



Welcome back, sir.

What of the Bount?

I managed to take care of it.

Yo, Toshiro.

I'm using your place.

You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?

How many times must I tell you? It's Captain Hitsugaya!

What's the big deal? It doesn't matter.

It does matter!

Besides, why are you here?

We happened to run into Rangiku while chasing after Kariya.


Ishida was hurt and we needed a place for him to rest,

so it was perfect timing!

Since we don't have a home base in Seireitei.

It was a stroke of good fortune that we met up with everyone.

Sorry, we came uninvited like this.

Anyway, that's the story.

I know it's an inconvenience, but can you let us rest here a bit?

I guess I have no choice.


No I'm okay.

Are you in pain?

I was the one who brought the Bounts to this world.

Whatever injuries I incur, I'll take full responsibility.

Inoue would know how to treat a wound like this.

It can't be helped.

Orihime is outside the walls of Seireitei.

Due to the Bount invasion, there are injured all across Seireitei.

Squad has their hands full.

But I've sent word, so someone should come in time.

You'll be all right.

You can't fight, but your life is in no danger.

That won't do!

Icame here to fight!

Don't be hasty.

We've gotten word that Soi Fon and Kurotsuchi

have taken down one Bount each.

Counting the one I brought down, Kariya's the only one left.

I must hand it to you, Captain!

That metal doll gave us so much trouble,

yet you beat it so easily!

It wasn't easy. Not only that

During the battle, that Bount was definitely acting strange.

He was even going easy on his att*cks against the squad members

What happened to Kariya?

He seems to have gotten some unknown power.

I think he called it the œJokai Crest.

He said he's gonna blow up Seireitei with that power.

Kariya's actions were unusual even for that other Bount?

If only we could've stopped him then

It's over. No use mulling over it.

By the way, what happened to Ichinose?

We received word that Captain Zaraki brought him down.


Everyone, are you all right?!

Please wait!



Jidanbo's injuries are taken care of, so I came after you guys.

It just so happened that Squad members were guarding the gates.

So I brought her.


Sorry to put you right to work, but can you tend to Ishida's wounds?

Yes, sure.

Inoue, thank you

I don't need to get back to %.

Justcan you do it quickly?

Hold on!


Ishida, weren't you listening to what's been said?

I understand how anxious you are, but calm down a bit!

Yes, yes, yes!

Rest is essential in a battle, too.

Everyone's been on the move since last night!

You're right.

If something happens, we'll get word right away.

It's no use getting anxious.

And who's available now?

Yes, sir! Mainly Squad .

Since Squad is without its captain right now,

they hadn't received orders.

They weren't involved in the afternoon confusion,

so they're the healthiest squad around right now.

That's right, I hadn't sent any orders to Squad .

Dammit! I wanted to fight the Bounts myself.

I hear there's only one left!

Same here! I wanted to pay them back

for what they did in the World of the Living.

And the captain just left and hasn't returned.

It seems he fought with a Soul Reaper named Ichinose

who sided with the Bounts.

He's probably quite happy and sightseeing in the Rukon District.

Ichinose, huh?

I owed him some payback.

That bastard!

Well, the last one standing is a bigwig.

I'll find this one with my own hands for sure!


Seireitei The North District

There's nothing suspicious in any of the blocks.

The other squads are exhausted from the afternoon skirmish.

If we find him now, we get to do whatever we want!

So find him, no matter what!

We have an urgent message

from Captain Kyoraku of Squad and Captain Ukitake of Squad .

Wasn't Captain Ukitake in poor health?

Yes. I'm sorry, but he went to the Central Library

in order to find data on the Bounts.

Hmm Well, no matter.

And what is this urgent message?

The data Rantao left behind has been discovered.

It has an entry about an expl*sive power

that was sealed in the Jokai Crest.

I see.

Which means that man, Kariya, wasn't lying.

According to the data,

in order to totally draw out the power in the Jokai Crest

a short period of time is necessary after activating the Jokai Crest.

And how much time is that?

About one day

So that's what Kariya meant

when he said everything will be decided in one day.

Yes, sir


To think he'd even use that as a part of his tactics.

We must not let down our guard against him.

We must take this Kariya into custody quickly.

I will send directives to each squad.

It seems we don't even have time for a captains' meeting.

Yes sir!

Tell Captain Ukitake and Captain Kyoraku

to continue checking the data.

Understood, sir!

Captain Soi Fon's recovery was slower than expected,

so she is on standby at her quarters.

I see.

Captain Kurotsuchi's ability to return to battle is also very questionable.

Captains Kyoraku and Ukitake have secluded themselves

in the Central Library to gather information.

What of Captain Komamura?

He is guarding General Captain Yamamoto.

All right. I understand the situation.

Good work.

Thank you. If you'll excuse me



Make sure you taste my cooking!

I'm still on duty!

Are you saying you won't eat my cooking?!

Who's there?!



A g*n that fires kido?

How did you find me?

A Bount sensor?

Right. I'm the one that knows the most about Bounts.

Why haven't you given that technology to the Soul Reapers?

BecauseI intend to settle everything by myself!

Interesting thing you have there.

It looks like it packs a punch,

but it's not enough to bring me down.

What's the matter?

That mark


After the konpaku experiment failed,

we were sent to the World of the Living.

Shortly before our arrival,

there were reports in the World of the Living about

a large number of humans possessing strange powers.

They were Bounts.

The Bounts were confused about their strength,

yet they tried to live among the normal humans.

But due to their strength, they weren't able to remain friendly

with humans for long periods of time.

And finally, they began to be persecuted.

I tried to get close to the Bounts in order to save them

Because they were victims of our experiments.

Do not fear me. I am your friend.

I rounded up the Bounts

and advised them to stay together and hide.

I will return to Soul Society and make arrangements so that

you will be under the protection of Soul Society.

Is that possible?

Yes. It's true that this will not be an easy task.

It will probably take several years

before protection of the Bounts becomes a reality.

I understand.

We will wait here until you return.

But something totally unexpected awaited me

when I returned to Soul Society.

The Central of that time decided that everything

regarding the konpaku experiment

as well as its by-product, the Bounts, would be buried in secrecy.

Why are you going to turn your backs on the Bounts?!

We acknowledge that the konpaku experiment was inhumane.

If you believe that, why won't you save them?

They possess amazing power!

If we ignore them,

they may even become a danger to Soul Society!

Bounts who cannot control reishi

cannot pass through the Dangai, Precipice World.

They will never be a threat to Soul Society. However

That is not the case in the World of the Living.

Our duty is to regulate the balance of konpaku.

There is a possibility the Bounts thr*aten that equilibrium.

You don't mean the Bounts will be?

Do you actually believe such a thing can be allowed?!

No, we don't.

We must live with the burden of our mistake

and strive to never repeat such a mistake again!

I cannotI cannot turn my back on the Bounts!

Take them all into custody!

k*ll any who resist!


In order to save the Bounts,

I went to the World of the Living without permission.

There are still comrades further inside!

All right!

I'll do something. Go on and get away!

Thank you!

Hey you! Are you all right?

Who are you?!

Aren't youRantao?


Rantao You belong to the Bount Investigation Unit!

The Investigation Unit has already returned to Soul Society.

What are you doing here?!

She's running away!

Where do you think you're going?! After her!

She's a traitor! After her! After her!

I will distract the Soul Reapers, so you must escape during that time.


If you go outside, there are sure to be other Bounts.

Run away with your comrades.

But then you

I'll be fine

Take this.

The Bounts have much more power hidden within them.

This will help to draw out that power.

I'm really sorry.

You'll be forced to endure suffering now,

but I'm sure one day

So you must live!

Over this way!

Don't let her get away!

Now! Run up those stairs and get outside!

In the end, I was captured and taken to Soul Society.

And Seireitei held me solely responsible

and put a seal on the case.

Subsequently, the Bounts took advantage

of the powers hidden in the item I gave the boy,

and perfected the method of controlling dolls.

With their new power, the Bounts planned their revenge

and tried to attack Soul Society countless times.

However, they were rejected each time by the Soul Reapers

and their numbers dwindled to almost nothing

and even the record of their existence was erased from Seireitei.

But I have never forgotten the Bounts.

Then you came to Soul Society.

You are that boy

Don't you remember?

How you got that mark?

That mark is sure to have appeared

when you activated a certain item.

The one who gave you that item was me!

I have lived to save you.

There is no Soul Reaper remaining who remembers the past!

Soul Society has changed, too.

Now, I can

What a thing to bring up now!

It's not a lie!

If you use the power of the Jokai Crest

which was sealed in the Seireitei!

The power of the Jokai Crest?

I absorbed that energy into my body long ago.


I'll use that power to destroy the Soul Reapers.


This Spiritual Pressure is coming from Rantao!

Is she in a battle?

The only Bount remaining is Kariya.

So Kariya is sure to be where Rantao is!

Whatever action you planned is too late.

The only Bount remaining is me.

Even if it's only you, I will save you!

So stupid! You created Bounts.

I intended to deal with you after you had seen Seireitei destroyed

and repented for what you had done.

But you can die right here!

You always lament on how boring this town is

Searching for a place in the sun

The melody you hum is that rusty, same old song

Rejecting any new song

You're anxious because somewhere in your heart, you believe in the future.

Baby, it's you;

That pain will eventually become a memory

You're the only one.

Don't think, just feel, let your whole body tremble;

future is you!!

Baby, it's me;

You're never alone, I'm right here

We should be as one;

Even if you stumble, I don't mind

I want to tell you now about the thing called love

Ishida suddenly disappeared!

Let's go find him.

We don't know when a Quincy arrow will explode.

What if we find it the instant before it blows up?

We'll forget it and run far away.

Good idea.

Horrible things just flow right out of your mouths, don't they?

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

I'm hungry.

All right, everyone!

Squad 's famous specialty! Just made!

Come and eat!


Just as you requested, Orihime,

I made lots of bean paste dishes, too.

Thank you!

This stinks!

Hey! Don't just stand there. Hurry up and take your portion!

Why is Hisagi serving everyone?

Shuhei seemed to have time, so I asked him to help!


Aren't you just being used?

Do as I say!!
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