02x01 - "The Mystery Duelist, Part 1"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x01 - "The Mystery Duelist, Part 1"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Good morning,
mr. Muto!

Ah, tea.
Good morning.

Yugi's upstairs
getting ready.

I'll call him for you.

Would you like
something to drink?

Ah, no thanks,
we're already late.

Yugi! Tea's here!

Yugi: I'll be
right there, grandpa.

This new chain outta keep
my millennium puzzle safe.

Seems like everyone wants
their hands on it, lately.

And we're going
to need it now
more than ever.

We are?

Wh-whatta ya mean
by that?

The millennium puzzle
connects us, yugi.

And I sense fate
has more in store for us.


Well, we're
in this together
no matter what.


I wish I knew more,

But our future
is still unclear to me.


I'll help you
figure it out.

About time, yugi.

Sorry, tea.

We're gonna be late
for the big game.

What took you so long?

Ahhh, I was talking
to the spirit

Of the millennium

He seems
kinda worried.

About what?

About the future,
I think.

He said something
about our destiny
being unclear.

Ever since we defeated
pegasus together,

The spirit's been
talking about fate...

Like there's something
more he has to do.

When you think about it,

He doesn't really
know that much
about himself...

Like where he came from,
why he's here...

But I'm babbling
and we're late.

We should go.

The soccer game.

We definitely
don't wanna miss it.

See ya, mr. Muto!

Bye, grandpa!
We'll see you later.

Enjoy yourselves,
you two.

If the game ends early,

Feel free to come back
and help me sweep!

Tea: so, who do you
think is gonna win?

Win? Win what?

Earth to yugi.

The soccer game.
At school.

Oh. I dunno.

You don't really
care much about
sports, do you?

Man: futures told.

Fates unfold.

Step up, boy,

And I'll reveal
the secrets
of your future.



Can you really see
into the future?


What are you doing,

Tea, maybe this
fortune teller

Can help me figure
out the fate

Of the spirit
inside the puzzle.


Ok, but we really don't
have that much time.

Boy, in order to tell
your future,

I must hold
a personal item.


Your necklace
will do nicely.

My what? No.

I'm sorry.
I can't.

Then I can't tell
your fortune.

Yeah, but--

I need it in order
to properly read your aura,

To see what fate
has in store for you.

You do want to know,
don't you?

Your fate?

Okay, but only
for a second.

Yugi, I don't know
about this.


Something's coming to me.

I see that this millennium
item now belongs to me!

My millennium


Come back here!

He's getting away.
What do we do?

I'll follow him
this way.

You try to cut him off
around the corner!

You got it, yugi!

You won't get away
with this, you creep!

I can't believe
I handed him my puzzle!



That thief wants me
to follow him!


This must be a trap,
but what choice do I have?


I can't lose the spirit
of the puzzle.

I won't!

Tea: there's no sign of that
fortune teller anywhere!

I hope yugi's ok.

Hey? Tea?
What's the rush?

Oh, bakura!

Someone stole yugi's
millennium puzzle!

Where is yugi?

In the alley.

We split up
to catch the guy!

Well then, don't
let me detain you.

Keep looking and
I'll get some help.

Thanks, bakura!

No one shall have
the millennium puzzle but me!

I want its power.

And I'll track it down
with my millennium ring!

Show me the way!

Trace the item's
mystical energies!

And lead me
to the millennium puzzle.

If I control all
the millennium items,

I will control
power unimaginable!

And I will make certain
that nobody stands in my way.


Which way, ring?

Ah, yes, yugi and his millennium
puzzle are very close.

Very close.

Sorry, tea,

But I can't have you
and your sniveling friends

with my destiny.

where are you hiding?

Whoever that guy was,

He's leading me
like a rat through a maze.

But why would a thief want
his victim to follow him?

What's he really after?

The last arrow.

My millennium puzzle
is here.

Even though we're apart
I can sense it.

But I don't see it.

I know you're in here!

Ha ha ha!

little yugi.

You found me.

Or should I say
I found you?

And the millennium puzzle.

Give it back to me!

It's not going to be
that easy for you.

If you want
your puzzle back,

You'll have to fight me
for it.

That's right, yugi.

You and I
are going to duel.


And the winner gets to keep
your millennium item.

A dueling arena!

Are you up
to the challenge, yugi?

I've been waiting
for you a long time!

Who are you?

And what do you want
with my millennium

I desire the power
your item contains within.

But according to the rules
of its ancient magic...

I have to win it
from you in a duel.

As for who I am,

Let's just say
that I'm the one

Who shall control your destiny
as I have controlled others,

And that I am not
unfamiliar with the power
of a millennium item.

Indeed, I understand more
about their hidden mysteries
than you will ever know.

Take your millennium puzzle.

There are ancient secrets
buried within it
of which you--

And even the spirit
that inhabits it--

Are unaware.

That's why I will add it
to my collection.

I won't duel you
for my millennium

It already
belongs to me!

It's in my possession now,
little yugi!

All right.

Then I accept
your challenge.

Of course you do.

If I have to duel,

I'll need the spirit
of the puzzle
to help me.

Maybe I can still
connect with him.

Spirit: I can barely
hear you, yugi.

Our bond is weak.

It's hard to
maintain contact.

I'm afraid I won't be able
to help you with this duel.

You'll have
to fight him alone!


But I've never fought
a duel without you!

And if I'm defeated
I ll lose you forever!

You can defeat him!

Just trust yourself
and your deck,

And you'll find the way.

You're right.

I've got to believe in
the heart of the cards.

Be very careful, yugi.

I sense a great evil.


Prepare to lose
your precious puzzle.

I don't think so!

Remember, yugi,
I have seen your future--

Foretold your fate.

And this duel--
will be your last!

[Yugi, thinking]
I don't know anything
about this duelist

And now I have
to face him alone!

For the highest
stakes ever!

I don't even have
the g*ng to back me up!

Well, here goes.

It's time to duel.

I place the celtic
guardian on the field
in attack mode!

I've made my play,
now you make yours!

I place my monster
in defense mode.

What's the matter,

Don't you have
the courage
to face me head on?

I don't need to.

You're the one that better
go on the offensive

If you hope to win back
your puzzle!

All right, then.

I attack with my
celtic guardian.

That's exactly what
I wanted you to do, yugi!

Your attack has activated
the power of my cyber jar!

This machine card destroys
every monster on the field.

Ha ha ha!

And it also requires us
to draw five new cards.

Let's see what you've got
up your pathetic sleeve
this time, little yugi.

time for a new strategy.

I'm placing my monster
in defense mode.

And I'm placing mine
in attack mode!

Meet mechanical chaser
and ground attacker bugroth!

more machine cards?!

this seems familiar.

There's only
one player I know

Whose deck is filled
with machine cards.

Show yourself,
bandit keith!

I was right!

But why would bandit
keith disguise himself

And steal my
millennium puzzle?

The last time I saw him
was when he battled joey

In the duelist
kingdom tournament.

He broke the rules,
but joey beat him.

When pegasus found out
keith was cheating,

He ejected him
from the island.

We never saw him again.

What happened to you?

I'm not bandit keith.

I only speak through him
since he's become my
mind-controlled sl*ve!

What do you mean?
How can this be?

Tell me!

After bandit keith
was ejected by pegasus
from duelist kingdom,

He fought for his life
against the harsh
ocean waters.


My followers and I
were on the way

To retrieve some
very special items

When we fished him out
of the sea.

I'm always looking
for new minds to control

And bandit keith seemed
like the perfect puppet
to do my bidding.

And as fate would have it,
he led me right to you,

The boy who possesses the
legendary millennium puzzle.

Is it all sinking in now,
little yugi?

Now that I have found you
after all these years,

I will stop at nothing
to make your puzzle,

And all of the ancient powers
it possesses within it,
my own!

Bandit keith:
help... Me....

You'll never free
yourself, keith!

Let the duel continue!

I play machine king
in attack mode!

My new monster gets
an extra attack points

For every machine
that's on the field!

That's more points!

Machine king,
attack with jet punch!

You may as well
give up now!

It's not over yet!

I play another card
in defense mode!

Your defenses are useless
against my mechanical army.

Especially now that
I'm adding this machine
to my troop.

Mega sonic eye!

It adds another
attack points
to machine king,

Making him
even more deadly!

Machine king, attack now!

No! My stone soldier!

That's right.

All your defenses
are gone!

Give up yet?

You have no idea
of the power you're
up against, little yugi.

[Thinking] no matter
who this guy is,

I can't let him win.

But how can I defeat him
without the spirit...

And my friends?

Tea: c'mon, guys.

Yugi may be
in trouble!

Boy: just point
the way, tea.

We're right
behind ya!

Yeah, any creep
picks on our buddy

Has to deal
with us all!

You said it!

All right, people!

Just where do you think
you're going?

You volunteered to help
at the soccer game.

I know, coach,
but we got an emergency.


Tea's cat
has gotten sick.

We need to take it
to the vet.


We need to help

Poor fluffy!

I didn't realize your
little kitty was sick!

Of course you can go!

Both: heh.

Yes, sir.
Thank you, coach!

Save that
little kitty!

He's really
a softy at heart!

It wasn't cool
to mislead
coach morty.

It's an emergency.
We had to, tea.

Yeah. Yugi needs us!

I hope we
can find him.

Come on, yugi.
Stop stalling.

Unless you want
to admit defeat.

I'll never give up!

Foolish boy.

He has no idea
what he's up against.

His millennium puzzle
is as good as mine.

I have too much at stake
in this game.

So take this!

I play curse of dragon.

In attack mode.

And I play gaia,
the fierce knight.

But that's not all.

I also use my
polymerization card

To combine
these two monsters

In order to create gaia,
the dragon champion!

This monster can take
your machines apart!

Dragon champion,
attack mechanical chaser

With double
dragon lance!

With mechanical
chaser gone,

Your machine king
loses attack points

And you lose
life points!

Very impressive.

But what will you do
when I put my weaker
monsters in defense mode

To protect them
from your dragon
champion's att*cks

And then play machine
conversion factory,

A magic card that adds
attack and defense points

To all of my
machine cards?

Oh no!

You've raised
machine king's power
even more!

That's right,
enough to overpower
your dragon champion!

Machine king, attack!

Your offensive
is over, yugi;

Your champion destroyed.

I've made keith's
machine monsters' attack
strength overwhelming!

So why don't you
stop resisting

And just hand over
your puzzle to me?

It's the inevitable conclusion
to our game anyway.

what am I going to do?

I have to stop him
somehow. But how?

He's assembled an army

Of the most rare
and powerful machines
in duel monsters!


The summoned skull.
This gives me an idea.

But first I'll have
to play a magic card.

Your machines might be
the most impressive
I've seen.

But they're still made
out of metal!

So I play makiu!

You think a little mist'll
destroy my machines?!

It won't destroy them,

But it will cause them
to rust and lower
their points.

And the mist turns
your machine monsters

Into one gigantic
lightning rod!

Which makes them
the perfect target
for my summoned skull!

Summoned skull,
use your lightning
strike on machine king!


Any more machines
for the junk heap?

You little...

The boy is good.

He plays much better
than I had expected

Without the spirit
of the puzzle to aid him.

But he has no idea
of the power he's
up against.

My deck is full
of rare monsters,

The likes of which
he's never seen,

And when I'm
through with yugi,

His millennium puzzle
will be mine!

So, they went runnin'
down this alley?

Tea: uh-huh.

Hmm. These arrows.

Hey, ya think yugi
tacked these things
up here for us?

I don't think he had
the time, joey.

Hey, guys!
Look at that!

Tea: oh, no.

How are we
gonna find him?!

Yugi: now you're the one
who's stalling.

Are you gonna draw
or what?

I've picked the graceful
charity card.

By placing this card
on the table,

I'm able to draw
new cards from my deck.

And I'm confident
that they'll be exactly
the cards I need

To end this duel
once and for all.

Ha ha ha!

You're finished,
little yugi.

I've drawn the ultra-rare
zera ritual card!

It's used to summon
one of the most powerful
monsters in the game!


I've never even
heard of the zera
ritual card before!

But I've got
a sneaking suspicion

That I'm about to learn
more about it

Than I really
want to know.

How perceptive.

For once I put
zera ritual into play,

This duel is over!


But activating
a ritual card takes
more than just talk...

You also need to have
the right monster card
in your hand,

And what are
the odds of that?

What?! No way!

Maybe you
finally understand

The power you are
up against, yugi.

Now zera ritual sacrifices
my two remaining monsters

In order to bring forth
the greatest of my creatures.

Behold the instrument
of your destruction,

One of the strongest beasts
in duel monsters.

Behold zera the mant!


Our battle ends here.

Say good-bye to your
millennium puzzle!

Zera, attack now!

Zera obliterated
my summoned skull!

But I can't give up.

You'll never get my
millennium puzzle!

so, my millennium ring
has led me here.

The puzzle must be inside.


I also sense a dark presence
from the shadow realm.

Seizing control
of the millennium puzzle

Might be more interesting
than I thought.

Tea: yugi!

Where are you?



Say something,

Where is he?

Ha ha ha!

You're finished,
little yugi!

With bandit keith
under my mind-control,

You'll never win this duel!

Bandit keith:
help... Help....


Keith, your resistance
is futile!

It's time for me to end this
duel and take what's mine!

what do I do now?

I have nothing to fight
his monster with.

If only I could call on
the spirit and ask
for his help,

But we've lost contact!

I think yugi's finally
figured out it's hopeless.

He will fall against
my superior monsters,

And the millennium puzzle
will be in my control!

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