01x46 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 1" / "The Mysterious Transfer Student – Ryuji Otogi"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x46 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 1" / "The Mysterious Transfer Student – Ryuji Otogi"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

I work hard my whole life
and then this happens?

Grandpa, where are you?!

Oh, I'm gonna be late
for school.

I gotta go.

[Heavy sigh]

What's the matter?

Good morning, yugi!

How's it going, téa?

Mr. Moto,
good morning.

Ha! Good for you,

What's bugging
your grandfather?

I've never seen him
like this before.

Is he sick?

I don't think so,
but I'm worried.

He's been acting
really weird
all morning.

But why?

Ok, I'm going to tell you.

I've endured many things
in my life.

I've been trapped
in an ancient pyramid,

Stung by scorpions,
att*cked by tibetan wolves,

But nothing
compares to this...

A new game shop!

a new game shop?

They think they can
drive me out of business

Selling their
trendy new trash,

But they have no respect
for the gaming traditions--
the true classics,

Because they sell
only the fads of today.

Wow! A new game store?!

I better go
check out the competition
and see what we're up against.

Don't even
think about it!

Téa: yugi, if your grandfather
finds out we've been here,

You're gonna be
so grounded!

Ah, what's the harm
in a little window


What is it?

Dungeon dice monsters.

Wow. This looks like
a pretty cool game,

But I wonder
how you play it?

Yugi, come on! Let's go!

You're gonna make me
miss my first class again!

Duke, look.
It's that yugi moto fellow.

Hard to believe
a pipsqueak like that

Could defeat
the great pegasus, huh?

A cheater can win
any game.

So that spiky-haired runt
is the duel monster's

I just can't believe
he's the only one

Who ever beat pegasus
at his own game.

Yugi, if I get detention
for this,

You're gonna have to do
my homework for a week.

Of course, he'd never
be able to beat

The even-greater duke devlin
at his own game.

Isn't that right, duke?

The die is cast.
The trap is set.

And soon I will duel yugi
on my b*ttlefield.

I'll strip him of his honor

And expose to the world
what that little worm
really is.

Nicely put,

But I really hope
you know

What you're getting into
this time, dukie-boy.

I hired you to manage
my new game shop...

Never to question me.

If I play my cards right,
and I always do,

It is I who will be
the next king of games.

When you're champ,
that's when the money
really pours in.

[Thinking] money's
for greedy fools
like you.

I'm after
a much greater prize...

The total destruction
of yugi moto!

Joey: whoa. Be still,
my beatin' heart.

You sure?
There's a spankin' new
game shop?!

Yeah. My grandpa's
real worried about it.

It just opened.

They've got
all the latest
and greatest games.

They were really
trying to hype
this new one.

Something about dice
or dungeons.

You sayin'
they got that
dungeon dice monsters?!

Hey, how did you become
a total expert all of a sudden?

A little thing
called the newspaper.

Ever heard of it,

You never read
the newspaper!

I read 'em when I'm out
deliverin' 'em, ok?!

Why are you
delivering newspapers?

Listen, téa,
I don't get one of them
big fat allowances.

I just need a little
extra spendin' money,
that's all.

I gotta save every penny
of that award money
yugi gave me

For my sister's

Hey, how is
your sister serenity doing?

Great! The eye guy says
she's gonna see
good as new,

And the first thing
she's gonna see
is my beautiful mug!

Wow, joey,
that's awesome news!


It's him!

Oh, he's the coolest!

[Girls chattering]

Who is this guy?

Oh, I missed it!
Do it again!

Ladies, let's get
this party started.

Oh, my gosh!
There he goes again!


Show time!

Keep your eyes on me,


I can't believe it!

Joey: who is this guy?!

Hey, you two kids know
who that dice man is
over there?

That's duke devlin.

He owns
that new game shop
that just opened up.

That guy's got it all.

Nah. If there's one thing
I can't stomach,

It's a guy who'll do anything
to get a girl's attention.

He's a filthy show-off!

And I just thought
you couldn't stand guys

Who were more popular
with the girls than you.

Listen, téa, if I wanted
I could be just as popular,

But I don't want
to stoop to the level
of that -bit houdini.

I got my self respect,

And I got more talent
in my little pinky
than he'll ever have.

If you count
talking with food
in your mouth a talent.

Didn't you catch
any of my moves

In the duelist kingdom,
you numbskull?!

Now you're adding "lucky"
to your list of talents?

You're lucky
I don't rearrange your face.

Yugi: save it
for the dueling ring, guys.

Joey: come on, yugi.
You gotta back me up
on this.

I was one of the best duelists
on the island.

I don't wish to intrude,

But I couldn't help

You dabble in the game
of duel monsters.

Dabble smabble.
Now, listen up.

If you knew the first thing
abut duel monsters

Then you would know
all about bandit keith,

The intercontinental

The guy was unbeatable,

And you should have seen me
wipe the floor with him.

Oh. Good thing joey's
not a show-off.

I guess modesty must be
another talent of joey's.

All right.
I'll autograph a card
for you.

What have we here?
Are you yugi moto,

of the duelist kingdom?

Um, yeah.

I've heard a great deal
about the way you play
the game.

Hey, dicey,
what have you heard
about me joey wheeler?

Hmm? Hmm?

Nothing at all,

But why don't we play
a little game

And you can show
these lovely ladies

Just what
you're made of?

What game?


A cup and dice
are all we need
to play the game.

Are your talents
up to the challenge?

Girls, chanting:
duke! Duke is so cute!

when I beat that dice dork,

Those girls are gonna be
cheering "joey."

All right, devlin.
Bring it on!

Then let's rock 'n' roll!

Using the power of my mind,

I bet I can move the dice
into my right hand

Without touching the cup.

Next you'll be telling me
you can fly around the room.

Unless you got telekinesis,
there's no way you can do
what you're saying.

It's just plain impossible.

You shouldn't
underestimate me.

Perhaps the dice
are already gone.


Beyond your comprehension?

Why don't you just
look under it for yourself.

Wise guy.

joey, no!
It's a trick!

Huh?! It's still there.

I'll take that.


I moved the dice
into my right hand,

And I never ever
had to touch the cup.

That makes me
the winner.

Grr! You're nothing
but a dirty, rotten
con artist!

If you were a real man,
you'd play a real game!

I challenge you
to a match of duel monsters!

As you wish,

But since this game
is your specialty,

I do have one
very small condition.


Ok, but no more funny stuff,

I'm afraid I don't have
a deck of my own.

Ooh! Ooh!

that's not fair!

That's not my problem.

You're the one
with the new card shop.

My condition is this:

We open up new packs
and create our own
new duel monster decks.

That's fair,
even by your
high standards.

What's fair
about that?

If you're
not playing
with your own cards,

Then the game's
just pure luck!

Besides, there's
an awful lot
of cards

That we've never
even seen before.

Have a little faith,

Was I or was I not
a finalist

In the duel monster's

Yeah, joey,
but I don't think i--

I accept your condition.

Joey, don't do it.excellent,

But playing
a game for fun
is so pointless.

Let's make
a little wager.

If I win, you'll do
whatever I ask

For an entire week.

You got it, dicey-boy,

Because when I win,
you're gonna have to do
whatever I want you to,

And I want you
to close down
your stinkin' shop!

Come on, duke!you can beat him!

You can beat him!do it, duke!

Forget about it.
No way I can lose
to that show-off!

He's toast.

Burnt to a crisp.

Yeah, looks like
joey's getting in
over his head again.

You can't
seriously think
I'm gonna lose

To a guy with a die
stuck in his ear?!

I'm one
of the top-ranked players
in the whole world.

I'm not
some snotty-nosed rookie

Who just brought home
his first deck!

You're good,
joey, but--

But nothin'!
I know what I'm doing!

Very well.
We'll hold the match
today after school.

I have a state-of-the-art
dueling ring located
in my game shop.

All right?sure.

Of course,
you're all invited.

I wouldn't want you to miss
your friend's finest hour.

[Thinking] why do I think
this isn't gonna end well?

Joey: I can't believe
that dice guy owns this place.

Looks like he spent
some major moolah.

Too bad he's gonna be
closing it down.



Joey's heart's
in the right place.

It's his head
I'm worried about.

Yeah, if his head
gets any bigger

He's gonna get it stuck
in the front door.

I'm bad. You know it.
I'm bad. I'll show it.

Welcome to duke devlin's
game world.

Mr. Devlin was beginning
to worry about you.
Follow me.

Ah, you showed up.

The dueling ring
is on sub-level .

Your chariot awaits.

Go ahead, mr. Wheeler.
Chose your packs carefully.

We'll build our own decks
from these new cards.

Hmm. Come to papa.

which pack is the best?

Gotta feel the energy.

Come on. Oh, yeah!

Get a load
of these babies!

Joey struck gold!

Did you get
some good cards?

Don't worry about it.
This match is
in the bag!

we shall see.

Joey: are we there?


Girls: give me a "d!"
Give me a "u!"

Give me a "k!"
Give me an "e!" Go, duke!

This place is huge!

Actually, this is
the smallest ring
in the place,

But it does have
all the bells and whistles.

Girls: duke! Duke!
He's our man!

If he can't do it,
nobody can!

Go, duke!

Cameraman: ok,
camera one in position.

Tv cameras?

Yeah, I have a little theory
that the bigger the audience,

The better the performance.

That's why I've decided
to broadcast this match live
to the entire world!

I know my fans
will enjoy watching me defeat
the second-best duelist.

I just hope
you really are second best...

Not second-rate.

Hmm, second-rate?

You're gonna need
a second life,

'Cause when I'm through
with you, dukey,

There won't be
anything left!

No![Girls sobbing]

Don't worry.

I've never disappointed
my loyal fans yet.

Girls: duke! Duke!
He's our man!

If he can't do it,
nobody can!

Duke! Duke!
He's our man!

Clam up!if he can't do it, nobody can!

Let's get this show
on the road!

Come on, tough guy!
Let the duel begin!


the only one for me!

Duke's his name!
He's got game!

Joey wheeler
is so lame!

Yay, duke!

Go duke!
Go duke! Go duke!

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

For my first move,
I'll attack with...

Oni t*nk t- .

[Evil laughter]

All right.
That ends my first move.

Now, let's see some of that
world-class talent of yours,

Hold on
to your headband,

[Thinking] sweet!

This card's
got a power-up effect.

Every monster
my guy destroys

part of his armor!


Sword hunter
in attack mode.

Let's slice and dice
the dice man!


Bada bing! Bada boom!


Your big bad oni t*nk's
changing into a chunk
of sword hunter's armor,

Raising his attack power
by a whopping points.

Oh, that's horrible.

Not bad. Maybe joey
won't embarrass himself
after all.

Think he's got a shot?


Hey, puke devlin,
why don't you quit

Before my sword guy
messes up your
pretty hair.

I've got you
just where I want you.

Ha ha ha!
You crack me up,

But, hey,
it's your funeral.

Ahh. This will
come in handy later.

I play dark bat
in defensive mode,

And I lay another card
face down as well.


A bat?! If that's
the best you've got,

You're saying
bye-bye card shop.

Mad sword beast
in attack mode
comin' at ya!



No harm done,
as the bat was
in defensive mode.

Ha! That's where
you're wrong, ponytail.

The mad sword beast
reduces your life points

Even if your stinkin' bat
was in defensive mode.


Hmm. Perhaps
I've underestimated you,

But my dark bat
won't be going off

To the graveyard
all by himself.

Thanks to...michizure.


The michizure monster
will drag you to your doom!

Ow. That hurt.

Joey better
start thinking more
than one move ahead.

Don't get
too cocky, joey!

Like I said before,
I got this match here
in the bag!

Ha ha! I could beat
this -bit loser
even in my sleep!

[Thinking] I don't know.

I think duke devlin knows
more about this game

Than he's letting on.

I hope joey
doesn't blow it.

Think that little trick's
gonna save your bony butt?

Think again!

I still got you
where I want you.

We'll see.
Since your strongest monster
when off to an early grave,

Now would be an excellent time
for me to go on the attack.

First, I'll play
this card face down.

Yeah, yeah.

Then I summon spikebot...

With spike attack!

Come on, joey!

Duke devlin's just trying
to psyche you out!

Don't let that joker
get to you!

If you lose,
you're gonna have to do
whatever he tells you.

Don't you forget that!

Yeee! Fat chance!

Come on, lady luck!

Joey needs a winner!


This super card's
gonna kick your
spiky bot's keister!

Goblins, attack force!

Bash him!

Yeah. You don't have
a snowball's chance
in hades now, duke deadman!

Oh, no!

gonna happen?!

Oh, I forgot
those goblin guys

Go into defensive mode
after they attack.

No problemo.
He's only got
points left, anyway.

And next turn,
it's zero.

And then you're gonna
close your shop down
for good!



Joey's really gonna win

And make
your grandfather
so happy.

Go! You got him now, joey!

how can duke devlin
still be so calm.

Either he's got
ice in his blood,

Or he's still got
one last trick up his sleeve.

Just be careful!
It's not over yet!

Don't let your guard...those girls are gonna be

Cheering for joey now!

Girls: we love joey!

Oh, I can't watch.

Enough fooling around.

Time to summon one
of the most powerful cards
in my deck!

The mighty gradius!

That all you got?

'Cause that
won't save you.

Hmm. And I use a magic card:
limiter removal,

Which doubles
my attack power.

What?! Holy cannoli.
That's a lot
of points!

Good thing I got
all my goblins,

Or he'd beat me
with one lousy shot.

Wait. Another magic card:
fairy meteor crush.

Not that!

Hmm. Hey, I never heard
of that fairy card.

What's it do?

Don't tell me
the second-best duelist

Doesn't know
what this card does.

Well, you might say
it's a magic card version

Of the mad sword beast card
you played.

Mad sword beast.

Hey! That means--

This card has a special power.

Usually your monster
in defensive mode
would absorb my attack,

But with
the fairy meteor crush card,

I can deal my damage
directly to your precious
life points.


It's a pity this match
was so short.

I was hoping
for an actual challenge,

But it was
not meant to be.

The only thing
that cheers me up,

Is knowing
that you'll soon
become my servant

For an entire week!


Gradius, annihilate!




Téa: he wiped out
all of joey's goblins

And the rest
of his life points!


Duke's so cool!
Devlin rules!

He's the master
of all duels!

It's ok, joey.
You did your best.

[Girls giggling]

Put it on.

I hope that you're a man
of your word, joey-boy.

I'm looking forward
to having an obedient dog
for the next week.

[Thinking] aah!
What happened to me?!

When I was
in the duelist kingdom,

I never made
a mistake like this.

I had a purpose then--
fighting for my sister.

Now, I guess,
I've just gone
to the dogs.

Hey, knock it off,
duke devlin!

Just 'cause you won
doesn't mean you can
put joey down!

Yugi, a promise
is a promise,

And I gotta keep it
even if it's to a creep
like that devlin.


Are you ok?
Are you ok?
Are you ok?

Shut your yap,
you mongrel!

You will not speak
until your master
commands you to!

Tristan: come on, joey.
Let's get out of here.

Sorry, guys.
I gave my word.

Aah! Ow!

You're a dog now, joey.

You don't say "ouch."

You say "woof woof."

Girl: yeah, "woof woof."

Ok, now put it on
and bark for me.


Bark, dog!

Girls: watch him bark!
Play the fool!

Dog boy joey's
not so cool!

Duke: the dog suit
fits you perfectly, joey.

Now, give us
your best bark.

Woof woof!


Ha! Good boy, joey.

Enough, man. Get up.

I have to put
a stop to this.


Duke devlin,
your cruel stunt
has gone on long enough!

I challenge you
to a duel!

And when I have
defeated you,

You will declare joey
a free man again!

Excellent, but we will play
a game of my own choosing.

We will battle to the finish
in a game called...

Dungeon dice monsters!

And when you are the loser,

You will give the title
"king of games" to me.

And you will swear
on your grandfather's life

Never to play
duel monsters again.

That is going too far!

Yeah, yugi!
You've got too much to lose!

This is completely crazy!

Yugi, you can't do it!

Stop your yapping!


So what's it
gonna be, yugi?

Duke, I will accept
your conditions.

I will not let you destroy
the dignity of a friend.

We will do battle
in your game of choice...

Dungeon dice monsters.

my friends are worth
all the titles

And all the games
in the world!

I'll stick by them
no matter what.

That's something duke devlin
will never understand!

I have to take him on...
For joey's sake.

you've fallen
into my trap, yugi.

My dungeon dice monsters
will destroy you!
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