01x44 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 2" / "DM Quest 2: The Legendary Hero – Yugi"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x44 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 2" / "DM Quest 2: The Legendary Hero – Yugi"

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami yugi: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

[Door opens]all: huh?


Please help me.

So those corporate jerks

They were
still loyal to seto

And had done him
this big favor

By finishing
his virtual reality pod.

But what they really did
was sabotage it.

They reprogrammed it
and trapped him

In his own
virtual reality game.

Calm down, mokuba.

Now, tell us some more
about this virtual pod

Your brother
was designing.

I remember him spending
endless hours

Working on the prototypes.

We'll use those
pod prototypes,

Go to that virtual world,
and rescue kaiba.

You guys had better
be careful.

We'll be fine, téa.

Yeah, don't you worry
about a thing.

Joey: tristan,
let her rip.

Virtual upload, now!

Big three: you see?

Mokuba came back
just like I said he would.

Once kemo goes down there
and unplugs those pods,

They'll have
no way of returning.

Mokuba: you guys,
I got a great lead!

See that mountain?

Well, an old woman
I was talkin' to

Said that she saw
a man with a prisoner

Headed there
this morning.

And the only way
to get there

Is by crossing
this desert.

But to do that,
we need a niwatori card.

Fame, glory,
and the prized
niwatori card

Await the heroic
warrior who can beat
our champion.

Director: introducing
senior porky!

Come on, joey!
You can do it!

Now introducing
our undefeated champ,

Madame butterfly!


She's ready
to rumble!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

ready or not...

Here we come!

Unh! Unh!

We're not lettin' you
in here, man.

unh. Yugi.

I hope you guys
are getting close
to finding kaiba.

There's only so long

be able to keep
kemo and his thugs

From getting
in here

And unplugging
your pods!

[Crowd cheering]

Huh. I knew guys
could be dirty as pigs.

Didn't know
they dressed the part.

Hope you duel better
than you smell, you swine.

You know what I like
about butterflies?

They don't talk!


All: let's duel!

This card will
clip her wings

And win us
the niwatori
prize card.

Flame swordsman!


Have I got
a girl for you.

Harpie lady.


harpie lady.

I've definitely
seen her before.

Ah, the swordsman
will take her.

I knew it.

Pigs don't know
about trap cards.

Mirror wall!

Joey: no!
Mirror wall reflects
my swordsman's strike

Right back at him!

Hey, I've seen this
strategy before.

mai always used
that combo.

Can it be?


My harpie lady
really knows how
to bring home the bacon.

Ok, that's it.

There's only
one duelist

That could be
this annoying.

Ready for the big finish?

Rose whip, attack!

Hold on!

stop attack!

Joey? Is that you?

What are you
doing here, mai? Ah!

Yugi! Mokuba! I'm...

Testing this game for
some suits at kaiba corp.

Listen, you could be
in danger, mai.

Yeah, those suits
kidnapped my big brother.

Kaiba's in a temple
across the desert.

They've trapped his mind
in this virtual game.

Kaiba's here?

Mm-hmm, and we need
the niwatori card

To cross the desert
so we can rescue him.

That's the prize card
for this match. Huh?

[All yelling]

Uh, I know
this crowd's a fake,

But they look
really mad to me.

We might
have a problem
gettin' outta here

Without finishin'
the duel.

Besides, even
if we do escape,

We still
won't find kaiba

that niwatori card.

Well, I'm not so sure
about crossing a desert,

But I'm over this place,

And I'm positive
that I can get
that niwatori card.

Harpie lady,
use rose whip!

Harpie lady: aah!

Unh! The niwatori!


Uh-oh. We're
in trouble now!

Run for it!

Don't let 'em go!

Unh! Unh!

Gotta reach
the desert!

Joey: aw, this is
much better than duelin'.

[All yelling]

Crowd control time!

Go, trap hole!

All: aah!

Joey: by the time
they get around this,

We'll be across
the desert.

Ok, time to see
if this card will work

Like the old man
said it would.

Will you do
the honors, mai?


Let's giddy-up.


Joey: so you're saying
kaiba corp. Paid you
to come here, mai?

Mai: that's right.

Joey: wonder why.

Mokuba: probably
to test it...

To make sure
everything would go
according to plan

When they used it
on my brother.

Still, they couldn't
have planned
on all of us.

Look over there!

All: aah!

Mai: it's an earthquake!

Yugi: no!
It's something worse!

It's another obstacle
into the game!

Joey: what is it?

Oh, no!

It's a sandstorm


Mokuba: we're never
gonna get past that!


All right, then.

I'll kick over
this sand castle

With my red eyes
black dragon!


Red eyes black dragon,

Inferno fire blast!


All: yeah!

Heh. Buh-bye.


Through the dust.

Do you see what I see?

Some sort
of ancient temple.

That must be what
we're looking for.

Is that where
they're keeping kaiba?

An old woman told us
it was the "temple
across the desert."

So that's
gotta be it.

Seto's gotta be there.

Joey: go, drumsticks!

Mai: uh, guys?
Joey named
his chicken.

It's a niwatori, mai.


Joey: wow. Look at
the size of that thing.

Here at last.



Hold up!i'm coming, seto!

no stoppin' him.

Come on, or else
we're gonna lose

Both of them
kaiba brothers.


This temple's
seen better days.


Yugi: yeah. Let's try
and stick together.


Allow me.



a labyrinth dungeon!

It's like
where we dueled

Them weirdo
paradox brothers,
huh, yuge?

[All gasp]

[Joey bangs on door]

No use.
It's locked tight.

I'm totally freaked.

It's all right.

Remember that
this is all a game,

And we'd never
reach the end
of this adventure

By going backwards,

Which means...

We've gotta
go through that maze

To find kaiba.

[Adena cries]

[All gasp]

in trouble.

I'm on it!

Watch where
you're going, joey.

Unh. That doofus will
do anything to meet a girl.

I guess he realizes
I'm way out of his league.

Unh! What now?

A labyrinth
t*nk! Run!


it's gaining on us!

Mai: joey, watch out!

Left. Right.
Left. Right.

Yugi: joey!

Gotta go now!

t*nk! Waah!

Mokuba: another one!

There's no way

We're gettin' by
that thing.

Yugi: there's tanks
coming from every direction!

We're boxed in!

Ok, anybody here
got a plan?

Yeah, get past
those tanks.

You got a plan b?

we're gonna have

More holes in us
than swiss cheese!

I'll use my magical hats.

All: ooh!

Joey: heh heh.
I love that trick.

You got us outta there
just in time.

Now, let's move this party.

Mai: ouch, joey.
That's my foot.

Sorry. So...now
we're in the clear.

Some nice thinkin'
there, yugi.


Guys, those tanks
are coming after us!

Mokuba: which way
do we go?

Look, another fairy--

Like we saw before.

Hey, I bet it's one
of them fairies

That they put in games
to help the players out.

Huh. Maybe
she can help us.

Yeah, it looks like
maybe she wants us
to follow her.

Let's do it.

Mokuba: think
she can lead us
to my brother?

Earu, you're back!

Joey: who's that?

Where did--hey...

Check it out,

Looks like that
fairy's turned you
into a girl.

Great. Can she
make you smart?

look like...

Joey: they
could be twins.

Oh, totally.

We heard
someone scream.
Are you all right?

I lost earu--
my guide.

all here now.

So, can you get us
outta this rattrap?

I'm lost, too.


But earu will find
a way out for us.


Mokuba: I see the end
of the maze!

Joey: all right!
We're home free!

[Panting] wha?!!
Did I say
"home free"?

I meant
"in deep trouble"!

Mai: I can't think
of anything that'll beat
a monster that strong!

Joey: he could crush us
in one attack!

Joey: those kaiba corp.

Must've put gaigotian
in the game
to stop us!

Mai: how do we
beat it?

Yugi: we can overcome
anything by working

Right on, yuge.
We'll team up.

Let's go.

I'll combine
my red eyes black dragon...

With my summoned skull.

Both: and fuse them with
the polymerization card

To form...
The black skull dragon!


Mai: great try, guys,
but we still need

Even more attack power.

I hate this!
Everything's rigged
against us!

Just wait.

I've still got
dragon nails.

It raises our attack power
by points.

Molten fireball, attack!

That's amazing!

You're all
so brave...

So much like
the heroes
of legend.

Ahh, it
was nothin'.

of legend?

Soldier: oh, milady,
is that you?

Lady adena!
Is everything all right?


Milady, we've been
worried sick about you.

I see you've made
some new friends.

They saved me.
They're the bravest
warriors I've ever seen!

[Embarrassed chuckles]


As thanks,
I'd like to invite them

As guests
to the palace.


and difficult breathing]



Where...am i?

You're with me,
seto kaiba.

Huh? Witty phantom!

You took me prisoner
in my own game?

Yes.then release me.

I command you to.

This is no longer
your world to command.

Your game's
been reprogrammed.

You're late
to the party, kaiba.

Gee, I never
liked parties.

But you're
the guest of honor...

Or at least
you will be...

Very soon.

You see, kaiba,
you will have
the great privilege

Of being our offering
to the mythic dragon.

Till then,
your misery will be
in my capable hands.

That's enough.
Override protocol.

End this simulation.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I told you
things have changed.

Your code's
been rewritten, and now

All your silly
safety precautions
are a thing of the past.

Now, excuse me.
There's so much to do

Before the other offering
is brought here.

Huh? Another offering?

I know you love
the spotlight,

But you'll just
have to share.

Come back![Chuckles evilly]

Joey: well,
I still don't know
what to make

Of this crazy
game world...

But I like this part
a lot better
than that maze.

I like adena.
At least she knows

How to travel
in high style.

That's true. Mokuba,
you should be flattered

That kaiba based
such a cool character
on you.

On me?

Yeah, on you...


Yugi: oh,
look at that!

Mai: huh?


Joey: excellent!

Hope they got food
in this game.

Gee, I just hope
they can help us.

Mokuba: we need
to find seto.

Joey: check out
this pad.


[Earu giggles]huh?

It seems earu has taken
a liking to you.

Is this yourpalace?

Why, yes. I am the princess
of this land--sin lau.

Princess adena.

All: princess?!

[Joey makes
rude eating noises]

Mai: careful,

Keep your hands
and feet away
from joey's mouth.

Mmm! Umm--
mmhh! Mmhh!

[Choking]are you ok?

[Catching his breath]
happens all the time.


Mai: disgusting.

Princess adena...

Do you have any news
of my brother--seto?

Well, I didn't want to say
anything before,

But people often disappear
when it is time
for the offerings.


What do you mean?

Every year at this time,
offerings are collected

From this and
another kingdom

So that the mythic dragon
can be resurrected.

the mythic dragon?

The other kingdom
has already put up
their offering--

Some stranger
from a distant land.

That's seto!
Please! Tell me
where he is!

He's in a dark castle
floating in the sky.

Mokuba: a dark castle?

Why's that
sound familiar?

The castle
of dark illusions?

That painting
tells the tale.

We have passed down
the legend
for generations.

Long ago, a hero escaped
that dreaded castle

On a flying machine.

It is said he hid
his vessel in sin lau
a thousand years ago.

His ship was never found.

And there's no other way
to reach the dark castle.

We could fly there
on joey's dragon.

A magic barrier
protects the castle.

No duel monsters
can penetrate it.

Oh, no.

Don't you worry.

Just keep telling yourself
this is only a game.

We can solve it.[Several gasps]

Oh! I mean,
life's a game!

So, what are you
going to do about
yourkingdom's offering?

Oh. Well...


But don't worry
about my fate,

For with the legend
comes a prophecy...

And it predicts
that epic heroes

Will come to sin lau
from beyond
the distant mountains.


It is these great heroes
who, united,

Will create a power
that is strong enough

To destroy
the mythic dragon.

Are you saying you think
that that's us?

You think...
We'rethe epic heroes
from the prophecy?

Yes. On your shoulders
rests the fate
of our kingdom.

All right, now!
Hah hah!

Super joey is here
to save the day!

Super dork's
more like it.

This isn't
an eating contest,

This is dangerous.

We gotta go through
that mythic dragon

To rescue kaiba
anyway, right?

Way I see it,
there's no choice.


To properly
prepare you,

We will adorn you
in the manner of
our greatest heroes.

A girl like me
could get used to this.

How'd you make out, yugi?

Well, I feel
a bit silly.

I think you look
just great.

If you say so.

Uhh. You know, mai,

Kaiba corp.'S execs
have reprogrammed this game.

You could
be putting yourself
in danger.

Yugi, did you
check me out?

I look way too good
to be sittin'
at home.

You're ok, mai.

Where's joey, anyway?

Back here. And back here's
just where I'm stayin', too.

Oh, come on.
Don't be
such a wimp.


I'm wearin'
a bathroom rug, mai.

Nursemaid: but, joey,
this is the traditional garb
of our greatest national hero.



Mai: the storm came
out of nowhere.


ain't right here.

I've got a real bad feeling
about this, guys.

princess, it's far
too dangerous

For you
out here.

Yugi: look! A castle
floating in the sky!

Nursemaid: oh, dear,
oh, dear, oh, dear!

Yugi: the castle
of dark illusions!

Mai: never mind
the castle.

Look at all
those duel monsters.

It looks like they've come
to get their offering.

The princess!

Yugi: get ready, guys![Monsters growling]

Joey: I've never seen
so many duel monsters
at one time!

Mai: how're we gonna
stop 'em all?

Yugi: joey! Look out!
The armed ninja!

No way
he's layin' a hand
on the princess!

We've gotta
stop him!

Leave it to me.
Dark witch, attack!


This won't work!

There are
too many to fight
one at a time!

Listen, mai,
summon back
your dark witch.

And then what?

We'll have to use
another strategy.

Mai: dark witch,
Here's my plan.

I'll activate
the dark hole
magic card!

And then
they'll be lost
in its vortex!

Oh, no!

Mai: on the tower, yugi!
The armed ninja!

Yeah. Look!
That no-good
armed ninja

your dark hole
magic card, yuge!


Mai: don't let him
get away!

Axe raider!

Use kunai
with chain
to attack!


Joey: all right!

Mai: the whiptail crow got her!
They're getting away!


Yugi: adena!

Adena: oh, no!
What've I done?

They've taken mokuba!
He's gone!

Mokuba's gone!


You're not mokuba?!

Joey: adena!

Nursemaid: princess?

But we thought...

So then...
They got mokuba?

Yes. That was him.
He wanted to go.

Switch outfits
with me.

I'll go in your
place and join
my brother seto.

Adena: it's all my fault.
He was so brave,

And I was afraid.

Don't you see?
I was the one meant
to be offered,

Not mokuba.

Please, you
must save him!

But how do we reach
the dark castle?

[Sighs] I don't know.


Look! Guys!
Down there!

Ancient ruins!

What do you
see, yuge?

They must've been
uncovered by the storm!

Adena: that symbol--
of the legendary
flying machine!

Wow! So this is where
your ancient hero
hid it!

Joey: but even if it's
buried under there,

It must be
a fossil by now.

How could we
ever restore it?

I don't know,
but it's
our only hope

Of rescuing
the kaiba brothers.

Let's go down there
and check it out!

Joey: yuge,
this is hopeless.

There's no way
a plane that old
is gonna fly.

No, it won't.
That's why we
have to restore it

To the way it was
, years ago.

Restore it? But
how's that possible?

Of course! Don't you
get it, joey?


If the passage
of time

the flying machine,

Then turning back the clock
will make it as good as new.

And what card can
turn back the clock, joey?



The one you gave me
before pegasus's

The time wizard.
It can make things

Like they were
, years ago.

But...if the hands
land on skulls,

It'll take
our life points.

We've got
to risk it.

Seto and mokuba's
future hang
in the balance.


Here goes nothin'.
Come on, time wizard.

Take these ruins
back , years!

Time magic!

Card: time magic.

Mai: something's


Yugi: joey!
I think it's working!

The ruins...they're
rebuilding themselves!

Yugi: no, joey.
Time's rebuilding them.

I don't understand
what's happening!



Mai: old sin lau...

It's...it's beautiful.

It didn't work.



Yugi: I think you spoke
too soon, joey!

Something's happening...
But what?



Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Ohh!whoa! Oh!


I can't hold 'em.

Téa, we're
in big trouble here.


We've got to hang on!

Come back soon...

Or you might not be able
to come back at all!
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