01x40 - "Aftermath" / "King of Duelists"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x40 - "Aftermath" / "King of Duelists"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

The final duelist
contest will now begin.

The winner will be
declared king of games.

Promise me that you
will free the souls

Of my grandfather
and all the others.

Yes. But if I am the one
that defeats you instead,

You have to fulfill your end
of the bargain as well.

For I plan to take
possession of your puzzle!

You and I will finish
this contest in
the shadow realm, yugi!

And this time,
it's winner take all!

Now prepare yourself for
the ultimate merged monster!

Attack, magician!

With chaos
scepter blast!

Yami yugi:
your thousand eyes
restrict has been...


He won!
Yugi won!

All: yay! Way to
go, yugi! Yeah!

Let's not forget.
This isn't over
until pegasus

Releases everyone's
souls, just like
he promised.

He's gone!

Then let's go
and find that
creep pegasus.

He made
a promise

To free
those souls,

And he's going
to keep it!

[Thinking] the time has
finally come for me

To add pegasus' millennium
item to my collection!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: don't worry, yugi.
He couldn't have gotten far.

Yugi: we've got
to find him.

Pegasus is
the only one

Who can restore
grandpa's soul!

Wait a minute!

All: huh?

Why? What's
the matter, téa?

That tower.
It looks...

Yeah. Go on.

I think I've
been there before

With tristan
and bakura.

I vaguely recall
a secret room.

Pegasus' sanctuary.
Maybe it was just
a dream, but...

Only if we were
both dreaming.

I'm starting to
remember it, too.

Pegasus fought
with bakura,

And then bakura's
evil spirit came out.

But why did we forget?

Evil spirit?

Yeah. I bet he
cast a spell on ya!

But we remember
now. Let's go!

Hey! Wait up!

Pegasus: it's all over.

Everything I've struggled
to obtain

Is now beyond my grasp.

Keeping their souls
will not serve me now.

Besides, I'm
a man of my word.

And because of
the defeat I suffered
at the hands of yugi

And the mysterious spirit
of his millennium puzzle,

I am duty-bound
to fulfill my pledge.

And so, I release
these souls.

Cecelia, I'm sorry,
but I have failed you!

My attempt to take over
kaiba corp,

My efforts to get all
the millennium items,
was all done for you.

In the hopes that I could
restore you, body and soul.

Bakura: how sweet.

Hmm? Who's there?

Bakura! I remember now.

You! You're the one
that possesses
the millennium ring!

Yes. And I intend to
have all the items.

Care to wager yours
on a shadow game?

I'll give you
a second chance
at a millennium item.

[Chuckles] what you
couldn't win from yugi,

Perhaps you can win
from me.

Who knows? If you defeat me
and claim my ring,

Your deepest desires
might not be beyond
your grasp after all.

Your millennium item
allows you to look

Into people's minds,

Mine allows me
to see into
their souls.

I have but to look
at your deck,

Pegasus, and it
reveals to me
your true nature.

The happy
lover card!

It shows you
have experienced
the joys of love.

However, this card
is upside down,

Which means
your romance
ended in tragedy.

What a pity it is.
Well, the next card
should show me more

About your present
than your past.

Ah! The mask
of darkness, eh?

So your
recent actions were
all just an effort

To mask your
true objectives,

that came from deep
within your heart.

Who would have
thought you even
had a heart,

Let alone one
so easily broken?

Quiet! Let's just
play the game!

as you wish.
But first,

There is one more
card to be revealed.

Don't you want
to see your future?

Doma, the angel
of silence!

It's an appropriate
card for your future

Since I will now
silence you forever.

Prepare yourself,
mortal, for
a shadow game

The likes of which
you've never played!


This match
will be played

On the landscape
of our minds!

Really now,

Is that all
you can muster?

Ah, but you've
been fatigued

By your shadow duel
with yugi.

Your mind is weary
while mine is fresh.

Oh!you are defeated!

A rank amateur to
one who has played
for centuries.

You've lived
for centuries?

What kind
of creature are you?

I am the one who
will possess all the
millennium items,

And I shall use
their combined might

To conquer
the entire world!

You have lost
the game,

And that entitles
me to take your
millennium item,

The way you meant
to take yugi's.



Tristan: did you
hear that scream?

Téa: it came
from the tower.

It sounded
like pegasus.

Look! Something's

Yugi: it's him!


Croquet, what
happened to pegasus?

It's none of
your concern. He's
suddenly taken ill.

But what about grandpa
and the others?

He promised he'd free
their souls. He promised!

Not my department.

Hey, did you get
a look at pegasus?

Who or what could
have done that to him?

I don't know.
Maybe we should check out
the towers, you think?

Joey: so this is where
pegasus hangs out?

Whoever that woman is,
she sure is pretty.


Téa: hey!

What's this?

It seems to be
a diary!


Maybe we'll find
something in here.


It's all about pegasus.
Listen to this.

He's written
about that lady!

Yugi: she's everywhere!

Téa: she seems to be
very important to him.

"Darling cecelia,
at last, I've finally
found a way

"To restore you
to this world.

an elaborate plan,

"But not one
beyond my genius.

"It involves
the kaiba corporation

"And some ancient magic
I plan to harness

When I obtain
more millennium items."

This could be it!
This might explain

Why he set up
the tournament

And why he
went after yugi!

And maybe who
this girl is.

It's pretty
obvious he's
hung up on her.

Téa: "cecelia,
oh, my lovely..."

darling cecelia.

You know how
I've loved you

Since the first
moment we met

Those many years ago.

I'll never
forget that day.

It was at a party
at my father's
country estate.

It was a gala event,
with celebrities
and tycoons

From all over
the world.

Anyone who was
anyone was there.

But by far, the one
that impressed
me most...was you.

Even though we
were only children,

I knew I was in love.[Giggles]

We were drawn to each other,
and from that moment on,

We were inseparable,
you and i.

You inflamed my passions,

Inspired me to
become a painter.

And you were my
favorite subject.

I was so in love.

And just when
I thought things
couldn't get any better,

You agreed to take
my hand once again,
this time, in marriage.

That was the happiest
day of my life.
But it was cut short.

For it seemed,
just as we said our vows,

You were struck down
by a devastating disease

And taken from me
and this world.

It was as if a blow had
struck me from the heavens.

I was filled with sorrow.

From that moment on,
I could no longer paint.

My heart grew
bitter and cold.

Unable to accept the idea
that our life together
was forever lost,

I decided to scour
the earth in an attempt

To find any way to reach you
beyond this mortal veil.

My journey eventually
brought me to the great
pyramids of egypt,

That mysterious land
whose ancient people

Believed in a life
beyond the here and now--

A belief I wanted
to embrace.

I had just
begun to explore

That ancient city
when fate intervened.

Thank you.

heed my advice.


You have
journeyed far,

Seeking to cure
the ache within
your soul.

Ohh.take great care.

The search
to heal the pains
of a broken heart

Might lead to even
greater heartache.

Wait! How do you know?

It matters not.
Go home!

Pegasus: but I couldn't.

I realized if he somehow
knew of my pain,

Maybe he could
help me heal it.

I followed him
against his wishes,
or so I thought.

Although the passage
seemed to lead

To the bowels
of the earth,
still I followed,

And my footsteps led me
to a hidden crypt,

Apparently buried beneath
centuries of civilization.

What is this place?

So, you chose not
to heed my warning.


what are you doing?
Let me go!

I am a guardian
of the millennium items.

Once this sacred place
has been discovered,

The only way to leave
is to be chosen.

It must be
your destiny.

But how could these
millennium items be

Part of my destiny?
What do you mean?


You will now
be tested

By the item itself:
the millennium eye.

The eye itself?
But how?

Each millennium item
awaits the day
its fated possessor

Appears to claim it
and punishes those
who are undeserving.


Now, if you
pass its test,

It will empower you
to see more

Than you've
ever seen before.

And if I fail
its test?

If you are not the one
destined to possess it,

All that awaits you
is nightmares beyond
your imagination!



Man: you have
not descended into
chaos and madness.

You are
the chosen one.

Now your eyes will be
opened to dimensions

Beyond the here and now,
like having a sixth sense,

Capable of seeing
worlds and times
outside our own.


it's really you!



I've found you!

My darling,
we're reunited
at long last.

but be warned.

Seeing's not
the same as touching,
holding, being.


That is beyond
the power of this
millennium item.

Pegasus: I should
have once again been
engulfed by despair.

But seeing you
for that brief moment...

Téa: "...gave me
more hope than I
thought possible.

"Even though you were
gone from my world,

"I knew there was
still a way to
reach your spirit,

"And I wouldn't rest
till I found a way
to bring you back

"And once again
touch the flower
that is your face

And gaze into your eyes
once more."

It goes on to say
that later pegasus
got an inspiration.

He found a way
to combine kaiba's
virtual technology

With the magic
of millennium items
to restore cecilia.

But nothing
about grandpa or
the kaiba brothers.

Yugi: hey, look!
Soul cards, and
they're all blank!

Pegasus must
have freed them

Let's find out!

Both: yeah.[Panting]

I hope
they're ok.

Come on, yuge!
Let's go.

Hold on!
Wait for me!


What's going on?

He has a millennium
item, too!

Man, thinking:
the disturbance
in the mystic alignment

Brings me here.

Who are you?huh?

[Thinking] I know not
who has stolen

Pegasus' millennium eye and
upset the cosmic balance,

But perhaps I should
begin my search here.

Through the centuries,
those who have
come to possess

One millennium item
have often been driven
to covet them all.

No, stay back!

[Thinking] I sense
that the thief hides

Somewhere within
the castle walls.

I shall begin
my investigation
with this boy.

What are you doing?

The millennium key
will unlock his mind

And reveal
the truth to me.

Huh? What is this?

This youth's mind
contains chambers.

Never have I
seen such a thing.

One is a room
of a pure innocence,

Devoid of malice.

The purity of soul
I sense here could
not possibly belong

To the criminal that
stole the millennium eye.

But wait!

In the other chamber,
I detect another presence.

And this soul is
much more mysterious.

It's all right.

You may enter
my chamber

If that is what
you desire.

But I warn you,


I will allow
no harm to come

To the boy whose
vessel I share.

Your presence here
intrigues me.

[Thinking] in the past,
I've ventured into the minds
of many people,

But I've never
encountered a chamber
so dank and mysterious.

I feel as though I'm
in a tomb of an ancient
egyptian pharaoh.

I don't know how you
entered my mind.

Explain yourself
before you trespass

I demand
an explanation
for your intrusion.

Hmm. I seek a criminal
who has stolen the power
of a millennium item.

It has been long
millennia since those
ancient items were created.

Their magical energies
were trapped in them
by a brave pharaoh.

Combined, these
millennium items possess

Power enough
to conquer the world.

Hence, many evil men
have ventured to gather
these items for themselves.


It is my heritage

To guard
the millennium items

And my charge to punish
the thief who stole
pegasus' millennium eye.

And you accuse me of
being that criminal?

You have already
taken refuge in
the vessel of another.

That does not
bode well.

But if you are
not the criminal,

Then you have nothing
to fear from my search.

Guilty until
proven innocent?

An ancient concept
for this modern age.

However, I have
nothing to hide.

I'm not
your criminal.

Then grant me passage
to your unconscious mind.

Fine. I'll open
the doors for you.


You may search them
to your heart's

[Thinking] hmm.

Never have I seen
such complexity
as in this one's mind.

Truly, he is
an extraordinary

And now,
I will leave you to
your exploration.

There are mysteries
within mysteries here,

Levels beyond levels,

So I must probe
each chamber
for the truth.


It was a trap!

despite his cooperation,
something in his mind

Conspires to keep me
from the truth.

So many doors,
so many false entries,

All designed to distract me
from the proper path.

But no matter how
they try to confuse
and disorient me,

My millennium key
will show me the true way.

It draws me here.
The truth lies within.

It appears safe enough.

Still, I shall proceed
with extreme caution.


Another trap!

[Thinking] never have
I seen mental defenses
so strong.

this could be
the end of me.

[Thinking] if I fall
into this deep darkness,

I will be trapped eternally
within his cryptic mind.

I don't know why
the spirit of

My puzzle's doing
this to you,

But I can't
let him hurt you.huh?

it's the innocent one!

Let me help you up.


I seek only the truth.
But it's strange
my way is blocked.

It's strange,
all right.

But I don't
think the spirit
of the puzzle

Is doing this
on purpose.

I get the feeling
that there are

Some memories hidden
even from him.

I sure wish I knew
what they were.


Man, thinking: the door,
it opens for you,

As if seeking to answer
your curiosity.

But why? Why does
it yield to you?

Yugi: what is all
this? What are these
stone tablets?

, Years ago,
egyptian kings played

A game of great
and terrible power.

These shadow games
were played with real
magic and real monsters.

But those games
erupted into a w*r

That threatened to destroy
the entire world

Until a brave pharaoh
locked the magic away,

Sealing the monsters
in stone tablets.

But how could
your other personality

Have knowledge
of this ancient history?

And why do I
suddenly sense here,
in his unconscious mind,

Magic that the world
has not known
for millennia?

They look just
like the monsters

On the cards we use
to play with today.


Look out!
A new threat appears.

The dark magician!

He prepares to strike!

He is another
mental defense
against any intruders.

The magician intends
to destroy us both.

No way!

Unless we can stop him,
we will never leave
this chamber.

Wait! This surface
on which I stand

May be the means
of our salvation.

If that other image
spawned the essence
of the dark magician,

Then this one must
contain the magical
energy of his nemesis,

The blue eyes
white dragon.

If I can use the power
of the millennium key
to unleash its might,

It will obliterate
the magician.

No! Stop!

Why should i?

Because he'd
never hurt me.

Dark magician,
we are not intruders!
Don't you recognize me?

Stand aside and let us
leave in peace!

We will not reveal
the hidden secrets.

You know me.
You trust me.

What's this?

the dark magician,
who in ancient times

Obeyed only the pharaoh,
gives heed to this youth?


Unless this boy
is the chosen one.

The prophecy comes to pass.

Both: aah!

I apologize for my rude
intrusion into your mind.

I did not realize that
you are the chosen one

And that the ancient
predictions have finally
been fulfilled at last!

In my search
for a thief,

I instead found
the most worthy,

One fated to unlock
all the magic.

The theft of pegasus'
millennium eye was

But the first sign
that evil once again

Walks the earth, bringing
madness in its wake.

As in ancient times,
chaos once more

Threatens to envelop
an unsuspecting world,

And only he who solved
the millennium puzzle
can save it.

What do you mean?

Is there
anything else

You can tell me
about this?

Take great care.
Be on your guard,

For whoever
the thief is

Who stole pegasus'
millennium item,

He will also
come seeking yours.

Wow! That's
almost too scary
to think about.

But if a guy
like you couldn't
find him,

How do you
expect me to?

Wait! Don't go!
I've got a lot
more questions.

Like, who are you?

My name is shadi,
and I am certain

That we will meet
again another day.

But until then,
stay true to
your destiny.

Remember, the fate
of the world rests
on your shoulders.

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