01x38 - Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 4" / "The Evil Eye Activates – Sacrifice"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x38 - Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 4" / "The Evil Eye Activates – Sacrifice"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously,
on yu-gi-oh...

I lay this card
facedown on the field.

You can hide
nothing from me.

We'll see about that.


I can't tell what
that hidden card is!

Through the magic
of the millennium

inhabit this body.

Now, each time
you try to read
one of our minds,

We'll use
the mind shuffle.

mind shuffle?

It's all over.

Face it. You've got
nowhere else to run.

It's far
from all over.

I haven't even
begun to play.


The jar's magic

Will send these
ridiculous thugs

To the graveyard.

I know you're not really
our friend bakura.

Just tell me
who you are,

What you want.

I've decided
I need a new host.

You want mokuba.

Now turn him over,

Or face
the same fate
as those guards.

You've finally
begun to master

The power of your
millennium puzzle.

That's what this whole
tournament has been about,

For I plan to take
possession of your puzzle.

My puzzle?

You and I will
finish this contest

In the shadow realm, yugi.

And, this time,
it's winner take all.

Captioning made possible
by wb networks and the u.s.
Department of education

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Heh heh heh heh heh.
So, what will it be, mortal?

Are you going to hand
mokuba over willingly,

Or do I have
to conjure something
to consume your soul?

Forget it.
No way.


You know that I have
the power to back up
my threats.

Hand him over
this instant,

Or I'll dispatch you
to the graveyard, too.


Yeah, I remember.

Your evil power
comes from that,

The millennium ring.

That's right.
The millennium ring
not only allows me

To control
your friend bakura,

It gives me
many other magical
abilities as well.

So, unless you want
a more personal

of my powers,

You'll stop
resisting me,

Since you know
any attempt would
be pointless.

Why sacrifice yourself
when you know

I'll still wind up
in possession
of him in the end?


All right. I give up.

You can have him.

Mokuba's yours.


Here! Think fast!



since the evil spirit
inside that necklace

Is what's controlling

I've got to get rid
of the necklace.

So long, evil spirit.


And this time,
don't come back!

Good riddance.

I will defeat you,
in one realm
or another, yugi.


It's just like last time.

He's sealing us
in another dimension,

Cutting me off
from my friends.


[Energy crackles]

Where'd they go, joey?

You got me.

This is really spooky!

How can we help yugi
when we can't even see him?

hey! How about a hand?

Téa: tristan,
where have you been?!

You wouldn't believe it.

I've had an adventure
and a half today.


Tristan, what happened
to those two?

That evil spirit
took over bakura again.

And even though
I got rid of it...


What's going on here?

You first.

I freed mokuba,
but then bakura
tried to grab him.

What did he want
with mokuba?

Details, man.

He wanted mokuba
for his new host body.


Don't worry.
I handled it.

but that's history.

What's the deal
with the indoor

Téa: we're not sure.

These two should be
all right here for now.

Let's go down
and check it out.


Joey: pegasus was losing,

And he started
ranting something
about a shadow game,

And then this thing
came out of nowhere.

I think
they're still inside.


this place always
gives me the creeps.

Whenever pegasus
brings me here,

It only means
one thing...

A shadow game!a shadow game!

You'll find your experience
in the shadow realm
this time around

Will be a lot harder
than your last.

The strain of maintaining
your mind shuffle

Will make it more difficult
for you to mentally
conjure up your monsters.

he's right! I feel weak!

Yami yugi:
I'll take over, yugi!

I think
I'm strong enough,

So let's finish
our duel now!


[Thinking] you'll
be safer if you let me
handle pegasus, yugi.

I can survive
in this realm
easier than you.

but we can't abandon
our strategy!

It was the only thing
keeping pegasus from
reading our minds!

You're right,

And it's the only reason

We have
our narrow lead.

Ha ha ha ha!

For my
next brilliant move...

I play my dark eyes
illusionist in attack mode!

And did I tell you?

It's a monster I created
just for this game!

And don't forget,

In this realm, it's
as real as you are!

I can see that!

Oh, I know
he looksformidable,

But what sort
of a threat could
could he be to you?

He has zero attack points
and zero defense points.

Of course,
since it's a monster

You've never seen
before today,

You have no way of knowing
its hidden secrets,

And I have been known
to keep a few tricks
up my sleeve

From time to time.
Right, yugi?

Ha ha ha ha!

Yami yugi:
I don't know what secrets

Your dark eyes illusionist

But I'm certain
it's not as harmless

As you would like me
to believe.

I'm sure
it's quite dangerous.

Pegasus: yugi!
You're so suspicious!

Ha ha ha!

I'll lay
my curse of dragon
on the field.

come forth!


we've got to keep
pegasus off-balance.

We've got to keep
switching our minds.

all right, yugi.

[Thinking] I think
yugi overestimates

His mental prowess

And underestimates
the burden

Of fighting a duel
in the shadow realm.

I don't think
you have it in you, yugi boy.

You now have creatures
to maintain:

Your curse of dragon
and your dark magician.


This is so hard.
The strain, it hurts.

it's like nothing
I've ever felt before.

The whole world
is spinning!

yugi, if this is
too much for you,

You should let me
take over.

give me a minute.

I just want to try
to last out the turn.

he's too young and unskilled
to cope with the stress,

And communicating
with that other spirit

Splits his concentration
even more.

His mental
and magical energies
will soon be exhausted.


You felt it,
too, huh?

Yeah, a sharp jolt,
right in my heart,

Along with
the strangest feeling

That something bad
has happened to yugi.

Tell me
about it, téa.

I think that
our little buddy's
in big trouble.

I know.


You felt it, too?

Yeah, maybe
it's because we've
all become so tight,

But it's like
we've developed

Some kind
of weird link
with him.

For sure.

Yeah, but if we're
feeling what he's feeling,

It must be
really bad in there.

Joey: if only
there was some way
we could help him.

You're looking
a little pale, yugi.

Maybe you should give up
your mind-shuffle strategy.

Take a breather.

I can send you
back to your world

Anytime you're
ready to surrender.

[Thinking] yugi,
for once, pegasus
is telling the truth.

Your mind
just can't handle

The stress of maintaining
our monsters.

[Thinking] ok.
Take over--for now.

I'll use my turn to attack
with curse of dragon!


an impulsive attack,
precipitated, no doubt,

By his concern
for little yugi.

But in his rush,
he's made a fatal mistake.

Your attack activates
dark eyes illusionist's

Special ability.

Mesmerizing magic!

He stopped him.

To make up for dark eyes'

Nonexistent attack
and defense points,

I endowed him
with a special ability.

Dark eyes illusionist
can use the power
of its mesmeric eye

To paralyze
attacking monsters
in their tracks.

With such a superb monster
at my disposal,

What could my next
brilliant move be?

Just play it.

As you wish.

Believe it or not,
I'm going to use

The black
illusion ritual card

To sacrifice
my incredible dark eyes.

"Has he gone insane,"
you might ask,

"Sacrificing a creature

That can paralyze
any monster I play?"

No. I'm merely
using this ceremony

To create
an even better monster.


I hereby sacrifice
dark eyes illusionist

To summon another
spellcaster monster.

Yes, there's more.

The incredible,

Unforgettable creature
known only as...


Quite a looker, huh?

What kind of monster
can this be?

I've never seen
anything like it.

I'll show you
by activating
its special power.

It's even more irresistible
than my previous creature.


Oh, no!
My curse of dragon!

Gone, but not forgotten.

Uhh! Dark magician,
go now!

Attack relinquished!

Dark magic attack!

activate your defense shield.


No! It's using
my captured
curse of dragon

As a shield
against the attack!

The dark magician's attack
eliminates curse of dragon

From the game!

But, since
he was your creature,

You lose the life points.

By absorbing
its opponent's monsters,

Relinquished can use them

And their attack
and defense points

To protect against
any attacking monster.

remains unharmed,

While the opponent
suffers the damage.

Your own attack
reduced your life points!

As long as I have
relinquished in play,

your own worst enemy!

Ooh, how frustrating
it must be to be you,

To know you have
all these great
monsters in your deck

And, if you dare play
any of them, they will be
used against you.

This game's not over
yet, pegasus.

No, but it
might as well be.

My monster's unstoppable.

I activate relinquished's
hypnotic attraction.

Try as he might to resist,
your dark magician

Will find my spellcaster

As irresistible
as your dragon did.

Like your dragon,
he'll soon be mine.

No! My dark magician!

It captured him, too!

Ohh! And now

It's turned him into
another defense shield!

Heh heh heh heh.
That's right, yugi.

You're beginning
to catch on,

And this time,
I've got one of your most
powerful monsters

To use against you.

Not to mention
your personal favorite.

But, in an attack,
he'll take your life points
all the same.

Guess you're
not his favorite,

Not anymore.

how can I possibly win?

Any monster I use
will be turned against me,

And even if I come up
with another strategy,

Pegasus will
know it instantly.

we can't give up!

We have to
mind-shuffle again

Long enough for me
to play a card
and retreat

Before pegasus
can read my mind.

It worked before.
It'll work again!

[Thinking] are you
sure you're up to this?

We don't know
how long you can last
in the shadow realm.

I don't have
to last long,

Just long enough
to pull one last card.

But if you
reach the limits
of your endurance,

Your soul
will be shredded,

in the shadow realm
for all eternity.

Whatever the risk,
I have to take it,

For grandpa's sake.

We both have to trust
in the heart of the cards.


I've--i've got
to play fast.

it's little yugi.
He's back.

Some people
never learn.

I've got to have faith
in the heart of the cards...

Because the next
card I pull...

Might be my last.

Please, make it one
that can defeat pegasus.


It's all up
to the spirit

Of the millennium
puzzle now.

Pegasus, I play
one card facedown.

For my last move,

I throw feral imp
in defense mode!

at least now

There's one card
that pegasus
doesn't know about.

Now maybe
we stand a chance.

hmm, if I try
to read his mind,

They'll just
switch again.

So instead,
I'll overtax it,

Like this!

prepare to attack.

Use the dark
magician's power!

Pilfered power attack!
Destroy the feral imp!

My feral imp!


yugi, switch now.

Yugi? Yugi!


You've got
to beat pegasus.


One down.




Feel that?

Something happened
to yugi just now.

I know.
But what?

Whatever it was,
it felt devastating.

He--he's hurt.

Or worse.


Yami yugi:
yugi! Yugi!

I can't
sense his spirit.

I can no longer
feel the presence
of his young mind.

No. He--
he can't be gone!

Forget him.
The boy was too weak.

It takes a person
of true fortitude

To cope with
the harsh unrealities
of the shadow realm.

Face it.
Yugi is gone, and it's
just you and me now.

This is too freaky.

Suddenly, I'm not
feeling yugi at all.

It's like
he's vanished

Off the face
of the planet.

I know.
What could have
happened to him?

I'm telling ya,
I'm getting creeped out.

One minute,
I was feeling yugi

Like he was right here
beside me,

And then the next...

He was gone.
I felt it, too.

[Thinking] me, too.
We've got to get to him.

He needs our help. Yugi!

Huh? Téa, no!

What happened?

Uh, I'm not sure.


Oh! Oh!

So, what'll we do now?

Stand back.
There's gotta be
some way in.


Huh? Huh? Huh?

Tristan, where are you?

Téa: yell if you
can hear us!

Somehow I just
passed through it!


What happened?

No good,

Whatever this dome
bubble thingy is,

It's clear
pegasus designed it

To keep yugi in
and us outside.

I just can't believe
our best friend's
in the worst jam ever

And there's nothing
we can do to help him.


oh, joey's right.

There's no way
we can get through
to help yugi,

And now it feels
like it's too late.

You used your
underhanded tactics

To overwhelm
yugi's mind!

You will pay
for what you did.

Heh heh heh.

So, I take it,
from this emotional outburst,

That you're having
a difficult time

Acknowledging the fact
that you failed

In your
self-appointed duty

To protect your little
dueling protege.

Whoever you are,
perhaps yugi would have
been better off

your interference, hmm?

Be silent!

For what you have done,

I will
show you no mercy.

Then let the game

It's your turn.

You no longer
have yugi to help you.

Once more, your mind
is an open book to me.

The card you drew
is winged dragon

And guardian of the fortress,
a weak monster.

without yugi,
he can't stop me

From reading his mind
any longer.

pegasus read my mind,
so now he knows

All the cards
in my hand.

The only card
he doesn't know

Is the one yugi
left on the field.

I have no way of knowing
if that's a card

That could tip
the duel in my favor.

I play winged dragon
in defense mode!


It's your move.

your defense monster

Won't affect
your life points,

But I'll do it
just for fun.

Relinquished, destroy
the winged dragon.


Ah, that was fun.

Now the card
of your final defeat.

Your time's run out.

Jigen bakudan!

The infamous
time b*mb!

Yes. Jigen bakudan is
a self-destructing monster

That's immune to att*cks.

In just turns,
it will explode

And destroy
my beloved relinquished.

You're using bakudan
to destroy your own monster?

But, more importantly,

It'll also destroy
the ones relinquished
has absorbed.

Namely, yours.

And relinquished?
His attack power is zero.

Meaning your
life points won't be
affected at all. Right?

That's right.

While my score
is unaffected,

The expl*si*n will wipe out
the dark magician,

And his attack points
will be deducted

Directly from
your life points,

Ending the game.

and that'll destroy
any hope I have

Of rescuing
yugi's grandfather,
kaiba, and mokuba!

Face it, the clock
is ticking down
on your demise,

And there's nothing
you can do to stop it.

I just can't remember
the last occasion
I had so much fun.

only turns left
till kaboom!

And you don't have
a single card
in your hand

That can help you.

Trust me, I know.


what am I going to do?

Even if I draw
a new card,

Pegasus' millennium eye
will let him read my mind

And see exactly
what card I've drawn!

That's right.
As long as I can
read your mind,

You can do nothing
against me.

You've lost.
The game is over.

[Thinking] he's right.

As much as I hate
to admit it,
I've failed.

I've failed yugi,
and I've failed
all of his friends.

Nothing I draw
can help me now.

Yugi's sacrifice
was in vain.

His grandpa
and the kaiba brothers
are doomed!
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