01x37 - Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 3" / "The Counterattack Begins! Mind Shuffle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x37 - Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 3" / "The Counterattack Begins! Mind Shuffle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on yu-gi-oh...

Joey: man, I can't believe
it's finally happening.

Yugi versus pegasus
for his grandpa's soul.

Everything we've been
working for comes down
to this match.

My turn, yugi boy.

It's the magical toon world!

I'm throwing a monster
in defense mode.

Behold the trap
known as gorgon's eye!

My imp! He's been
turned to stone.

As will every other monster
you throw in defensive mode,

For the gorgon's eye
is a permanent trap.

Look! He's
got mokuba!

Stop him!

Hold it right there!

You're surrounded.

Bakura, get out
of here!

Chained energy!

What on earth?!
I'm stuck!

Come. Now is our
chance to escape.

Ok. Hey, wait up.

Hey, stop!

I see you've drawn
the fabled dark magician.

That mind-reading cheat!

What the heck's
the use in going on?

Yugi, thinking:
I don't know what to do.

I can't even try
attacking those toons

While they're inside
that magic book,
and the gorgon's eye

Turns any
defense monster
I throw to stone.

[Sighs] it all just
seems so hopeless.

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Department of education

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Your turn, yugi boy.

But what's a poor
duelist to do?

If you throw your
monsters in defense mode,

I'll fossilize them,
and if you throw them
in attack,

I'll destroy them!

[Thinking] he's right.
I'm trapped.

Unless maybe
this combo works!

I'll play
the dark magician
in attack mode!

Ooh! The dark magician.

And I also protect him
with the magical hats.

Téa: brilliant.
Even pegasus can't tell

Which hat yugi's hidden
his dark magician in.

Now the magician
is safe from pegasus'
toon monster att*cks.

Ah, I see.

See what?

With your feeble attempt
to hide your dark magician,

You're hoping to stall
until you can find a way

To overcome my toon world.
But it won't work.


Don't get it?

You're not capable of
concealing your secrets from me,

And those silly magic hats
won't help you hide.

All I need to do
is probe your feeble mind

To learn which hat
hides your mage.

Or have you forgotten
the power of my millennium eye?

You might as well
surrender now

And save yourself
the embarrassment
of a crushing defeat.

Prepare yourself,
yugi boy!

Here I come!

what can I do?

If pegasus
reads my mind,

If he learns
where the magician is,
I'm finished.

There has to be
some way I can stop
him! There has to be!

Yugi! Come on,
stay with it, man!

I know
pegasus has magic,

But so do you!
The magic of your
millennium puzzle!

[Thinking] that's it!

I do have my own
kind of magic,

The magic that merges me
with the spirit of
the millennium puzzle.

Spirit, listen
to me, quickly.

Yugi! I can feel pegasus
trying to claw his way
into our minds again.

I--i can't keep him out.

I know, but I have an idea.

My grandpa told me that if
I wanted to defeat pegasus,

I'd have to harness the power
of my millennium puzzle.

I thought that he meant
I should merge with you

As we usually do
and that together
we would be triumphant,

But now I think
I was wrong.

Grandpa said
to trust in the power
of my millennium puzzle,

But he never said
anything about you.

What are you
saying, yugi?

Spirit, if I'm to have
any chance of beating pegasus,

I'm afraid I have to
banish you from the
corridors of my mind.

Yugi, if we don't
work together,

We won't stand a chance.

Maybe not, but if
we keep playing

Like we have,
we'll lose.

What do you mean?

Listen, just hear me out.

We're losing because
pegasus can read our mind

Because we're working
so close together.

That's wrong. I mean,
it's the wrong strategy

For us to be using
in this particular game.

If we keep dueling
with our spirits merged,

Pegasus' mind-reading powers
will beat us.

And if we lose,
everyone loses.

But I have another idea.

Well, it had better
be a good one.

Many lives
depend on us.

I know.
But I think it will work.

I think it will
allow us to stop pegasus
from reading our thoughts.

Tell me quickly, then.

I can feel pegasus
pushing at our mind,

Trying to probe
our thoughts.

[Sighs] ok, this is it.

Each time we play a card,
pegasus reads our mind.

What if we keep
our minds separate

And then switch our minds
back and forth?

Ah, switch minds.
So, you're saying

We won't merge
our spirits
as we usually do.

Instead, we keep our
thoughts separate,

Secret, even
from each other.

A dangerous move,
but it just
might work.

All right, let's do this!

Toon summoned skull.

Emerge from
the safety of toon world

And attack the magical hat
on the far left.


The dark magician has
performed his last trick.

Maybe, pegasus,
or maybe you're
losing your touch.

hmm? What?

Yugi boy's life points
are unaffected,

And the dark magician card
is still on the field.

Impossible! I just
read his mind!

His magician had to be
hidden under that hat!

I felt him
resisting my probe,

But there's no way
he could've deceived me.

Maybe you probed
the wrong mind, pegasus,

One that doesn't know
where the dark
magician hides.


Or maybe your
mind-probing powers

Aren't as all-seeing
as you think.

You dare mock
the awesome powers
of my millennium eye?

You go too far, yugi boy.

Hey, téa, do you
have any idea
what's goin' on?

I think it has to do
with yugi's other spirit.

Yugi's somehow
using the spirit
from his millennium puzzle

To confuse pegasus
and block him from
reading minds.

You gained nothing from
your attack, pegasus.

Even with
your magic, you won't
be able to win,

'Cause you're not
the only duelist
with a millennium item.

Now, let's see how well
your millennium eye

Measures up to
my millennium puzzle.

[Both gasp]

Whoa! Yugi! I sure hope
he knows what he's doing.

I mean, how much
do any of us really know
about his millennium puzzle?

Millennium puzzle,
millennium schmuzzle.

I just wish I could
help him somehow, but no.

All I can do
is cheer from the sidelines

While my best buddy
duels his toughest duel
all by himself.

Hmm. I lay this card
facedown on the field
and end my turn.

Pegasus, do you know
what the card is

That I just pulled
and laid on the field?

Just use
your millennium eye
to read my mind.

That is, if you
think you can.


No problem! You can
hide nothing from me!

We'll see about that!


I can't tell what
that hidden card is
that you just played!

[Yami yugi chuckles]
sorry, pegasus,

But I don't know what
this facedown card
is, either.

Reading my mind
will tell you
absolutely nothing.

[Thinking] how?
How is he doing this?

You see, pegasus,
I don't know what
that card is,

Because I am
no longer yugi moto,

But someone else

Through the magic of
the millennium puzzle,

Minds inhabit
this body.

Now, each time
you try to read
one of our minds,

We'll use
the mind shuffle.

[Thinking] mind shuffle?

Told ya! Yugi's
battling pegasus

With not one,
but minds.

Oh, I get it.
So when pegasus tries
to read one of his minds,

Yugi can switch back
to the other one.

I guess it's true,
minds are better than one.

It's all over.
Give us back our prisoner now,

And we may still
let you leave in one piece.

Face it. You've got
nowhere else to run.

he's right.

So, punk,
what's it gonna be?


You ignorant

It's far
from all over.

We have barely even
begun to play.

And I'll
show you the cards
fate has dealt you.

Stop talking nonsense!
Give up!

Right now!

[Thinking] what's with
bakura all of a sudden?

Wait a minute!
I think I remember him

Acting like
this once before!

It was when the evil
spirit from bakura's
millennium ring

Dragged us all
to the shadow realm!

I thought that was
just a bad dream,

But it looks like
it really did happen.

And it looks like
that evil bakura
is back again.

Now I'll teach you
the true meaning of fear,

As I summon
the man-eater bug...


With the power
of my millennium ring!


Unh! What's going on?

Oh, no! He's
brought the monster
on the card to life!

And he's gonna
sic it on us!

Now, you mortal fools
prepare to meet
your doom!


Here it comes!

Run! Let's get
out of here!

Present-day humans
are so fun to terrorize,
don't you think?

No, I don't.
But then again,

I am
a present-day human.
What the heck are you?


Me? Someone with great power,

Soon to be greater.

But I can't spend
the day having fun.

I have things to do.

So I'll summon
the morphing jar
to this plane

And put an end
to their pathetic whining.

What is that?!

[Men scream]

The jar's magic
will send these ridiculous
thugs to the graveyard.


[Thinking] whoa!

[Distant roar]

Where the heck
are we?

And what the heck
is that thing?


So, still trying
to read my mind,

Go right ahead.

No thanks, yugi boy.

My mind-scanning abilities
are only one of many
skills that I possess

And that you
need to worry about,

Or have you forgotten
who invented this game?

Besides, I can sense
that you are prepared
to switch minds.

Yes, you're ready to switch
again the moment I begin
to probe your mind.

So, rather than
waste both our time,
let's move on, shall we?

You've still no defense
against my toon monsters,

And it's only
a matter of time

Till I find which hat
hides your dark magician.


Then pick a hat,
and we'll see
just how impressive

Your mastery of
duel monsters really is.

But I suspect that
you've relied

On the magic
of your millennium eye

For so long,
your dueling skills
have diminished.

[Chuckles] even if
your little theory was true,

I'm still far and away
a superior duelist to you.

We shall see, pegasus.
Make your next move.

Toon summoned skull,
attack the middle hat.


[Thinking] hmm,
did I get him?

I think I got him.
I must've gotten him.

[Gasps] no!
I missed again!

what a shame, pegasus.
Another turn wasted.

And for my next turn,

A quick change
is in order.

So, you've switched again.

Yugi: that's right,

And our
mind shuffle strategy
is working perfectly.

[Thinking] great!
The living arrow card

Could really
turn this match around.

So I'll just play
this card facedown,

And I'll see you
later, pegasus.

Yami yugi: you're
looking frustrated.

[Thinking] he's played
another card facedown,

And there's no point
in trying to read
this yugi's mind,

Because he has no idea
what card it is, either.

so, yugi's played
another card facedown,

And even though
I don't know
what that card is,

I have faith in yugi

And faith in
the heart of the cards.

I'm becoming annoyed.


The card that will
devastate your dark magician.

Magical neutralizing
force activate.


This special card
acts to eliminate
any and all magic effects

Currently active
on the opponent's field,

Which means
the concealing effect

Of your magical hats
now disappears.

Oh, no! The magic hats
are evaporating!

The dark magician
is revealed!

It's all over for him
and your life points.

You can only watch
as I savor my final victory.

Does your heart grow cold

Knowing that your demise
is only moments away?

Come on out,
toon summoned skull.

Show them the face of victory!

[Thinking] no!
His toon monsters are
virtually unstoppable,

And my dark magician
is totally unprotected.

There's nothing
I can do, unless...

Toon summoned skull,
attack the dark magician.

Lightning strike attack!


Devastate his dark magician!

I don't have a move,
but yugi might.

Yugi: pegasus!

[Thinking] no,
they've switched again!

I defend my magician

With the card
I played facedown.

The magic card...
Living arrow!

What? Your hidden card
is the living arrow?

That's right.
That is my secret card.

And since
you're the creator
of duel monsters,

You must know all about
the living arrow card...


And how it can fuse
with any card

An opponent
might put into play.

And it doesn't matter
whether that card

Is a monster card
or a magic card!

Yami yugi:
we've thwarted your
mind-reading magic,

And now we're going
to use your very own
magic card against you!

Pegasus, I use
the living arrow card

To fuse with
your magical
neutralizing card

And fire it right back
at toon world!

[Gasps] hmm.

It doesn't matter,
'cause it's already too late

For you to stop
my summoned skull attack.

Your dark magician
is vanquished.

Sorry, pegasus.

You've forgotten
my other down card.

It's a trap card,
and it's one
of my favorites,

Mirror force!

A trap?

It deflects back
summoned skull's attack,

And since the other card
neutralized the magic

That made your
toons untouchable,

Your toon monsters
return to their
original form

And appear on the field
just in time to
catch the blast.


It's impossible!

I can't believe
you've destroyed
all my beloved toons.

Aah! No! No! No! No!

This is a nightmare,
a bad dream.

This can't truly
be happening!


We did it. All the toons
are destroyed.

[Thinking] yes,
and it was your plan, yugi.

I'm very proud of you.

Score stands at yugi,
, pegasus, .

Uh, sorry, sir.

[Thinking] yugi has
proven formidable indeed.

And his millennium item
is even more intriguing
than I imagined.

All right, you're
in the lead, yuge!

[Thinking] at last!

Those creepy
toon monsters seemed
almost unbeatable,

But I knew yugi'd
figure out a way
to defeat them.

I just knew it!

Bakura: as you
can see, there's not
a single particle

Of those pathetic fools
left in this dimension.

I have no patience
for obstacles that
get in my way.

Remember that.

Huh? I don't know
how you did that,

And I probably
don't wanna know.

Just tell me who you are,
what you want.

I know you're not really
our friend bakura.

You're the one yugi beat.

He banished you
to the graveyard,

And in the process,
he freed bakura from
your mind control.

Yes, but that
wouldn't have happened

If bakura
hadn't betrayed me.

I've decided
I need a new host.

You won't take me
without a fight.

Not yours.
I want a vessel without
a mind or soul of its own.

You want mokuba.

Now, turn him over,
or face the same fate
as those guards.


Yugi, I'm impressed.


When I first met you,
you were just another boy

Who showed some faint
dueling promise.

But with my gentle guidance,
well, just look at you now.

You're one step away
from becoming world champion.

You've been to
the shadow realm and back.

And most importantly,
you've finally
begun to master

The power of your
millennium puzzle.
And you see, yugi boy,

For me, that's what
this whole tournament
has been about.

For I plan to take
possession of your puzzle.

My puzzle?


Yes! You and I will
finish this contest

In the shadow realm, yugi.

And this time,
it's winner take all!
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