01x34 - "Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 2" / "Final Game of Friendship! – Yugi vs. Jonouchi (Part 2)"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x34 - "Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 2" / "Final Game of Friendship! – Yugi vs. Jonouchi (Part 2)"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Croquet: this final
playoff match

Will not only determine
who wins the tournament,

But also who wins a match
with mr. Maxamillion pegasus.

[Thinking] I may not
want to do this,

But still, it has to be done
if we want to beat pegasus.

No matter what happens here,
you're my friend,

And you always
will be, yuge.

[Thinking] heh heh.
The same best friends

Who would do
anything to help each other
have now become arch rivals.

What a splendid show
this should make!

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

I'll used this
polymerization card

To fuse my dragon

With gia,
the fierce knight!



First, I'm summoning
the red eyes black dragon
in attack mode!

And I'll add grave robber

To steal a monster
from your graveyard.


Now he's mine!

Next, I think I'll throw down
this little critter right here.

The copycat card!

Now I can copy any card
you have on the field.

And I know just
which one I want, too.



Red eyes black dragon

And summoned skull,

Combine yourselves
into one!

Molten fireballs!



My black skull dragon's
about to end this match.

Wrong. This duel's
just getting started.

Captioning made possible by
wb networks

And the u.s. Department
of education

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh



What a lovely day
this is for a duel,

Especially on an occasion
such as this,

When old friends

Are battling it out
to the very end.

It's challenges like this
that puts to the test

The ties that bind us.

[Thinking] it doesn't matter
to me who wins or loses.

Because in the end,
I know it is I who shall
emerge victorious

And you, young yugi,
who shall be vanquished.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The game is really
too close.

Yeah. They're both
playing at the top
of their form.

I mean, either one
of them could win.

You're right. I don't
think I've ever seen

Such an exciting duel!

And who would've thought
that, at this point,

Joey would have more
lifepoints left than yugi.

Truly extraordinary.


Go ahead
and toss it, yuge.

It won't surprise me.
I know your cards by heart.

You'll also know
it's my favorite.

And it's one of my
most powerful cards.

Dark magician!
Attack mode!

Figures. You always
count on the dark magician

When you're in a tight spot.

But not this time!

Even he's no match
for my skull dragon.

Are you sure?

In a duel, the monster with
the lowest attack strength

That's one of
the first lessons

You ever taught me
about duel monsters, yugi.

Your past has come back
to haunt you!

Let's see
who spooks whom.

Don't forget,
I also taught you

How to protect
your weaker monsters

By enhancing them
with magic cards.

Eh? Don't tell me!

You know what's coming.

Magical hats,

Protect and conceal
the dark magician!

Ugh. I usually
like this trick.

Good move!

That'll sure slow
joey down big time.

[Thinking] heh heh heh.
My hat's off to you,

It's your pick, joey.

So tell me, which hat
do you think is hiding
the dark magician?


[Thinking] I was hoping
to end this duel

Before he drew
the magical hats.

Now I gotta depend on luck,
not dueling skill,

To help me find
his dark magician.

Come on, pick a hat.


Ok. Guess I just gotta
take 'em down one at a time!

Attack! Molten fireballs!

One down!


From the looks of things,
you picked wrong.

That leaves .

Nuts! This'll give you
another turn to fight back.

That may have been
joey's last shot.

Whenever a duelist
gives yugi
time to recover,

He always comes back
stronger than ever.

But if joey loses,
how can he save
his sister?

No matter
who wins this game,

Somebody loses


So now that your attack
on my dark magician
has failed,

Is there any other play
you want to make

Before I end your turn?

Now that you mention it,
I did have one more move
in mind.

I hope I'm doing
the right thing here
by playing this card.

I mean, it could
be a mistake.

But I play garoozis
in attack mode.


Your turn.

Why play that card?

Oh, you're right.

What could
I have been thinking?

The dark magician has
an attack power of ,

And garoozis only has
an attack strength of .


I guess you have no choice
but to attack garoozis.

I'm almost
giving you the game,

But I got no one to blame
but myself.

So go ahead, yuge,
bring it on.

Attack me with
your dark magician.

That's what I get
for my bonehead move.


An attack would bring joey
down to lifepoints.

But it would also draw out
the dark magician...

Which would let
joey counterattack
with his black skull,

Wiping out all
of yugi's lifepoints.

What's the matter?
Bring it on.

I can't stop your attack.

[Thinking] that bluff
might have worked
on somebody else,

But not somebody
who's known him
as long as I have.

Sorry, joey,
but I'm not going
to fall for that one.

Instead, I'll put
this card inside one
of the magical hats

And end my turn.

[Thinking] ah,
he was too smart for me.

Time to pick
another hat, joey.

Great! Now he's got
something else

Hidden under those hats
I gotta worry about.

And knowing yugi,
it's probably a trap.

But wait.
Yugi knows me,

And he would know
that I would know

That he's laying a trap.

So maybe he didn't
play a trap after all.

Maybe it's
a monster card instead.

But what if he knows
that I would think that,

So it really
is a trap card?

Except if he knows that I know
that he knows what I know--

Oh--aw, forget it.
I'm just gonna attack.

Black skull dragon,


Molten fireballs!



I missed again!

[Thinking] that's the way
life goes, joey--

Never as you've planned.

The world is a very
arbitrary place, isn't it?

It's a place where you
can be locked in battle
with your dearest friend

For stakes neither
can afford to lose.

Oh, I know
you'd like to think
that your friendship

Would be enough
to sustain you through
any mishap or misfortune.

But that's not the way
the world works.

No, the world is a place
where fate intervenes

When you least expect it,

With consequences that can
turn your world upside down.

Just when you think
you've etched the perfect
portrait of your future

And your life
couldn't get any better--

Just when you let down
your guard at last

And open your heart--

When, against all odds,
you've found that one
special person

In all the world that
fills your heart with joy,

The person you know
you are destined to spend

The rest of your life with--

That's when tragedy strikes,

When fate hits you
with a cold slap of reality

And shows you who's boss.

Yes, the world
has taught me

That only the strong
and the ruthless survive.

In memory of all
I have lost,

I fight on
with all I possess,

And I intend to win!

I'm not gonna miss
this time, yugi.

I'm gonna blast
your dark magician.

Dragon, attack...
The hat on the far left.

Go now! Molten fireball.


[All gasp]


[All gasp]

Heh heh heh.


You activated my trap--
spellbinding circle.

That dropped my skull's
attack points.

Now he's vulnerable
to an attack.

I can't risk both my monsters.
Garoozis, defense mode.

Now you're on the defensive,
and it's a nice change.


Yugi's spellbinding circle

Has wiped out
joey's attack advantage.

No doubt about that,
but it's still
a close match.

You said it.

Yugi could attack
with the dark magician,

But what good would that
attack really do him?

Both the dark magician
and the skull dragon have
equal attack strengths.

As strong
as they are, a battle
between the two of them

Would just result
in a standoff.

A stalemate, huh?

Somehow, one of them is going
to have to do something

To tip things in their favor.


[Thinking] yugi's the toughest
opponent I've ever faced.

But I'll beat him!

[Thinking] joey's really learned
a lot the past few weeks.

He plays like a pro.

But in the duel
against pegasus,

It's gonna take more than
an expert dualist.

It's going to take someone
who can also stand up

To the power of his
millennium item.

Joey, you've dueled well,

But the tide of this battle
is about to turn.

most impressive.

Despite the bond
that these two share,

My millennium eye tells me
that they are indeed

Dueling each other with
everything they've got.

[Thinking] with my
grandpa's soul at stake,

I really have no choice.
I have to win this.

All right, joey!
Prepare yourself.

I'm going to obliterate
your dragon.

You what? I'm ready for you.
Bring it on.




This is it, joey.
The card I drew

Will vanquish
your skull dragon
once and for all.

The book of secret arts.

I play the book
of secret arts!


And with its ancient magic,

My dark magician becomes
attack points stronger.

Go, dark magician!

Attack the black
skull dragon!

Joey, black skull is beaten.


Excellent work, yugi-boy.

You took out his
very best monster.


[Thinking] man, I was counting
on that black skull dragon

To win this duel.

Now, not only is he gone,

But I got a souped-up
dark magician to worry about.

[Thinking] joey's kept me
down all match long,

But now I finally
have the advantage.

Not only is my dark magician
points stronger than normal,

But he's ready to show off
a few hidden powers, too.

Poor joey. He really
got slammed there.

You think this duel's
over for him?

Well, it depends on
what he does next.

What do you mean?

Losing that black skull dragon
was a heavy loss,

But not a critical one.

If joey could just
pull himself together,

He can still win this duel.

[Thinking] ehh, how could I go
from top of the heap

To down in the dumps
in one turn?

Never gonna win now.

Big brother...


Joey, I miss you so much.
Don't forget me.

Heh. Pinky swear?

Sure, we'll always look out
for each other.

[Thinking] ah,
what am I thinking?

I can't give up.
My sister's counting on me.

No matter how bad things look,
I gotta keep fighting for her.

Ok, let's do this.

Heart of the cards,
don't fail me now.

Huh? Aw, yeah.


Hmm...all right, yugi,
time to kiss the baby.


Baby dragon, attack mode.

And I'm laying this down, too.


[Thinking] hmm...

That second card joey threw
must be the time wizard.

He always plays them

I have to do something
before he activates
its magic

And warps that baby dragon
into its adult form.

Sorry, joey.

But my dark magician will
destroy your baby dragon!

Dark magic, attack!

Sorry, yuge, but you
just walked into a trap.


Go ahead and let him
have it, garoozis.

Kunai with chain!


[All gasp]

[Thinking] clever move.

Joey knew I was expecting
the time wizard,

So he threw a trap instead.

[Thinking] shame on you,

Using the knowledge you have
of joey's deck

To predict what card
he would play.

And to no avail, too.

At least when I prophesize
cards, I'm always right.

Heh heh heh heh.

Well, yuge, I'd say
that last move brings us
to the home stretch.

Wouldn't you?

I would. And now, joey,
let's finish this match

And find out which one of us
will duel against pegasus.


Hey, yuge...

Just know it's been
a real honor dueling you.


How cool. Even now,

In the midst of battle,
they're friends first.

I know neither of us
wanna lose this match.

But if I do, I'm glad
it was to you, buddy.

Now let's duel like you said,
yugi, and finish this duel.


And maybe this draw'll
do just that.

Guess there's just one way
to find out. Here goes.



I pulled the one card
in my whole deck

That really can finish this duel
and decide a winner.

You mean you pulled...

That's right. The time wizard.

The time wizard?

Kind of strange that
this is all coming down

To a card that you gave me.

Here, joey.
Add this to your deck.

It can be helpful
in a tight spot.

Wow. Thanks, yuge. You're always
being such a pal to me.


You were right, yugi.

That card you gave me
saved my keister

Quite a few times
in this tournament.

And now, with my baby dragon
on the field

And both of us
just lifepoints away from
winning or losing this duel,

I'm gonna give it one last spin
and hope it saves me again.

So cross your fingers
and get set to adjust
your clocks,

Because here it comes--
go, time roulette.

[Thinking] ohh...

All right. Jackpot.


Go, time warp.



Sorry, yuge,

But I'm afraid
my time warp

Has made dark magician
a sickly old man.

Look at the dark magician.

He's aged, like,
a thousand years.

He's no match
for joey's dragon.



[Thinking] all right.
I can hardly believe it.

This is it.
I'm really gonna do it.

All I gotta do is attack,

And I'll have actually
beat yugi!

I'm gonna win! Attack!

Noxious nostril gust.

I counter with makiu,
the magical mist.

Huh? My attack's
getting smothered.


What's going on?

How did you play makiu
while it was still my turn?

With magic.

A magic so powerful that
it took my dark magician

A thousand years
to learn it.

Say what?

That time warp did age
my dark magician.

But it made him stronger,
not weaker.

And with age
comes great wisdom.

A thousand years of wisdom
that have transformed him

The dark sage!


An ultimate magician
whose new powers

Let me play
one magic card during
every one of your turns

And every one of mine.

And the magic card I chose
to counter your attack:

Makiu, the magical mist.

With its enchanted
rainfall upon the field,

Your dragon's smoke stream
was neutralized

Before it reached my mage.

[All gasp]

Now I invoke his powers
for my turn

And draw this magic card.

You fought a valiant duel,
my friend,

And this is the hardest move
I've ever had to make.

But this ends now.


I play monster reborn and
call the black skull dragon

Back from the graveyard.


Then it's over.

Yugi, go for it. It's cool

All right.
Black skull dragon...

Molten fireball attack.

[All gasp]

I tell ya,
that was really
tough to watch.

Yeah. Just imagine how
those two must be feeling.

I'm just glad it's over.

And I'm so proud of them both.

They dueled their hardest,

But never once forgot
their friendship.

[Thinking] hmm. Well,
touching as that may be,

You really ought to save
your tears, little girl.

After all, you'll
be needing them

Once I face yugi
in the dueling arena.

Well, yugi, we knew one of us
had to lose.

But the good news is that
one of us got to win, too.

Congratulations, man.
Here, this is yours now.


Go ahead, it's all yours.

You show croquet this card,

And he'll give you
million bucks in prize money.

No, joey.
You should keep it.

Your sister
needs that money.


I didn't enter
into this tournament
to get rich, joey.

I'm just
here to save my grandpa
and the kaiba brothers.

Please, use this money
for serenity's operation.



What do you say, joey?

Hey, it's what
you've been
wanting, buddy.

Look at him, always playing
the tough guy. Huh?

Yugi, when I lost the duel,

I lost all hope
of saving my sister.

But now...yugi, thank you.

Now go and take down
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