01x31 - "Keith's Machinations, Part 1" / "Cruel – Heavy Metal Deck"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x31 - "Keith's Machinations, Part 1" / "Cruel – Heavy Metal Deck"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Man: the first match
of these playoffs
has come to a close.

Yugi moto has
emerged victorious
over mai valentine.

He will advance
to the next round.

All right!

Way to go, yugi.

I wouldn't have won

If not for your help...

Everyone's help.

All: huh?

[Evil laugh]

Well done, yugi.
Superb duel.

You certainly know
how to put on
a good show.

What a creep.

[Thinking] enjoy this
while you can, pegasus,

'Cause the only
reason I'm here

Is to rescue
my grandpa.

And once I beat you
to get him back,

You won't have anything
to chuckle about.



The second match
of these playoffs
will begin shortly.

Bandit keith will battle
joey wheeler.

Prepare your decks.

Me? Now?

Boy, that
was sure quick.

Joey, you're
going to do fine.

Come on, don't worry.

Hmm? Thanks.
Guess I'm kind of tense.


You got a few reasons to be.

First off, look who
you're going up against--

Bandit keith,
the intercontinental champion.

I mean, the guy
makes his living
out of winning prize money

From tournaments
just like these.




Hey, joey. What's up?

Are you ok?

Yugi, if I win this,
then we're next.

You dueling against me.

What do you think
about that?

I think we can look forward
to an honorably fought match.


Nice call.

Then you give it
your best,

And I'll give it mine,

And we'll stay
best friends
no matter what.


Yeah! There's our man!

Go, joey!



What's the deal?

Where's keith?


What time is it?


What are you doing?
Get over here.

Hey, chill out.

The pummeling
will commence

As soon as I'm
good and ready,

So don't get
your briefs in a bunch.

You got that, blondie?

Stall as long
as you want, keith,

But you're gonna have to
duel me sooner or later.

[Thinking] ha ha ha.

That's what you think,
you dork.

Ha ha ha.

Tournament verification
cards, gentlemen.

No problem.

Hey, dweeb,
show the man your card.

Sure. It's right here.



verification cards--

I know.

Just give me
a minute, would you?

I--i--i know it's
in here somewhere.


Joey lost his
tournament entry card?

He couldn't be
that absentminded.

Yeah, he could.

Well, what a shame.

I guess I won't be
needing to get up

Off of this couch
after all, huh, joey?

Well, don't get
too comfortable,

'Cause once
I find that card--


If you find it within

The set-time parameters
the regulations allow.

You mean
there's a time limit?

[Thinking] ha ha ha.

And seeing how
I snatched that card

From your coat pocket
last night,

I got a hunch that time
is gonna run out

Way before you find it.

[Evil laugh]

Retrace your steps, joey.

Are you sure
you put it in your coat?

Well, I guess that
it could have fallen out
in the room.

I'm going to head back
there and check it out.



Your match will begin
at : sharp.

Extensions are given
to no one.

If you haven't returned
with the card by : ,

You'll be disqualified.


No fair! That's
barely enough time

For joey to even
make it back
to the room.

These are the rules,
and they will be enforced.



Run as fast as you can.


It won't
do you any good.

Your card's got
a new owner these days.


Find that card in minutes,

Then I'll have
to forfeit to keith.


Hey, would you guys mind
if I took off my boots?

Do as you wish,

But if you're not
in the dueling arena
at the designated time,

You'll be
disqualified, too.

Say what?

Man! You suits
and your rules.


Uhh! I don't get it!

I can't find
that card anywhere.

[Thinking] I'd give joey
this glory of the kings

Opposite hand card
to duel with,

Except then I wouldn't
be able to duel pegasus
and save my grandpa.

Ah, come on.


Can't we just disqualify
that punk right now?

We all know he ain't
coming back, anyway.

What's that mean?

You're wrong.
He'll be here.

Come on...

Think about it.

Your little friend's
been scared to death of me

Ever since we had
our little run-in
back at that cave.

You know he's not
looking for that
glory of the kings hand card,

He's looking for
a place to hide.

In fact, kiddies,

He probably lost
that entry card on purpose,

Just so he'd have
an excuse not to duel me.

Ha ha.
Pretty spineless, I'd say.

No way!what?

Joey has never backed down
from a duel before,

And he's not going
to start to now.

He'll be back.
You'll see.


Believe what you want, twerp,

But there's only
one minute left.

Oh, no.

He had better
hurry up.

Man! What if
he can't find that card?

come on, joey.

must have searched
the whole castle...


And still no card.


I can't believe it.

After lasting on this
island all this time,

After beating duellists
with twice my experience,

After getting past
all of pegasus' traps,

I'm going to get
disqualified from this
tournament 'cause of this?

For losing one lousy card?!

Sorry, sis. I came close.

I came real close.

Uhh! Uhh...

Get up off the floor, joey.


And quit all
your crying, already.

You look like
a big baby.

[Sniffles] who's crying?
I got something in my eye.


Stupid thing won't come out.


Just don't go blowing
your nose in it.

You know,
every time I think
I've got you figured,

You surprise me, joey.


Téa told me about
your little sister.

How your dueling to win

The tournament's
prize money for her

So she can have
that operation.

Sounded like
a bad soap opera,
to be honest,

But then, who doesn't
love a bad soap opera?


See you around, hon.


Mai's card.

Wait! Mai!

Take it.

I don't need it anymore.

So, does this mean that
we're finally friends, mai?

Don't you have a duel
to run off to?

Yeah, you're right.

One thing though--


Take him down.

Huh? Right.

Of course we're friends.

Téa: it's joey!

All: he made it




So, the punk's come back
to give us the bad news, huh?

Let me guess.

You couldn't find
that card anywhere. Ha ha ha.

What are you
talking about?

I got it right here.

[Thinking] impossible!
I'musing his card!

Very well, then.

The duel will proceed
as scheduled.

[All sigh]

I'm already beat.

All right, keith,
nap time is over.

Time to duel.

Fine. You know,

A part of me
wanted you to show up.

A nice little
warm-up match
might do me some good.

I'll warm you up
and wear you out.

Just you try it!

The second match of these
playoffs will now commence.

Joey wheeler, bandit keith,
prepare to duel.


[Thinking] come on, joey.

You have to win this
match or you're out.

Ready? Begin.

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Joey wheeler,

Bandit keith,

Your peers
and gracious host

Await your bout,

So let this duel commence.

[Thinking] ok, joey,

Your sister's
counting on you.


So tell me how it feels

To be an amateur
going up against

The intercontinental
dueling champion?


The intercontinental

I could win a better
prize than that
in a box of cereal.

Huh. Punk.

I'll teach you
to respect my title.

One card face-down
in defense mode.

Here we go, guys.

Do you think
that title gives
keith an edge?

Nah. Joey's got something
a lot better than titles,

He's got guts.

And heart, too.

Just remember what
you're fighting for, joey,

And you can't lose.

Right. Now take it
to 'em, bud.

This is
the moment you've
been waiting for.

[Thinking] ok, then.
It's time to go to work.

this duel's for you, sis.

My turn,

And I'm throwing a monster
card in defense mode, too.

Well, this ain't gonna be
a very exciting match

If we're both just playing
defense all day,

So I think I'll switch
my card to attack mode.

Go, pendulum machine!

A machine monster.

That's right,

And he's about
to go into overdrive

On that
defense card of yours.

Slashing blade attack!

Ouch. That's not good.

Well, it isn't...bad.


Yugi is right.

Now that keith's
card is set in
attack mode,

Joey can see precisely
how strong it is.

Now all he has to do

Is play something

And he'll be able
to destroy it.

[Thinking] still,

I wonder why
bandit keith played
a machine monster.

So, are you going
to make you move, or what?

I sure am,
and it's a big one,

All thanks to your
lousy move.

Giltia the knight,

Mash that machine
into scrap metal.



Giltia the knight,
has a higher attack power

Than keith's monster.

Soul spear, attack!

What? My attack's
not working.

Great scott,
it's not.

Yug, that can't
be right, can it?

[Evil laugh]

You bet it's right.

All of my machine monsters
are protected by

Magic-resistant armor,

So that makes all of your
magic att*cks worth squat.

[Evil laugh]

That's why he played
a machine card--

They're magic-proof,

And not just against
magical-type monsters,

But they can withstand
att*cks from any card
that uses magic.

Man, can't we ever
catch a break?

My turn...

And I got another well-oiled
machine all ready for you.

Launcher spider!

More machines.
Just great.

His whole deck is
probably full of them.

Now, spider,

Shock-rocket attack!

Come on, punk, fight me back.

It's more fun
when you struggle.

[Thinking] oh, man!

I'd knew I'd get a rough
match from keith,

But I wasn't prepared
for these big metal bullies.

They're tough, true.

Still, no machine is
without its glitch.

So what's their
glitch, yugi?

Oh, I'm not sure.

Machine monsters are
some of the most

Powerful monsters
in the dueling world.

Not only are they impervious
to magic att*cks,

But they have an amazingly
strong offense as well.

But they can only use
that strong offense one way:

Against head-on att*cks.

Maybe if joey plays
his cards right,

He can use that
to his advantage.

[Thinking] hmm.

Attacking those
metal freaks will
just get me clobbered,


I'll play this face-down

And this monster card
in defense mode.

What's the matter, dweeb,
afraid to fight like a man?



If this guy keeps throwing
cards in defensive mode,

I'll never
get at his life points.

I got to draw him out,
get him to attack me,

Then he'll be open
for some real damage.

[Laughs] I'll lay a card
face-down, too,

And this in defense. Oop.

My mistake.
Just forget what you saw.

Anyhow, as I was saying,

I'll play this card
in defense mode.

Whatever that was,
it sure looked ugly.

But not metal.

ha ha ha ha ha.

Tristan's right.

That card wasn't
a machine,

It was a shadow monster
called zoa,

A beast my
flame swordsman
could toast easily.

And unlike
machine monsters,

It's totally vulnerable
to magic. Ha ha.

Yeah! Check out
joey's big grin.

Something's up.

I don't know.

Huh? Know what?

Go, flame swordsman,
in attack mode!

The attack points
of that zoa card
keith dropped--

They're higher
than its defense.

So what?

Oh, I see.

And I'll add this
magic card, too.

Since zoa's attack
is more than his defense,

It makes little sense

To play him in
defensive mode,

Unless keith
is trying to lure joey
into attacking him.

Go, salamandra.

His magic raises
my attack power
by points.

So then keith must have
shown zoa on purpose.

Joey, wait!

Swordsman, attack!

I got you.

My trap activates.


Go, magic metal force!

Now zoa is metal,

With attack
and defense points stronger.

Ah, no big thing.

But that's not all,

That new metallic paint job
he's sporting

Deflects all magic att*cks
back to where they came from.

My swordsman!

That's right.
Just watch this.


my swordsman's been

Ha ha ha! You should have
seen the look on your
loser face, you dweeb,

When your swordsman's
own attack toasted him.

It was priceless.
Ha ha ha ha!

Heh heh.


And I'm just getting

Say what?

That's right.

Next on my list
is that little
defense card of yours,

But he won't be
defending much longer.

A stop defense card?

Let's see what
you're hiding there.

An axe raider, huh?

No problem.

Not for my metal zoa,

Oh, no! Joey's
life points
will be all gone

If that metal zoa's
attack hits.

Hang tough, bud.

Sayonara, sucker.

Metal zoa, attack
the axe raider.





where'd he go?

Of course!

Nice move.

All right!

You fell right in my trap,

Just like I planned.

No way! You set
a trap for me?

Perfect! The chasm
of spikes card.

Now not only
is metal zoa destroyed,

But one quarter
of his attack points

Will be deducted
from keith's life points.


Not bad, huh?

I only wish
you could have seen

The look on your face
when that metal zoa
of yours

Got shish-kebabed.

It was priceless.

You tell him.
It's about time

Someone gave that
bandit keith jerk

A taste of
his own medicine.

That's not
the only way

He's turning the tables
on keith.

I think joey might have
finally found the glitch

In those machine monsters.

Rather than try
and beat them

In a direct as*ault,
he's letting his traps
do all the work.

And now keith's
only winning by
life points.

All right!

Go, joe, go!

My turn.

And first I'm laying
this face-down.

Oh, and it's
a trap card,

So don't bother

Wow! Will you just
look at him duel?

Careful. You haven't won
this duel yet, joey.

You amateur!

That's gotta be
the lousiest bluff
I've ever heard

In my entire
dueling career.

And next, I'm switching
my axe raider back to
defensive mode

And throwing this in
attack mode.

Go, garusies.
Now, junk that
pendulum machine.


With battle blades,


Yeah, that's right.

Take a permanent
vacation at
the scrap yard,

You hunk of junk.

Now it's my turn!

Launcher spider!

Demolish garusies!

Hah! I knew you didn't have
another trap card.

Wrong again, keith.

You thought
I was bluffing

And now you're gonna
pay for it.

What's that?

Kunai with chains.

And once activated,

It raises
my attack power

Attack, garusies.

Battle axe crush!

All right.
It's still close,

But joey has just
won himself
a slight lead.

I knew he'd make
a comeback! Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] joey's
trusting his instincts

And believing in
his cards.

He's dueling like
a true champion.

Way to go, joey!

If you keep this up,

You'll be dueling pegasus
in no time!


Uhh! I'm not gonna let him
make a fool out of me.

What's wrong, mr. Champ?

Don't tell me
you're losing your cool

To an amateur like me.

Huh. Ha ha ha ha!

What the--
what's the big joke?

The joke is on you,

You're already counting
the tournament's prize money,

And this duel
ain't even close
to being over yet.

Oh, yeah?

You think your traps
will last you forever?

You're gonna run out
sooner or later,

And then I'll bring out
my bigger machines

And really give
our audience a show.

You're goin' down,
you sniveling little

Nobody beats bandit keith.

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