01x30 - "Duel Identity, Part 2" / "The Ultimate Legendary Soldier – Chaos Soldier Descends"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x30 - "Duel Identity, Part 2" / "The Ultimate Legendary Soldier – Chaos Soldier Descends"

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Grandpa told me to trust
the ancient presence

Within the millennium
puzzle, but how can i?

It was willing to do
anything to beat kaiba.


Man: the first duel
will know begin.

Mai valentine
versus yugi moto.

[Thinking] I've
gotta be at my best

If I'm gonna make it
through these playoffs,

But I also have to
keep the spirit

Of my millennium puzzle
in check.

Who knows what
the spirit of the puzzle

Might do
to win against mai?

I play...harpy lady,
in attack mode!

Gaia, the fierce knight!

Attack harpy lady!

Your gaia ran smack
into my mirror wall,

Which cuts any
of your monster's
attack power in half.

Now your imp's gonna
feel my harpy's sting.

Whiplash attack!

Yugi, please!
Let me help you.

[Thinking] no!
I can't take
that risk!

Allow me to introduce
the ever-faithful servant
of harpy lady.

Now, blast
that skull to ashes.

Fearsome fire blast!

Yugi, let me help you.

If you continue
to hold me back,

Everybody loses.

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: whoa. Mai's really
got yugi on the ropes.

She's brought him down
to life points,

And she hasn't lost any.

As long as my
shadow of eyes card
is active,

I can't play
any of my monsters
in defense mode.

But if
I try to attack,

My monsters lose
half their power

When they hit
mai's mirror wall.

Please, let me help you.

No. I can't risk
turning you loose.

[Thinking] poor yugi-boy
seems to have a lot
on his mind.

I sense much conflict.

Instead of embracing
the power of his
millennium item,

He seems to be
struggling against
its forces,

And that will be
his undoing.

What's the problem,

Mai, is. She's gone
and put aside

All of her
silly card tricks

And played this duel

Who would have thought
she was this good?

Could it be that it was
just sheer dumb luck

That I beat her before?

It wasn't luck, joey.

I lost that duel to you
because you knew
something I didn't.

All: huh?

I learned more
from that duel

Than any other
I've ever played.

It's true, joey. I learned
a lesson from you that day

That I never really
wanted to learn.

I didn't know it then,
but it would change me

And the way
I looked at dueling.

I had to take
a hard look at myself

And admit that the reason
I relied on tricks

Was because I was afraid,

Afraid to trust
in my own abilities,

Afraid to trust in myself,

Like you trusted
in yourself, joey.

And facing up to that
wasn't easy, believe me.

You've really
changed, mai.

Joey, do you know
how you made it

All the way
to the final round
of this tournament?

Huh. Heck, yeah,
I do.

I made it this far
because I got
my friends

Yugi and tristan
and téa

And bakura
behind me,

Cheering me on
and telling me

That I can
go all the way.

That's true.
That's very true.

Your friends were
with you all the way.

But you also
have the guts to look inside

And face up to
what you saw there.

You looked
your demons in the eye
and dealt with them.


And that's a lesson
everyone should learn.

I did that?

That's right.
In that game, you taught me

That a duelist can learn more
from her defeats than
from her victories.

You taught me
to face up to my fears,

Not just try
to bottle them up.


So, yugi, have you
faced up to your fears?

Whatever freaked you out
in your battle with kaiba,

Have you come
to grips with it?

[Thinking] how can i?

Kaiba was willing
to risk everything
in our duel.

And the spirit from
my millennium puzzle

Was willing to do
anything to stop him.

Surrender unless
you have the courage
to unleash your monster.

But if I had att*cked,
kaiba might have been
seriously hurt.


And I couldn't
let that happen...

Even if it
cost me the duel.

No matter
how badly I need
to rescue grandpa,

Hurting someone else
is something
I will not do.

I meant no harm.
I only wanted
to help.

And I vow
never to go against
your wishes again.

How can I believe you?

Your grandfather
once urged you

To trust
in the power

Of the millennium
item, remember?

Maybe you're right.

Mai, thanks
for reminding me

That a true duelist
faces his problems.

You're right,
I was holding back.

But not any longer.

[Thinking] hmm.
You're a little late
to the party, yugi.

I've been dueling
for real all along.

Here we go.

Just remember,
you promised we'd
do this my way, right?

Yes, I did.

And my word
is my bond.



I play the magic card
brain control.

Brain control?
What is that?

With this card,
I can brainwash
one enemy monster

And control it
for a turn.

I'll use it
to seize control of
harpy's pet dragon.


nice move, yugi.

But harpy's pet dragon
is only a servant of harpy lady,

And even brainwashed,
it would never think of
turning on its master.


Yugi, you just made
your final mistake.

[Laughs] even
under brain control,

Harpy's pet dragon
won't attack her master.

I know that, mai.

But I don't intend
to attack your harpy.


First I play
this card face-down,

And add catapult turtle.

Now let's put
harpy's pet dragon

On the catapult
in attack mode.

Because I've
called an attack,

Your mirror
wall appears,

And I'm going
to knock it down
with your own dragon.

[Thinking] oh, no.

The catapult turtle
has the power to destroy
walls and fortresses.

Catapult, launch!

[All cheer]

He shattered my
mirror wall to pieces.

And that's not
all I've done, mai.

My as*ault
has accomplished more

Than to destroy
the defense you built.

Because it was
your monster I fired
from catapult turtle,

Half of the pet dragon's
attack points

Get deducted
from your life points.

The tide of this battle
is turning, mai.

All right!
Way to go!

Now you're
socking it
to her, yugi.

[Thinking] hmm.
Most unexpected.

It seems yugi-boy
has somehow begun to regain
his inner strength.

[Thinking] you wanted
my best, mai?

Well, you're about
to get your wish.

If I can trust
the spirit of
my millennium puzzle,

If we can really
work together,

Then nothing
can stop us!

It's my turn.

[Thinking] hmm. Ok.

The only monster yugi's
got on the field

Is that reptilian launch pad.

I could send harpy lady
to destroy it,

Then yugi's life points
would drop to zero

And I'd be the winner.

But there's that other card
he's laid face-down.

If it's a trap,
I'd be walking right into it,

And that could finish me.

This is the toughest decision
I've had to make all game--

To attack
or not to attack.


Bring on
your as*ault, mai.


Now I will...

Not attack.

I'm not falling
into your trap,

And there are other moves
that I can make.

For example...

I can use this card
to triple my harpy attack force.

I play elegant egotist!

Not bad, huh?

That ends my turn, yugi,

But next time around,
you'll get a taste
of my ladies' claws,

And I promise
you won't enjoy it.


That's too bad, mai.

You really should
have att*cked me.

Hmm. Well,
that's your opinion.

No, it's fact.

If you had called
an attack, then
you would have won.

But your trap card.

It's not a trap, mai.

It's a monster
recovery card.


You fell for my bluff.

It's a whole new
duel now, mai.

For this turn,
I'll activate the
monster recovery card,

Pull all my monsters
back into my deck,

Reshuffle, and now
I can draw new cards.

[Thinking] oh, no!
Not one of these cards

Is strong enough
to bring down
mai's harpies.

Each of my harpy ladies

Now has
an attack power of .

There are only
a handful of cards
in all of duel monsters

That can stand up
against that,

And from the look
on your face,
you haven't drawn one.

Yugi, don't let up!
Keep fighting!

Without a monster
on the field,

Mai's free to attack
my life points directly.

I'll never survive
against her.


This card,
in defensive mode!

But you can't.
Shadow of eyes.

It lures all monsters
into attack mode, remember?

Allmonsters? No, mai.

And that's what'll
save my life points
this turn.

Mystical elf!



Shadow of eyes may lure
men into battle,

But it doesn't work
on female monsters.

No! I forgot about that!

You'll have to attack it
instead of me.

Made it! Whew!

With all
of his life
points intact.

Sure, he may have
gotten through this turn,

But that does not mean
he's out of the woods
just yet.

It won't take mai long
to destroy that mystical elf.


Ok, so let's see
where we stand.

You're on the board
with one measly elf,

And it's my turn.

First I'll use
this monster reborn card

To bring back an old friend.

monster reborn!

What's that?!

Remember harpy's pet dragon?
He's ba-a-ack!

And he gets
more attack points
for each harpy on the field.

Oh, no! He now has
attack points.

And every single point
aimed right at you.

Harpy ladies,
combine your power!

Exterminator attack!

[All gasp]

Téa: she wiped out
his last defense!

Your time's run out, yugi.

Next turn I eliminate
the remainder of your
life points!

And then, looks like
I go on to the finals.

[Thinking] he might as well
admit it, I'm unstoppable.

There's nothing he can do
against my monster's
attack power.

One more turn
and it's all over.

[Thinking] no!
There must be
something I can do!

But I need more time!
The next card I draw

Is going to decide the
fate of so many lives.

But what happens if
I draw the wrong card?

What happens to grandpa?
To joey and his sister?

And to kaiba and mokuba.
I can't do this!

We can do this!


Just trust me, and trust
in the heart of the cards.

Come on, now.
We both know

I'll wipe out any card
you play on my next turn.

Swords of
revealing light!

Swords of revealing light?

[Thinking] he actually drew
swords of revealing light?

How can anybody
be that lucky?

All right! That holds
mai at bay for turns!

And buys yugi some time
to figure a way
out of this mess.

Mm-mm. Decided to
go down fighting, huh?

Well, all right.
A surrender would be easier,

But if you're really
determined to go out
in a blaze of glory,

I'll be only too happy
to light the fire.

No, mai.
What I intend to do

Is to go out in
a blaze of victory.

Harpy's pet dragon
is the most powerful
monster she's got.

Unless we can
defeat it, there's
no way to win.

We can defeat it,
but only at great risk.

It involves
the black luster ritual,

And turns
might not be enough.

Black luster ritual?
What's that?

If I can draw
the correct cards,
you'll see soon enough.

My only move
for this turn,
I play koribo!


It's the attack of
the giant -toed hairball.

Look, it's totally
ferocious, yugi.

I think it wants
to attack harpy's
pet dragon single-handed.


Hmm. What, you don't
think that's funny, yugi?

It's not, mai.

Laugh all you want,
but don't mistake
the koribo

For a joke when it's
an important step

On my way to victory
in this duel.

That hairball couldn't be
an important step

On the way to anything,
except maybe choking a cat.

Anyway, I can't attack
as long as swords
of revealing light

Is still in play,
so I draw this one card,

And that will end my turn.

But soon,
you're gonna be history.


[Thinking] that koribo
was a good start,

But with just the cards
I've got in my hand now,

I can't initiate
the black luster ritual.

I still need
one more card.

But this isn't
the card I need!


[Thinking] I don't know
what kind of maneuver

You're trying to pull,
kiddo, but go for it.

If you gotta lose,
you might as well
lose with some flair.

This card
worked for you.

Monster reborn!

I use monster reborn
to bring back gaia,
the fierce knight!

Oh, fierce knight,
schmierce knight.

I guess he's an improvement
over that little koribo,

But he hardly represents
a threat to my harpies

And their supercharged pet.

Turns to go.

That'll be enough, mai.

Still not
the right card.


Just maintain
your cool, téa.



You can tell from
the look in his eyes,

He's not about to give up.


[Thinking] ah, I see.

Very daring, yugi-boy.

You mean to attempt
the legendary
black luster ritual.

But you've only
one turn left

In which to draw
the necessary card.

Are you really prepared
to risk everything

On the outcome of
a single draw? Are you?

It's my turn now.

Ha ha! Ha!
I did it!

I drew another
harpy lady card.

On my next turn,
I can play this card,

Giving me
a total of harpies,

And raising pet dragon's
attack power to .

Once yugi's swords
of revealing light wear off,

It's all over for him.

Joey: mai isn't even trying
to hide her next move.

She's got
so much firepower,

She thinks she's
got this in the bag.

My turn is over,

As are the effects of your
swords of revealing light.

Didn't get much help
out of your free turns,
did you, yugi?


one card.

It all comes down to this.




[Thinking] no!


I--i don't think
I can do this.

Yugi was right.

There's too much riding
on the draw of a single card.

Who am I to gamble
with the lives

Of yugi's friends
and family?

And what will happen
if I should fail?

There's too much riding
on the draw of this next card.

I shouldn't be risking
yugi's friends
and family this way.

It's...too dangerous.

I can't.

We can do it,



I'm with you.

And we're not alone.

We have the support
of all my friends.

Just like I've had
from the beginning.

Ah. With all of you
at my side,

I was foolish
to lose faith.

It's like you said--

You and I have to trust
in each other,

And in the heart
of the cards.

And once we put
our hearts in the game,

There's nothing
we can't do!


such power.

I've never felt
such tremendous strength.


Well, mai...


You've put up
a good fight,

But now the duel ends.


Starting with
this card!

Black luster ritual!

Watch. The black
luster ritual

Works by sacrificing
all of the monsters

I have placed
on the field.


Combining the energies of
my separate monsters...


And the forces of light
and darkness intertwined,

Opening the gates of chaos!

Bringing forth...


Oh, no!

The black luster soldier!

Is that really the legendary
black luster soldier?

Now, black luster

Chaos attack!

Harpy's pet dragon
is vanquished.


Just like that.

My most powerful monster--

It's gone!

This is outstanding.

For a minute there,
I really didn't think

That yugi'd be able
to pull it off.

I don't think mai did,

Who'd have thought
there'd be a way

Of bring that
kick-butt monster
out of yugi's deck?


the duel is over.

My spirit is broken.

She's lost the will
to fight on.


oh, one turn away.

If I'd only
been able to play

One more harpy lady card

Before the black luster
soldier appeared,
I would have won!

But I can't revive
the pet dragon,

And there's no other
card in my deck

That can defeat
that ultimate warrior.


So does this mean
that you surrender?

No way.

what happened?

Mai surrendered.

When a duelist
places their hand

Over the deck
like that,

It means they concede
the duel.

Poor mai.

I'd rather not see
my harpy ladies destroyed

In the next turn.

The duel is yours, yugi.

Wait, mai.

There's something

I want to say to you.


Thank you.

You said a duelist
can learn more

From defeat
than victory,
and you were correct.

But you, mai,

You taught me
a lot today.

I had to confront
my own fears,

My own weaknesses,

Or I could never
have defeated you.

It's awfully nice of you
to say that, yugi,

But it seems to me
I also still have
a lot more to learn.

About dueling
and about myself.

But then I suppose
no duelist ever learns

Allthere is to know.

And maybe the most
important lesson

Is that defeat doesn't
have to be forever.

You won this duel, yugi,

But there'll be others.

You and I will meet
in the arena again, kiddo.

And when we do,
you better watch out.


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