01x27 - "Champion vs. Creator, Part 2" / "Kaiba Falters! The Invincible Toon World"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x27 - "Champion vs. Creator, Part 2" / "Kaiba Falters! The Invincible Toon World"

Post by bunniefuu »

Yugi: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Pegasus is quite
taken with all your
dueling talents.

In fact, he's so
impressed he wanted

To reward you with
some entertainment.

It's kaiba!where's my brother?

Beat me in a duel, and
I'll release him as promised,

But fail, and not only
will his soul remain in bondage,

But yours
will join it.

Both: time to duel!

[Thinking] I'll just
play something

That I know he can't
defend against.

Stop right there!

I'd like to play
a little guessing game
with that card.

I see the blue eyes
white dragon!

how did he know?

Hmm. Now the most valuable card
in your deck is mine,

And I've only just begun to
make use of my millennium eye.

Heh heh heh heh!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

That millennium eye!


It's somehow
let's pegasus

See all of the cards
in kaiba's hand.

Come on! Tell me
you're not serious.

Wow, yugi.
I know you said

That thing had
magical powers,

But I didn't know
that it could

Help him win
duels, too.

How's anybody
supposed to win

Against that kind
of power? Man!

Still, I wouldn't
count kaiba

Out this match
just yet.

He may be
trailing now,

But he didn't get
to be world champion

Without learning
a few comeback tricks.

this is absurd.

It's as if pegasus
can see my cards

Before I play them,

But that's

I just need to trust
my old skills.

Huh? Mmm.

No card in my hand

Can defeat
the deranged rabbit,

But at least I can
protect myself

From him.
Defense mode!

Now I have
on the field

my life points.

Your turn,

As you wish, kaiba boy.


Tell me something,
my old friend,

Did you like watching
cartoons in your youth?

Is that a no?

Kaiba, you're
even more cold-hearted
than I thought.

For me, they were
the absolute best,

And none was closer
to my heart

Than the misadventures
of one tricky hare!

I am speaking, of course,
of funny bunny!

Such a clever rabbit,

Forever evading
ruff gruff mcdogg...

♪ And his long paw
of the law ♪

Oh, how I'd spend hours watching
their never-ending antics

And perpetual game
of hide-and-seek.

Just make your move!

Heh heh heh!

But, kaiba,
that is my move.

Your move's
a cartoon?

Not just a cartoon,
you simpleton.

An entire magical
cartoon world!


Welcome, kaiba...
To toon world!

Let the fun begin.

You must be kidding!

Toon world?
It looks more like

Some kid's
pop-up book to me.

I've never even
heard of this
wacky card.

huh. Toon world.

It sounds familiar.

Hey, I think that
pegasus' dark rabbit

Just pulled
a houdini.


So that's the magic
of toon world?

Now you can
make your creatures

Heh! Come now,

Even cartoon bunnies
can't vanish into thin air.

My dark rabbit simply
went to his new home,

And it's a home
that will prove

To be the safest
of havens,

For as soon as I close
that hard-book cover,

Toon world's bindings
can't be penetrated
by anything.

But don't worry.

My dark rabbit
won't lock himself
away in those pages

Without first
paying you a visit.

Dark rabbit, attack!


Bad hare day.

Heh heh!

Heh heh heh!
Hyuk hyuk!


Heh heh hyuk hyuk!

Heh heh heh!

Quite a painful chapter
in your battle ox's life,

Wouldn't you say,
kaiba boy?

I'd brace
for your revenge

But my dark rabbit's already
safely back inside toon world.

Perhaps the next time

That he comes out
to give you thumping,

You can try taking
a swing at him.

You coward!

Well, that's
not fair!

He'll keep doing this
the entire duel!

Ugh. Let's see here.

I can't attack
his rabbit,

So I'll just
lay out this...

For later.

Hmm. Looks like
it's my turn again,

And my chance
to show off even
more toon power.

And what better way
to demonstrate

Than on card
I stole from you!

[Thinking] ugh!
My blue eyes!

Is capf

Under my control.


Blue eyes white dragon,



And cross the threshold
into toon world!


Meet the new-and-improved
blue eyes toon dragon!

Heh heh heh!


No! You've stripped him
of his pride!

Please! I've transformed
this legendary beast

Into his most
supreme form.

Also...i've made him
look much more cuddly.

Joey: of all the things
that blue eyes is,

Cuddly sure ain't
one of them.

For once, I think
that kaiba would agree.

[Thinking] let's
see the world champ
get out of this!

Blue eyes toon dragon,

Attack the rude kaiser!


How embarrassing.
A world champion

Blasted by a caricature
of his own most trusted beast.

However did that
happen? Heh heh!


Your underhanded
dueling tactics

Have gone on
long enough.

It's time someone
put a stop to your
cheating ways.


I may not know
exactly how
you're cheating,

But somehow, you can
see my cards,

So I'm abandoning
my present hand.

if I can't see
what I'm playing,

You can't, either.

A gutsy move.

Tell me,
how do you think
pegasus is cheating?

I don't know.
Maybe he's got

hidden cameras
set up in here.

You really
think so?

Hey, I wouldn't put
anything past that
sleazy slime ball,

And I'll tell you this,

Now that kaiba's
not even looking
at his cards,

He needs to trust
more in the heart
of the cards

If he's gonna
have any chance

Of rescuing
his brother.

wow. Joey sure has
come a long way

Since our
first duel.

Here he goes.

put all my faith
in this next card,

So now let it
be revealed!


All: aah!


Yes! The blue eyes
white dragon!

That's gotta be

luckiest draw
I've ever seen.

I think that draw
was more about
faith than luck.

You said it, bud!

Kaiba listened
to his heart,

And it paid off
for him big time!


Your card prophesizing
has failed you,

And now your toon dragon
will fail you as well!

[Both dragons roaring]

Wow, I've never
seen a monster

Go up against
a wigged-out version
of himself before.

[Thinking] normally,
this clash would end
in a draw,

But I don't know all
the rules to toon world,

So I can't be sure.

Oh, this is going
to be such fun!

A blue eyes attacking
his toon counterpart?

There's no end
to the zany antics

That could ensue
from this!

Wrong. This isn't

One of your hare-brained,
after-school cartoons!

Your toon
won't escape this!

Oh, no! Heh heh heh!

not right here.

Yeah. Pegasus!


Ha ha ha!

Blue eyes, attack
with all your might!

White lightning!

That toon
just stretched
out of the way!


You should've watched
more cartoons, kaiba.

The cuddliest creature
never, ever gets hit.

In , episodes
of funny bunny,

Ruff gruff mcdogg
never laid a paw
on our cuddly hero.

No, he would try and try,

But never
would he succeed.

Such a clever
little rabbit.


And my creatures
will employ

The same cleverness
every time you attack,

Because as long as
my toon world card is out,

Everything I throw
will be just as hard

To pin down
as my toon dragon!

Kaiba will get creamed

If all of his opponents
are nothing but toons!

This isn't fair!

Just 'cause pegasus
invented the game

Shouldn't mean he can
use some supercard

That no one knows about.

Yugi, you ever hear
of toon world?

Well, all I know
about it

Is that it was never
put into circulation.

It was too powerful.

I guess pegasus
must have the only one.

That sounds
real fair.

How can anyone
beat pegasus

When he has
cards like that
at his disposal?

Now, where were we,
kaiba boy?

Ah, yes,
it was my turn.


now let's see here.

He's folded his hands,
so I can no longer

Look through his eyes
to see what cards he holds,

But perhaps I can
look elsewhere.

You see, a duelist
of kaiba's experience

Has long since memorized
his entire deck,

Every monster,
every card.

So I don't need to look
through his eyes

To see what cards
he keeps.

I simply need to
look through his mind.

I'll play this.

A new addition
to toon world.

The shine palace!


Luminous, isn't it?

And it makes
for quite a handy
plot twist.

You see,
the shine palace

Raises my toon dragon's attack
by points.

That still won't
bring this story
to an end.

I beg to differ,
kaiba boy.

I think that
I've just written

The final chapter
of your defeat!

The light energy
my toon dragon absorbs
from shine palace

Makes him stronger
than your blue eyes.





I'm no
cartoon expert,

But exploding
volcano biceps?

That's bad,



Blue eyes
toon dragon, attack!

White lightning!

Not so fast!

Activate magic card!
Negate attack!

So that was the card
he played turns back.

clever move, kaiba,

But don't forget
the defensive magic
of negate attack

Remains on the field
for just one turn,

Whereas the threat
of my toon dragon
will endure.

My turn now.

[Thinking] I bought
some time,

But I won't
be able to block

That toon dragon's
attack again.

I have to destroy
that comic monstrosity

Here and now.


Not only will I have
lost this duel,

But I'll have lost
my only chance

Of winning my brother's
soul back.

I have to trust
in my deck,

For the both of us.


Go, shadow spell!


Now, not only
can your toon not move,

But his attack power
is lowered by points.

[Thinking] how dare
kaiba shackle

A free and wondrous spirit
such as my blue eyes toon!

It's like imprisoning
joy itself.

He will pay for
interrupting my fun!


Looks like toons
don't always get
the last laugh.

Blue eyes,
white lightning



Hey, all right!

Kaiba sent that toon
back to the drawing board!

He pulled it off.

Now do you understand

That nothing will
stop me from rescuing
my brother, pegasus,

Even destroying
my own blue eyes?

Aw, kaiba boy!

Your treasured
blue eyes white dragons

Mean so very much
to you, don't they?

Well, as creator
of duel monsters,

I'm truly touched
by your devotion.


When will you learn
that the same devotion

Is not returned
by the blue eyes?

For as you'll see...

They are not so loyal!

Go, dragon
capture jar!

This will make blue eyes
that I've stolen from you,

Won't it?

How you must hate me.

Ha ha ha!




Now all of your dragon's
defense points

Have been transferred to my jar,
where they'll be at my disposal,
kaiba boy.

I can't let pegasus steal
another one of my dragons
with that jar.

I need to find a way
to destroy it.

Uhh...ok, pegasus.

I'm playing this
in defense mode.

Then for my turn,

I'll place this magic card
face down...

And bring out the dragon piper.

Defense mode.

That could
only mean one thing--

Pegasus is planning
to draw my dragon

Under his control.

Heh heh heh.
You read my mind.


And soon, I will
make him a toon,

Just like I did
your other blue eyes.

And then the fun will begin
all over again.

No way. Not if
I can shatter

That dragon piper
right here.

I'm invoking the powers
of the swordstalker.

Now attack the dragon piper.
Vengeance strike!

Heh heh heh. Did you
forget about the magic card

I just placed, did you?


It's a little doodad
called doppelganger.

It can copy anything
on the field.

I think I'll have it copy
your crush card.

And now I'll infect
my dragon piper with it.

Oh, no.

But kaiba's just declared
an attack on that dragon piper.

Ahh, his stalker will be
charging right into a trap.


Heh heh heh.

And it's too late for him
to do a single thing about it.


It's a trap!

Heh heh heh heh.

I'm afraid this is
far worse than a trap.


This is a virus,

And it incapacitates

Every one of kaiba's monsters

That have more than
, attack points,

Including the ones in his deck.

All of my cards
are becoming infected.

Heh heh heh heh. That's
what you get, kaiba boy,

When you stack your deck
with monster cards

That all have more than
, offense points.

I don't believe it.

Kaiba's getting done in
by the same card

That he tried
to beat yugi with.

This can't be it.

That crush card totally
obliterated his deck.

All of my cards gone.

This is the only one left
the virus didn't affect.

So it's the only
card I can play.

I've used reborn the monster
to revive saggi the clown.

It's your last move,

And you're going to spend it
reviving a clown?

Oh, yes, that's right, kaiba.

He's the best you can do
with my virus still about.

Shame, when you consider
all that's on the line.


I've tried my very best.

Your best failed you.


Emerge and attack!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Forgive me, mokuba.
I am so sorry.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

All: huh?
No way.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

There are no more cards
you can play.

Therefore, you lose, kaiba boy.


And you've lost much more
than just this duel,

Haven't you, kaiba?

You've lost
the only chance you had

At rescuing your baby brother.

You let him down,
but don't worry, my dear friend.

I will spare you the agony

Of carrying on in this world
without him.

What is that?

It is the final fate
of your soul, seto kaiba.



[Thinking] heh heh heh.
Welcome to your new home.

A place of solitude
and seclusion.

And while your soul is away,

Your body will be employed
as my obedient servant.

Heh heh heh heh.

Ah, the brothers kaiba.

One in each hand,

But even though your cards
are so very close,

Your souls have never been
further apart.

At least when I had
mokuba locked up,

You were both still living
within the same dimension.

Heh heh heh heh.

But now you're worlds apart.
Heh heh heh heh.

Take away that empty shell.

Teach it to wash dishes
or something. Heh heh.

Ok, tell me
I didn't just see

What I think I saw.


He's gone, too.

Just because he was only trying
to help his little brother out.



He was like us.

Just wanted to save
someone he cared for.

Why, pegasus?

Who are you to toy with
our friends, our families?

I won't let you
get away with it.

[Thinking] heh heh heh. Just try
and stop me, little yugi.



well, I do believe
I've just sensed yugi

Taping into the power
of his millennium item.


[Deeper voice] pegasus,
it won't be long now

Till I put an end
to your games.

Yugi boy, don't forget

That you still have to make it
through the remaining rounds
of this tournament

To even win the privilege
of challenging me.

Rest assured,
I'll be at the finals,

But the true privilege
will be defeating you

And undoing all the
evil acts you've committed
against my friends.

Heh heh heh heh.

I look forward to your
finest efforts, yugi boy,

And wonderful performances
from all our finalists.

You truly are
the best of the best,

The crème de la crme.
Heh heh heh.

[Thinking] but even so,

With the power
of my millennium eye,

Nothing will keep me
from victory.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Not even yugi
and his millennium puzzle.

Heh heh heh heh heh.
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