01x19 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 1" / "Tag Duel in the Labyrinth"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x19 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 1" / "Tag Duel in the Labyrinth"

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

What is this place?

Welcome, duelist, to
the arena of lost souls.


Lay down your
star chips now.

Star chips!

rise form the grave!

Red eyes black dragon!

Inferno fire blast!

All right!

Go, dragon zombie!
Blow red eyes away!

My red eyes! No!

Ha ha ha!

Even red eyes was
no match for me!

Smash those
zombie freaks!

battle fist!

How...could I lose?

You did it, joey!


See ya around, loser.

Wh--bu--wait, boss!

Ha ha ha ha!

So now can we get
outta this creepy pit?

You bet!



Oh, no! What's that?!


Ha ha!
Tough luck, guys.

Looks like you're
stuck in that cave
for life.


This thing
weighs a ton!

I can't even
get it to budge!

[All groaning]

Captioning made possible by
wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh


[All grunting]

Joey: this thing ain't
budgin', boys and girls.


Looks like we're trapped.

Come on. There's got
to be another way
out of this place.

But these tunnels
run everywhere.

We could be lost
down here forever!


Huh? Bakura?

Joey: hey! Bakura?
What gives?

It seems
my millennium ring

Is tugging me
in this direction.


Well, yugi and I
think that my
millennium ring

Can detect other
millennium items

And that it's
been honing in on
pegasus' millennium eye.

Yugi: so it could be
leading us right
to his castle!

Joey: pegasus! I can't
wait to get my hands
on that creep.

Pegasus: I love this show.

What's playing
on dungeon tv?

Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, goody. It's
another installment

In the sad little saga
of mokuba. Ha ha ha.

my brother will
come for me.

I know he'll come
like he always has.

It's just you
and me now, kid,

But it'll be ok.

Mokuba thinking:
like the way
he came for me

The day mom and dad
passed away.

I--i'm scared, seto.

Don't worry.
I'll always be there
for you, mokuba.

I promise.

peagasus thinks that
by keeping me locked away,

He can take over
your company kaibacorp,

But pegasus doesn't
know you like I do...

How, when we were
growing up,

You never lost at anything.
You'd never give up.

You'd just keep on going
till you'd beaten everyone.

And you're gonna beat
pegasus the same way,

So come and rescue me,
big brother.

Young kaiba:
don't worry.

I'll always be there
for you, mokuba.
I promise.



So, we gettin'
anywhere, bakura?

It's like we've been
walking forever.

And instead of lookin'
like the way out,

It seems like a big maze.

That's right. And look
at the walls down here.

All the rocks
are neatly arranged.
It seems man-made.

You think someone
could be livin' down here?

Joey: they'd have
to be mole people.

Yugi: look at
all these corridors.

There must be
a dozen different
directions we could go.

now what?

Which way
do we go?

This way!

Follow me. This ring
is pulling me this way.

Joey: well, tell it
to pull slower.


Yugi: bakura!
What is it?

Why have
you stopped?

[All gasp]

[All gasp]

Téa: what is this place?

You have entered...

...sacred grounds.

Where only duelists...

...can be found.

Yeah, well,
we're duelists.

Before you pass...

...across this chamber,

You must agree...

...to face the danger.

So let the contest...

...now begin.


...your next of kin.

You're trapped...

...and the doors
are all locked.

Both: hiya! Hoo-ya!

Both: you face
the brothers paradox!

Employed by pegasus
as eliminators...

...to take all your
star-chip indicators.

Joey: you gotta
duel these g*ons, yugi?

And if by some crazy fluke
you manage to win...

...why, then,
a puzzling new test
shall begin.

For over my shoulder,
you see a door.

And over my brother's,
you'll see...

...one door more.

The test? A choice...

...that you
must make.

Both: which of these doors
will you take?


One door leads
to an endless maze...

...where you
will wander
all your days.

The other door's
the path you need.

Choose correctly
and be freed.

But which door
leads out...

...and which
leads to woe?

That's for you
to guess...

...and for
the brother's
paradox to know.

So even if yugi
wins this match,

We could still
wind up lost in
those caves forever?

Against us,
one mere duelist
would be creamed.

So you must
duel as a team.

On ?

Like a tag team?

I never heard
of anyone dueling like that.

Yugi: me neither,
but I don't think

We have much
of a choice here.


Tag team it is.

And I'd be honored
if joey would duel
by my side.

You got it, bro.

All right, youse
brothers paradox.

Me and yugi
are gonna clean
your clocks.

[Thinking] prepare
to be puzzled.

[Thinking] prepare
to be fooled.

Prepare to be baffled,
for on this field we rule.

I'm gonna baffle
the of them

If they don't
stop rhyming.

Enough of your quips.

Yes, time
to wager
star chips.

I'll throw down .

Plus more,
for a total of .

Both: agreed.

This is it, joey.

If we can play
our cards right,

We'll both have
enough star chips

To gain entrance
into the castle.

Then we can finally
confront pegasus.


Ha ha ha! You fool!

That's why pegasus
pays my brother and me...

...to keep you from
achieving victory.

Ok, guys. Teamwork
from here on out.

Right! We'll
be the team,
you do the work.

Bakura: good luck!

Both: quiet, fools.
Time to duel.

First turn honors our mine.

Labyrinth wall.

[Thinking] huh?
Why would he
play that card?

It doesn't even
have any attack points.


What's that?

Look, the floor!

coming out
of it!

Strike that.
A whole bunch
of things

Are coming
out of it.

A maze?

Quite right,
and unless if you can
navigate it correctly,

You'll be lost in
its passageways forever.

Both: now! No more questions.
No more stalls.

Make your move,
the labyrinth calls.

[Thinking] soon pegasus
will be sorry

For the pain he's caused
me and my brother.


Doesn't he realize
that nothing
will stop me

From getting him back?

Well, he'll
soon find out.

Make your
move! Go!
Now! Now! Go!

Joey: hold your
horses already!

We don't even know how
this tag team thing works.

It's simple.
We all start

With life points
like any duel.

However, if just
one duelist loses
those points,

Then his teammate
loses with him.

[Thinking] man.
Yugi's puttin' a lot
of faith in me.

I can't
let him down.

The players on each team
will alternate turns

With every passing round.
It is simple.

I will play, then yugi,

Then my brother, then joey,
then back to me.

Now, as for
the actual game play
in the labyrinth arena,

It, too, is quite simple.

All monsters you summon
during this match

Will act like pieces
on a game board.

As for moving,
each monster can move

The number of spaces
equal to its power level.


And while your
game pieces are moving,
ours will be moving, too.

Finally, if you somehow
manage to get past our creatures

And find your way
through the maze,

Your reward will be
a choice of doors.


Select the
correct door,

And find the path
to freedom
and fresh air.

Select the wrong door,
and find only despair.

Aah! I've
had just
about enough

Of all your

And what
do ya mean,

One door leads
to despair?
That's not fair.

Both: ok, then.

We'll give you a clue.

While everything
one of us tells you
shall be true...

...the other
will speak nothing
but lies to you.

[Yugi thinking]
truths and lies?

What are they talking about?

[Pegasus laughs]
come now, yugi.

It's just a riddle,
and you had better solve it.

Otherwise, you won't
see the light of day

Or your grandpa ever again!

From this point forward,

One of us will speak
nothing but the total truth.

And the other will
speak everything
but the truth.

So, you see,
it is quite simple.

To learn which
of the is
the right door...

...you have only
to ask, nothing more.


What if you're
lying to me
right now?

No, I
never lie.

Don't be fooled!

My door is most
certainly the door

That will
guarantee you're freed.

Liar! Mine
is the door that'll
grant safe passage,

If they'd only heed.

wait a sec.

This sounds like
an old riddle I know.

Sure, the liar,
the truth teller,

The choosing between

But how'd
the rest of it go?

Hey, yugi, I think
I know this riddle.

It starts with
a fork in the road.
Check this out.

There's this kid
trying to get

To the village
of truth-tellers.

Thing is, there's
a village of liars
right next to it.

The kid doesn't know
which way to go,

So he asks a villager
for directions.

But he doesn't know
if this villager's from
truthville or liarsberg.

So, the villager guy
says he'll answer
one question,

And that's the riddle.

What should the kid ask
to get to truthville?

So, the kid asks the guy
to take him to
his own village.

'Cause a truthful guy
would have to take him
to the village of truth,

On account
of being truthful,

And a liar would
have to take him

To the village
of truth, too,
'cause that'd be lyin'.

So, first
we gotta find out

Which one of you
tells the truth.

Then proceed.

In fact, we'll allow you
each one question.

Ok, like
the kid in riddle

Asked the guy
to show him his village,

All I have to do
is ask you to show me
your door.

So both of ya,
show me the door
that your guardin'.

[Thinking] ha!
Now the truthful guy'll

Have to point
to his own door,

And the liar
will have to point
to the other guy's door.


Worked like a charm.
Para's the liar,
dox tells the truth.

Now yugi just
has to ask dox

Which door
leads outta here
and we're set.

[Thinking] hmm,
I don't know.

That seemed
a little too easy.

Yo, yuge.
How about a little

Somethin' for
the effort, here?

I hate to
disappoint you, joey,

But I don't think
we've solved this riddle
just yet.

In fact, I think
we're going down

The wrong road ourselves,
so to speak.

But I told ya,
yuge. I heard
this one before.

Your riddle has some things
in common with our present

But there are
some key differences,

And trust me, joey,
those key differences

Change the entire nature
of the problem.


Yugi: in your riddle,
there was only one person

To question
at the crossroads,

But in our situation,
we have ,

Para and dox.

Now, both para and dox
have told us the exact
same thing.

One of them will speak
nothing but the truth,

And the other will speak
nothing but lies.

But there's a problem
with that already.

[Both moan]

Yugi: because if they were,
as they said,

One truth-teller
and one liar,

The liar could never
admit to it.

That would be telling
the truth.

The only way they could
both make that statement

Is if they were both lying,

And that means we can't
trust either para, dox,
or their riddle.

My brain hurts.

Don't worry
about it, joey.

That riddle was just
meant to throw us
off course.

Let's duel now,

And figure out
the door dilemma

Joey: nice call, yuge.

I do my best
on the field anyways.

Yugi: now let's
win this duel.

I'll have to be careful.

I've never played
on a labyrinth field before.

I'll go first,

With my beaver warrior.

A good choice.
A rat for a maze.

But his time's
running out.

This is the last
of his days.

We'll see about that.

Beaver, forward spaces,

One for each
of your level points.

Para thinking:
ha ha ha ha!

Spaces, and you're
already in too far.

Now it's my turn,

And I am merging
shadow ghoul

Into the labyrinth wall

By means of polymerization.



What the--

Wall shadow,

Reaping claw slash!


Good-bye, beaver warrior.


Oh, it came
out of the wall,

And now
it's going back,

Where our guys
can't get at it.

Very lethal.

They're cheatin'!
It moved too many

On the contrary.

The wall shadow
didn't move any spaces.

It moved on the wall.

That's right,
and the wall doesn't
have any spaces.


[Thinking] this is not good.

Our monsters
have to count spaces
as they walk the maze,

While their wall shadow can
move through the maze walls,

And that means he can strike
when we least expect it.

So, now you know our strategy
is unleashing a monster

That you cannot see.

You fools!
You won't know

When the wall shadow
is about to land
a blow.


We'll see
about that.

Axe raider
in attack mode!

And I'll also
place one other card
facedown on the field.


Joey: but since I can't see
your shifty, little monster,
I can't attack it,

So I won't advance
at all this time.

I'll just keep axe raider
as far away from the wall

And your sneaky weasel
as possible,

And I'll still be ready
to attack at any moment,

Right. That's
a good move, joey.

As long as you keep
far away from the wall,

You can avoid
any sneak attack
by the wall shadow.

[Thinking] so far, so good.

I haven't cost us
any life points.

Good move.

I hope joey
can keep this up.

Don't sweat it.

With yugi
as his partner,
joey can't lose.

Tristan: I hope
you're right.


This tag team stuff
is tricky

'Cause they can focus
on attacking the weakest
duelist first.

Téa: you mean joey.

My turn,

And I lay this card

Jirai gumo.

heh heh heh heh.
Any opposing monster

That steps on the space
with jirai gumo's symbol

Will instantly fall victim
to its fatal surprise.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'll also lay
the labyrinth t*nk
in attack mode

And move it forward

Para: good job,

That should
help trap them
within our maze.

Thank you, brother.

It's my turn.

I play the celtic guardian
in attack mode!


Advances paces
into the maze.

But the celtic guardian's
attack strength

Is much lower
than that of wall shadow's.

Then he'll be
wiped out.


Both: hya-ya-ya-yah!

You fool!
Did you not learn anything?

Wall shadow,
attack celtic guardian now!


Your guardian is doomed,

And your life points
with it.


Hmm. I'm afraid not.

What do you mean?

Joey: kunai with chain!

What is this?

Joey: my trap card worked!

Reel him in, axe raider!

Ha ha. The card I played
facedown before

Was a trap card--
kunai with chain.

It captures any opponent
that att*cks.

I laid that trap card
to help yugi.

It raised the celtic
guardian's attack power
by ,

it's strength higher
than wall shadow's.

Yugi: celtic guardian,
attack wall shadow!

Joey: so,
now it's lights out
for your shadow.


Both: wall shadow is beaten!

Hee hee hee hee.

What a team!

Yeah, they're
working together to beat
those wacky brothers.

joey's really getting
to be a much better player.

He's thinking strategically.

Aah! To stop our decline,
these two we must halt!

Don't look at me.
It's not my fault.

Ha. If we keep this up,
we'll win this double

And have enough
star chips to enter
the castle.

Teamwork, yugi!

but we haven't won yet.

We've got to keep
on our guard

If we're going to beat
the paradox brothers

And win our way
out of this twisted,
underground labyrinth.

A toast to yugi

For winning the first round

With the help
of his little pal joey.

[Knock on door]


Master pegasus,

A thousand pardons
for interrupting,
your greatness.

I'm growing tired of your
constant interruptions,

I thought you'd
want to know

Seto kaiba's
been spotted
on the island.

I already know that,

Why are you,
the head of my security,

Always the last
to learn these things?

Don't worry.
Kaiba will come to us.

After all,

We have the bait.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

[Thinking] what's happened
to you, brother?

Why haven't you come?

You said you'd always
be here for me.

Well, where are you?

You never failed me before.

Give it back!
Give it to me!



I give! I give!

Here, mokuba.


[Thinking] you always
come through for me,

So where are you now, seto?

Why haven't you found me?

I need you!

Why haven't you
stopped pegasus?

I'm coming, mokuba.

I'm coming to save you,

And if pegasus tries
to get in my way,

He'll live to regret it.
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