01x17 - "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 1" / "Terror! Call of the Living Dead"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x17 - "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 1" / "Terror! Call of the Living Dead"

Post by bunniefuu »

your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh



Yah ay yi!

[Panting hard]









Call off your dragon.
I give. I give!

Poor, scared joey.

He calls himself
a duelist,

But he's just
a little puppy dog
cringing in fear.

I'm not scared of you.

Bad dog!
Don't contradict
your master!

Grr...you're not my--

Quiet! Sit!


Sit at your
master's feet,

Where you belong.

[Whimpers like a dog]




A dream.

Ahh! Kaiba, we'll see
who eats the dog chow

On this island. Ahh!

Everybody, wake up!

Yugi: joey, what's wrong?

What is it,

Ahh, nothing's wrong.

It's just a brand new
day of the tournament,

And I'm hot
to find us a duel!

Tristan: well, you don't
have to yell about it.

Hey, guys, what's
all the commotion?

Good morning, téa.

Where's mai?
Isn't she with you?

She said
she had to go.

And to give you
this note, yugi.



Mai: I owe you
star chips.

See ya around. Mai.

Kiss those chips

I don't know.

Maybe we really can
trust mai.

Joey: and if not, well,

We're still the team
supreme. Right?

All: right!

Ok, then. Move out.


Bakura: I wonder
how many duelists

There are left
on the island.

Joey: they shipped a couple
dozen home yesterday.

Téa: and I bet even more
have been eliminated
by now.

And some of them
were really good players

With powerful
cards, too.

We could be next.

Not a chance, yuge.

Those other guys
just wanted the prize.

You and joey have
a lot more at stake.

That's true.
I've got to rescue
grandpa from pegasus,

And joey needs the prize
money to help his sister.

And the duelists we face
today will be even stronger,

'Cause they survived
the first round.

Joey: even stronger?

Careful what
you say, yugi.

You've got
little joey here

in his sneakers.

What? You think I'm
a scared little puppy dog?

if the collar fits.

All right,
break it up.

Hey, you just bring on
any duelist.

Then I'll cream 'em.

Right. You gotta believe
in yourself, joey.

Bonz: yeah,
that's right.

'Cause nobody
else does.

[All laugh]

I want that one.

If you like 'em tall,
skinny, and stupid, bonz,

That geek wad
sure fits the bill.

Oh, yeah.
You'll demolish him.

So, who are they,

Will you just keep
your shirt on, sid?

I'm trying to see if I can
get a tighter focus on them.

Sid: I don't know
who the others are,

But I think
that little runt
is that yugi kid.

Yugi? He's the one
who beat kaiba.


We better tell the boss
about this, zigor.

Right on.

All right.
Spit it out!

We found duelists.

One's just
a stupid git.

But the other one's
a good duelist.

That kid's name
is yugi, right?

He's the kid
who beat kaiba.

Everybody figures him
to make it all the way

To pegasus's castle.

Yugi, huh?
Yeah, I heard of him.

He's supposed to be
a tough little squirt,

That is, if you believe
in his reputation.

Yeah! Yeah!

We never seen him duel.

How do we know how good
yugi really is?

Right. Nobody's going
to the castle 'cept us,

'Cause we're teamed up
with the most brilliant

Bloomin' duelist
on the whole island.

That's right,
so if you bums wanna
win this tournament

You'll keep
your traps shut.

You'll keep cool,
and you'll let bandit keith

Do all your
thinking for you.

No argument
from me, boss.

You got all the brains.
I'm just the muscle.

And we'll hammer
any blinkin' duelist

Who gets in our way.

you hear that, pegasus?

Soon it'll be
payback time.

Payback for the way
you humiliated me

At the duel monsters

It had all come down
to you against me,

And I had you right
where I wanted you.

Ha! Any final words,

Keith, thinking:
I was sure I was
about to win,

But you just
scribbled some notes

And called over
a kid from the audience.

Hey, what are you doing?
Asking for help's illegal!

I don't need help.

A child
could defeat you,
bandit keith,

And I'm going
to prove it.

Just follow
these instructions
and you'll win.

Keith, thinking:
I didn't know what
to make of it.

Were you just trying
to psyche me out,

Or did you chicken out?

Either way,
it was fine by me,

So long as I took home
the prize money.

Keith: ok, punk, beat this!

Good card,
but the note says
when you play that

I should play this one
in attack mode.

No way!

Uh, I think I just took
all your life points.

What? You little
snot-nosed brat!

There's no way
you could have known

I was gonna
play that card!

Give me that!

Huh? Uh?

It's all here.
The card I played,

How to beat it.

Sam is the winner.noooo!

Keith, thinking:
you may have defeated me,
pegasus, cheated me,

But nobody makes a fool
out of bandit keith!

Now, you said you
found duelists?

Yeah, yugi and some
dweeb named joey.

Good. We'll take
the dweeb out first.

[Evil chuckle
from all three]

Joey: did you hear that?
I think we're being followed.

I think that you're
getting a little
paranoid, joey.

You've been
acting hyper

Ever since
you woke up
this morning.

Man, what the heck
is eating you, anyway?

I'm telling you,
somebody's stalking us!


Where are you going?

To stalk them!

[Evil chortles]

Bonz: boss, uh,
where are we headed?

To a hidden arena.

In a c-cave?



You ought to feel
right at home

Down here, bonz.

It's dark and dank
and really creepy,

Just like you are.

Your deck, uh,
you did load it up

Mostly with zombie
cards, didn't you?

Uh, yeah.

Let me see what
you got there.


Good, but I think
you could use

A little more
brute force.

But where
could I find--

Don't you worry, kid.

I got all the power
you need right here

To build the strongest
zombie deck

In duel monsters

It's time we moved
on to the graveyard.

the graveyard?

It's a perfect arena
for you, bones.

And with all these
new zombie cards,

You just can't lose.

Huh, thanks, boss.

And you can bet
that I won't let you down.

You better not,
or you're gonna
find yourself

In a world of hurt.

You wouldn't want that,
now, would you?



Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!


Uhh! Uhh!

What are you afraid of?

Some musty old skull?


Give me a break.
Your face is scarier

Than this old thing.


Oh, uh, boss,
wait for me!

Maybe téa was right.

I guess all I heard
was the waterfall.


Can I help you?

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Zigor: wake up, dweeb.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh!


Heh heh heh heh heh!

What? Where am i?

Heh heh heh heh.
The boss wants you.

Oh! Wha--


What is this place?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Gah! A tombstone?


Welcome, duelist,
to the arena of lost souls.


Abandon hope, for no duelist
gets out of here alive.

Help! A ghost! Aah!

Yugi: joey's been gone
an awfully long time.

Téa: you don't suppose
he got lost?

No way. But he could have
been challenged to a duel.

I bet that's it.

I must have
got on his case
a little too hard

About being scared,
so now he's gone off

To fight a duel
all by himself.

Ok, let's split up
and try to find him.

right. Yugi and téa,
you head that way.

Bakura and I
will go this way.

All: ok!

Bonz: prepare
for your final duel.

This arena will be
your graveyard.

Ooh, spooky.

Spot on, mate.

He's got the dweeb
scared stiff.

I don't believe it.

Looks like the guy
fainted on his feet.

Heh heh heh heh.

Yeah, so do something,

Get busy
and wake him up!

You heard him, dweeb.
Rise and shine.

Ha ha! The ghosts
of the dead

Are all
around you, joey.

There's no way
to escape from your fear.

Huh? Who says
I'm scared?

You can't hide the truth
from the spirits, joey.

Wah! They see you
frozen in fear.

Ok, I wasafraid,

But not 'cause
of the graveyard

Or your ooga booga rap.

It's your creepy
face that gave me
the willies!

Ha ha ha!
You have to admit

He's got
a point, bonz.

Yeah, you even
spook me out, bonz,

And I'm on your side.

Well, if you're
on my side,

Then stop
laughing at me!

So, are we gonna
duel or just stand
around talking?

Lay down your
star chips now.

Grr. Hey, I never even
agreed to this duel.

Tough luck.
You haven't got
any choice, dweeb.


There has to be
some way out of this.

Huh? You want a way out?

Well, hand over
all your star chips
and crawl out

Like a scared
little puppy dog.

Bad doggie!

[All laugh]

Puppy dog?

Sit at your master's feet
where you belong.


If I run from this,
I really will

Be a scared
little puppy dog.

So, I'll just
have to beat you!

Star chips!

Zigor: ha! Nice going, boss.

He fell for it.

Ha ha!

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Put him away
quick, bonz.

Send him straight
to the grave

With a zombie card!

A zombie card?

Yikes. Now I get
what he's up to.

You don't stand a chance.

This arena's
one big graveyard field,

And all my zombie cards
get a field power bonus here.

Tristan: joey!bakura: joey!

There's no sign
of him anywhere.

Hey, let's look
over that way.

[Both pant]


Téa: joey!

He's not here.

Where could he be?

If he were fighting
a duel, I'm sure

That we'd see
the arena.

Joey's just vanished.
I'm worried, téa.


[Bonz laughs]

Here goes!

My zombie card.

not so fast, squirt.


Hold that card for now.

Play the one on the far
left instead.

Play the one
on the left, boss?

But that card is zanki.

Zanki's not
a zombie card at all.

You needed
some raw muscle,

So I slipped it
into your deck, bonz.

But if it's not
a zombie card,

It won't get
the field power bonus
from the graveyard.

Don't argue with me, squirt.
Just do what I tell you.


Play the card.

Bandit keith
won't steer you wrong.

How could any of us
have gotten this far

Without following
all his advice?

Yeah, right.

What is this,
dueling by committed?

You gonna play the card
or aren't you?

Right, boss.
Whatever you say.

Zanki--in attack mode!


This'll put a dent
in zanki's armor.


Go, axe raider!


Wind blades!


All right!
So much for your
armored warrior.

He wiped me out! Ohh...

Heh heh.
Looks that way.

So, why did you make me
play that lame card?

If that had been
one of my zombie cards,

I could have
clobbered him!

Bonz! Where's
all your spooky
chatter now,

You little creep?

Play your next card.
Whatever it is, I'm ready.

Ohh...i have to play
a zombie card.

No, not that one, bonz.

Second card to the left.


the crawling dragon?

This isn't
a zombie card, either.

As soon as I play it,
he'll obliterate me.

Just like last time.

Look, I know
you don't like it.

Just be patient, bonz.

We're working
on a strategy here.

no duelist has ever

Beaten bandit keith
without cheatin'.

Yeah, until now.

Defense mode!

Running from me
already, skull face?

You're not so scary
after all, huh?

Go, axe raider!


Slice 'im
and dice 'im!



I win!

Now play the card
that's on the far right.


You heard me.
And don't use
defense mode this time.

If the dweeb
can't see your monster,

He might just hesitate
and wait to attack.


If you don't
wanna trust me, bones,

I'll keep my advice
to myself.

It's up to you.

Um...crass clown--
in attack mode!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Is that the best
you've got?

Flame swordsman!


Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!


Flaming sword of battle!

Too bad.
One crass clown
going down.

Uhh, uhh...

creepshow is scared.

I got him on the run,

And I plan
to keep him that way.

There's way too much
riding on this duel

For me to blow it.

My sister serenity's
counting on me.

So, watch out, skull face!

You better be scared,
'cause this little puppy dog

Is gonna chase
your bony butt

Right out
of your own graveyard.

Now what?

Just relax.

You've already got
this duel won, bonz.

What's the problem,

Can't fight
this duel on your own?

Maybe your coach
wants to take me on.

I'll cream him, too.

Oh, yeah?
Looks like you need

A lesson
in strategy, dweeb.


Oh! Wow.

I had totally forgotten
about this magic card, boss.

Now I understand.

Lay it down, bonz!
Play your trump card!

You're finished!

This magic card
is unstoppable!

The call
of the haunted!

The call
of the haunted?

It brings all
the monsters you destroy

Back from the grave.

But they come back
as zombies,

With the power
of immortality!


ah ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no. Oh, no!

Tristan, look.

Hey, that's
joey's wallet.

With a picture
of his sister serenity.

Joey would never
be careless enough
to lose that.

His sister
means more to him
than anything.

This is starting
to smell like foul play.

Look over there!

A cave. I don't like
the look of this.

Neither do i.

[Distant roar]

What is this place?

Yugi: be careful.

It could be
some kind of trap.

Téa: what's up
with those coffins?

Beats me.
Who'd leave them
just standing here?


I wouldn't
touch those, guys.

Be careful.

Don't be silly.
It's just a wooden b--uh--


Uh? Uhh?


Oh, dear! Ohh!

Got it!


That pegasus has sure
got a sick sense of humor.

You said it,


Ah ha ha ha ha!

Your monsters are back.

Ha ha ha!

Call of the haunted
brought all of them

Back from the grave,
and they're zombies now!

They're zombies?

And as zombies, they all
gain a field power bonus

From this graveyard field.


Ah ha ha ha!

[All growl]

Dragon zombie,
attack the axe raider!


Joey: axe raider,
bash that lizard!


Oh, no. Direct hit,

And the zombie dragon


They're zombies now,

You can't destroy 'em
with an axe.

Wha--? Oh, no!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Oh, yes, dragon zombie!

Destroy axe raider!
Deadly zombie breath!


Bonz: one down
and one to go.


Now your puny swordsman
is outnumbered to one.

Joey: oh, man,
now what am I gonna do?

Nothing can
k*ll those monsters.

Uhh...i blew it.

I'm dead meat.
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