01x16 - "The Scars of Defeat" / "Clash! Blue-Eyes vs. Red-Eyes"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x16 - "The Scars of Defeat" / "Clash! Blue-Eyes vs. Red-Eyes"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Big one: with kaiba
still reeling from
his loss to yugi,

It's the perfect time
to seize control

And bring this company's
reputation back
to what it once was.

Patience, gentlemen.

Once I defeat
little yugi,

Kaiba's company
will become ours.

Of course, had you
disposed of kaiba
as originally promised,

We would have
already assumed power.

But don't worry,
we'll finish
what you started.

No. No one is
to lay even a finger
upon seto kaiba.

But if he's
able to rescue
his younger brother,

We'll lose our only tie
to the kaiba name.

Mokuba's future role
as figurehead will
not be jeopardized

By his older brother's

Trust me, gentlemen.

I have my own plans
for seto kaiba

And the technical
knowledge he possesses.

Uhh, don't fail us.

Gentlemen, kaiba corp.
Is about to enter
a new era of prosperity,

And you are all
about to become
obscenely rich.

Hmm. Heh heh heh.

As for you, kaiba,

Our partnership
is just beginning.

Ha ha ha ha!

[Thinking] I can't believe
all my business associates

Would turn on me
after a single defeat.

Then again, losing
to yugi has shaken
my self-confidence, too.

You're a good duelist,

But not good enough
to stop exodia.

Exodia, obliterate!


You play only
for power, kaiba,

And that is
why you lost.

But if you put
your heart in the game,

There's nothing
you can't do.

maybe yugi was right.

But I can't start
second-guessing myself now.

Not when
pegasus has kidnapped
my little brother mokuba.

No. If I'm gonna
face off against pegasus,

I have to rely on
my old dueling instincts.

That's the only chance
I have of freeing mokuba.

Big brother!

And once mokuba
is out of harm's way,

I'll unleash my wrath
on the vultures

Who conspired
to take over my company.

If pegasus thought
I would just sit idly by

As they dismantled
my life's work,

He was wrong.

I'll see to it
that they all regret
ever crossing seto kaiba.


Bakura, am I
seeing things,

Or is your
millennium ring
actually glowing?

If it's not,
then we're both

That's kinda spooky,
don't you think?

The way it's
pointing like that?

Yes. It's almost like
it's being tugged
toward the castle.

Pegasus' castle?

Why would it do that?

I don't know,
but it did
the same thing

The day I met you.

I had just
been transferred
into your school.

Everyone, please welcome
your new classmate bakura.

Joey: wham!

Try defendin'
this, yuge!

I was watching you guys
play duel monsters,

When suddenly my ring
started to glow

And pointed right towards
your millennium puzzle.

Wow, bakura.

Those pointers are
somehow able to zone in

On other
millennium items.

But then why would it
point to the castle?

'Cause of what's
inside the castle.

Pegasus' millennium eye.

That's what took
my grandpa's soul.

My, it's all kind
of scary, eh, yugi?

Pegasus grabbing
souls with his,

And I'll never forget
when mine took us all
to the shadow realm.


[Thinking] why is it
the more involved
I get with pegasus

And this whole tournament,

The more it all
seems to be connected
to these millennium items?

First there was
pegasus' millennium eye,

And now bakura's
millennium ring,

And, of course,
my millennium item.

Ever since I first solved
that ancient puzzle,

Playing duel monsters
has never been the same.

Now, every time I duel,

I can feel a strong,
courageous presence
within me.

And whatever
that spirit is,

I pray it will help me
save my grandpa.

I miss him.

I miss him so much.


[Helicopter overhead]

[Thinking] kaiba's coming.

I can sense it.

Bakura: wow!

Look at that, yugi.

What the--?

Huh? What?

Joey: hey! Some of us
are tryin' to get
some shut-eye here,

You insensitive jerk!

What is that?


[All gasp]téa: it's kaiba!

Joey: what's
he doin' here?

Tristan: I don't know,

But it looks like
he means business.

I haven't seen you
since our duel, yugi.

Mm-hmm. Oh!

Here, your deck.

I've been keeping
it for you.

Just think of it
as a thank you

For that duel
you helped me win.


You'll be compensated
for all of your trouble.


Actually, kaiba,
I was thinking

That since
we're all headed
for pegasus' castle,

You could stick
with us.

'Course, heh...

You'll need
some star chips.

Don't be so naive.

This isn't just
a game for me, yugi.


I'm going after pegasus
to save my brother,

Not so I can win
some silly prize.

Have fun with
your tournament.

But, kaiba...

Joey: that
snobby little...


Hey, listen, tough guy!

I can understand you wantin'
to get your little brother
back and all,

But don't go thinkin' that
you're the only one here
with a noble cause, capisce?

We all got something
worth fightin' for,

So if you want
a piece of pegasus,

Get in line
or deal with me.

That's right, hot shot.

I ain't scared of you.

Nice grip.

Let me show you mine.



Aah! Unh!

That was uncalled for.


Uhh, uhh...

Can you hear me?
Are you all right?

Check his pulse,

Relax. I'm fine.

Do you really think
I'm gonna let you

And this little
tournament you're in

Delay me from
finding pegasus?

Forget pegasus!

Now you got me to deal with,
so bust out your cards
and let's get it on!

I can't tell if
joey's being really
brave or nuts.

Forget it.

Why don't you go
look for an opponent
you can actually beat,

Like an infant
or a monkey.

What did you say?

That monkey thing
gets him every time.


I don't have time
for your nonsense...


Go ahead and run.

Everyone knows
you're nothin' but
a washed-up has-been!

Joey, be careful
what you say.

Kaiba may
be a creep,

But he's still
pretty much considered

The top duelist
in all the world.

Not anymore.

That's right,
tough guy.

I bet ever
since yugi mopped
the floor with you,

You can't even
lay a trap card
without flinchin'!

Ok, joey.
Let it go.

This is really
the wrong guy

To pick
a fight with.

What do you say,
money bags?

Care to prove me wrong?

On one condition...huh?

We play using
my newest innovation

In holographic
duel technologies.

What do you mean
by that?

It means that
if joey's really
that eager to duel me,

He's gonna have
to do it using my
latest holographic system.

It's a new hi-tech
dueling device
that allows players

The realism
of arena matches
in any setting.

Looks like just
a regular old
briefcase to me.

It's in the briefcase,
you moron.


Its technology
is unprecedented.

Looks like
a flyin' saucer.

Don't be an idiot.

This is the most
display modulator ever built.

So, if you think you
have what it takes
to handle it,

Just strap it on.

Ok. Now what happens?

First, insert
your dueling deck

Into the display drive

A life point count
will light up

And keep score for you
the entire match.

Then choose
a card to play

And set it on
the digital card reader.

I think the rest
will explain itself.

Huh, cool.

All set?

Then let's duel.

You got it.

Now, brace yourself...


For my battle ox!

Tristan: whoa! Check out
all those lights!

It's like raining glitter.

Téa: yeah, it's
like something from
an enchanted dream.


Or a nightmare!


No way!
That's a hologram?

A hologram of
unprecedented realism.

It breathes,
it snarls.

My new dueling disk
technology even
simulates its odor.

You're tellin' me!

That thing
really stinks.

Good thing he
won't be around
for much longer.

All righty...

Here goes nothin'!

Go, armored lizard!


Go, battle ox!

Axe slam attack!



He withstood your attack!

Oh, did he?

Look again!


That's real enough
for me.

Joey: I can't
believe it!

That ugly overgrown ox!

He cut my lizard
in half!

This new technology
isn't for the faint
of heart, joey.

It's intended
to force duelists
to think on their feet.

If it's too much
for you, maybe you
should give up now.

Fat chance!

Don't you worry, kaiba.

I'm a quick learner.


Set the card,

Spin the disk,



The flame swordsman!

Ready to slaughter
that sirloin of yours.


Flaming sword of battle!

But, joey,

The battle ox
is resistant to all
fire-type creatures.

Now he tells me.

Why am I not surprised
that you'd make such
an amateur mistake?

Maybe from now on,
you ought to let yugi

Pick all of
your moves for you.

Or, better yet,
why don't I teach you

Some of the advanced moves
of the game the hard way?

Mystic horseman
and battle ox...

Merge into rabid horseman!

You think I'm afraid
of that deformed pony?

I'll show you
something that you
should be afraid of.

Swamp battleguard,

Ax raider, avenge
my battleguard!

Go, battle steer!

Uh, garoozis?

Ok. Uh,

Let's see here, uh,

Smashing rock...



Rude kaiser!

Ha ha ha!

That's right, joey,

Fall to the dirt
like a whimpering dog.

[Thinking] man, it took
exodia for even yugi
to beat this guy.

I need to come up
with a kick-butt card

Téa: come on, joey!huh?

You're the best
at finding ways

To come back
from behind!

She's right, joey.

Now, get up.

No way kaiba
gets away

With calling you
a canine!

You're right, tristan.

No one calls me
a whimperin' dog.

And once he sees
what I got in store
for him,

He's gonna be
the one in the dirt.

Check this out!

Red eyes black dragon!


best card!

Kaiba's in
big trouble now!

Inferno fire blast!

Take that!

It's just like
a novice to rejoice

When there's no reason
to celebrate.

True, the round
may be yours,

But the duel is
about to become mine.

Say what?

Your red eyes
is a powerful dragon,

But his ferocity
pales in comparison
to my beast...


The legendary
blue eyes white dragon!



Blue eyes
white dragon,

White lightening




I lost!

Kaiba: that's right, joey.
Stay down.

Stay down like
the sniveling, defeated
dog I've turned you into.

Are you all right,

It's ok,

I'd say my duel disk
system has proven
quite effective.

Not only did
its stunning realism

Jar joey into complete
and utter submission,

But just look at him.

He's moping like
a frightened dog

With his tail
between his legs.

Which is exactly
how I intend
to leave pegasus.

Yugi: but this
is joey.

Téa: yeah,
you jerk!

Did you have to take
his confidence away
with his dragon?

Joey was
just starting
to believe

In himself
as a duelist.

That's right.

Beating him doesn't
give you the right
to humiliate him.

Quiet, yugi.

Don't give that creep
the satisfaction.

Ha. Look, kid,

Do you honestly believe
that if you were
dueling pegasus

He would've been
any more merciful
with you than I was?

I understand that
the heart of the cards
is a powerful philosophy

And that it all
works well for you,

But I need to duel
my own way now.

I can't risk
trying something new.

And maybe joey
shouldn't either.

Unless he likes
life as a dog.

Scrounging on the scraps
of past victories

And begging for mercy
from true duelists.

Please, kaiba.

That's just not true,

And you know it.

Oh, yeah?

Well, that's
the attitude
you have to take

If you want to stand
a chance against
maximillion pegasus.

You don't understand,

This is the man
who created duel monsters.

He has every card
that's ever been made
at his disposal.

He's mastered
every strategy
that's ever been played.

Pegasus always makes sure

That he has every
possible advantage

Working in his favor.

If I'm to stand any chance
against him at all,

I'll have to play
by my own ruthless rules,

Not his.

Open your eyes.

Even with your
prodigious talents, yugi,

You'll be defeated
like all the others.

Because when pegasus duels

He uses much more
than mere skill.

I've seen him use
a magic that's stronger
than any card.

It was at the
intercontinental tournament

In new york city.

I had been invited
as pegasus' guest of honor.

A skilled hot-shot duelist
called bandit keith

Had made it
to the final match.

He was playing well,

But I could see
that pegasus was still
just toying with him.

Of course,
keith had no idea.

Heh heh heh.

I wish you could
see the expression

On your face, pegasus.

It's priceless.

Tell you what,
if you ask nice,

I'll finish you fast.

Boy! I wanna be
a duelist like him!

Ha! This card
clinches it for me.

Any final words,
cutie pie?

Hey, I'm talkin'
to you!

Kaiba: pegasus just stared
straight into keith's eyes

With unnerving confidence.

Then he scribbled something
on a piece of paper

And called over
some kid from the crowd.


Hey, what are you doin'?

Askin' for help's illegal.

I don't need help.

A child could
defeat you,
bandit keith,

And I'm going
to prove it.

But I just started
to learn how to play
last week!

Just follow
these instructions
and you'll win.


what's he up to?

Hello, kaiba.

Ah, I do hope
you're enjoying
the tournament so far.

Oh, I know it must
seem so crude to you.

Not like the holographic
dueling stations

Your company is developing,
eh, kaiba?

[Thinking] if pegasus
thinks he's gonna
throw off my game

With his lame theatrics,
he's dead wrong.

Ha. I've got
this match in the bag.

Garnecia elefantis!

Good card,

But the note says
when you play that,

I should play this one
in attack mode.

No way!

Uh, I think I just took
all your life points.


You little snot-nosed brat!

There is no way you
could have known I was
gonna play that card!

Give me that!


It's all here!

The card I played,
how to beat it,



Sam is the winner.


Kaiba: I still don't know
how he did it.

I only hope my new duel
disk system will give me
the edge I need

To beat him once
and for all.

That story...

It reminds me of
when I faced pegasus.

I see you're
about to use
a kumori dragon.


I know every move
you'll make

Before you
can even make it.

It was like pegasus
was able to see
all my cards.

But, kaiba,

That's still no excuse
to take it out on us

And turn joey into
your new system's
guinea pig!


But that system
could be my only way

To beat pegasus,
so I had to test it.

This is w*r for me, yugi.

Your friend
was a casualty.

Kaiba, we may
not agree with
each other's methods,

But at least we both
understand that pegasus
must be stopped.

I hope you succeed in
rescuing your brother.

And I hope you
succeed in your ventures.

Let's just
hope our paths
don't cross again

Before this is all over.

Pegasus: ha ha ha!

I can sense you, kaiba.

Ha ha ha!

But are you hunting for me,

Or am I hunting you?

Ha ha ha!
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