01x13 - "Evil Spirit of the Ring" / "Trap of the Metamorpot! Flame Swordsman in Danger"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x13 - "Evil Spirit of the Ring" / "Trap of the Metamorpot! Flame Swordsman in Danger"

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami yugi:
previously on yu-gi-oh...


What was that?

[Gasps] it's bakura!

For a minute there,
we actually thought

We had something
to worry about.

We could have
a duel right now,

Not for star chips,
just for a little fun.

Sure, I'm down
with that.

Why don't
you guys each put

Your favorite card
into yugi's deck,

So it'll be
like we're all playing?

Joey: the flame swordsman
kicks everybody's butt.


Not my guy's.
The cyber commander.

Dark magician,
hands down.

Téa: I pick this one--
magician of faith.

I should warn you,

That with this
all-star team of cards,

We'll be tough to beat.

before we get started,

There's a little something
I'd like to share with you all.


Bakura: and especially
with you, yugi.

What's that?

Joey: this is
gettin' freaky!

It can't be!

A millennium item!

Bakura: yes, and the magic
of my millennium ring

Will take us
to the shadow realm.

Man, I hate magic.

Why are you
doing this, bakura?

You've something
I want, yugi,

And I aim to take it!





All: whoa!

Their souls have
been locked away.

And now, after waiting
for countless centuries,

The legendary millennium
puzzle is mine!


It can't be!

You want
my millennium puzzle?

Then you're going
to have to duel me
for it!

There is more at stake here
than you comprehend,

And this is one shadow game

That you cannot win!

Captioning made possible by
wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

what have you done?

Why have you taken us
to the shadow realm?

[Chuckles] bakura?

Bakura's no longer here.

If you're not bakura,
then who are you?

I am a thief,
and a stealer of souls,

And I have done
terrible things

In my quest to possess
the millennium items.

You do remember
the legends, don't you?

"Whosoever wields
all millennium items

Will possess
power unimaginable."

And before
I'm done with you,

Your millennium puzzle
will be mine.

That's not going
to happen,

Whoever you are!

Then let
the shadow game begin.

The first move is yours.

And my first card:

The cyber commander.

Tristan's favorite.


Huh? What a weird dream.

Huh? Where am i?
What's going on here?


Bakura mush have used
his millennium ring

To capture tristan's soul
within his favorite card.

Heh heh heh!
Who's your little friend, yugi?

He looks pretty tough,

But can he deal with this?

The white magical hat.


Oh, man!
I must still
be dreaming!

Yeah, that's it.

This is all
just a really bad--

Aah! Oh!

No! Tristan!

Heh heh heh heh.

Aw, looks like
that card's been defeated

And your poor friend's soul
was trapped within it.

Where is he?

What have you done
with tristan?

Your friend is gone,

On his way
to the discard pile,

Or the graveyard,
as we call it
in duel monsters.

It can't be.

Tristan can't be gone!

Man, this place is
creepin' me out big time.

But how'd I get here?

I remember being att*cked,
and the next thing I know

I'm wandering
around this graveyard.

Huh? What's this?

No! According
to this tombstone,

I'm dead!

But this can't be!



When you duel
in the shadow realm,

The stakes are
always higher, yugi.

You made a sloppy move,
and now your friend,

He paid for it
with his very soul.

Now, which of your friends
will you sacrifice next?

[Yugi, thinking]:
I'd avoid using the cards

That have my friend's souls
trapped in them if I could,

But to save my friends,
I have to win.

And I only have one card

That can beat
his white magical hat.

Joey's favorite card:

The flame swordsman!

Hey? What gives?
Hey, yugi--


What da--
you're a giant!

Oh, man,
I finally cracked.

Joey, listen to me.

Your soul has
been sealed inside
your favorite card.

You've become
the flame swordsman.

I'm da who?

If I don't
win this duel,

We can't restore you
to normal.

But if you're defeated
in this battle,

You'll be carried off
to the card graveyard

Just like tristan was.


In order for me
to win this duel,

Restore you all back
to your bodies

And get us out
of the shadow realm,

I'm going
to need your help.

You want my help,
you got my help.

Are you sure you're ok?

Ok? I figure
I've lost my mind,

But I'm gonna
go with it.

Now, who wants
a beating, eh?


Joey: giant bakura?!
Now I know I'm nuts.

I'm like inches tall,

Wearin' a dress,

About to fight
my giant friend?

That's not
really bakura.

An evil spirit
from his
millennium ring

Has taken him over.

Joey: well...

I have no idea
what you're talkin' about,

So here goes nothin'.


Say good-bye
to the cat
in the hat.

Whoa, man.
I did it, yugi.

Now what?

Now it's his turn.


Your little swordsman
got lucky last time, yugi,

But not this time!

Huh? Why'd he play
that face down?

'Cause he's afraid of what
joey da swordsman'll do to it.

Hang on, joey.
It could be a trap.

I'm going in.wait!


Hasan chop!


What a dolt.

It was
a morphing jar!

Huh? A morphing jar?
Did I screw up?

When a morphing jar
is att*cked,

All cards in both
players' hands go

To the graveyard!

We're just really lucky
that I didn't have

Téa's soul card
in my hand right now.

Whoa. Sorry, yuge.


the dark magician!

He's my favorite

But is it
also my soul-card?

What happens
when I play it?

with a new hand...

Comes a whole
new perspective.

The game...

Ever shifting...

New dangers
surround every turn.

[Thinking] he's trying
to freak me out,

But I can't figure out
what he's up to.

I'm just going to have
to risk playing...

The dark magician!



And I'll play
a magic card

That let's me
revive monsters

From the graveyard.

Reborn the monster!

Huh? What the--

Joey? Yugi?

You guys dreamin'
this, too?

Nah, they ain't
no dream, tristan.

This is just me
going insane.

S'all one big delusion.huh?

But just one second ago,
I was up there.

Yeah. If you're
down here,

Who's that up there?

I don't know.

Don't you?

Well, I have noticed
that sometimes,

When I duel,

It feels as if someone
is guiding me.


And sometimes it's like
I can hear a strong voice

Calling out to me
from my millennium puzzle,

An ancient,
powerful voice.


I'm not sure what it's
all about, guys,

But I'm pretty sure
we can trust him,

Whoever he is.

Hey, if da big guy
is ok in your book,

Then he's ok by me.


So, now what?

Maybe we should try
and find téa?

She must still be
in the deck.

Then we should try
and win dis thing

Before her card
gets played.

Good idea.

I'm gonna bash me
some bakura!

Hang on, joey,
I was just played

So I have to move.

Dark magic attack!

Ha ha ha!

No! Another morphing jar!

Heh heh heh.

We'll have to send
all the cards in our hands

To the graveyard again.

I'm sorry.

S'ok, man, I did
the same thing.


No! The magician of faith!

Hmm, isn't that téa's
favorite card?

Do you suppose
that her mortal soul

Is trapped within it?

Hmm, I wonder?

Maybe you should play it
and find out.

But, then again,

You don't know
what I'm laying here,

So you might
be putting her
in danger.

A dilemma,

And while you decide,

I'll just activate
this trap card.


Yami bakura:
just desserts!

I think you'll find
it will help you

Come to grips
with your present situation.

Heh heh!

Just desserts
takes points

From each of your monsters
on the field,

And you'll feel
like each and every point

Has been ripped
from your beating heart.

Big yugi!
Are you ok?

Yes, but one more
attack like that,

And it's over.

Whoa! That trap card
just nailed yugi's
life points.

Or maybe I should say,
our life points.

Another hit
like that,

And it could be over
for all of us.

Téa's soul card is
not safe in my hand.

I'll have
to play it.


Hey! What's up?

Oh, boy.

Téa: uh, guys--

Stay quiet.

It's a little early
for halloween,

Don't you think?

What the--
what's this?

Shush! Bakura and yugi
are big dueling giants,

And are fighting
for our souls.

But yugi's
right here!

Yeah, well,
the big guy's
not really me,

But he's
not really not me.


I know it's complicated,

But it has something to do
with the millennium items

Bakura and I have.

It's some kind of magic.

So I'm not crazy.

Not unless we're
all going crazy.

Just think of it
this way, téa.

There's yugi's,
the cool one up there,

And the puny one
down here.


Oh, that's not
how it works at all!

Just a joke, relax.

You forget that here,
I have the powers

Of the dark magician.

Uh, yugi? I wouldn't
do that if I were--

I'll show you
who's puny around here.

Joey: oh, boy.


Yugi! Wait!

Dark magic! Attack!


All right!

Great job, yugi.

Heh heh.

Aah! Uhh!

What? No!

What was that?

Whatever it was,
it's making me go numb.

Hang in there, pal.


Bakura: ha ha ha!

You can't attack
the electric lizard

Without some rather
shocking feedback.

A lesson your little yugi
won't soon forget.

Ha ha ha!


Yami yugi: a trap card.

All right, soul-stealer!

I'll play my next card
face down,

And it's your move.

Both: ohh!

Don't bother, you fools.

I can see her
perfectly well.


Bakura: now I have
all of you

Right where I want you--

Helpless on the field,

Easy prey
for my man-eater bug!

Man-eater bug?
Glad I'm a girl.

Yugi, what's
that card do?

The man-eater bug can
automatically destroy

One creature on the field
as soon as it's flipped up.


Well, that's
certainly not good.

Guys, I really
don't wanna go back
to that graveyard.

Don't you worry,

None of us
are goin' back!

We'll destroy that bug
before he plays it.

Yugi: that won't work.huh?

Yugi: the moment
we make an attack

That card will activate.

here I come.

What are you
sayin', yuge?

That one of us is
gonna end up worm food?

I'm saying
that there's only
one way out of this,

And we're
standing on it.


The trap card
big yugi laid down.

Yeah, but I'm afraid
to use it.

The card requires
that we sacrifice
a creature.

You mean one of us?


Don't worry, téa.
I'll go.

No way, tristan!

Think about it.
That man-eater bug's

Gonna take one of us out
no matter what we do.

At least this way,
I'm taking it out, too.


Uhh. I guess
you disagree.


You just got back
from the graveyard.

If anyone's going,
it's me.

Joey, wait!

It's too late.


How tough could
this bug be?




Aah! Aah!

Big yugi! Use the trap!
Do it! Do it now!

Please! Uhh, uhh!

I don't want my friends
to get hurt.

Uhh! Uhh! Aah!

Sacrifice me!

I'm activating
a trap,

Sacrificing my flame
swordsman to do so.

The horn of heaven!

its celestial tune

Directly at your
man-eater bug,

Obliterating him
from the field

Once and for all!

But joey!

What's happening
to him?

He's disappearing!

Joey: don't worry about me!


He's gone,
just like that.

My best buddy's gone.

Heh heh heh heh.
Don't worry,

You'll soon be joining him
in the graveyard.

You can spend
an eternity together.

The graveyard.
Pretty creepy.

But they got
tristan back, so maybe--

Huh? Aah!

The reaper of cards,

And he's come
for me!

Oh, no!

I hope you don't harbor
any illusions

About rescuing
your friend joey

From the graveyard.

You've already played
reborn the monster,

The only way
to get him back.

And soon,
the reaper of cards

Will claim his soul forever!

Poor joey.

He sacrificed


Stay away from me!

Aah! Ohh!


He can't be gone.

Hmm? Téa?

Wait! She's
the magician of faith.

Téa's tear activated
the magic effect

Of her favorite card.

That's right, and the effect
of the magician of faith

Allows me to bring
back one magic card

From the discard pile
and add it to my hand.

And the card I choose:

Reborn the monster,

Which I play now!

Ooh! Ooh!

No, I don't wanna--

Huh? What?

All: joey!

You're back!huh?

All right!

You waste your time
and your turns

Rescuing these
foolish mortals.

My friends
are never a waste
of time.

Make your move.

Heh heh heh heh.
Oh, I'll move,

And you will lose.

This is the play
that will end the match,

And win me
your millennium puzzle.

First, I will play
the lady of faith
in attack mode,

And then the card
that will turn your friends

Against one another:

The change of heart.

Change of heart?

Isn't that bakura's
favorite card?

And a very magical
card it is!

With this card
I can turn you
against your comrades.

The very friends
you sought to protect,

You will now destroy.

No! I refuse!

You won't have a choice
in the matter!

The change of heart card
allows me to control

Any opposing monster,

And I choose you,
little yugi.

Ha ha ha!

Leave the young one
out of this.

Why should i?
By simply destroying him

I defeat you as well.

You're here to guide
and protect him?

Then, protect him
against this!


All: yugi!



Joey: it's bakura!

the real bakura!

Bakura! So your soul
was sealed

Into your favorite
card, too!

I want to help,

But we must act
quickly, yugi.

I've taken over
one of his cards
instead of yours.


I'll control her
while you attack me.

You can win against
the evil bakura.

I can't!
I'd be destroying you,

Sending you
to the graveyard.

I don't care. It's better
than being enslaved

By an evil spirit.

Do it!

Be quiet!

I have a better idea.

Yami yugi: if the evil power
of bakura's millennium ring

Can pull souls from people,

Perhaps the power
of my millennium puzzle

Can put them back!

All right!
Our bakura's back
where he belongs.

But where's
the evil dude?


This can't be!

Listen closely, yugi.

Use the power
of the dark magician.

Send him
to the graveyard! Now!

You've got it.
Dark magic! Attack!

Aah! Aah!



The millennium puzzle
was almost mine!


Yugi: are you ok, bakura?

I am now,
thanks to you.

Hmm. Where'd you get
your millennium ring?

My father picked it up
on one of his trips.

He told me
it's from ancient egypt.

I think that's
where they're all from.

He was shopping
in a merchant bazaar

When the millennium ring
caught his eye.

The man who sold
the ring to my father

Said it had something
to do with duel monsters.

But that never made
any sense to me

Since the card game is new

And the ring is
clearly ancient.

When my father got back,
he gave it to me.

He said he felt I was
destined to have it.

I just dreamt
bakura went
totally mental.

Same here.

Last time I snooze
with dueling cards

Under my pillow.

Sleep well, guys?

Both: bakura!


Hands off!
You grabbed me!




I dreamt
we were dressed
as duel monsters,

And there were


[Woman screaming]

What was that?!

I don't know,

But whatever it is,
we'll face it together!
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