01x10 - "Give up the Ghost" / "Blue-Eyes White Dragon Strikes Back"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x10 - "Give up the Ghost" / "Blue-Eyes White Dragon Strikes Back"

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami yugi: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Pegasus: kaiba has abandoned
his corporate station,

And now you five
wish to seize control
of kaibacorp.

For our plan
to succeed,

Kaiba must be taken
out of the picture...


Agreed. The elder kaiba
shall meet

With "an accident."

Mr. Pegasus
would like

To have a few words
with you.

You'll never
take me alive!

Get him!

Nobody could survive
a fall like that.

It's time
to duel!

There is your opponent.ohh!

Heh heh!
Yugi, you don't have
a ghost of a chance

Beating kaiba,
because this time
he is a ghost.

It can't be!
That guy's
nothing but a fake,

A trick by pegasus.

Unh. Uhh.

We're going to hack

Right into pegasus'
computer mainframe.

Computer: we've
easily broken through

The duelist kingdom
computer system.

Yugi's inside.
Get ready to go in.

this next card's a blast
from the past, yugi.

Only one deck
has got that card.

Looks like
the advantage is mine.

Yugi: dark magician,
go to defensive mode.

Smart playing, yugi.

it wasn't smart enough.

You played
right into my hand.

Defense paralysis!
A trap!

[Thinking] while that
defense paralysis card's
on the field,

My monsters
can't defend themselves.

Magical hats,
the dark magician!

Your move, but you
better think twice
before you choose.

It's a shame this duel's
going to end so soon.

White lightning!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh


No! That hat was empty!

All right!
This could work.

It's gotta work.

Yugi'll beat
that faker!

Your guess
was wrong.

Guess wrong again,
and it will cost you.


There are still
magical hats
left on the field,

And one of them
a special surprise

Just for you.

If you destroy
the hat that hides
my dark magician,

You'll win
this duel.

the empty one,

And it's
my turn again,

But I'm betting
you'll pick the hat

That conceals
the trap card

I just put
into play.

A trap card?

Now which hat
will it be?

You're taking
a big gamble,

If he guesses right,
it's over.

Blue eyes white dragon,
attack the middle hat!

Heh! Well,
now you've done it,

Activated my trap
card, that is.

Spellbinding circle!


A blue eyes white dragon
is normally unstoppable,

But once drained
of its energy

By the spellbinding

It's no match
for the full power
of my dark magician!

And that puts an end

To your blue eyes
white dragon.


Way to go, yugi!





Whoa! Another one?!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

And that puts an end
to your dark magician.

There are only blue eyes
white dragon cards

In the world, and
they're all in my deck.

Your grandpa had the fourth,
but I ripped it up.

But how could I
possibly know that

If I'm not really
seto kaiba?

You know, I couldn't
believe it when you beat

All of my blue eyes
white dragons with exodia.

But now without
that monster in your deck,

There's absolutely no way
you can win.

Your move.

Everyone heard
about your duel
with seto.

That's how this loser
knows about it.

That's not my brother,
yugi. I'm sure.

Computer: I am now
rerouting the data

From field
at the duelist kingdom.

After that,
we'll be able to confirm

If yugi muto
is dueling there.

I'm sure he is. Now
show me what you've got.

Here it comes.
We're in.

Now downloading
duel data.

You were right.
Yugi muto is in this duel.

Can you show it to me
on screen?

My pleasure. I think
the part you'll find
most interesting

Is the name
of yugi's opponent.

What?! Is this
your idea of a joke?

I never joke.

Sensors indicate that
the opponent opposite yugi

Is registered
as seto kaiba

And he's
using your deck.

Pegasus must've
taken my deck.

The duelists are tied,
and the imposter

Has his second blue eyes
white dragon on the field.

Yugi defeated
the first one

Using a combination
of the dark magician

And magical hats.

He currently
has points left

And no cards in play.

It's his move.

But without exodia,
yugi can't win.

He has
no other cards
left in his deck

That can beat
the blue eyes
white dragon,

Let alone of them.

Well, then
I hope you have a plan.

Yes, but we've
got to work fast.

Yugi'll lose
on the next attack

From the blue eyes
white dragon

Unless we decrease
its power from here.

Can we do that?

Oh, yeah.
Upload a virus

Into that monster's
holo computer.

That dragon is
about to get sick,
real sick.

Standing by, but
shouldn't we first wait

To see
yugi's next move?

We can't afford
to risk yugi

Losing the duel.

Viral injection


[Thinking] I don't
have any monsters
that can withstand

His blue eyes
white dragon.

This could be it.

This duel is over, yugi.

I'm sure we'll be
hearing the fat lady sing

Right after your turn.

I still have
defense paralysis active,

So whatever
monster you pick

Won't be able
to defend itself.

I choose the feral imp
in attack mode.

Kaiba: I wish yugi
waited a few more seconds
before moving.

Isn't there
anything you can do

To get that computer virus
uploaded faster?

Computer: we're
already halfway there.

This is as fast
as it goes.

Viral implant
now at %,

But it doesn't
seem to be working.

The blue eyes white dragon
is still showing

No signs of weakness.

Something is wrong.

Heh heh heh!
This is almost too easy.


Hang on! Yugi
can still win this.

Grr! Don't forget--
he beat kaiba last time.


It's time, blue eyes
white dragon. Attack!


Ghost kaiba:
what are you waiting for?


Computer: the virus
is taking effect.

Blue eyes white dragon's
attack power

Is beginning to drop.

But it's
still too strong.
It has to get weaker

Or it'll
still beat yugi.

Why, I don't believe it!

What's going on?

My blue eyes
white dragon!

[Dragon bellowing]

All: ohh!

This is kemo
to pegasus.

I hope you're
watching, sir,

Because we got
a real problem
out here.

How did yugi
do that?

It wasn't yugi.
It was seto kaiba.


It seems
that the real kaiba

Is still
very much alive.

Computer: the blue eyes
white dragon's attack power

Is dropping rapidly.

The virus implant

Is successfully disabling
the monster completely.

All right.
Now let's get to work

On dragon number .

Standing by.

What's the matter?

We've been locked out
by a remote terminal.

Looks like we'
ve been hacked!


Hey, kaiba!
Hey, kaiba!

Hey, kaiba!
Hey, kaiba!

Hey, kaiba!
Hey, kaiba! Heyyyy...

Ugh! It's pegasus!

Heh heh heh heh!


Move in on my mark.

Let's go!
Cover me!

Computer: attack power
is holding now at .

But this
should've worked.

The blue eyes white dragon
is launching its attack.


Now, blue eyes
white dragon,

Time to obliterate them!

All: ohh!

Unh! Yugi!







It stopped!

Ah! The dragon!


This can't be!

It's gone.

It's a trick.

Computer: the blue eyes
white dragon is destroyed,

But the virus
was not responsible.

Then how? Did yugi muto
somehow do this?

How could he?
It is your deck.

It's the heart of the cards.
Yugi was right.


Why? Why me?!

Why? Because
kaiba's still alive.

He stopped you!

Silence! I am kaiba!

Your charade is over!

My brother is alive!

What's going on?

it's like yugi said.

Last time yugi
dueled my brother,

He showed seto
the heart of the cards.

This faker
may have taken his deck,

But the real seto kaiba
is alive and well.


Yami yugi: imposter!

The real seto kaiba
destroyed that monster!

I know, because I sensed
him calling out to me
when it happened.

Now, enough of your lies!

We know you're not kaiba.

It's time for you to show us
who you really are.

I told you, I am kaiba.
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Or at least I'm part of him--
the darkest part.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Ahh.


Ah hee hee ha ha ha ha!

I can see you don't
recognize me, yugi.

I wasn't lying when I
told you I was seto kaiba--

The evil part of him that
you sent to the shadow realm

After our last duel!

Now I'm back, thanks
to pegasus! Ha ha ha ha ha!

You're not a part
of my brother anymore!

Ooh, it's hideous.

I always thought
that this duel

Just might
turn ugly,

But I
never thought
that ugly.


Sir, he got away.

Search the grounds.

Hmm. It appears
that young yugi's nemesis,

The real seto kaiba,
has come to his rescue.

I must admit
that this little development

Is one twist that
even I did not foresee.

I have
some bad news, sir.

The real kaiba has
eluded us once again.

You were right.
He was using a terminal
in the kaiba mansion

To access the industrial
illusions mainframe.

If I thought
he was alive, I would
have beefed up security.

That's escapes, croquet.
Must I lock you away again?

Get me kemo on the radio.

Hey, ugly,
if I were you,
I'd start worrying

About what
my big brother's
gonna do to you

When he finally
catches up to you.

Pegasus to kemo.
Seto kaiba has gotten away.

Don't lose the little one,
no matter what!


I guess I just don't
know what to call you.

I was thinking
about monster,

But I didn't want
to insult the cards.

Hmm.it's your move.

You've got a whole
deck to go through

And only one blue eyes
white dragon left.

Grappler, in defense mode!
Ha ha ha ha ha!


[Thinking] he's
just biding his time

Until he draws
his last blue eyes.

It's my turn.

[Thinking] I'd play
this card in defense mode,

But he's still got
his defense paralysis
card in play,

So I can only attack,
and with no defense,

If he draws the blue eyes
white dragon, I'm finished.

I'll set one card
face down on the field

And draw the celtic
guardian as well,

In attack mode!


Your grappler split!

Ah, parting
is such sweet sorrow.

Next stop is mystic horseman
in defense mode,

And I'll lay one of my cards
face down, just like you.

[Thinking] face down?
Is it a magic card,

Or is he
setting a trap?

Again, I'll lay
a card face down,

And I'll use
the mystical elf
in attack mode!

Plus, this book
of secret arts

Will raise its attack
and defense power
by points!


My turn is over.

Patience, yugi, for
it will soon be all over.

yugi has cards face down
and monsters.

He must be
trying to strengthen
the mystical elf somehow

To withstand
my mystic horseman's attack.

But if I draw
the final blue eyes

And destroy
any one of his monsters,

That will take his life points
down to zero, anyway.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I find it hard to believe,
but I'm likin' the look

On that guy's face
even less than I did before.

Wipe that smile
off his face, yugi!

Loser! Make your move!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
As you wish.

Now, prepare...


For the blue eyes
white dragon!



Don't worry, yugi.

My brother will help out,
just like last time.

Dream on. Your luck's
about to run out.

Just see for yourself.

Unlike the last
blue eyes, this one's
at full power,

And your brother's
in no position

To do a thing about it.

'Cause we found where
his hiding place is,

And now he's on the run.

So that means
kaiba is alive?

Kemo: dimwit.
It means don't expect
another miracle,

Cause this duel's
about to end.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no!


Ha ha ha ha!
Such a good dragon!

Wouldn't you say, yugi?

This duel's
about to end now! Go!
White lightning attack!

This duel's not over yet.

Activate mirror force now!

Wah! He's turned over
a trap card!

The mirror force
reflects your attack
right back at you.

Pretty good trick,

But I'm ready
with one of my own.

I'll use negate attack.

[Thinking] oh! He had
a magic card waiting,

Just in case.

Negate attack neutralizes
any attack thrown at me,

Even if
it's one of my own.


it's all over.

Ha ha ha ha!
It's time
to finish this duel

With reborn,
the monster!

Oh, no! That allows you
to revive any monster

Lost in this duel
from either deck!

I'm glad
you know the rules.

Now guess
which card I want?

Be reborn,
blue eyes white dragon!


Ahh ha!

Ohh, fat lot of good
that move's gonna do you, yugi!

Both of these monsters
are evenly matched.

Their powers
are not the same.


You forgot
about my mystical elf.

She's been chanting
a spell since I put her
on the field.

It allows the
mystical elf to transfer
her own attack power

To any other monster
I choose.

What? This can't be.

This move was inspired
by seto kaiba himself.

He showed me
that you can alter
the attack power

Of a blue eyes
white dragon,

But I'm raising
the power of mine

Instead of lowering it
like kaiba did to yours!

This can't be happening!
Oh, no! No!

Consider this a message
from the real seto kaiba:

You lose!


Now, blue eyes,


[All scream]


Pegasus may have helped you
escape the shadow realm
once before,

But it won't happen again.

Never again!


Pegasus, I sense
that you're watching.

Consider this a warning.

Nothing you send
against me will stop me.

And when we finally duel,
believe me,
victory will be mine.

I'll win back
my grandfather's soul,

And you will pay for
all the people you've hurt

In the name
of your sick little game.

I'm coming
for you, pegasus!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yugi, you developed
your shadow powers

Quite a bit
in such a short time.

But when we finally
duel, believe me,

Your millennium puzzle
will be mine.

Ha ha ha ha!


That ghost is toast,
huh, yugi?

I knew that
the real kaiba was
alive the whole time.



What is it?

That creep took mokuba!


Huh? Mokuba!

Téa: I can't
believe it.

Yami yugi: mokuba!
He's gone. Taken again.

Joey: oh, no!

Tristan: hey, mokuba!

Tea: mokuba!
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