01x07 - "Attack from the Deep" / "The Sea-God Leviathan"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x07 - "Attack from the Deep" / "The Sea-God Leviathan"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh


Heh heh. Stars.

[Giggles] this is
so awesome.

I can't believe
it happened.

Am I cool, or what?
Heh heh heh heh.

Is there a time limit

On how long
he gets to crow?

Cut him
some slack, tea.

Did you ever think
joey would actually
beat mai in a duel?

I mean, joey...

Who would've

I knew he'd do it.

I'm really proud
of you, joey.


[Stomach grumbles]

Uhh, all that duelin'
made me hungry.

Did any of you guys
remember to bring
any food with you?

All: sorry, joe.


What were we thinking
coming here with no food?

How are we ever
gonna get through

The rest of the competition
without anything to eat?

That's a good question,

This dueling really
takes it out of you,

And I haven't seen
any burger stands
or restaurants

Since we got here.

Well, we better
do something fast.

I've gotta have
my basic food groups,

Or else it's
metabolic meltdown!

Hey, chill out,
you guys.

I got it covered.

All: yeah?

Check it out...

The great outdoor
survival guide.

Can we eat it?

Better than that,
it lists all
the plants,

Roots, berries,
and grasses
we can eat.

All: ewww!

Do I look
like a squirrel,
you big doofus?

[Sniffs] I don't
need your dumb book

I smell something
cooking that-a-way.


See ya!

He's hallucinating.

Don't be so sure.

You know,
it wasn't his brain
that beat mai.

It was his nose.

Mmm, oh, man!
I just love
barbecued fish.

Smells good.

Yeah, and
I bet it tastes
even better.

Heh heh heh!

What makes you think
those fish are yours
to eat?

Hey, trust me.

We eat first
and ask questions later.

Your stomachs'll
thank me.

Hee hee hee hee.


Oh, he'd say anything
to fill his belly.

Some people have
absolutely no self-control.


Tristan: joey,
save some for me!


Ahh, man.
This looks awesome.

Ow! Ow, ow!
Hot! Hot!



Joey and tristan:
ready, set, feeding frenzy!

Enjoy yourselves,
you fish thieves.

This is your last meal!

How dare you eat my fish,

You thieving poachers?

Has no one
taught you manners?

[All sigh]

So, can we
eat now?

All right, let's try that
one more time.

I knew this was
a bad idea.

How dare you steal
my fish,

You bottom-feeding

chill out, guy.

It's just
a few fish.

A few fish that
do not belong to you,

And to steal
a fisherman's catch

Is to prove
you have no honor!

A dueling glove?

Wait a second!

Aren't you
mako tsunami,

The top-ranked
ocean duelist?

and who might you be?

Yeah, you're that
freaky fish guy.

I am not
a freaky fish guy!

I am mako tsunami,
duelist extraordinaire
of the seas.

Huh...ha ha ha ha.

Uh, what are you
laughing about?

Ah ha ha ha.
Your head.

You've got company.


Ha ha ha ha!

Off with you!


No, don't!

Joey: I wanted
to eat that.

you're demented

[Scoffs] are you
telling me that those two
are here as duelists?

I'm yugi muto.
Sorry about
your fish.

You? You're yugi muto?

The only duelist
to ever defeat seto kaiba?

Ha ha!
What a fine surprise!

It will be
my very great honor
to face you in a duel.

Same here, mako.

I must apologize.
I've been ungracious.

If you are friends
of yugi muto,

Please, come sit down.
Eat your fill.

Joey and tristan:

You are welcome.

Hey! Feeding frenzy!

[Chomp chomp]

Oh, man!
Freaky fish guy

Really knows
how to cook. Mm-mm!

Really good,


Ha ha ha.

Joey, burps:
wow, that was good.

Tea: where'd you learn
to cook like that?

Mako: ha ha ha.

I have had to fend for myself
since I was a tadpole,

But it was my father
who taught me

How to fish and cook.

So, what brings
you here

To the competition?

I was raised
on a fishing boat

Where I learned
to love the sea,

So if I win here,

I would love
a vessel of my own.

Of course, I'll have to beat
a few duelists first.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Your own boat?

How great
would that be,

Living life
out on the big blue sea?

Yes, the ocean is amazing,

And we have shared
a special bond
since I was born.

I can tell
when the sea is happy

By the way it sparkles...

And when it is angry

By the shifting tides.

Ah ha ha. Excuse me.

I did not mean
to be so serious.

Oh, no.
Don't apologize.

You saved
our hides.

We'd be starving
without you.

This has really
been great.

Thanks again.

Leaving so soon, are you?

Tea: nice meeting you, mako.

maybe we'll meet up
in the competition.

We certainly will...

Sooner than you think,
my friend!



Ah ha ha ha ha.

I treated you to dinner.

Perhaps you will
honor me with a duel.

He's nuts!

No, but I am
an expert fisherman,

And you have taken
my bait. Ah ha ha ha!

What bait?

Why, the fish, of course.

I laid it out
and lured you three right in.

But I never expected
to catch yugi muto.

Ah, forget this
crazy chicken of
the sea, yugi.

Can't we just
give the guy back
a few fish?

I reeled in another duelist
a short time ago,

But he was not
a worthy opponent.

But a duel
against you, yugi,

Would be a true test.


Mako tsunami,
I accept your challenge.

Mako: behold, yugi muto.

We shall battle
beside the majestic sea.


The playing field
is equally split
into halves.

One half is land.
The other is sea.

And the stakes, mako?

I wager star chips
on this match.


[Thinking] finally,
an adversary of real merit.

How I have waited
for this day.

[Aloud] now,
let the battle begin!

Both: duel!

This should be
some match.

Sink that soggy
sucker, yugi!

I'm curious to see

How you will combat
my mighty denizens
of the deep.

What's this?

His creature
is underwater.

How do I choose
which card to play

When I can't even see
what I'm fighting?

This I don't like.

The ocean conceals
many things

Beneath its shifting surface.

as long as that thing
stays submerged,

I can't attack.

I promise he won't
stay submerged for very long.

I have no idea

What that thing is
down there,

So I'd better prepare
for the worst

With as strong a defense
as possible.

[Thinking] hmm...
Clearly this is yugi's
first encounter

With sea-based
duel monsters.

He will learn firsthand
what a powerful ally
the sea can be.

It gives my creatures
a field power bonus,

And it conceals them,

Making their stealthy att*cks
even more lethal.

Something's fishy.

How could he fight
what he can't see?

Beats me.

This is
totally bogus!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

It seems that
my ocean-based strategy

Has taken you
by surprise, yugi.

[Thinking] maybe so...
But I can still raise
a strong defense.

I call upon
the horn imp!


Now, fiend kracken...
Ensnare him!

My imp!



[All gasp]what is that?

Joey: whatever it is,

It's bad news for yugi.

Joey: oh, man.
Yugi's imp is done for.

Fiend kracken,
end this now!


Mako: well done,


Wow. And that
was just his
opening move.

you're good, mako.

A brilliant
opening play.

Mako: I am pleased
you appreciate it,

Though I very much doubt
your imp did.

Well, now I know
what I'm up against.

Yes, the mighty ocean
commands respect,

As do the creatures
that inhabit it.

maybe I can prepare
an attack

That will destroy
his creatures,

Even though
I can't see them.

Feral imp!


my feral imp

Should dispense with
mako's monsters,

No matter how deep
they're hidden
in the sea.

I am familiar
with your feral monster

And its electrical attack,

So for my next card,
I play...

My giant jellyfish.

Ha ha ha ha.

[Underwater shriek]

Uhh...i don't like
the sound of that.

Ah ha ha ha ha!

That is the battle cry
of my creature.

It'll be crying,
all right...

Once I combine
my feral imp

With the magical horn
of the unicorn!


All right.


Yugi can't see
mako's monsters,

But he knows
they're all underwater,

And water
conducts electricity.

Oh! So they're

To the feral imp's
electrical attack.

That is so smart!

Magic lightning attack!


It's a fish fry!


Yugi: but wait!
What is this?

Nothing's happening.
Mako still has all
his life points.

Ah ha ha ha.

Your strategy has failed,
yugi. Ha ha ha ha!


As a sea duelist,
I am well aware

That water conducts

So I played
my giant jellyfish.

It has the magical ability

To absorb all
electrical att*cks,

Protecting all
of my ocean creatures.


[Jellyfish screeches]

And now it's time
for my counterattack.

Fiend kracken,
crush his feral imp!

Crush him now!


Ha ha ha!

Did you enjoy
my kracken's embrace?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I've never dueled

Against creatures
like these before.

It feels
as if I'm battling
mako's sea monsters

And the awesome power
of the ocean itself.

Mako: do any of your cards
have the power

To stand against
my ocean pets?

I have the power of...

Silver fang...

And I combine him

With the magic
of the full moon

To double
his ferocity.


Ah ha ha ha.
Ferocious indeed,

But the moon
also controls the tides,

Causing them to rise...

Allowing me to unleash
my next creature.

Arise, mighty kairyushin!

[Grunts] what's this?


Whoa, that is
one big fish!

Mako: behold,
the colossal kairyushin!

A creature so enormous,

That when he rises up
from the ocean depths,

He creates
his own tidal wave!

What a beast!

Your wolf is brave, yugi,

But he will not stand
before my kairyushin's
tidal attack.


Yugi: no! Silver fang!


But my kairyushin's
tidal attack did more

Than simply wash
your wolf cub away.


It considerably altered
our playing field.

Huh! My land!

Kairyushin's attack
has nearly washed away

My entire land-based
playing field!

Ah ha ha ha!

You should consider
yourself lucky, yugi.

In my previous duels,
when kairyushin att*cks,

Absolutely nothing is left
standing in its wake.

I think it was quite
considerate of my pet

To leave you
a little patch of dirt
to stand on, don't you?

Or does it
make you uneasy

To be surrounded
on all sides by the sea?

All men give pause
before the savage power

Of the mighty ocean...

Even the greatest
of fishermen.

You mean your father.

My father was
a great fisherman.

He taught me my love
of the sea...

But one day,
the sea...took him.

I loved going out
on the boat with my father,

Just the two of us
and the big, beautiful ocean,

Never suspecting that the sea
would turn on us.

Look, mako.
There's a storm
blowing in.

A big one?


I've learned
to never take

With the sea.

And father was right.

Suddenly, the calm,
friendly sea

Turned into
a raging maelstrom.

It pitched our boat
as if it were a toy.

Ah, father!
I can't hold on!

It's ok, mako.

I've tied you down.

You'll be safe here, son.
I promise.

Dad, look out!

Both: aaaah!

When the storm
finally died out,

Our little boat
had washed ashore.

My father was right.

Ihad been perfectly safe.

But because he had stopped
to tie me down,

He had no time to secure
himself to the mast!

I thought I had
lost him forever,

But then I noticed
that our lifeboat was missing.

I know my father is alive...

So I will win this contest,
buy a ship,

And search the seas
until I find him!

That is why
I duel, yugi.

That is why
I must win

And you must lose.

I understand, mako,
believe me.

But I still can't
let you win.

[Snarls] ha!

Oh, wow.

Mako duels
for his dad

Like yugi duels
for his grandpa.

Whoa, this is
too intense!

with so little land
left to me

I've really
gotta make this
next play count.

I need something
that will help me
turn the tide...

Something like
this card.

Giant soldier of stone!

You may have shrunk
my b*ttlefield

Down to an island,

But my stone soldier
still gets a field
power bonus.

Your massive monster
can barely fit
on that little rock,

Let alone do battle
with my undersea attack force.


And he is surrounded
on all sides by the ocean,

Making him easy prey for...

Great white terror!

[Shark screeches]

This savage shark

Will lead my other
sea creatures

In an all-out
ocean onslaught!

Man, yugi's guy
is outnumbered
to .

His stone soldier's
about to become
fish food!

This is it, yugi.

It's over,
but you played honorably.

You have been
a fair and noble
opponent, too, mako,

But I also duel

With the fate
of a loved one
at stake...

And I can't afford
to lose.

I switch
my stone soldier

To attack mode!

Attack mode?

But why?

He cannot attack
my sea monsters

While they are underwater.

But his target isn't
your sea monsters.

I'm having him
attack a card I put
on the field myself.

The moon!


Now, stone soldier!

Destroy the moon!


What's happening?!

The tide...
It's going out!

But how?

As you yourself
said before, mako,

It is the moon
that controls
the ocean's tides...

Its ebb and its flow.

So I ordered
my stone soldier

To obliterate
the moon, causing
the ocean's tides

To reverse
and recede.


My stone soldier
has beached all
your sea monsters.

You have
no ocean left.

No...my precious fish.

And now I'll deliver
the final blow.

I combine my
curse of dragon card

With the magic of
the burning land card

To wipe out your
remaining life points.


Burning land attack!

And that takes
your life points
down to zero.

Rrrr-aaaaah! No!

Ha ha ha!
Way to go, yugi!


your own moon card

Was a brilliant
and unexpected move, yugi.


Ha ha. What a grand duel.

I salute you, my friend.

This victory was not
easily won, mako.

You're a great
duelist yourself.


I am down
to one star chip,

But I will start
over again...

And I bet
you'll do fine.

You'd win thatwager.


You know,
I can't help

But like
that mako.

He's such
a great guy
and all.

I hope
he finds his
father someday.

[Stomach grumbles]

Ah ha ha ha!

My friend, dueling you
is hungry work.

Time for mako to fish again!


Ah ha ha ha!

Bye, mako.

Wish he'd bring us
some fish.

We'd have
to duel him again.

[All laugh]

Joey: ah, forget about it.

But guys, I am getting
seriously hungry.

Tristan: not a problem.
We've still got

My great outdoor
survival guide.

Tea: no way!

Joey: go ahead, tristan.
Eat all the pages you like.

[All laugh]
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