01x05 - "The Ultimate Great Moth" / "The Ultimate Perfect Appearance – Great Moth"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x05 - "The Ultimate Great Moth" / "The Ultimate Perfect Appearance – Great Moth"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Say good-bye to exodia!

Those were the exodia cards
that my grandpa gave me.

Greetings, duelists.

I am maximillion pegasus.

It is my great honor
and pleasure

To welcome you all
to the duelist kingdom.

if grandpa's here,

I'd bet my dueling glove

He's hidden away
in that castle.

But I'll never be
able to get in there

With all the guards

we're just gonna have
to win enough star chips

To get inside.

When the skies light up
with fireworks,

The duels will begin.

Joey: there he is!

"Welcome," said the spider
to the fly.

Time you answer
for what you did
on the boat, weevil.


It's time to duel.

Maybe if you were
smart enough

To steal the tournament
secret new rules like I did,

You'd be getting
a field power bonus
instead of me.

Hercules beetle,e,e,e,e,

Yami yugi: feral imp,
magic lightning attack!

Téa: yugi's attack didn't
even phase that thing.

Attack now--
with any monster--

And you will instantly
activate this trap card.

Each turn you cower,
I create a new monster!

Keep drawing, yugi.

My army of insects just
keeps getting bigger!

I'm going to wipe out
all your monsters

In one bug blitzkrieg!

Yami yugi:
that's right, weevil,

Put all your monsters
on the field.

That's exactly
what I'm counting on.

Weevil: now, my pet,
power up your laser cannon.


Ha ha ha!

Wh-why are you laughing?

Weevil, you're not
the only one who can

Set a trap card.what?!

While you loaded the field
with your bug monsters,

I prepared
a special surprise...

The power of
my mirror force trap card!

Hold your fire!

Yugi: too late,
weevil. You already
ordered your attack

On my dark magician,

And mirror force
will deflect it
right back at you!


My life points
are devastated!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh


Ha! Great play,

You wiped out
weevil's army

In one move!

All right!

You've got him
on the ropes!

Mai: ha ha ha!
Yeah, right!

Huh?joey and tristan: mai?

You losers don't
seem to realize

Who your little pal
is up against.

regional champion.

He's got moves
your shrimp couldn't
even dream of.

ooh, that mai!

She's always butting in
with her big mouth!

Well, I'm not gonna
let her trash my friends!

Nobody asked you!

So, why don't you
just take a hike?

And miss the chance
to watch a champion
like weevil

As he turns
this around? No way!

Yeah, I mean, weevil
really came from behind

To win the regionals.

He's tough
and sneaky.

Whose side are
you goofballs
on anyway?!

All I'm sayin' is,
for yugi,

This is his first
official duel...

And he's
fightin' a champ!


ooh, mai,
you troublemaker

You think
you know so much,

But yugi will
show you.

You may have flattened
my army of bugs, yugi,

But you haven't won.

I have plenty of tricks
up my sleeve.

You've done
an awful lot of buzzing

Throughout this
whole duel, weevil,

But I'm still here
waiting for the sting.

Since you're new
to this whole dueling
tournament thing,

I'll try to make this
simple for you.

I'm gonna wipe
that goofy grin
from your face.

Now let's see
which lucky bug

Gets to take
the first bite.

Hee hee hee hee.

Oh! But this little bug
won't stand a chance

Against all your
ferocious monsters.

Oh, well,

I'll play him
in defense mode.

heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh.

Hmm. That would've
been a nice bluff,

But I still
haven't forgotten

About the trap card
you played.

With this trap card,
you won't be able
to attack me

With any of your monsters.

He didn't trap me then,

And he's not gonna
trap me now.

Weevil's trap card
will activate

As soon as I call
an attack,

And it'll destroy
all the monsters I have
on the field.

But what if
I get my monsters
off the field first,

And then destroy
weevil's trap?

That's it!

I'll spring your trap,

But first...the monster
recovery card.

It allows me
to call back

All the creatures
I have on the field.

Monsters, return
to your cards!

Now your trap
has nothing to snare,

And once my monsters
are all safely back
in my deck,

The recovery card
also lets me draw
a new hand.

Now all I have to do
is sacrifice

One of my
weaker monsters,

And your trap
is sprung.

Kuriboh, attack!


Trap cards only work
when they catch you
by surprise.

Next time, don't
give your plan away.

Hee hee hee hee.
Ha ha ha ha ha!

I didn't!

I don't give
a bee's behind

About that stupid trap!

I tricked you into
recalling your monsters

So you couldn't
attack this!

it's just a simple
little larvae moth.

That tiny creature
can't be much
of a threat.

What's weevil up to now?

Hee hee hee hee hee.

Sure, he's just
a little slug now,

But the cocoon of evolution
will change all that.


Isn't it beautiful?!


Eww. That's
just gross.

Weevil's bug is
sealing itself
in a cocoon.

I told those chumps

Weevil would turn
this duel around.

Behold my cocoon
of evolution!

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha!

Within that cocoon sits
my tiny little larvae moth,

And over the next turns

He will undergo
a startling transformation...

From harmless

To unstoppable
great moth!

Then I'll crack
your cocoon

Before that happens.

Easier said
than done, yugi,

For my cocoon of evolution
gets a field power bonus

From the wilderness
around us,

its defense points.

It'll be so strong,

You won't even be able
to scratch its surface!

Just more turns, yugi.

In turns
my great moth
will fully evolve

And finish you off.

if what weevils says
is true,

I'd better act fast.

That thing is getting
bigger and stronger

With each
passing second.

I have to find a way

To break open
that cocoon now.

I can't let that moth
get to its fifth stage
of evolution.

Do I have a card
that's strong enough
to stop it?


Gia, the fierce knight!

[Horse whinnies]

Shatter that cocoon!

The field power bonus
makes it too strong.

That's one turn down!

Care to try again?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

weevil's cocoon is
gonna be tough to crack,

And for each attack
that fails,

My life points
go down.

Oh, no.

Hang tough, yugi.

You'll pop
that pus bag.

Ha ha ha ha.

Just what do you think
you're laughing at?!

All that stupid cheerleading
you're doing.

You make it sound
like your yugi

Still has a chance.

Of course he does!

Don't listen
to her, téa.

Any duelist that's
ever gone up against

Weevil's cocoon
of evolution

Has been
totally trashed.

All of them?all of them?

But yugi's got us
to help him beat it.

hmmph! He'll need
a whole lot more

Than you losers.

Hear it growing?

The more time you waste,
the more powerful it becomes.

if I don't come up
with something quick,

I'm not just gonna
lose this duel,

I'll lose my only chance
to save my grandpa.

There's no way I can
let that happen.


Just more turns until
my ultimate insect emerges.

Then you can
stop worrying about

How you're going
to destroy it,

And start worrying
about how it's going
to destroy you.

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha!

maybe I should
prepare a defense

In case I really can't
stop that thing.

Ha! You're wasting
your turn.

No defense will save
your life points

Once my moth is out!

I have to
figure out a way

To turn this duel

Weevil's pretty

That whatever's growing
in that cocoon

Is unbeatable,

But there's gotta
be some way to
pop that thing open

And wipe that smirk
off his face.

But how?

Hang in there, yugi.

You gotta win this
for your grandpa.

He's countin' on you.

I know he is.

Then you can't keep
lettin' this little creep

Push you around.

Yugi, you gotta get
fired up!

wait. That's it!

Get fired up.

So do you guys
sit around

And work up
these lame cheers,

Or do they just
come to you?

I mean,
don't you realize

That your
pep talk nonsense

Only distracts yugi
from the game?

How would you know?

I bet no one's
ever even wanted

To be your friend,

Let alone care enough
to cheer you on.

Friends haven't
helped yugi any.

He's losing.



All right!

Well, mai,
from the look
on yugi's face,

I'd say that
having friends

Just did
help him out.
So there.


possible idea

Could yugi
have gotten

From these
mental morons?

Go, curse of dragon!

Take flight!


And...i'll combine it...

With this magic card.

with dragon flame!

What do you think
you're doing?!

You know
your little firefly

Can't hurt my cocoon.

Heh heh heh heh.

What's so funny?

Whoever said I was
aiming for your cocoon?

I combined my
burning land magic card

With my curse
of dragon

To destroy the forest
all around your cocoon.

No forest?

That means I lose
my field power bonus!

Exactly. Your cocoon
was too tough

To attack directly,

But without its
field power bonus,

It's just
a big target.


Now let's try this

Gia, the fierce knight,


He did it!

Popped it open
like a zit!

Heh heh heh
heh heh heh.

[Sucking sounds]



Is it still alive?

Joey: I've got
a bad feeling

We're about
to find out.


See anything?

It's still--
it's still movin'.

You're surprised?

Heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh!

It must've
evolved enough
to survive.


I told you
weevil was good.

I'm impressed that
you pierced my cocoon, yugi,

But still, you were unable
to stop the evolution

Of my ultimate insect--
the great moth!

But I thought
it took turns.

Heh heh heh heh.

So you stopped him
one turn early.

He's still strong enough
to beat you.

Oh, no.

ha! I notice that
the little dweebs

Aren't cheering now.

The great moth is
an unbeatable creature.

They can chatter
from the sidelines
all they want,

But it won't help yugi
one bit.

Weevil turned
this match around
once more,

But I'm not giving up.

Hee hee hee hee.

So, yugi, feeling
outclassed yet?

Or perhaps
you're enjoying

Your first major-league
dueling loss. Heh heh...

Hmm. You may have
gotten your prized

Onto the field, weevil,

But I'll still
find a way

To squash
that oversized bug.

Heh! You'll pay
for that stinging jab

With your life points!duel!

Great moth, take flight!

So be it.

We'll settle this
in the skies!

heh! Yugi's dragon
is no match

For my great moth,

And none of
his land monsters
have the ability

To attack me
in the air! Heh heh.

But which puny creature
shall I obliterate first?

I think it's high time
I pay back your knight

For demolishing
my cocoon.

my knight!

He's the heart
of my attack force.

There's no way
I can afford
to lose him.

This is it, yugi.

My great moth will
crush your defenses,

Slay your knight,

And blast your dragon
from the sky.

Not if I can help it,
weevil. Unh.

But that's just it,
you can't help it.

Moth hurricane attack!

No! My beaver warrior!

My defense.

It's hopeless.

Nothing can stand against
the gale-force winds

Of my moth hurricane.

Your knight will be
totally blown away.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

That'll teach 'em
to mess with my cocoon!

Don't count on it!hmm?

Weevil, you were so busy
fawning over your moth,

You didn't notice
I played

A polymerization card.

But...i thought...

If I have
compatible monsters
on the field,

I can use my
polymerization card

And fuse them into
one ultimate creature.


I'm not some beginner.
I know what fusion does.

Then you must know
it increases my
attack points.

My fused
dragon/knight combo

Is now powerful enough
to go head-to-head

With your great moth.

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha!

I wouldn't be so sure
about that.

Look again!

What?! No.

My knight--
he's losing points.

And fast.

But how? And why?

Heh heh heh heh.
It's poison, yugi.

Poison particles
from my great moth.

Each time it uses
its hurricane attack,

It releases tons
of these tiny
toxic particles.

And your precious
dragon/knight combo

Is being poisoned
by their deadly touch.

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha!

my knight is
losing points

With each
passing second.

But how do
I protect him

Against the very air

Weevil: looks to me like
my poison particles are

Taking their toll, yugi.

oh, no,

My knight's really
in serious trouble.

And there's nothing
here in my hand
that can help him.

But I know
my grandpa's deck
won't let me down.

Yes! Ready to be
rained out, weevil?

Makiu, the magical mist!


No! My poison!

You're washing it
all away!

That's right. Magical mist
washes the field clean.

No fair.
I was about to win,

And you save yourself
with a little drizzle?!

it's true.
I saved my knight,

But that's not all
I did.

All right then,

You may have stopped
my poison attack,

But I promise
you've only won
a brief reprieve,

Because my next move
is one you won't be able

To think your way out of!

Brace yourself
for my ultimate insect's

Ultimate attack!

Great moth,
tornado of doom!

A direct hit.
Heh heh heh heh!

Your little rainstorm
didn't save you

From that one
now, did it?

Your knight is toast.

And you're almost out
of life points.

Yugi, keep fightin'.

You can come back
from this.

You're all

No. Joey's right.

Yugi never gives up,

And we never
give up on him.

You're nuts.

Weevil has
totally annihilated

Yugi's strongest
monster combo.

He's down to
measly life points.

He can't win,
so do me a favor
and stop yapping.

I won't stop yapping,
you selfish, pompous,

know-it-all windbag.

Do us a favor
and get lost.
Right, joey?

You said it.

Just ignore her, téa.

Yugi's in trouble.

I know.
What can we do?

I don't know,
but it'd be great

If we could trade mai in
for life points.

Téa: ha ha.

I wish!

I told you
all along

Yugi never
had a chance

At winning
this thing.


He wastes too much
of his time

Listening to
you losers.

keeps his mind
on the game.

Then why didn't he
see this coming?

See what coming?see what coming?

Whatever it is
yugi's grinning about.


Joey: you're right.
He's got a big smile.

Uh, he's not smiling.
I think he's laughing.

No way.

Ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha.

Hey, hey! What are you
so happy about?

Stop that snickering!

Weevil, I know it will
be very difficult

For you to accept
losing a duel...

Especially after
spending so much time

Finding inventive ways
to cheat.

But if you thought
bending the rules

Would help you
win this match,

You're wrong.

No! This is a trick!

You play dishonestly,
so you expect the same
of your opponents.

But I duel
with honor, weevil,

And that makes
all the difference.

You got nothing!

Here's what I've got.

The mighty
summoned skull!

Whoa, what's that?

This is it, weevil.

Your ultimate insect
won't withstand
my next attack.

ha! Yugi must be
losing it.

His summoned skull
is strong,

But my great moth
is stronger still.

If he's foolish enough
to attack,

My monster will
most certainly
squish his monster,

And wipe out
the rest of yugi's
precious life points

As well.

Heh heh heh heh.

There's something
you overlooked,

My magical mist is
still dampening
this entire field.


He's right!

Everything's wet.

My great moth
is totally soaked.

Yugi: and my summoned skull
att*cks with electricity,

Making your waterlogged bug
a giant-sized lightning rod.

I hope you're
in the mood

For some fireworks,

Because all this water
boosts my monster's
electrical attack

By points.

Summoned skull,
lightning strike!


[Pained groans]

[All gasp]

It's over.
I've won.

No! Impossible!

My moth's unbeatable!


Joey: all right yugi!

Tristan: way to go!


He won!
I knew you would.


I didn't think yugi
could ever beat weevil.

Weevil: uh--uh--but I'm
the regional champion.

The regional champion!

You call yourself
a champion, weevil,

But you only
won your duels

Through lying
and cheating.

True champions--
they play with honor.

They play fair.

Aw, don't waste your breath
on this sneaky slug.

He's a dueling disgrace.

And I hereby relieve him
of his dueling gauntlet.

There... Star chips
so far.

But I still need
to win more.

Star chips
will gain me entry
into that castle,

Where they're holding
my grandfather prisoner.

And where I'll
battle pegasus

Once and for all!
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