01x04 - "Into the Hornet's Nest" / "The Insector Combination"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x04 - "Into the Hornet's Nest" / "The Insector Combination"

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: long ago

When the pyramids
were still young,

Egyptian kings played a game
of great and terrible power,

But these shadow games
erupted into a w*r

That threatened to destroy
the entire world

Until a brave
and powerful pharaoh

Locked the magic away,

Imprisoning it within
the mystical millennium items.

Now, , years later,

A boy named yugi

Unlocks the secret
of the millennium puzzle.

He is infused
with ancient magical energies,

For destiny has chosen him
to defend the world

From the return
of the shadow games,

Just as the brave pharaoh did
, years ago.

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

man, this duelist kingdom

Looks like
a pretty big place, yugi.

Finding your grandpa's
not going to be easy.

Yugi: well, we gotta
start somewhere.

Joey: whoa.
Check out the suits.

P.a.: Attention,
all duelists.

Please disembark in
an orderly fashion.

Hey, téa, what if one
of those security guys

Finds out we're
both stowaways?

We oughta just play it
safe and swim back.

We're in the middle
of nowhere, lamebrain!

If you can just try
and act normal,

We'll be ok.

Tristan, thinking:
just act cool.

Act cool.

Cool as a cucumber.

Keep it cool--

Hey, you!

Don't look
so nervous.

You guys are
our guests here.

That's right!

I'm your guest.


I think I just had
a heart attack.

Way to play it
cool, tristan.

That wasn't
at all.

All right! Every single
one of us made it here

Safe and--


You would never have
caught that cold

If it wasn't for weevil.

Say good-bye to exodia!

My cards!

Those were
the exodia cards

That my grandpa
gave me!

I'll get 'em!

Yugi: joey, don't!

Speaking of
our wormy friend,

Looks like he just
slithered his way
off the boat

And is already looking
to start some trouble.

That slimeball.
I'd love to wipe
that smirk off his face.

Yugi, thinking:
I would, too,

But we don't have
time for weevil
right now.

Welcome, all duelists!

Please, follow the stairs
to meet your host.

That castle's gotta
belong to pegasus.

Joey: then what
are we waiting for?

Huh? What's that?

Huh? What do
ya see, téa?

It looked like...bakura.

Bakura from school?

Tristan: again with
this bakura stuff?

Joey: where is he, téa?

Téa: that's times
that I've seen him now,

But he's not
there anymore.

Maybe it's all
in my head.

Tristan: come on.

We're on a rescue
mission, remember?

Wow, look!
That's weevil underwood!

He's the regional champion.

Second duelist: and that's
the runner-up--rex raptor.

Third duelist:
and there's
mako tsunami.

He was ranked third.

Second duelist:
wow, these are all
the best duelists

In the world,

But where's the
world champion kaiba?

First duelist:
didn't you hear?

Some kid beat him.

On his own turf, too.

Second duelist:
are you serious?

I thought kaiba
was the best.

First duelist: he was,
but not anymore.

Yugi's supposed to be
the kid to beat now.

Saruwatari: attention!

Please gather around.

Your benevolent host is
anxious to greet you all.


Boy, would I like
to get just minutes
alone with that guy.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

When next we duel,

We shall play for...

Far higher stakes.


You see, I have found
that given the proper

Anyone can be made
to play my game.

Grandpa: yugi!


Yugi, thinking: I'm
not leaving this island

Until I save my grandpa,

No matter what pegasus
has planned for me.

[Sinister laughter]

Greetings, duelists!

I am maximillion pegasus!

It is my great honor
and pleasure

To welcome you all

To the duelist kingdom.

You stand before me,

The world's
greatest duelists!

But come
tournament's end,

Only one shall be crowned

King of games!

I implore you all

To assemble
your dueling decks

With care,

With creativity,

And with cunning,

For this competition
will test your skills
like never before!

To track your progress
in the tournament,

You've each been given
a dueling glove.

You've also been given
precious star chips.

You must wager
these star chips

On each duel
you compete in.

To advance to the final
level of competition

For a chance at
the $ million dollar prize,

You must win star chips!

Star chips will
admit you into my castle,

Where you'll face me

In one final duel!

Yugi, thinking:
if grandpa's here,

I'd bet my dueling glove

He's hidden away
in that castle,

But I'll never be able
to get in there

With all the guards around.

We're just gonna
have to win enough
star chips to get inside.

this will be a tournament

Unlike anything
you have ever experienced.

dueling arenas cover
this entire island,

And intriguing new dueling
rules will be in effect.

I could tell you
what these new rules are,

But what fun
would that be?

You'll discover them

As you compete,

Or you won't last
very long.

Remember, play boldly

Think strategically

And duel mercilessly!

You have one full hour
to prepare,

Both your cards
and yourselves.

When the skies light up
with fireworks,

The duels will begin!

[Crowd cheering]

Pegasus, thinking:
the duelists have arrived.

Yugi has taken the bait,

And the games are
about to begin!

Everything goes
according to plan.

Yugi, thinking:
I gotta win my way
into that castle.

I just gotta!

Joey: yugi, I don't know
if I can win this thing.

Maybe it'd be best
for you to take
your star chip back.

Nah, you keep it.

Your little sister's
counting on you

To win the tournament's
prize money for her.

Thanks, man.

You can do it.

You just gotta
steer clear

Of the more experienced
duelists at first.

Yeah, it's just a matter
of working your way up.

Thanks, you guys.

Well, yugi,

Between your grandpa
and my sister,

We don't have any
room for mistakes.


Téa: the fireworks!
It's starting!

Let's do it!

Joey: so what's
your plan, yugi?

Well, I might as well
stick with weevil.

After all, we do have
a score to settle.

I was hoping
you'd say that.

Isn't that him?


Yugi: weevil.

Weevil, I challenge
you to a duel!

Weevil: ha ha ha!tristan:
hey, wait--

I can't
believe it!

running away!

Hey, wait up!

Weevil: ha ha ha!

Tristan: ugh! Where
are all these moths
coming from?

Téa: ecch!
They're disgusting!

He's fast
for a small guy.

Maybe you're just
slow for a big guy.

We're never
gonna catch him.

As long as the
whole island's inbounds,

He'll keep
running all day!

Yugi, thinking:
what's weevil up to?

He's wanted
to duel with me

Ever since we met
on the boat.

So what's he
running for?

Wait a minute!

What did he say
on the boat?

will soon learn

That there are new
rules on the island

That require
more strategy.

Yugi, thinking: it must
have something to do

With the new rules,

So I better figure
out what...and fast!

Joey: there he is!


Said the spider
to the fly.

You flew right
into my trap...

Weevil: again!

It's time you answer

For what you did
on the boat, weevil.

Yugi: yu-gi-oh!

Heh. All right,

Time to find out

If you're
as good at dueling

As you are
at running away.

Was I simply running away

Or cleverly weaving you
into my web?

It's time to duel!

Heh heh heh.

As you wish!

[Ground rumbling]

It's an

Heh heh heh.

What have you done?

[Ground rumbling]

Heh heh heh.

Tristan: whoa! The entire
ground is transforming!

Téa: it's gigantic!

Joey: man, these aren't
going to be like
the duels back home.

You've just stepped
into a hornet's nest,

And there's no way out!

What is that?

These giant arenas
must be set up all
over the island.

I'll just meet you
on the field.

I don't like this.

a little too cocky.

Weevil: I noticed
that you have just
one star chip, yugi.

I guess that means
I'll have the pleasure

Of eliminating you
from the tournament!

Once you're gone,

Everyone else's chips
will be easy pickings.

Not if I take
your first.


This will be an all
or nothing match

For the both of us.

Ha! Why should I risk
both my star chips

When you only have one?

Because I have something
else I think you want--

My whole
duel monster's deck!

So, you'd risk
your grandpa's deck?

Fine with me.

Hee hee hee hee!

Winning all your cards
will be an easy way

To exterminate you
once and for all!


Swat that
little twerp
like a mosquito!

Whoa, sounds like
a duel is about
to start over there.

that's weevil underwood,

But who's the other guy?

That guy is yugi muto.

He beat kaiba,

And I happen to be
his best friend,
joey wheeler.

And these two?

These two are trespassers.


I thought
I wouldn't be seeing

A weevil/yugi match-up
till the finals.

the regional champ.

No new kid's got
a chance against him.

Weevil: well, yugi,
my adoring public
is waiting,

So we should begin.

Weevil and yugi: duel!

Let's see how you like
my k*ller needle.

You'll have to get
through my mammoth
graveyard first.

This massive
monster will match
your annoying insect

Point for point.


k*ller needle, let's show
the mammoth your stinger.


Yugi: no!

Weevil: ha!
Gone after one sting?

He must be allergic.

Yugi, thinking:
I don't get it.

Both creatures were
evenly matched.

It should have been
a stalemate.

Have you begun
to figure out yet

Why I led you all the way
to this forest area?

If you just look around,

Then you will see
that this area

Is an exact replica of our
surrounding environment--

One part wasteland
and one part forest--

And who thrives
in the forest?

Bugs. The strongest,
most powerful insects
rule the forest!

So as long as I play my
bugs in the forest area,

I get
a field power bonus.

I guess you just
weren't listening

When pegasus said
that this tournament

Would have exciting
new surprises
in store for us.

Maybe if you were
smart enough

To steal
the tournament's
secret new rules

Like I did,

You'd be getting
a field power bonus

Instead of me!
Ha ha ha ha!

He cheated!

He led us here
'cause he knew

He'd have
an unfair advantage.

Go ahead!
Call me a cheater!

You're all just angry
that you didn't swipe
the rules yourselves.

And because you didn't,

Little yugi is
about to get stung.

Yugi: ha ha ha!

What? How can
you be laughing?

Because. Take a look
at your ferocious
k*ller needle now.


Oh, no! My monster!

What have you done
with my monster?!

Weevil, thinking:
this makes no sense.

My creature was

With the
field power bonus,

But according to this,
yugi's creature somehow
became just as powerful.

Looks like my mammoth
got a field power bonus

From the wasteland area

Just like your bugs
do from the forest!

Grr! The field-point
advantage was supposed
to be mine alone!

I kept wondering about
something on the boat
ride here, weevil.

Why were we traveling
to some remote island
just to duel?

But as soon as I saw
this holographic
display grid,

It all came together.

Every monster has
a type of field

That it does best on,

Kind of like
a home-field advantage,

And what makes
this island so special

Is that it contains

Every type
of field imaginable!

So when you deliberately
led us to this spot,

You were clearly hoping

To get some kind
of field advantage.

Grr! Hee hee hee hee!

You're awfully clever
to put it all together
like that, yugi,

But figuring out one rule
won't be enough.

There are surprises
hidden under every rock,

And I know them all.

You can beat him, yugi!

Don't let that
flea scare ya!
He's bluffin'.

Really? Then let's
just see how you
handle this bluff.

My hercules beetle
will find a way

To crawl under your skin!

Yugi, thinking: ahh,
even though I know about
the field power bonus,

It's too late
to rebuild my deck now.

I guess a combo attack
would be my best bet.

Yugi: I play feral imp!

And now I'll add
this horn of the unicorn

So its magic will raise
my attack points!

Hee hee hee hee!

You'll have to do
a lot better than that!

Hercules beetle, attack!

Yugi: feral imp,
magic lightning, attack!

Yugi's attack didn't
even faze that thing.

Something's screwy!

My imp's magic
lightning attack

Should have destroyed
your beetle.

Is this another
trick, weevil?

No, yugi.
I just thought you knew

That all monsters
with a field power bonus

Were also resistant
to any type of magic attack,

And since my hercules
beetle easily deflected
your lightning bolts,

He has more than
enough power left

To destroy
your puny feral imp

And continue to eat away
at your life points.

Even that -eyed tick's
weakest bugs are gonna
be tough to beat

So long as he's got
that field power bonus.

Yeah, but it's not
exactly like it can
just be turned off.

That weevil's
a no good cheat!

Weevil: it's your turn.
Make your move.

Yugi, thinking:
maybe I should use my
next monster to defend.

By putting my card
in defense mode,

My monster
will take a hit,

But my life points
will be spared.

So, we're
defending now, are we?

Very clever!

Since I can't see
your monster's
defense points,

I can't be sure
I can beat it.

But even your
strongest monster

Can't stand against
my basic insect.

Not only does he get
a field power bonus,

But I'm
upgrading him

With a level
laser cannon

And a level
power boost!

Yugi, thinking: no! His
insect's so powerful now,

My defense won't
stand a chance,

And after it falls,
my life points are next!

Weevil: now, yugi, for all
the innocent little bugs

You've squashed, stomped,
crushed, or fumigated,


Payback time!


Hee hee hee hee!

You'll have to do
better than that

If you hope
to survive my bug's
laser-powered arsenal.

Then I'll play
this card.

Weevil, thinking:
hmm, another defense
card, no doubt,

And I'll make sure
that defending is
all he can do!

Heh heh heh.

I'm going to keep you
on the defensive.

Attack now
with any monster,

And you will instantly
activate this trap card.

That weevil's
got yugi cornered!

Yeah, he can't even

Weevil: as long as my
trap card remains in play,

You're powerless to make
a move against me!

So, does my tightening web

Make you squirm?

Yugi, thinking:
he's so busy bragging,

He's not paying any
attention to my moves.

Maybe I can set
a little trap of my own.

Face it, yugi!
I've got you pinned down,

And while you're totally
unable to attack me,

I can attack you
anytime I want!

Each turn you cower,

I create a new monster.

keep drawing, yugi.

My army of insects just
keeps getting bigger!

I'm going to wipe out
all your monsters

In one bug blitzkrieg!

Yugi, thinking:
that's right, weevil.

Put all your monsters
on the field.

That's exactly
what I'm counting on.

Just look
at our yugi.

He's so confident
up there.

I know!

When he's duelin',
it's like he becomes

A totally
different guy.

Hee hee hee!

Well, what do ya know?

I'm down to my
last monstrous insect,

And you know what
that means, yugi?

You're about
to be exterminated!

We'll see what my cards
have to say about that!

Yugi, thinking:
yes, the dark magician!

This is perfect!

There's no way weevil
can resist him
as a target.

All right, weevil!

I defend with
the dark magician!

I'll destroy your very
favorite card first!

Now, my pet, power up
your laser cannon!

Hee hee hee!



Wh-why are you laughing?

Weevil, you're not
the only one who can
set a trap card.


You were so busy

You paid no attention
to the cards I put
into play.

But I thought they were
all monster c-c-cards?

Not all. While you
loaded the field with
your bug monsters,

I prepared
a special surprise,

The power of my mirror
force trap card!

Hold your fire!

Too late, weevil.

You already ordered
your attack on
my dark magician,

And mirror force
will deflect it
right back at you!

My life points
are devastated!


Yeah, yugi!
Way to go!

Weevil, thinking:
he obliterated my army
of beautiful bugs.

How dare he!

You're a liar
and a cheat, weevil,

But it was
your overconfidence

That allowed me to get
the best of you.

Your insects
are decimated.

Your life points
are low,

And as you yourself
said before,

You have used up
all your monsters.

Hee hee hee hee!

Actually, I lied
about that, too!


I still have my most
formidable creature

Waiting in the wings,

And this
unconquerable insect
will swat you down

Once and for all!

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